Li Xin nodded and said, "Yes, I really want to ask Ms. Cui for help."

"My lord, just say it. As long as Yingying can help, I will definitely not refuse." Cui Yingying said. No matter from the perspective of a partner, or from Cui Yingying's appreciation of Li Xin, she has no reason to refuse Li Xin's request, unless the request is too much.

However, based on Cui Yingying's understanding of Li Xin, Li Xin is not someone who would make excessive demands. Otherwise, he wouldn't have given Cui Yingying four hundred guan when he accepted those sets of super mahjong. Obviously, he's a very fair guy.

"That's right. I'm getting married next month." Li Xin said with a smile, his brows and eyes were full of joy.

When Cui Yingying heard the word "marriage", her expression froze immediately, her heart skipped a beat, and suddenly she began to have mixed feelings, as if these two words pierced a certain bag in her heart, and the things inside immediately went smoothly. With this hole flowing all over the ground, it was a mess.

At that moment, she felt a little strange. However, the outstanding quality of being a businessman made her immediately suppress this strange feeling, and before she even had time to think about the root cause, she smiled again and said, "When was it decided? I didn't even hear anything about it. Congratulations, Your Highness."

As a businessman, Cui Yingying's news is of course well-informed. She had known for a long time that Li Xin had a marriage contract with the third lady of Chen Yin's family in Zhongshu Ling, but she was a little surprised to hear that this engagement was going to become a real marriage.

"It was also decided recently. The invitations have not been sent yet." Li Xin smiled brightly, his face filled with dazzling happiness.

Cui Yingying's smile faded a little bit, but she still asked enthusiastically: "Then, is it related to the wedding that the prince asked me to help?"

Li Xin nodded and said, "Yes. I have some ideas about what the bride will wear at the wedding."

The clothes worn by the bride at the wedding, also known as the wedding dress. For the vast majority of ordinary people, the wedding dress is prepared by the natal family. But Li Xin is not an ordinary person after all, is he? As an ordinary man from later generations, after learning about the wedding dress in the Tang Dynasty, he couldn't help expressing the emotion of "why is it so ugly".

Different from the gorgeous wedding dresses in the concept of later generations, the wedding dresses that are popular today are not only red as imagined, but also lackluster in style, very bulky, and cannot highlight the beauty of women.

There is a common saying called "red men and green women", many people don't know what it means.

Perhaps in later generations, it already had other meanings, but in the Tang Dynasty, it actually referred to the color of the clothes worn by men and women when they got married. That's right, at this time, the man's clothes are the orthodox bright red, while the women's dresses are green or blue - completely different from the phoenix and xiaguan that people think of in most cases.

The source of this custom and rule is difficult to verify, but it should not be a big problem to understand that it reflects the concept of "safflower must be supported by green leaves"-men wear red, which symbolizes red flowers, and women wear green, which symbolizes green leaves. .

At first glance, Huyou seems a bit awkward. In fact, this is only because the concept of "flower" has been overly labeled as a symbol of women in later generations.

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