Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 572 The Sad Cui Yingying

That's what these women are wearing. Obviously, it can be seen that the four women are wearing the same clothes, which are only depicted from four angles: front, back, left, and right.

It was a dark red embroidered dress, which made people feel gorgeous at first glance, but it didn't look frivolous, but rather solemn. The skirt is decorated with dark golden cloud patterns, which are densely packed and very complicated. At first glance, it is very elegant and beautiful, but when you look closely, you will feel dizzy - there is nothing else, the patterns are too complicated.

Just looking at this cloud pattern, Cui Yingying dared to conclude that even just embroidering this cloud pattern, an experienced embroiderer would have to embroider for three to five days without eating, drinking, or sleeping. Not to mention the other details on this dress.

Whether it's the phoenix pattern on the neckline or the glow on the back, no one spends less effort than the cloud pattern. What's more, although the background color of this splendid dress is dark red, when you look closely, you can see countless small bright red patterns like flames in the dark red, which further enriches the layering of the clothes.

There is also the golden crown on the woman's head, decorated with countless details, gorgeous yet elegant, even on paper, it is still bright and beautiful. Any craftsman who sees such a phoenix crown full of details will feel that beauty is beauty, but it is a bit of a headache.

Cui Yingying stared at the painting, refusing to look away for a long while.

It has to be said that aside from the fact that it is difficult to achieve this in terms of craftsmanship, this wedding dress is undoubtedly beautiful, and it is so beautiful that it is fascinating. Perhaps the clothes worn by fairies are a bit gross, but at the moment Cui Yingying really can't think of a better way to express her appreciation for this beauty.

"Is this drawn by the prince?" She raised her head, looked at Li Xin and asked.

Li Xinxin nodded vigorously, and said in a natural tone: "Who else can design such clothes except me?"

"Is this... the wedding dress for Miss Chen Jiasan?" Cui Yingying knew the answer, but she still asked, her tone subtly mixed with a bit of bitterness. She didn't know where this bitterness came from, but what she said was like this.

"Well, yes." Li Xin was unaware of Cui Yingying's subtle psychological changes, but asked with a smile, "How is it? Does it look good?"

Cui Yingying nodded with a smile, and said: "It's not just beautiful, it's very beautiful. I've never seen such a beautiful dress. I didn't expect the prince to study women's clothing so well."

"I always feel that you are implying that I am not doing my job properly." Li Xin half-jokingly said.

Cui Yingying was about to explain, but Li Xin waved his hand and said, "I'm just joking, don't worry about it. Besides, it's nothing new for me to not be doing a proper job. If I start doing a proper job one day, maybe there will be more problems a little."

Cui Yingying couldn't help but laugh.

Li Xin looked at the design drawing in front of himself and Cui Yingying seriously, and said slowly: "Getting married is a big event in a lifetime, whether it is for me or for Youlan, it is a very important day in life. I hope that on this day, she is the most beautiful woman in the world."

In fact, Li Xin didn't think too much about it, he just expressed his feelings, and in Cui Yingying's ears, he seemed even more sour for no reason.

She calmly picked up the design drawing and read it again, saying: "For women, getting married is a once-in-a-lifetime event. But for men, it may not be so."

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