Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 805: Direction Problem

As we all know, the sun rises from the east and sets from the west every day. As long as you look at the sun, you can find the east. It can only be said that it is naive to have such an idea. If it's so easy to know the direction, why does everyone who goes on field trips or adventures carry a compass? Wouldn't it be nice to look up at the sun?

In addition to the fact that the sun is not visible all the time, the most important reason is that the orientation of the sun is not always due east. It could be northeast, southeast, and sometimes it's not even that east, like after noon, it starts to go west. It depends on what latitude and time you are looking at the sun.

Following such an unreliable direction sign, to be honest, Li Xin didn't know where he could go, so he could only vaguely rely on a little sense of direction and try his best to move forward to the "East" in his mind.

By the way, in a place like the Gobi Desert that sometimes lacks reference points, it is difficult for humans to move forward in a straight line. Walking and walking will unconsciously turn the direction. In this case, it is almost impossible to correct - because the sun also changes position during the time it goes wrong.

This is like asking for a sword without a boat. On the one hand, the boat is walking around on the water, and the mark you carved on the side of the boat is also frankly moving back and forth.

Li Xinxin knew these things very well, but he chose not to reveal them, and kept walking forward with a confident attitude.

After all, Tang Jian has been struggling in the court for many years. Li Xin couldn't hide this little thought from him. He could tell at a glance that Li Xin was not sure about getting out of the Gobi Desert and returning to officialdom.

He also fought with the army in the early years, and he knew the importance of distinguishing directions, and he knew how easy it is to get lost on the Gobi Desert. What's more, Li Xin's "going east" plan itself has a fatal loophole-they did leave the official road in a westward direction, but is their final direction really west?

When there are cavalry behind and sandstorms ahead, no one pays attention to the direction at all. Who can be 100% sure that Xiang Dong will be able to return to officialdom? After that, another question that is equally painful: Who can say with 100% certainty that they are heading east at this moment?

"It's okay, we will definitely be able to walk back." Li Xin said to himself a little loudly, and he didn't know whether to cheer for himself or others.

Tang Jian didn't speak, and walked forward with Bao Hong's support without saying a word. He knew that such a life-and-death moment cannot be said in frustration. It is always ten thousand times better to go to death full of energy than to wait for death in despair.

"There seems to be someone there." Dou Liang suddenly raised his hand and pointed not far away.

Li Xin looked up, and sure enough, there was a man walking aimlessly near the horizon in the distance, who looked like a lost Turkic soldier.

"Do you want me to catch him?" Dou Liang asked flatly.

Li Xin nodded and said, "Of course."

When the voice fell, Dou Liang quickly walked over.

After a good mission, why was he suddenly hunted down by Turkic soldiers disguised as horse bandits? Li Xin couldn't figure it out no matter what. Perhaps, as long as this Turkic soldier is captured alive, he will be able to solve some confusing problems.

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