Carry a Different Space with You

: Today’s update! ! ! !

It's not that I'm not inspired, it's not that I'm nothing to write, it's that I can't type words on my hands with the marks. It's very numb, today's chapter three, it has been two hours since the scratch marks have been coded, and only less than two thousand words have been coded! ! ! ! depressed. . . Therefore, Jiuhen intends to go out, relax and rest. I'm sorry everyone, today's third update, as well as additional updates for flowers, will be placed tomorrow. I hope that tomorrow's hands can regain their ‘strength’! ! ! !

In addition, the flower list is a war in the eyes of Xiaohen, today. . . Jiuhen's hands can't provide you with words, but I hope you can still support. Thanks! ! !

Well, first go with the hot water bubbler. . . .

If you like to carry a different space with you, please collect it: ( Carrying a different space with you is the fastest to update literature.

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