Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 165: Hey, hold tight! [Two more, please flowers! 】

Li Xing would not tell the secrets of another space. Li Xing didn't want anyone to know this secret except the closest people could know. In Li Xing's eyes, the so-called closest person is to become his own woman. Therefore, it is impossible for the five Zhang Qian to know this secret.

"Well, there seems to be a lot of farmhouse restaurants here. Would you like to have some food before going back?" Li Xing looked at the many farmhouse restaurants on the roadside, and said.

"Isn't it? Brother, I haven't eaten my brother's own food for a week. I want you to go home and cook!" Zhang Qian immediately objected. The little mouth was pouted.

"Hehe, isn't it? Okay, then let's go home!" Li Xing said with a smile. Li Xing will not refuse Zhang Qian's request.

"Li Xing, do you know how to cook? Also, it looks delicious?" Yang Lan said with her eyes rolling.

"Then, brother's cooking is delicious. Although it's a bit worse than mom's. But it's also amazing!" Zhang Qian said proudly. His head raised slightly, and he looked very proud!

"Well, we can prove it too!" Shen Chen took Wang Yuxue and raised her hand. It proves that Zhang Qian's words are completely correct.

"Okay, okay, stop talking, Sister Xin and Sister Lan, can't I leave you to eat?" Li Xing said with a helpless smile. Don’t you just want this result? Just give it to you!

"Hehe, then we don't have to say anything!" Bai Xin said with a smile.

Finally, well, forget about the things on the top of the mountain. Whether it is temporarily forgotten or really forgotten. But one thing is certain. That is, it did not have any bad influence on the five people as Li Xing feared.

In fact, Li Xing's worries are completely superfluous, and what the five consider is not fear. It's the way Li Xing went crazy while protecting them. In fact, all five of them were moved.

Li Xing drove the car fast. It's almost evening. If you slow down, wait until the rush hour in the urban area, then the possibility of traffic jams is very high. Li Xing doesn't want to encounter traffic jams. That can kill people!

Fortunately, Li Xing was fast enough, but he was stuck on Shanda Road for a while. This made Li Xing very depressed. Why do you think of taking the mountain road? Don’t you know that this is the main route of traffic?

Fortunately, it quickly recovered. And crossed the mountain road. Arrived home soon.

Park the car. Six people laughed upstairs!

"Wow! It's comfortable at home here! I'm exhausted!" Zhang Qian suddenly put herself on the sofa. Stretched out comfortably and said.

"Well, are you tired? Why didn't I see you shouting tired on the road?" Li Xing asked puzzledly.

"My sisters didn't shout tired, how could I shout tired! Hehe, but it's different when I get home!" Zhang Qian said with a smile, and made a grimace at Li Xing.

"Then you?" Li Xing looked at the four of Shen Chen and asked suspiciously.

"Huh...Don't bear it anymore! I'm exhausted, my legs are sore!" Bai Xin sighed and sat on the sofa all of a sudden, tapping his calf and said.

Seeing that Baixin is doing this, Yang Lan, Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue also sat down. Well, it seems, they are actually exhausted!

But well! Li Xing doesn't feel a little tired now!

"Hehe, then you guys have a rest first. I'll go to the kitchen to prepare to cook immediately. Well, take advantage of this time to take a shower for a while." Li Xing chuckled slightly and went back to his room!

Changed clothes. Li Xing went to the kitchen.

"Hey, why is it so fragrant? Potted flowers?" Bai Xin suddenly cried out in surprise!

"Hehe, Li Xing made it, and I don't know how to change it. This flower is very fragrant. I thought you had seen Sister Xin and Sister Lan. Didn't you just smell it?" Wang Yuxue said with a smile.

"I smell it. But I didn't expect to go up here!" Yang Lan walked to the potted flowers and looked carefully. Then Bai Xin and Yang Lan kept exclaiming. In the end, Bai Xin and Yang Lan unanimously decided to go back with one person. There are still a few small potted flowers anyway!

Well, of course I have to seek Li Xing's opinion. However, can Li Xing have an opinion? So, Bai Xin and Yang Lan were very happy to get a pot of flowers! Potted flowers with rich floral fragrance!

The food is delicious, especially Bai Xin and Yang Lan.

"Well, this is much better than my craftsmanship. Although I don't often cook by myself. But the biggest reason is that I can't eat the food I cook!" Bai Xin said while eating.

"Hehe, if Sister Xin wants to eat, just come here directly. Just treat this as your home!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"Li Xing, I haven't discovered that you have so many colorful bowels? Think of it as your own home? Are you giving me a condom?" Bai Xin said with a smile.

"Heaven and Earth Conscience, Sister Xin, you can't wrong a good guy!" Li Xing immediately defended himself!

"But well! The food is still delicious. Well, sister Xin, I decided to come often! As for other things, then I have nothing to say!" Yang Lan said with a smile.

"Why listen to Sister Xin and Sister Lan, we seem to be very happy?" Shen Chen interjected.

"Isn't it? Hey... I don't know the blessing in the blessing!" Li Xing shook his head and said.

After dinner, Bai Xin and Yang Lan left. After all, they only have one day to rest. Although tomorrow is Sunday, they still have to go to work to handle things. Although it was OK to play today, but in any case, they all need a little time of their own, right? Li Xing accompanied them downstairs.

"Sometimes I always feel sorry for you. According to the truth, you should have a good rest tomorrow." Li Xing said with a smile.

"Don't be hypocritical. Did we say anything?" Yang Lan said with a smile.

"Actually, we also have dreams. Those are the ideas in your mind. We want to realize it sooner and make it a reality sooner. In fact, when we get busy, we feel very fulfilled!" Bai Xin smoothed her hair and got it He flicked his sun hat and said with a smile.

Li Xing understood that Baixin's past was also very unpleasant. Perhaps this is the fundamental reason why Bai Xin and Yang Lanneng are walking with Lin Yuru and Gu Tianxue. In fact, Li Xing sometimes wonders, why are so many girls hurt in this world? Moreover, there are so many by your side?

"It’s best if you can think so. Don’t worry, Daxing Group’s future is bright. Well, maybe, at that time, we will shock the whole world. At that time, Sister Xin and Sister Lan will be Great celebrity!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"I hope! Okay, don't send it anymore! We're going back!" Bai Xin and Yang Lan arrived next to their car and said with a smile.

"Okay, take a good rest tonight. See you tomorrow!" Li Xing waved his hand and said.

"See you tomorrow!" Bai Xin and Yang Lan got into the car separately. Waved to Li Xing and left!

Li Xing looked at the car going away and took out the phone.

I want to call and ask about Min Xiangcai's situation. Min Xiang will deal with it. Similarly, Zhang Jianbin will take care of it. In fact, for Li Xing, this matter has passed!

Although anger is indispensable. But now it is also gone. In fact, Li Xing is not without gain. That is a deeper understanding of different spaces. Let Li Xing realize that even if he faces dozens of people independently. It's easy to knock them down. The facts have proved this point very well. The only regret is that Li Xing still doesn't know where the endurance limit of the different space is. Li Xing would not foolishly think that the different space is invincible, which is simply impossible. No matter it is anything, it has its own limits. But now! Not knowing the limit is also a good thing. At the very least, this made Li Xing realize that the energy of the different space is so great?

Li Xing was changed by the different space. Li Xing is now fully aware of this.

Li Xing looked at the night sky. The sky in Jicheng, how can I say, there is no star in the sky, but fortunately I can still see the moon. When did the sky of Jecheng become like this? Smiled, shook his head, and sighed, Li Xing slowly went upstairs!

When he got home, Li Xing unexpectedly saw Zhang Qian, Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue in the kitchen busy cleaning the dishes! This is a strange thing. When did Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue clean the bowl? Well, Li Xing immediately thought, Zhang Qian, the girl, seems to have this habit, so Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue saw Zhang Qian go to do the dishes? Can they sit and not work? Of course it is impossible!

"Brother!" After a while, Li Xing was surfing the Internet, watching some news, and Zhang Qian came in.

"What's the matter?" Li Xing said with a smile. Wipe out the half smoked cigarettes!

"Nothing!" Zhang Qian said, shaking her head.

"Haha, is it stressful to study?" Li Xing took Zhang Qian's hand and let Zhang Qian sit on the bed!

"Pressure? What pressure can I have in study! No." Zhang Qian shook her head and said.

Li Xing nodded. In fact, Zhang Qian's results have always been very good. Li Xing knows this very well.

"Then let's see that you are babbling, as if there are some things you can't say!" Li Xing pinched Zhang Qian's nose and said.

"Huh... Mom is not at home. I am afraid to sleep alone at night." Zhang Qian blinked and said quietly.

"How old are people, are you afraid?" Li Xing said with a smile. But there was a sigh in my heart, after all he came. How can Li Xing not understand Zhang Qian's meaning now?

"Of course I'm scared, they are girls! Brother, can I sleep with you tonight?" Zhang Qian stood up and hugged Li Xing's neck from the back of the chair and said softly.

"How old are you? Still sleeping with your brother?" Li Xing tried to calm his tone.

"Huh... I know that my brother would say that, I didn't sleep together before. I don't care, I will sleep here tonight. Wow, my brother's bed is so comfortable!" Zhang Qian ran onto the bed. I took off my shoes.

Li Xing shook his head helplessly. In fact, Li Xing has never refused Zhang Qian's request since he was a child. And now, Li Xing didn't know how to refuse. Get out? Khan, stop joking. That would break Zhang Qian's heart! Of course, Li Xing didn't want this. Actually speaking, Li Xing doesn't like Zhang Qian? dislike? shit! Of course I like it very much. However, it was because of recent events that Li Xing did not dare to think further and did not know what to do. The presence of Chen Jing in the past was enough to give Li Xing a headache. Now Li Xianglan is added again. Li Xing couldn't imagine what it would be like if Zhang Qian knew that she and Li Xianglan were also related. Li Xing felt so scared to think about it.

Li Xing decided not to say anything and kept watching his own news.

After a good fight, well, it's almost nine in the evening now. When I looked back at Zhang Qian, I found this little Nizi lying on the bed. The two feet collided with each other in the air. I'm interested in holding a magazine to read it.

Li Xing stood up helplessly and patted Zhang Qian's ass. He smiled and said, "Do you really want to sleep with your brother?"

"Huh... Then need to say. You can't drive me away!" Zhang Qian said with a small mouth.

"Where did I say to drive you away? I am me, my brother has grown up now, he is a man, and you have grown up, he is already a big girl! If we sleep together again, it would be inappropriate Do you know?" Li Xing said with a chuckle. Try to be more natural. If I changed to another woman, Li Xing would have fallen asleep long ago. But think about Zhang Qian's identity and the relationship with Li Xianglan. Li Xing has no way to make up his mind!

Well, Li Xing figured it out! But to figure out is to figure out, and actual action is actual action. There is still a big difference between the two.

"What's inappropriate! Anyway, hum..." Zhang Qian didn't say anything.

"Haha, Qianqian, tell your brother, do you like your brother?" Li Xing sat on the side of the bed with a smile and touched Zhang Qian's head.

"Cut...Who likes you? I don't like it." Zhang Qian shook her head and said.

"Oh, don't like me, then I like Sister Jing!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"Sister Jing? Brother, do you like Sister Jing? Don't you like me?" Zhang Qian immediately got up and asked, sitting cross-legged on the bed, her face very worried.

"You just said you didn't like me!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"Who said I don't... Brother, you are necrotic!" Zhang Qian reacted.

Li Xing laughed haha.

However, Zhang Qian suddenly hugged Li Xing, instead of hugging her arms like before, but hugging. Tightly wrapped Li Xing's neck.

"Brother, I like you. I really like you!" Zhang Qian said softly in Li Xing's ear.

How could Li Xing not think of such a result? Hey. . . It seems that things are difficult to change, right? Well, hey. . . Hold tight, then!

———————————— The update is here, and the second chapter is here! Everyone flowers support. Well, it is estimated that the three chapters of yesterday can be made up today, and the codewords of grazing the scars hard. Hope to update six chapters today! Khan, 24,000 words! Very challenging!

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