Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 170: Love your parents [Second change, beg for flowers! 】

That's what Li Xing can do now. Looking at it now, there are so many things brought to Li Xing from the different space, and the impact and changes on Li Xing are also very big. But being unable to grasp the different space, or not having a clear and comprehensive understanding of the different space, also made Li Xing very annoyed. After all, no matter who it is, don’t want to be interested in something that deeply influences and changes oneself without understanding it at all? However, getting angry cannot solve the problem. There is nothing to say about this. I can only speculate slowly whether my thoughts are correct. There is only one way to go.

Take a long breath. Li Xing took back the different space. Studying different spaces is not a matter of one touch, it needs to be done slowly. Anxiety is not enough. Li Xing knows this very well. Therefore, now I can only suppress my inner impulse and eager thirst for knowledge. Li Xing was also helpless. It's like having a treasure mountain. But now Baoshan can't move, or even see it. Can this be depressing?

Stretched. Li Xing put aside the problem of different spaces. What Li Xing has to do now is to carefully observe the growth cycle of wheat in a different space. Then make the next inference!

It is already evening. Through the window, Li Xing could only see the last gleam of the sun disappearing into the distant sky. Li Xing suddenly realized that his feeling of loneliness hadn't changed because of speculation about a different space!

Li Xing didn't know what was wrong. Speaking of which, after his parents left, Li Xing was alone. But at that time, I didn't feel lonely! Could it be that at that time was still in the sadness of the death of his parents? Li Xing could not confirm this. However, the feeling of loneliness is so clear now.

Li Xing suddenly missed his parents. Although I rarely spend time with my parents. But even in a very short time, Li Xing has deeply imprinted the appearance of his parents in his mind. It will never be forgotten.

And Li Xing remembered now. My parents went to Shennongjia, right? Seventeen people came back nine? And these nine people proved that those who did not come out are dead. So is it really dead? Li Xing suddenly blamed himself a bit. Shennongjia, that is a mysterious place. Under the condition that modern technology is already very developed. The secret of Shennongjia has not been fully discovered yet. In other words, Shennongjia is full of dangers everywhere.

Well. Did the nine who came back see their parents passed away? Or do they see that their parents and other people are in danger, so that they believe that the person in danger is dead? So is there such a situation, that is to survive in that danger? Maybe if we survive, we will encounter the next crisis. So is it possible to guess that the people inside have a chance to survive the crisis?

However, this has been more than three years. Even if the parents escaped that crisis at that time, did they? . . The key now is to first determine whether the parents were in crisis at that time or died on the spot! This is a key key.

Thinking of this, Li Xing couldn't sit still.

For more than three years, Li Xing had not thought about this at all after receiving the news of his parents' death. Li Xing suddenly regretted it, very regretful. Why didn't you ask carefully? Perhaps at that time, the parents were really just caught in a crisis.

Li Xing immediately left the house. Arrived in front of a residential building at the southern end of the community. After thinking for a while, I resolutely chose to walk in!

Huang Fei, one of the seventeen people who went to Shennongjia archaeology with Li Xing's parents, was also one of the nine who returned.

Li Xing knocked on Huang Fei's door.

"Auntie, is Uncle Huang at home?" Huang Fei's wife opened the door.

"It's Xiaoxing, here, come in. Old Huang, Xiaoxing is here!" Huang Fei's wife welcomed Li Xing in warmly. While shouting Huang Fei.

"Xiaoxing is here? Haha, this kid hasn't come to see me for a long time!" Huang Fei walked out of the study with thick glasses. Huang Fei is in his 50s. I used to be Li Xing's father's teacher. Later, teammates in exploration and archeology together.

"Uncle Huang, do you have time? I want to talk to you about something." Li Xing said with a serious face, without too much politeness. Now Li Xing's whole mind is on this idea that suddenly came up.

"Well, come to my study!" Huang Fei saw Li Xing's face serious, and didn't say much. Go directly to the study room. In Huang Fei's heart, the death of Li Xing's parents dealt a great blow to Huang Fei. So after Huang Fei came back, he has been paying close attention to and caring about Li Xing.

"Sit down, what's the matter?" Huang Fei asked Li Xing to sit down and asked softly.

"Uncle Huang, I want to confirm. You went on an expedition to Shennongjia more than three years ago. A total of seventeen people returned and nine. So, did you see the remaining eight people die?" Li Xing Asked softly, and at the same time, the spacecraft was worried.

Huang Fei frowned. He sighed softly.

Huang Fei will never forget that expedition and archeology in his life. For Huang Fei, it was an extremely powerful blow.

"What are you asking this for?" Huang Fei asked with a serious face.

"Uncle Huang, I can only know, my parents, did you see them dead? Or saw their bodies? Or did they fall into an environment where it is impossible for you to survive? People who enter that kind of environment have no possibility of surviving at all?" Li Xing asked seriously.

Huang Fei looked at Li Xing earnestly, and said, "Did you think of this? I tell you, yes, we didn't see the bodies of your parents. However, among the eight people who entered, we saw three bodies. . And in that environment, there is no possibility of survival at all."

"So, so do you just conclude that my parents are dead?" Li Xing became excited.

"Xiaoxing, don't get excited. After we came back, we immediately stopped people from going to that place, and we went to that place. We don't leave our teammates behind. It's not what you think, we are just guessing. We mobilized people. I'm looking for it!" Huang Fei looked at Li Xing's excitement, and he knew what Li Xing thought of.

Li Xing forced himself to calm down.

"Uncle Huang, then you tell me now that you will later mobilize people. Did you find the bodies of my parents?" Li Xing asked again.

"No. We found the corpse of one of the five remaining people, including your parents. And it is an incomplete corpse." Huang Fei shook his head and said softly.

"So it is concluded that my parents are dead?" Li Xing tried hard not to get excited.

"Xiaoxing, do you know what's in that environment? It's the most primitive forest with an area of ​​unknown size. There are various dangerous animals in it, and no matter what is inside, it is highly toxic. .Because there is a kind of mist in that environment, and this mist is very toxic. We entered it unintentionally. A teammate just reacted a little slower and breathed the mist inside. Less than ten Died in minutes. We searched within the range that we could find. We did not find the bodies of four people, including your parents. However, there is no possibility of surviving inside." Huang Fei said softly.

"So, Uncle Huang, is it possible to come out inside?" Li Xing asked in a deep voice.

"There is a possibility. But as long as you enter it. There is no way to tell the direction. So in the later search and rescue process. We didn't dare to go deep. And that's it, a search and rescue personnel ended up crippled for life. Xiao Xing, did you say that we could continue to go deeper at that time, risking all the search and rescue team members to die there? You said that in that environment, is it possible to survive?" Huang Fei's voice was slightly higher.

Li Xing pondered for a moment, and said, "Uncle Huang, is this the situation? The environment is very dangerous. There is almost no possibility of surviving when people go in. And you do not continue to search. And the reality is that you did not see. To my parents’ corpses. Right?"

"That's it. But Xiaoxing..." Huang Fei nodded and said.

"Uncle Huang, I understand. Then, Uncle Huang, can you give me a map to enter Shennongjia, um, just follow your route into Shennongjia? Especially the map of the place where you end up in danger?" Li Xing Said calmly. Li Xing's heart became eager, regardless of whether his parents were alive or not. Now Li Xing seized a glimmer of hope. Now Li Xing does not regret it. Even if I knew this more than three years ago, can I look for it? The search and rescue personnel blocked by Huang Fei must be the most professional personnel. None of them, Li Xing absolutely can't. But it's different now. Li Xing has a different space. It can also be said that there is an insurance. Therefore, in Li Xing's heart, there was an idea without any thought, so go there and have a look. Maybe. . . Maybe my parents are in a corner, waiting to be rescued! Yes, it is possible. Must have!

"Xiaoxing, what are you? No, you must not go, it is too dangerous there!" Huang Fei was also excited.

"Uncle Huang, don't worry, I won't take the risk easily. Since you can come back safely? Why can't I? And, I just want to go and see. See where my parents disappeared." Li Xing said softly, his voice Very sad and low.

Huang Fei looked at Li Xing, with inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

"Okay, come on, come and take a look. Actually, your parents and the team members have the same idea. That is to conquer Shennongjia! Why can't we humans keep our footprints in Shennongjia? That's why we have This expedition and archeology. However, although I survived and survived. But I did not give up. I still want to see again. Therefore, for the past few years, I have been studying Shennongjia. And here I am about the present The information of Shennongjia that has been detected. Here is the map." Huang Fei made up his mind and said to Li Xing.

What Huang Fei showed Li Xing was a map and a brochure.

Li Xing first looked at the map.

"Uncle Huang, is this the place where you are in danger?" Li Xing looked at the map and asked.

"Well, this is it. It is also the farthest area we have detected. In addition, this is probably the innermost periphery of Shennongjia. Look at the range of Shennongjia. I made a range division. The first two areas I call it the outer layer and the middle layer. In the outer layer, the people around have already detected it clearly. In the brochure, there are dangers, value, etc. The middle area. Basically there is detection. But not very much. Clearly. Actually, that time, we didn't even have the idea of ​​going to the inner layer. But by mistake!" Huang Fei said in a low voice.

Li Xing watched carefully. Indeed, the area where Li Xing's parents encountered danger was already in the inner layer of Shennongjia. There is still a large area in which humans have not stepped into it, or in other words, stepped into the area without any survival! And Li Xing's parents disappeared in this area. So, are you still alive?

Li Xing does not think about this issue. Whether alive or not. . . Li Xing decided to go take a look. Because if he didn't go, Li Xing knew that he would never forgive himself. If there is no such idea, it is nothing. But since I thought of it. Li Xing must do it. although. . . Li Xing thinks calmly now that the possibility of his parents still alive has been reduced to the lowest point. But as long as there is still a little possibility. Then Li Xing does not want to give up, nor can he give up!

"Uncle Huang, I'm sorry, I was really too excited just now." Li Xing said with a sly smile.

"Don't blame you, uncle understands your thoughts and understands your feelings. More than three years ago, you were a child. Now that you have grown up, it is normal to have such thoughts. But Xiaoxing, you have to be clear , Although theoretically, the possibility of your parents being alive exists. But this possibility is really small to the point that it doesn't exist. You really don't need to take risks." Huang Fei said softly.

"Uncle Huang, I understand what you said. But for me, really, there is a slight possibility that I will not give up. Certainly not. Therefore, Uncle Huang does not need to persuade in this regard. I am. If Uncle Huang really understands me, then tell me how I should survive in Shennongjia. Give me all your survival experience!" Li Xing said calmly. Enthusiasm is not enough. There is no survival skill. Want to find someone in Shennongjia, or disappeared for more than three years, this is simply impossible. Therefore, Li Xing must first learn the skills of survival!

—————————————— Second more, um, everyone, please throw some flowers? Is it in your hands? Still didn't vote for the scratch marks? Khan, you are on the list, but look at it, there is a possibility of being squeezed down at any time! please!

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