Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 178: Loess Plateau [Second watch, beg for flowers! 】

Li Xing went directly to the villa. Haven't eaten Lin Yuru yet. Of course Li Xing would not just leave it alone.

However, after returning to the villa, Li Xing found out that Bai Xin and Yang Lan were still in the villa. Li Xing sighed, now it seems that the chance of eating Lin Yuru is very poor. To make it clear, Bai Xin and Yang Lan have not returned yet, that is, they will not leave tonight.

"Hey, Li Xing, why are you here now?" Bai Xin saw Li Xing with a surprised expression on his face.

Li Xing smiled chastely. How could Bai Xin and Yang Lan not think of the relationship between Li Xing and Lin Yuru and Gu Tianxue? So now the surprise is also within the normal range.

"Well, when I left, weren't you discussing the issue of farm economy?" Li Xing sat down and said: "You also know that I am still very concerned about farm economy. So, come and see your discussion. Is there any result?"

"We have been discussing this issue." Yang Lan smiled, and Yang Yang said with the information in his hand: "We have already made a preliminary plan. Would you like to see it?"

"So fast?" Li Xing was surprised, and took a look at the information in Yang Lan's hands.

"Well, your consideration is very detailed." Li Xing smiled and said: "Does the precondition mean that we must guarantee the issue of planting in autumn and spring?"

"Yes, this is a big prerequisite. If there is no advantage in this area, the farm economy is more efficient. But there is still a big gap from our desired goal." Gu Tianxue nodded and said: "This problem has been solved. The work that can only be carried out!"

"First of all." Li Xing said after considering his own language: "Our project is neither vegetables nor fruits. What we want is food. According to the situation in our mountain province. The two crops are wheat in autumn and corn in spring. There is nothing else, right?"

"Wheat and corn are the main ones." Yang Lan said a little bit: "Both crops are the main food crops. If these two crops can be produced in large quantities, then we can fill the country’s shortage of food. ."

"Moreover!" Bai Xin said: "Whether it is wheat or corn, it is not mainly used for food. Other sideline businesses are also very useful. For example, corn can also be used for feed, and the amount is very high. Big. Wheat is about the same. For example, wheat has some medicinal value and can even be used for beauty. Corn and wheat can be used as raw materials for brewing beer. In fact, there is no need to consider the use. Let’s go back to the original problem. Wheat The seeds and quality of corn must be stronger than others. In this way, we will have more advantages."

"That's for sure. Well, there are a lot of suggestions on your materials, why are they so messy?" Li Xing looked at the materials in hand. While listening to them, watching.

"This is what the four of us are in discussion at any time." Lin Yuru said with a smile: "Do you think we can come up with a completely detailed plan in such a little time?"

"The seed is not a problem." Li Xing smiled and said, "You should have seen the remaining wheat? What do you think of this kind of wheat?"

"It's amazing!" Yang Lan said preemptively: "I won't talk about the output, it is twice the normal output. The key is the quality of the wheat itself. Take a look, it was made by me. flour."

Yang Lan took out a bag and placed it in front of Li Xing.

"This is the flour made from those wheat?" Li Xing asked suspiciously.

This flour is pure white in color. Flour is this color. However, it seems that the flour is whiter.

"You can't see anything from the color alone, right?" Gu Tianxue smiled slightly and said, "You come closer and smell it!"

Li Xing glanced at Gu Tianxue in doubt, but he got close and smelled it.

A light fragrance of grain passed into Li Xing's nose. Li Xing was shocked. Li Xing only found out now. It seems that the things produced by Different Space have one characteristic, that is, they can make a qualitative change and improvement of the fragrance based on the fragrance of the crop itself. Whether it is Apple or the current wheat, they are confirming this.

"That's not even counted. Would you try this?" Lin Yuru smiled and handed Li Xing a bun that was almost different.

"This is a bun?" Li Xing said blankly.

The faces of the four women blush at the same time.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yuru said in vain and Li Xing said with an angry look: "We don't know how to make steamed buns. But this is not an experiment. You can try it."

Li Xing secretly smiled. They are undoubtedly strong women in the market. But when it comes to making steamed buns, even a beginner can't keep up.

Li Xing broke the next piece and sent it to the import.

There was a faint fragrance with a faint sweetness, and it was very comfortable to chew, um, um, anyway, Li Xing seemed to have never had such a delicious steamed bun.

"How about? It's delicious? This is still made when we don't know how to make steamed buns. What does this show? It shows that the wheat is not only a problem of yield. The more important thing is the later processing. There is. With such an advantage, who can compete with us?" Gu Tianxue said with a smile.

"Well, indeed." Li Xing nodded and said, "So. Anyway, is there no problem with this wheat?"

"The only question is whether we can have a lot of this kind of wheat as seeds!" Bai Xin said with a light smile.

"Don't worry about this." Li Xing said simply: "It's not just wheat that has a lot of seeds. It's corn. I promise, it will never be inferior to the quality of wheat."

Li Xing looked at Baixin and Yang Lan.

"Sister Xin, Sister Lan." The expression on Li Xing's face was very serious and said: "I know, you must be very confused now. Whether it is the apple we are doing now, or the current wheat, and what I just promised Corn. It’s beyond your understanding, right? I’m not not telling you the secrets. I don’t believe you. If you don’t believe you, you won’t sit here and have a chance to discuss this issue. So, I hope Let go of all the doubts in your mind. Just remember that these things are what we have. When the time is right, I think I will tell you why this is the case. Will not be disappointed?"

"Disappointment? It's impossible not to be a little bit." Bai Xin said with a serious expression on his face: "From what you said, we actually understand it. You, like you said, can get us involved. It's one to us. This kind of trust. In fact, we all understand one thing in our hearts, like this wheat, if it spreads, then the sensation is for sure. So, you don’t have to say that."

"Sister Xin is right." Yang Lan nodded and said, "Who doesn't have a secret yet?"

"So, I don't know, Sister Lan, you have a secret?" Li Xing got closer and said, "Would you like me to share your secret?"

"Fuck you." Yang Lan said with a smile: "You don't seem to be qualified enough!"

"Sister Lan, we don't bring such a blow. My fragile heart has been deeply hurt!" Li Xing exaggerated.

"Okay." Gu Tianxue stopped frolics and said, "I don't have to worry about the seeds. Regardless of the yield and quality. In other words, we will temporarily set aside this most critical premise. If we start to implement farm economy . Site selection and factory is a key. Not to mention site selection, the factory is a key to whether we can continue to maintain this advantage."

"Xiaoxing." Gu Tianxue deliberated and said: "Actually, we discussed for a long time, although we all think that Heze is a more suitable place. Not to mention how difficult it is to meet our large-scale land requirements. It is just confidentiality. How difficult is enough for us to have a headache. After all, the countryside in Shan Province is not what we imagined. Now the distance between natural villages is very close, and it is almost impossible to form a large-scale farmland. Think about it, if Our product came out. It was well received. Then confidentiality can give us a headache!"

"So, Senior Sister Tian, ​​what are your opinions?" Li Xing frowned. It's not that Li Xing didn't think about this problem, but Shan Province has no such place.

"Xiaoxing, can you be certain. That is, the vitality of this wheat and later corn is the same as our current fruit trees?" Lin Yuru asked.

Now Li Xing understood. Does Lin Yuru know the vitality of the crops produced by Different Space? This was clearly asked on behalf of Baixin and Yang Lan.

"I can guarantee. Even if the wheat is planted on the mountain outside, it will be the same as on the cultivated land." Li Xing gave a clear answer simply.

"We. The four of us discussed that there is no place in the mountain province where we can play in a short period of time." Baixin pondered for a moment and then said: "My advice is to choose a place that can be planted in large quantities outside. "

"Then, tell me where you chose?" Li Xing said seriously.

"Loess Plateau!" Yang Lan said seriously.

Then Yang Lan conjured up some information and said: "We just got a general understanding of the Loess Plateau. In fact, loess is a more suitable place for planting crops. Long ago, this place was also the country's granary. There is information available. It can be traced back to the pre-Qin period by relying on the grain here. The Qin dynasty formed a unity. It was only because of the lack of protection in the past. The vegetation was devastated. This caused serious soil erosion in the Loess Plateau. In addition, the irrigation was disadvantageous. Long time After that, a scary barren zone was formed. It cannot be denied that the mineral resources on the Loess Plateau are very rich. But a large amount of loess suitable for arable land is barren. It is really sad. More importantly, the Yellow River flows through here. , Bringing a lot of loess, this is also the origin of the Yellow River. Let’s not consider this worry. If wheat can grow in the mountains outside. Then why can’t it grow on the loess? If it can grow, then we can use it immediately. Get a lot of land at the lowest price. Others can't plant it in this area. But we can! Moreover, the area of ​​the entire Loess Plateau has reached 400,000 square kilometers. So, so, even if it is suitable for cultivation, only half of it. If We can make use of these. Then not only the country’s food problem is solved, but we get economic benefits. Then it is of epoch-making significance for the entire country and the entire nation. Although we don’t want the seed to escape. But we can create experience benefits. At the same time. Why can't we define society to make some contributions?"

"Haha, Sister Lan, what you said makes sense." Li Xing nodded and said, "I remember someone said that the control of the Loess Plateau is equivalent to the control of the Yellow River. Everyone can understand the contribution here. So you tell me, first, we don’t have any foundation there. How do you make progress? Do you understand China’s national conditions? Second, according to my understanding. In the Loess Plateau, there are indeed many places suitable for large-scale planting. Speaking of it everywhere. But there are not many places suitable for large-scale use of mechanization? Can't achieve mechanization? So is the efficiency too low?"

"Let me speak." Bai Xin said in a deep thought, "We can choose a county to experiment. Moreover, choose a county that can be as flat as possible for planting. The premise is that the locals have no way to plant on these land. And these counties we have ready-made. One of my classmates served as the county party secretary in that county. In fact... he offended some people and was exiled. If we invested in the past, then he would definitely do his best. Support. Obviously, the first point you are worried about is not a problem. And the second point, when you choose this county, you have already considered! In addition, there is no shortage of human resources there. Even if it is not possible to achieve all Part of the mechanization is much more convenient than ours in Shan Province!"

Li Xing frowned. The key is that Li Xing and Li Xing had no intention of leaving Shan Province. Therefore, this proposal is a bit too sudden. In fact, it is not that Li Xing has not considered the Loess Plateau, or even Beidacang. But I gave up just because I didn't want to leave the mountain province. But now what Baixin and Yang Lan said is obviously very reasonable. Moreover, it is obvious that Gu Tianxue and Lin Yuru also agree with this opinion. Then, Li Xing will think about it.

"Actually, there is one more point. If we make a decision now, we can still catch up with this season. We don't have much input, even if it's an experiment. It's a good choice!" Gu Tianxue said softly.

"Okay, okay." Li Xing suddenly laughed and said: "Sisters, let's stop here today, let's see, it's twelve o'clock in the evening. Well, let me give me a detailed report in the last two days. , Let's discuss it carefully, how about?" Li Xing is still thinking about it!

------------updated! Everyone, please support me with flowers! Tenth, there is danger of going down at any time! ! Brothers stand up! ! ! !

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