Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 192: Xu Man joined [Four changes, 90 flowers plus more, 120 flowers! 】

Lin Yuru is busy, Gu Tianxue is busy, Baixin is busy, and Yang Lan is also busy. However, Li Xing, who is coordinating the overall situation, seems very leisurely. That is, you need to sign from time to time. Therefore, Li Xing studied Huang Fei's booklet in his office, and then compared it with the books on field survival knowledge he bought. Learn the knowledge of survival in the wild.

Do not underestimate this. For example, if you are now in a forest, there will be nothing modern and no direction around. Except for yourself, it is the most primitive thing. And you have nothing to eat or drink. And the forest is full of dangers. Then you answer now. How to survive?

What kind of water can I drink? What can be eaten in the forest? What if I encounter a poisonous snake? What is the best way? What should I do if I encounter other dangerous things? What can I do to ensure my own safety? Such all kinds. There is much knowledge about survival in the wild. And this is basically an in-depth understanding of animals and plants. Because you want to survive in the wild, then you have to face these things. When facing, the only way to ensure your own safety is to understand these things first. So, Li Xing didn't learn anything else, but he understood the characteristics of some plants and some animals clearly.

Of course, for Li Xing, the difficulties in this area are not great. Because Li Xing has a different space. Planting a fruit tree in a different space solved Li Xing's problem of eating and drinking. The territorial characteristics of the different space made Li Xing not worry about dangerous animals at all. Because they can't get in at all. Therefore, Li Xing is not at all worried about the safety of his expedition to Shennongjia, and on the contrary, he is very confident.

As long as the parents are still alive, they will be found. This is Li Xing's idea. Whether Li Xing is paranoid or crazy. Obviously, no one can change Li Xing's thoughts. If it weren't for this group, Li Xing would be inseparable at all, and his good brother Wang Dawei would get married the day after tomorrow. In addition, he did not fully understand the situation of Shennongjia. It is estimated that Li Xing has already set off!

Li Xing is studying the information on Shennongjia. The phone rang suddenly.

When Li Xing is in the office, he usually calls the office if he wants to find Li Xing. The one who dialed Li Xing's mobile phone must be Li Xing's personal friend.

Take out the phone and see that it is Xu Man. Li Xing answered quickly.

"Sister Xu." Li Xing said with a smile, "What? Do you handle your own affairs?"

"Well, I'm under the Haiwei Building now. On which floor is your company?" Xu Man's crisp voice came from the phone.

"Downstairs?" Li Xing went to the window and looked down. He didn't see Xu Man's shadow and said, "On the 16th floor, come up. I'm waiting for you!"

"Good!" Xu Man hung up the phone.

Xu Man, who hung up, took a deep breath.

In these two days, Xu Man finished the school affairs. Originally, Xu Man was going to hand over the position of student union chairman in a while. The proposal to resign from the chairmanship has not caused any bad effects. Moreover, Xu Man found his mentor. Said that he found a job outside. I will not come to class anymore, I will only come back to take the exam during the exam. Such things are really common among seniors. It's easy to get it done.

It's just that Xu Man's previous efforts were to become a national civil servant. Now it is on a completely different path from before. Xu Man has no regrets about his choice. It's just a little bit lost. Perhaps it was the sudden change of the goal that he had always supported, so that Xu Man has not yet found the way forward and how to reflect his own value. for money? Xu Man understands that although he and his family need money very much, Xu Man understands that this is not his goal.

Shaking his head, Xu Man told himself not to think so much. Now that you have decided to invest in business, let's work hard. Besides, it is Li Xing's company. If he does not perform well, Li Xing will lose face, right?

Xu Man resolutely walked to the elevator.

"Sister Xu." Li Xing was waiting at the gate of the company and saw Xu Man coming down from the elevator. Hurriedly stepped forward, stretched out his hand and said, "Welcome to join Daxing Group!"

Xu Man smiled and shook hands with Li Xing, and said, "How dare you to bother Mr. Li and wait for me here? I haven't joined Daxing Group yet? Maybe I can't meet your Daxing Group's requirements!"

"Sister Xu is too unconfident about what she said." Li Xing said with a smile: "The sister Xu I know is a very powerful figure in the chair of the student union. Haha, please come inside!"

Xu Man smiled and followed Li Xing in.

To be honest, the entire layout and decoration of the office building of Daxing Group was shocking to Xu Man. Moreover, the crowds coming and going show their busy work. Moreover, they greeted Li Xing respectfully. This gave Xu Man an illusion that the Li Xing he knew should be a young man, at best he was a little richer? But what about Li Xing now? It was like wearing a veil, which almost made Xu Man miss. Now Li Xing is not as casual as usual, but a little more majestic.

Xu Man warned herself secretly in her heart. Don't think about the relationship with Li Xing. This is in the company. Then follow the company's rules!

"Director Huang, come for an interview. Give me a report later." Li Xing took Xu Man to the personnel director's office. Li Xing was able to directly decide that anyone should join the company. But in order to respect Xu Man, Li Xing decided to let the human resources supervisor come for an interview. Li Xing understands that Xu Man's previous ideals have always been in government departments. Maybe it's still lost. Now we need to put some pressure on her. Well, Li Xing has to start thinking about what kind of work should be arranged for Xu Man.

"Sister Xu, go. I'll wait for you in the office. After your interview. Director Huang will show you to my office." Li Xing smiled and said, "No problem, right? I have great confidence in Sister Xu. Oh!"

"No problem!" Xu Man smiled confidently and said: "Don't worry, it will definitely satisfy you."

"Come on!" Li Xing smiled at Xu Man. Waved to the personnel supervisor again. He walked to his office without taking care of himself.

In about ten minutes, Director Huang and Xu Man walked into Li Xing's office together.

Director Huang is the former head of personnel in the beauty salon. Very experienced in personnel matters. Recently, a group of people recruited by Daxing Group are very good. Moreover, Daxing Group does not require any work experience. How many people with work experience are recruited, so don’t those college students have much chance?

"Mr. Li, this is the interview report." Director Huang smiled and said, "If there is nothing wrong, I will go to work first."

"Well, hey, don't worry. Director Huang, you can do something about it. Hire some people who have studied agriculture and agricultural economics. The number is within ten. Of course, if there are talents, the more the better." Li Xing stopped Director Huang and said.

"Okay, Mr. Li!" Director Huang promised, nodded to Xu Man and walked out!

"Sister Xu. Sit, sit!" Li Xing stood up to greet Xu Man, and poured a glass of water for Xu Man.

"Let me enjoy your enthusiasm for the last time before becoming an employee of Daxing Group!" Xu Man simply took the water glass handed over by Li Xing and said with a smile.

"Sister Xu, I am very confident. However, even if you are an employee of Daxing Group. Are we not friends? When there are outsiders, you can call me President Li. But when there are no outsiders. I still listen. You call me Li Xing better." Li Xing also sat down and said.

"Do you know what Director Huang said about you?" Li Xingyang said in his hands.

"Very curious, but I guess I won't let you down?" Xu Man smiled confidently and said.

Li Xing sighed that the Xu Man he knew before was the Xu Man in life. Could it be that this time, such a confident Xu Man is the Xu Man at work? This confidence alone laid the foundation for success. Of course, this confidence is based on strength.

"'Strength and self-confidence, worthy of great responsibility'! Sister Xu, this is Director Huang's evaluation of you." Li Xing said with a smile: "Similar to what I expected!"

Xu Man was a little embarrassed and said, "Actually, I don't have any work experience. I'm really worried that I can't do a good job."

"No one has never experienced it." Li Xing smiled and said, "To be honest, I don't have no experience at all. But haven't I sat in this position yet?"

"Well, Sister Xu, get acquainted with the company in the position of assistant to the general manager. After you get acquainted with the company, I will give you a major task. The monthly salary is 10,000 yuan."

"This... Li Xing, you can't take special care of me because we are friends. If this is the case, then I would rather go to another company!" Xu Man said a little anxiously.

"Haha, Sister Xu, what? You have no confidence in yourself? Or do you think you can't reach this salary level? Don't worry, this is only temporary. Your sister Xu is where you are doing your best." Li Xing smiled haha Said.

"You don't need to say anything. If I take special care of you, I will arrange it directly. What else do you arrange for a personnel interview?" Li Xing stood up and said to Xu Man.

"Sister Xin? Come here for a while!" Li Xing called Baixin and said to Xu Man again: "You work as an assistant first. Learn the learning experience first."

Just as he said, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"Mr. Li, you are looking for me!" Bai Xin walked in and said.

"Sister Xin, come, let me introduce you." Li Xing smiled and pointed at Xu Man and said, "This is Xu Man, a high-achieving student in SD economics and management, and the chairman of the student union. From now on, he will be your assistant."

Bai Xin smiled and nodded.

He stretched out his hand and smiled at Xu Man and said, "Xu Man, right? I'm Baixin, the general manager of Daxing Group. Welcome to join Daxing Group."

"Hello, Manager Bai, I hope I can take care of it in the future." Xu Man said quickly.

"That's for sure. Can I neglect the person introduced by President Li? Let's go, let me introduce you to the group!" Bai Xin said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, Sister Xin, have dinner together at noon. Take the wind to Sister Xu. Call Sister Tianxue, Sister Yuru, and Sister Lan." Li Xing said to the two who were about to leave.

"Okay." Baixin agreed and went out with Xu Man.

Li Xing smiled. Pick up Director Huang's evaluation of Xu Man. Li Xing thought about it, already roughly understanding how he arranged Xu Man.

assistant Manager? Is the assistant too talented? Talking about it, the confidence that Xu Man had just now really infected Li Xing.

In Li Xing's mind, the agricultural plan does not want to stop at all. Although it cannot start right now. But it's okay to let Xu Man take responsibility for this first, right? Even if it is a task assigned to Xu Man, let's see what kind of report Xu Man will give after studying it!

"Who is the girl who followed Xiaoxin out?" Gu Tianxue opened the door and walked in.

"I met a talented woman when I opened a fruit shop. The chairman of the SD student union is very capable. Of course, it is also my friend. I arranged for the assistant general manager to exercise first." Li Xing said with a smile, and said to the office door It's locked up.

"Not your little lover?" Gu Tianxue said with a smile.

"I only know that you are my little lover." Li Xing hugged Gu Tianxue and kissed him.

"Stop making trouble. Didn't it make enough trouble last night?" Gu Tianxue gently pushed Li Xing.

"Hehe, how can this be? It won't be enough for a lifetime!" Li Xing said with a smile, lightly licking on Gu Tianxue's very sensitive earlobe. Gu Tianxue was shocked!

Gu Tianxue gave Li Xing a white look, and then followed Li Xing. Gu Tianxue knew that Li Xing would be harassed.

"This is the promotion and launch plan of the new beauty products that Yan Qing and I have made. Take a look!" Gu Tianxue said, enduring the strangeness of the body.

"With you two insiders, what else can I watch. You can figure it out." Li Xing threw the file aside and said.

"That... In that case, I'm going to work!" Gu Tianxue was itchy. I want to escape quickly! Last night and Lin Yuru had crazy **** with Li Xing. In the end, the two were defeated by Li Xing together. Gu Tianxue is still a bit tired now. Who can think that Li Xing is now strong and fierce again. Gu Tianxue was secretly surprised.

"Sister Tianxue, help!" Li Xing said softly.

"Why are you... Why are you so strong?" Gu Tianxue sighed with an appointment.

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