Carry a Different Space with You

: Did the crazy update of Jiuhen get your support? (free)

Comrades, isn't the update of the traces okay? It can be said that in addition to the outbreak of new books on the shelves. The update of Jiuhen is the fastest and the most among all the books of Zhulang.

The grazing marks began to code words in the morning when it was dark, and continued into the evening. So that everyone is cool! However, if the crazy update of Jiuhen can't get everyone's support, then Jiuhen will be a failure.

Maybe someone else can do 16,000, 20,000, or 24,000 updates every day. But how many days can it be done? Jiuhen lasted for seven days, this is the eighth day. Speaking of it, really tired, very tired! (There is also the chapter of "Indulgence in the City")

How many days the grazing mark can last is still unknown. But Jiuhen plans to do that this month!

Therefore, I would like to appeal here. For those who have subscribed to this book, please drop them if you have flowers. Silently subscribe to friends who don’t smash flowers to Xiaohen, please also "change your heart"! Because the support of your flowers is the motivation to grab the mark! There are also friends who are wandering beyond the waves to watch piracy, I understand you. Maybe you don't have the conditions to subscribe, but you can register by registering every day, right? Now the number of words in this book is about to catch up with clicks. The number of new words every day is far behind the number of clicks. Jiuhen didn't want to say anything. These achievements are actually secondary. What Jiuhen hopes is that everyone can subscribe and sincerely support it. Don't let the grazing marks see the pale results after the exhausting codewords! ! ! !

I appeal again, smash the flowers to the scratch. Although there are hundreds of people who subscribe now. But if everyone smashed the flowers to Xiaohen, Xiaohen would laugh!

Still the same sentence, the crazy update of Jiuhen, hoping to get your crazy support! ! !

If you like to carry a different space with you, please collect it: ( Carrying a different space with you is the fastest to update literature.

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