Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 200: What is a genius [two more, please! 】

Jiang Yi, who changed his clothes, certainly can't be considered handsome. But it's also decent. It's really the opposite of the image of drunkard thinking last night. It seems very energetic.

However, it seems that Jiang Yi's current state is because he said he believed in him. Li Xing thought badly, if he suddenly said that he didn't believe him, and patted his **** and left, what would it be like? Jiang Yi, um, will he still be dedicated to death? Khan, forget it. Can't waste any more time. In addition, Li Xing now really wants to hear Jiang Yi's invention. Thinking of Li Xiangrong’s distraction yesterday, I wondered if there was such an invention. Then I really make a lot of money.

"Now let's talk about it. I already know your experience. I just want to know a little bit. Does the invention you mentioned really exist?" Li Xing said directly. No more roundabouts, thinking if Jiang Yi can't give himself an explanation. Then there is no need to waste any more time. Saved his life last night, it's a benevolence to him.

"I believe that your car exhaust gas processor, um, shouldn’t be a stranger to call car exhaust purifiers on the market? The most effective purifiers on the market can purify up to 10% of harmful gases, and car exhaust contains Hundreds of different compounds, among which pollutants include suspended solids, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, lead and sulfur oxygen compounds, etc. My car exhaust gas processor is based on this research. . But the performance has improved to 50%. You should not have much research in this area. Then I won't say much about too professional terms, just look at this, and you should be able to understand whether what I'm saying is true. "Jiang Yi said with a smile.

"Patent certificate? So, is this true?" I looked at the patent certificate Jiang Yi gave me in surprise. I didn't expect that this kind of automobile exhaust gas processor that can handle 50% of the car really exists. Moreover, a certificate was applied. This. . . This is real. Li Xing suddenly became a little excited.

"Is it true to identify the patent certificate? I think you still have this vision?" Jiang Yi smiled confidently. This is a little different from Jiang Yi, who was desperate for death last night. Li Xing couldn't believe it.

"So." Li Xingyang raised the patent certificate in his hand and asked doubtfully: "Since you have this patent certificate, it is not difficult to find someone to cooperate with? Why did you come to such a step?" Indeed, Li Xing It is very clear that the value of this patent is that the purifiers on the market can only purify 10% of the harmful gas from automobile exhaust. Needless to say, how valuable this purifier device that can handle 50% is. Anyone with a bit of foresight will invest. But Jiang Yi's mixed up to this point really makes Li Xing unbelievable. There are so many things that Li Xing can't understand and can't figure out.

"What I want is not how much profit this invention can create for me. I don't care about it at all. Although I really need money to conduct my other research. But I don't want to take out this certificate all at once to find people to cooperate. It's just that. Unfortunately, I have found a lot of people and it seems that no one believes me at all. In fact, if I choose to believe me, then I will show him this certificate to prove my correctness. But it’s a pity Yes, you know it as well. No one gave me this opportunity. And you are different. When you met me, I should have been very embarrassed, right? And you can do this to a complete stranger like me . I am still very moved in my heart. In addition, judging from the fact that you helped me open the presidential suite, you are a rich person. Then, you should have the strength to invest in me, right? Character plus strength is me. The conditions of choice. I am very happy, and now I finally found such a person." Jiang Yi said with a slight smile.

Now Li Xing felt like he was suddenly stunned by the pie falling from the sky. It seems that doing good deeds is not without gain. But the harvest is too great. Li Xing completely imagined how much profit this car exhaust processor could bring. This is basically an astronomical figure.

"So, in other words, can we cooperate now?" Li Xing said with a smile. Li Xing already has some experience in shopping malls, although he is very excited now. But Li Xing still didn't let himself show it.

"No, it's not cooperation." Jiang Yi waved his hand and said: "I told you yesterday, you choose to believe me, then, as long as I invent anything, it belongs to you. Of course, the prerequisite is that no matter how much I study. Things, how much does it cost. It is within your ability. I hope you can support me without reservation."

"Really?" Li Xing couldn't believe it, thinking about it, it seems that Jiang Yi really said this last night. But at that time, Li Xing didn't take it seriously. At that time, Li Xing did not believe that what Jiang Yi said was true.

"Of course it is true. Now this patent belongs to you. We can hand it over. Now, don't you believe me?" Jiang Yi said with a smile.

"Of course not!" Li Xing smiled and stood up. The fool refused now. Li Xing is not a fool, of course he will not refuse.

"So. I hope you can prove that you have the ability to invest in me and set up my own laboratory. Because I have many inventions that are not inferior to this processor to research. But it requires a lot of money, and there is a certain amount of money. 'S assistant." Jiang Yi also stood up and made a request very comfortably.

"Well, you follow me. My company is in Jecheng. I think I have a group of billions of dollars, which should be able to help you? Now I am in a hurry. You can talk to me on the way. How?" Li Xing looked at the time and said.

"No problem!" Jiang Yi said with a smile. There is nothing to clean up. Jiang Yi had nothing at all.

However, after leaving the hotel, Jiang Yi said: "If I go to Jicheng, I hope I can go back to where I live now. Because there are survey data and data that I researched."

"No problem. Where is it?" Li Xing nodded and said. Now Li Xing's feelings about Jiang Yi have completely changed. It's not Li Xing snobbery! In fact, Li Xing was able to do that to Jiang Yi last night without knowing it. Isn't it pretty good? Now I understand the real situation. A little bit of enthusiasm is also understandable, right?

After Jiang Yi told Li Xing the place. Li Xing first called Zhang Qian and asked Zhang Qian what time to go back. Then he called and booked a plane ticket, which was sent to Zhang Qian. Of course it is an indispensable reminder. In Li Xing's eyes, Zhang Qian is still a child. When he returned to Jecheng alone, Li Xing was really a little worried.

After finishing these things, Li Xing also came to Jiang Yi's residence.

Seeing Jiang Yi's residence, Li Xing was taken aback. Not too luxurious, but a bit too crude. Although it is a yard, it is an old yard that cannot be used any longer.

"This is what my grandfather left for me. Otherwise, in this Beijing city, I don't even have a place to stay!" Jiang Yi said with a smile.

Li Xing is really curious now. Since Jiang Yi is so poor. So where does the money come from for research? Also, where did he learn all this knowledge? When Li Xing decides for a while, he must ask carefully.

Li Xing followed Jiang Yi to the courtyard. The yard is not big, it's ragged everywhere, and if it weren't for the footprints left on the main road, it would be no different from an abandoned yard. If Li Xing came here alone, he would never believe anyone would live here. Looking at the tall buildings not far away, Li Xing suddenly discovered that even in Beijing, there is such a corner. There is also a group of people who are not paid attention to.

Entered the house. Li Xingcai discovered that there were small holes everywhere in this room. Looking at the ground again, it is obvious that there are traces of rain. Then it is not difficult to guess that this house is leaking. However, there is no such situation in the suite where Jiang Yi lives. However, Jiang Yi's room is really rudimentary. Except for a bed, a table, and a chair, everything else is left with a lot of paper and books. It's just that some new ones can be seen on paper, but books are all very old ones.

Jiang Yi tidied up the things here very quickly. Jiang Yi didn't move on clothes and other things. Just clean up the paper. I don't even care about books.

Li Xing can't help much either. Simply walked to the outhouse and smoked.

"Okay!" Jiang Yi put some of the cleaned papers into the car. Then just took a picture of an old man on it. Said to Li Xing: "Here, there is nothing worthy of my nostalgia. The only souvenir is a photo of myself left by my grandfather!"

There was no sad expression on Jiang Yi's face. Li Xing also didn't say any comforting words. Li Xing has discovered now, maybe Jiang Yi is a madman, a madman who studies what he wants to study. In addition to the things he researched, Jiang Yi's personality can be said to be very open-minded in other aspects, um, it should be said to be very ‘outstanding’! It is the legendary rough nerve. Well, maybe such a person was born for research!

Li Xing didn't say much. Get in the car with Jiang Yi. Driving out of Beijing City, speeding towards Jicheng.

"This is the project I am going to study now. You can take a look." Jiang Yi said to Li Xing, collecting his own information.

"Where do I have time to watch it now? However, since I choose to believe you, I will fully support your research. You tell me roughly how much money is needed, how much equipment is needed, what equipment is needed, and how many assistants are needed. What is the assistant's request? Tell me this and I will help you handle it. You can just study what you are studying!" Li Xing said with a smile. To be able to invent such a car exhaust processor can be said to have epoch-making significance. Then Li Xing has absolutely no doubt about Jiang Yi's own research and invention ability. Of course, I chose to give my full support.

"The project I am currently working on is the next step of the development of a car exhaust gas processor. Now I have an idea. If it succeeds, it can reduce harmful gases by 70%. I will list the equipment needed for you. . Ten million is enough in terms of funding. The other is air pollution treatment equipment for large factories. This equipment is now in the beginning stage of theory and practice. However, I am confident that I can research and invent such a treatment equipment. Initially. It is estimated that it can reduce the factory's pollution gas emissions by about 40%. The best equipment in this area is 17%. This requires a little more equipment. About 50 million yuan is required, and there are... "Jiang Yi gushed.

"Stop, Jiang Yi, what do you need to research, how to research, what equipment is needed, and how much money is needed. After you get to the place, you will be settled, and you will give me a report. I will satisfy you all. Now what you say I don’t understand this either.” Li Xing interrupted Jiang Yi’s words and said: “When you research the results and tell me the performance, I will put it on the market and it will be OK! I understand that you are not researching to make money for yourself. It’s not for making money. It’s your purpose to improve our living environment, right?"

Li Xing only knows a little bit about Jiang Yi's projects. Of course I don't want to listen like this. Therefore, the best way is to fully satisfy Jiang Yi's needs. Well, it doesn't cost much. Even if it takes a billion. Compared with this car exhaust gas processor, it is insignificant! If Jiang Yi researched something again. Then the prospects are too bright.

Li Xing doubted his luck. On the streets of Beijing, there is still such a scientist ‘picked up’! And this scientist almost died under his car, or lost the idea of ​​continuing to live. More importantly, the invention is completely owned by Li Xing. What Li Xing has to do is to support Jiang Yi's research. Li Xing felt a little dreaming. Well, isn’t luck a little too good?

Li Xing's luck cannot be denied. However, this must be viewed from another aspect. If it wasn't for Li Xing's different space, Jiang Yi would be dead, right? If it wasn't for Li Xing that didn't want to see Jiang Yi die in front of him, Jiang Yi is already dead now? If it wasn't for Li Xing's whim to help Jiang Yi, would there be such a chance? Therefore, while lamenting Li Xing's good luck, we must also look at the other side clearly. Why did Li Xing get Jiang Yi, but not Jiang Yi who chose someone else!

However, when Li Xing asked about Jiang Yi's other circumstances. Li Xing cannot help but sigh, because Jiang Yi is simply a genius! An out-and-out genius!

What is genius? Jiang Yi is!

———————————— Well, the second one is here. Everyone, please support me with flowers. I appeal to my dear friends who subscribe silently but don't throw flowers to the mark. Change your mind! Ha ha. Brothers, stand up! ! !

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