Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 214: Midnight whispers [One more, please! 】

No matter how sailing and crying, the fate of being buried alive is already doomed. In other words, even the gangsters like Zhang Jianbin have never treated others like this. At best, they would use the other's hands and feet, and the more serious would take their lives. Now that Li Xing was so cruel, he gave such an order. I also sighed in my heart. Well, I also realized that, don't make Li Xing angry, otherwise, then your ending must be very miserable.

After his men dug the hole. Li Xing was the first to pick up the shovel and bury the soil. Although, Li Xing is somewhat ‘scared’ now! After all, this is considered murder. But think about it because of this sailing, it almost hurt Zhang Qian. Immediately let Li Xing rise to the feeling that even if he killed Yangfan ten times, he couldn't reduce the fire. In Li Xing's mind, it was light to deal with sailing like this. This is also directly related to Li Xing's first decision on a person's life and death.

"Brother Zhang, you should understand how things are kept secret today." Li Xing said to Zhang Jianbin after washing his hands and smoking a cigarette.

"Shao Li, don't worry, you have seen this. All the people who come here are my confidant and your Li Shao's. They will definitely be tight-lipped." Zhang Jianbin said hastily, but Zhang Jianbin is very clear about this matter. Go, but you can't get rid of it at all. Don't think that you are holding onto Li Xing's handle to threaten you. If you really think so, well, you are done. Maybe, overnight, you also disappeared. This is quite normal. Zhang Jianbin understands this deeply.

"Tell my brothers. I'll talk about the ugly words first." Li Xing patted Zhang Jianbin on the shoulder and said, "How do you say that? The road will be long in the future. Okay, let Chen She send me off. Let's go back!"

Zhang Jianbin immediately asked Chen She to send Li Xing home.

Li Xing didn't say anything along the way. He was experiencing the taste of killing. To be honest, Li Xing was still very scared when he saw Yangfan being buried alive, especially the struggle of Yangfan. In fact, this is human nature. Judging from what happened during this period, Li Xing was first changed by the appearance of different spaces, and then Li Xing was tempered by the establishment of the Daxing Group. Then the series of things that happened tested Li Xing. The Tang family's recognition of relatives stimulated Li Xing. All this allowed Li Xing to complete the transformation in a very short time and become mature. But this maturity cannot be confused with fierceness and murder. Fortunately, Li Xing was killed in anger and set sail. The fear of killing has decreased a lot. It also made Li Xing gradually calm down. Well, but what I have to say is that Li Xing has changed a lot after setting sail away from the world by himself. This is mainly a change in psychology and mentality. Li Xing hasn't arrived yet.

In fact, no matter who it is, no matter what his personality is. All have a bloodthirsty side. This is human nature, some people will not show it in their lifetime, and some people will show this nature all the time. Others, through this nature, will recognize themselves, change themselves, and then make themselves progress.

It was early in the morning when I got home. It took some time to deal with the sail. Li Xing got out of the car and let Chen She go. Then he went home by himself. Of course, the blood stains on Li Xing's clothes and hands have been cleaned up. Li Xing didn't want them to know that he killed someone. Otherwise, wouldn't it be scared to death? What should I do if I don’t dare to contact myself?

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Li Xing returned home and saw Zhang Qian and five people sitting and chatting in the living room. Did not sleep at all.

"Brother." Zhang Qian said with a smile: "I don't have any sleepiness, but the older sisters just don't go to bed, and say they want to accompany Qian'er. I just told them how my brother suddenly appeared in Qian'er's most dangerous moment. Yes. Just like the legendary savior. The critical moment has arrived. My sisters are very envious of hearing it!"

After listening to Zhang Qian's words, Li Xing was dumbfounded, followed by a burst of ecstasy. Zhang Qian can face this problem. So what does this show? It shows that this problem has not left any psychological shadow on Zhang Qian at all! This is something Li Xing has been worried about. Even if Yangfan and Liu Ming were killed, Zhang Qian still left a shadow, in Li Xing's view, it would be a big loss. Now that Zhang Qian's words are heard, Li Xing's heart is truly in his stomach.

Li Xing happily squeezed Zhang Qian's nose and said, "You, did you still promote it? You don't know how dangerous it was then?"

"I know, but I know that when my brother learns about me, he will definitely come to rescue me as soon as possible." Zhang Qian said with a smile.

Li Xing was moved in his heart, this little girl believed in herself all the time. She just didn't know if she said she could pick the moon off, did she believe it too?

But anyway. It feels good to have someone who completely believes in you.

"How about? Are you sleepy? Sleep first when you are sleepy. I have to go to work tomorrow." Li Xing took Zhang Qian and sat on the sofa, looking at Lin Yuru and the four of them.

"Do you see how sleepy we are? We are listening wonderfully. You are back." Lin Yuru said with a blank look at Li Xing, but there was an appeal in his eyes.

Li Xing understood in his heart that Lin Yuru must have done Zhang Qian's ideological work. Li Xing suddenly understood. In any case, Zhang Qian had never experienced anything like this before. It would be strange not to be scared. It is impossible that a single point of influence will not remain. Feelings, this is the ideological work done by the four Lin Yuru. Well, I haven't seen before that the four of them really have a set in this respect! Well, if they were placed in prison, wouldn't they be able to save a lot of people? Khan, forget it, Li Xing doesn't want his woman to go to prison to suffer. As for Baixin and Yang Lan. Who knows whether it is within the scope of "My Woman" that Li Xing thinks?

"Then you guys continue to talk. I'll take a shower first!" Li Xing stood up and said with a smile.

"Go go." Gu Tianxue waved her hand and said to Zhang Qian, "Qian'er, where did you just talk about it?"

Li Xing shook his head and smiled, went back to the room to change clothes, and went out wearing only his pants!

"Ah, exhibitionist!" Bai Xin and Yang Lan shouted wildly, their faces flushed.

"Khan, you go to the school playground during the day. There are so many exhibitionists like me. What is this, and there are no outsiders? Haha, is it not good for you to appreciate my toned skin?" Li He said happily, and quickly flashed into the bathroom.

Lin Yuru and Gu Tianxue teased Bai Xin and Yang Lan, and then asked Zhang Qian to tell the "story"!

When Li Xing came out of the bath, Zhang Qian basically finished telling the story.

"Okay, okay, let's see what time it is? Go to bed. Well, there are two rooms over there. I will get you the futon, two of them, just go to sleep first. Well, or else You can go next door. There are ready-made ones over there." Li Xing said, wiping his still wet hair.

"Don't go. There is no one over there, so it's not scary. Don't go!" Lin Yuru immediately objected.

Bai Xin and Yang Lan also nodded.

"Well, Xiaoxing, isn't this here... Are Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue's residences? What? What about them?" Gu Tianxue only remembered this question now, as if he hadn't seen Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue.

After Gu Tianxue said, hey, Lin Yuru, Bai Xin, Yang Lan and Zhang Qian have all discovered this. Well, it can't be said that they are too careless, because they have previously focused their energy on Zhang Qian's ideological work. Where are you paying attention? As for Zhang Qian, there was still a shadow in her heart at that time. Of course, I didn't pay attention to this.

"Moved to school." Li Xing took out the bedding. Well, there is still no shortage of bedding at home.

"Say what the school has stipulated that freshman students are not allowed to live outside. What? They moved out. I haven't seen them yet. I called me only after I moved out. My dear Ah, one month's rent, they just left and lost me!" Li Xing didn't want them to'explore' on this issue, so, what, use the rent to divert their attention.

But obviously, Li Xing failed! Who does not know Li Xing's current worth? Do you still care about one month's rent? Well, there must be a problem!

"When is there such a regulation? I don't think it's that simple, is it? Didn't someone do something? Then..." Lin Yuru said with a smile.

"Well, there is such a possibility. Someone seems to be very romantic." Gu Tianxue also said with a smile.

Bai Xin and Yang Lan nodded their heads to Gu Tianxue. Li Xing was dumbfounded for a while.

"Sister Shen Chen and Sister Yuxue also promised to give me tutoring? How did this leave?" Zhang Qian said very depressed.

"It's just that I went to live in school. I can still find it. Okay, I'll take a rest, or tomorrow one by one will become a red panda!" Li Xing said quickly.

"Well, let's rest. Well, Li Xing, go to the company as much as possible tomorrow. We will make a good plan for your car exhaust processor problem." Gu Tianxue said.

"No problem!" Li Xing promised.

Gu Tianxue and Lin Yuru share a room. Bai Xin and Yang Lan share a room. Well, then Li Xing and Zhang Qian can only be together.

Lin Yuru and Gu Tianxue understand the mystery, but Bai Xin and Yang Lan don't. However, they didn't say anything. The two of them realized Li Xing's "pervert" side. However, if you think about it, Li Xing may want to comfort Zhang Qian. After all, who dare not encounter such a thing. It is inevitable that it will be very emotional.

Li Xing and Zhang Qian entered the room. Slept together. However, Li Xing did not have any bad thoughts at all. There are too many things experienced today. Li Xing also had no thoughts in this regard. Moreover, there is Li Xiangrong's abnormality that has been worrying Li Xing. Li Xing tried to call Li Xiangrong's mobile phone, but Li Xiangrong did not answer. Li Xing was very depressed and worried.

"Qian'er, do you still keep things in your heart today? Don't think about it again. My brother swears that he will protect you well and won't let you suffer any further harm in the future. Okay?" Li Xing embraced Zhang Qian and said softly.

"Well, brother, don't worry, Qian'er has forgotten about this a long time ago. But she hasn't forgotten her brother's heroism. With her brother, Qian'er feels safe." Zhang Qian nodded gently and said.

"That's good. Those who hurt you, your brother will surely make them punished." Li Xing saw that Zhang Qian didn't seem to be comforting himself, but really let go. I am also very pleased.

"Yeah." Zhang Qian hummed softly without saying much.

"Brother, do you know? At that time, actually... I was still very scared. But I believe in my heart that you will come, brother. Sure enough, at the most critical moment, my brother came. That's it. Body, the bastard. Brother, you don't dislike Qian'er, right?" Zhang Qian frowned and looked at Li Xing and said.

"Silly girl, when did my brother dislike you? That's a special situation. Besides, that person has been completely scrapped. He disappeared from this world after a while. How can it be counted? Is it? Huh, so ah , Don't think about it again. Well, let me smell it. Look, my Qianer is still delicious!" Li Xing nodded Zhang Qian's forehead and said.

"Hehe." Zhang Qian probably felt itchy and giggled.

"Brother!" After Zhang Qian laughed, she looked at Li Xing and gently closed her eyes.

Li Xing smiled slightly and kissed it softly. Zhang Qian immediately hugged Li Xing's neck.

After a long kiss, Zhang Qian nestled in Li Xing's arms like a cat. Her face was full of red clouds and looked very cute.

"Well, Qian'er, when do you plan to go to school? Tomorrow? Or two days off?" Li Xing asked softly.

"Tomorrow. I’m fine now. Although I have confidence in myself. But there is still more than half a year. If I don’t care, if I fail to pass the exam, my brother will laugh at me. So, I want to Study hard. Then go to the company to help my brother." Zhang Qian said with a smile.

"Well, that brother is waiting for Qian'er. Well, I think Qian'er will definitely become a little queen in the mall!" Li Xing said with a smile. To Zhang Qian, Li Xing is almost a doting!

"Definitely. Qian'er will help by then. My brother won't be tired anymore!" Zhang Qian clenched her small fist and said in a serious manner.

Li Xing smiled slightly, holding Zhang Qian tighter.

The two of them just whispered one sentence to the left. slowly. . . Into the dreamland!

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