Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 272: Love Rose [Second change, please support from flowers! 】

When the crowd dispersed, they looked at each other at the pile of banknotes. Only Li Xing was still smiling. In fact, it wasn't that Li Xing was not surprised, but because Li Xing had seen more money than this, he didn't seem so surprised. But Li Xing himself did not expect that the sales of roses would be so hot. Well, it can be regarded as an accident by Li Xing.

But if you think about it carefully and analyze it, it's not a surprise that this happens. Well, such a big rose, one is rare, and it is much more majestic than other roses in the hand. In addition, this rose is particularly red, even more red than the super red in roses. Among roses, in fact, most people are keen on red roses. As for the other roses. Who cares if they are not particularly researched? Moreover, add that rich rose fragrance. Popularity is not difficult to understand.

"This... Isn't this selling too hot? That was a real grab just now!" Bo Xuan spit out his tongue, even the careless Bo Xuan could not help being surprised.

"Yeah, those people seem to be crazy. But look at the way they rejoice after they buy the flowers, and the way those girls rejoice. Well, this is a true love rose. I saw a girl with my own eyes. After receiving a boy who managed to squeeze in to buy a rose, the girl happily kissed the boy. But it made the boy happy. Well, a rose may be a perfect couple Newcomer!" Chen Jing said pretentiously, with a calm look on me. Make Li Xing laugh secretly in his heart, thinking that Xiao Nizi, are you still a virgin now? Still a little girl, a little boy called others.

"Yes, yes, brother, this rose doesn't have a name yet? Let's call it a love rose. I think if a girl really likes a boy, if the boy holds it like this Rose, the girl will agree to be with the boy right away!" Zhang Qian clapped her hands and said, giving the rose a name.

Li Xing smiled slightly. Li Xing also saw what Chen Jing said just now. Well, Zhang Qian’s name for this rose is also very appropriate! Love rose, well, the rose itself represents love. With the addition of the word love, it is more able to demonstrate the charm of this rose!

"Okay, then this rose is called the love rose, and this flower shop, simply called the love flower shop! One is to highlight the characteristics of roses. On the other hand, in this society, there can be like aunts, in There are really not many people who have not abandoned the situation like Uncle Bo. This is also the testimony of the love between Auntie and Uncle Bo. Well, Xuan'er, don't you think?" Li Xing said with a smile.

"Well, brother, what you said was great. Mom, you and Dad are models of love!" Bo Xuan said to his mother with a smile.

"Xiao Nizi, what nonsense is that! But your name is very good, it fits the characteristics of this rose!" Bo Xuan's mother blushed and said with a chuckle.

"Okay, that's it. Auntie, you will fix the shop's sign in the afternoon. You have experience in this area. I don't think it can help you. In addition, this money...this ten Auntie Wan belongs to you. This one hundred thousand is my capital. Haha, one day income is one hundred thousand. Well, this month is three hundred thousand! It is also a good income. Qianer, how about giving you pocket money ?" Li Xing said with a smile. Put one hundred thousand yuan in front of Bo Xuan's mother.

"Brother..." Bo Xuan was anxious.

Li Xing waved his hand to make Bo Xuan stop talking.

"Xiaoxing, auntie knows your heart. You have such a rose. To be honest, just go to a store and you can make more than this. I know you are helping us. But I think, It is better for you to belong to this store, and the aunt will buy it for you. You can pay the aunt's salary!" Bo Xuan said with a smile. One hundred thousand a day is higher than their family's income for more than a year. Mother Bo Xuan really couldn't accept it for a while.

"Auntie, please don't say that. I got the roses to help you. To be honest, I haven't paid attention to the money. But for you, the money is complete. It’s different. If you pay back my money based on my part-time salary, then it’s really possible that you’ve been a long time since you settled down. Look, I offer you money, and you can buy it yourself. Earn half of the money. This is a normal business model!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"But... But this is really too much!" Bo Xuan's mother is just an ordinary person, a very ordinary person. Let Bo Xuan's mother immediately accept the fact that she can earn 100,000 yuan this day, um, it is really unacceptable for a while.

"Hehe, auntie, to tell you the truth, I didn't spend much money on this rose. This matter is settled. You clean up the store, and then, every day I send you more than two thousand roses. Remember. Live, if there is a full package, you must not agree. At most, everyone can only buy fifty flowers. Even if they can't be sold in one day, this cannot be changed!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"Brother, why is this?" Zhang Qian said without understanding.

"You also said that you are smart. Didn't you see that such a sales scene must have made many other flower shop owners jealous? If they eat all of them and then increase by ten yuan, do you think it will Someone buys it?" Li Xing said to Zhang Qian with a smile.

Zhang Qian thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes!"

"That's not enough. There is room for a price increase for this rose. But let's not increase the price. This price is high enough. Therefore, we must not let people buy our roses and sell them at a high price. If there is such a person, use various means to achieve this goal, Auntie, tell me. I will find a solution." Li Xing said with a smile.

"Xiaoxing, Auntie understands what you mean, but..." Mother Bo Xuan was still a little unacceptable.

"Xuan'er, how about you?" Li Xing turned to Bo Xuan.

"Brother, for us, your help like this is really hard for us to accept." Bo Xuan said softly, well, it looks like Bo Xuan is not active anymore.

"Hehe, Qian'er, tell your best friend the assets your brother has!" Li Xing said to Zhang Qian with a smile.

"Auntie, Xuan'er, you can accept it with peace of mind. For you, this is a lot, but for my brother, it is basically a joke, because my brother has billions of assets now. And, still It is growing rapidly. Therefore, the money is nothing to my brother. Moreover, it is not directly given to you. It is your labor in exchange. You can accept it. Otherwise, Xuan'er, you are too hypocritical. Now!" Zhang Qian said with a smile.

"I..." Bo Xuan looked at Zhang Qian, then at Li Xing, and said softly: "Okay!"

Then Bo Xuan turned her head and said to her mother: "Mom, we... or accept it!"

Mother Bo Xuan can see clearly now, nodded and said: "Okay, if we don’t accept it, it will appear that we are too hypocritical. However, Xiaoxing, auntie cannot collect the money today. Let’s start counting from tomorrow. how about it?"

"Good!" Li Xing thought for a while and said. Then he gave the money to Zhang Qian, and Zhang Qian and Chen Jing put the money in the bag together.

"By the way, Xiaoxing, why do you only sell two thousand a day? According to the situation just now. There is no problem even if it is tens of thousands a day?" Chen Jing asked suspiciously.

"This involves a question of market and demand. For a provincial capital city like Jecheng. If we look at our roses, we can sell tens of thousands, or even 100,000, without any problem. But. In this way, in the next few days or even more than ten days, then a rose may not be sold, because the demand on the market is just that. Only wait for those who buy roses, and the roses will be sold again. After it has withered, another day of sales frenzy will usher in. Such sales are unhealthy and not conducive to long-term development. If only two thousand roses are sold a day, then every day will be guaranteed to be sold out! And this and the whole Compared with the market in Jecheng, the space is relatively large. After more than ten days and twenty days everyone has the love rose, and the people who bought the love rose in the early stage are in demand. This happens to form a cycle. . And, the rarer the thing, the more precious it is. If there are love roses everywhere, can we still sell it at this price? This is absolutely impossible. Well, this is also from the scarcity to the expensive From a different perspective. So, two thousand roses a day is just right." Li Xing said with a smile. Now Li Xing is not the first brother in the mall. Li Xing still knows some things very well.

All four of them nodded, seemingly understand.

"Excuse me, do you still have roses here?" When the five people were talking and laughing, a middle-aged man came in and asked politely.

"You mean love rose?" Li Xing said with a smile.

"Is the name of the rose called Love Rose? It is really appropriate. Do you have any more?" The middle-aged man said with a slight smile.

"Yes, but it's tomorrow. Today's love roses are completely sold out." Li Xing said with a smile. It seems that this rose is really popular.

"That... Then can you tell me, where did you get the love rose from? This... My girlfriend is in a hurry." The middle-aged man said with a sly smile.

Li Xing was secretly funny, asking about the origin of the love rose? Isn't this to grab business?

"Sir, don't you think it's bad behavior to inquire about the origin of the love rose like this? It is not good to say that the origin of the love rose is our trade secret, and you are now inquiring about our trade secret. I think , You don't need a girlfriend, you want to sell love roses yourself, right?" Li Xing said solemnly.

"This little brother has good eyesight. It's me who is wrong, but we can discuss it. I will have all the roses for tomorrow. I will pay one hundred and ten yuan for each one. How about it? You don't have to bother to sell. You can also make an extra 20,000 yuan." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I think you have seen it too. Selling two thousand roses is not a lot of effort for us. So, your kindness, we are very embarrassed. And, you better remember Live, don't think about getting people to buy more. If it is found, it is a very bad thing." Li Xing said with a smile. This middle-aged man has a good calculation. If you buy a rose for one hundred and ten yuan, there is absolutely no problem with reselling it for one hundred and fifty yuan. Middle-aged men can also make a lot of money between hands.

"Let's do it, you just sell it in Jecheng? Then, can you let me act for love roses from other places in Shan Province?" The middle-aged man retreated and said second.

"Sorry, we don’t have so many roses, and we don’t have the idea of ​​developing markets outside Jecheng. I think you’d better not take this idea. I think we sell two thousand roses every day, which is not right for your flower shop. What's the impact?" Li Xing waved his hand and said, Li Xing really didn't think about developing markets outside of Jecheng. Although this market, if you count the whole country, you can get a lot of profits. But in contrast, it would be a waste for Li Xing to plant roses in different dimensions, and there would be no money to plant anything else. Keeping one acre of roses planted can satisfy the sales of the flower shop, and it can also increase the space point, which is enough. If it were not for the Boxuan family, Li Xing would not have used an acre of land to grow roses. If this is planted with juice oil. But it is much faster than growing roses to increase space. Now the spatial point is everything for Li Xing. Everything is working hard in this direction.

"Little brother, what you said is wrong. It's not that it didn't affect it, but it's too much. Your love rose, everyone has seen it, who would buy that kind of rose? You are not damaging us. Is it a job?" The middle-aged man was a little anxious seeing Li Xing not even agree to this.

"Shopping malls, shopping malls, can't you let others sell things better than you? It's too overbearing, right?" Li Xing said with a smile, without taking the middle-aged man's words to heart, but Bo Xuan and Mother Bo Xuan heard that something was wrong and looked a little worried.

"Little brother, as the saying goes, if you have money, everyone makes money. Obviously, little brother wants to swallow it alone, right? In this bird market, there really is no such thing. Little brother, I would advise you one by one. The origin of the rose tells me that we don’t sell it in Jecheng, we only sell it outside Jecheng. Everyone is in peace. Isn’t this the best?" The middle-aged man's face slowly became gloomy and he said this. A big man has slowly surrounded the storefront!

————————————————Updated, the second update today, please support me with flowers! just now. . . The gap in the back is getting smaller and smaller. Counting today, it will only take three days. Will three days ruin our one-month effort? Xiaohen is not reconciled, and everyone does not want to see such a situation! Well, then smash the flowers! ! !

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