Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 392: Shameless stick [Please flowers! 】

Chapter 392 The Shameless Stick "Please Flowers!"

Chu Chuan is not worried at all now. It can be said that even if Chu Chuan was making trouble just now, Park Xiangnan will sit back at the negotiating table obediently. Chu Chuan is very clear about this. Through the gradual understanding of Xingyi automobile exhaust gas processor. It also gave Chu Chuan the confidence to be poor. Moreover. . . There is also a state checking. It is only South Korea that has to obtain the conditions for the country to agree to negotiate, hehe. . . . Isn’t South Korea saying that if you can give up, you can give up? The high-level group of people in the country will definitely take away South Korea, only then will they agree to negotiate with Xingyi. The position of Park Xiangnan is high and high, but not high, it is really not high at all, a small vice minister of foreign trade. . . Can you decide to negotiate or not to negotiate? This is simply impossible.

"Old Chu, how is it? Is the Korean stick good to serve?" Shen Jianglong said with a laugh. Shen Jianglong knows Chuchuan very well. Fortunately, I was able to get Chu Chuan's help. It can be said that with the joining of Chu Chuan, there will be no need for Shen Jianglong in foreign trade in the future. Shen Jianglong's main energy can be put on the overall grasp and the construction of new processors and the expansion of current automobile exhaust processors.

"Old Shen, the word "waiting" cannot be used in our current negotiations. But, really, Korean sticks, it's really narcissistic. I gave them some colors to see." Chu Chuan said with a smile. . Very casually sat down in Shen Jianglong's office. The kind of negotiation that takes the initiative to master everything, but Chu Chuan likes it very much. Although it is more able to reflect a person's value in adversity. But under the dominant situation, who said that Chu Chuan's ability could not be reflected? It is possible to see how much profit it can bring to Xingyi Technology on the basis of comparing the negotiations in Germany. Isn't this a manifestation of ability?

"Bangzi, haha, they are not. They are not narcissistic. Well, it is narcissism if it sounds nice. If it sounds bad, it is... shameless. Look what happened recently? Dragon Boat Festival is their Korean Qu Yuan is from their South Korea? Let’s see, shameless to such an extent, can we still do it? So, when negotiating, we must think of their shamelessness. Give me a slaughter of them. He Grandma's, I really thought I was amazing. Don't they know who the ancestor is?" Shen Jianglong said with great momentum, waving his hands.

"Hehe... Old Shen, do you still doubt my ability? The more shameless you are, the more I like it. Because, I can also be shameless. Haha!" Chu Chuan said with a laugh.

Shen Jianglong was taken aback, pointed at Chu Chuan and laughed. . . .

The result of the reaction to the Chinese government made Park Xiangnan very helpless and very angry. But at the same time, I also understand that the Chinese government really has no intention of getting involved in Xingyi's foreign negotiations. This made Pu Xiangnan's idea of ​​using the power of the Chinese government to put pressure on Xingyi Technology to be impossible. This is what makes Park Xiangnan helpless. What made Park Xiangnan angry was. . . . The attitude of the Chinese government. . . . But you are very welcome. In the past, Park Xiangnan had also contacted officials from various levels of government in China. However, what they have in common is that they are a little flattering in front of themselves. . . . However, Park Xiangnan just didn't hear any meaning of flattery. Park Xiangnan had to re-understand the current situation, um, maybe. . . It is necessary to put down the arrogance, and now Park Xiangnan realizes that he seems to be in a weak position.

After understanding this, Park Xiangnan did not continue to pressure the Chinese government through the South Korean government according to his own ideas. Park Xiangnan is not a fool, and now he understands that even if he does this, he cannot get the result he wants. It is even possible for people in the country to attack their low ability. . . Park Xiangnan couldn't do such a thing.

Therefore, it is time to return to the negotiating table. It seems that we can only think of some other way to achieve the goal.

"Mr. Park." A young man walked up to Park Xiangnan and said with a slight smile: "How do you think Mr. Park looks so frowning? Is there anything difficult?"

"Haha, Mr. Jin. What can I do that is difficult? It's not because of negotiations." Park Xiangnan said with a slight smile. Mr. Kim, Kim Soo Hyun. The sole heir of Hyundai Group. Hyundai Group is a group company mainly engaged in automobile R&D and manufacturing. And people related to cars now have to care about Xingyi car exhaust gas processor. The same is true for Kim Soo-hyun. Kim Soo-hyun's purpose is already clear, that is, through this negotiation, to see if he can get some share for Hyundai Motor. In this way, the competitiveness of Hyundai Motor will be raised to a level invisibly. just. . . Kim Soo-hyun has learned that the German side has not obtained any benefits or breakthroughs in this regard during the negotiations. This time Park Xiangnan can achieve some results in this regard, to be honest, Kim Soo-hyun is not at all confident.

"Why? The negotiation has just been conducted for the first time, so it's unpleasant?" Jin Xiuxian said with a smile. Facing Park Xiangnam, Kim Soo Hyun still has an advantage. Compared with the sole heir of the Hyundai Group, a deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade still has a more important weight. It must be understood that the pillars of Korea are these super-large groups, especially heavy industry groups. The influence at the national level is very large.

"No, I just gave them the information we prepared. They doubted our data. Twelve million is impossible, and their bottom line is 800,000!" Park Xiangnan smiled helplessly. Said. Telling Kim Soo-hyun this is also to let Kim Soo-hyun understand that I did not help you with Kim Soo-hyun. If it weren't for your Hyundai Group, I would increase the number to 12 million only when I was ill. Isn't this finding yourself uncomfortable?

"Mr. Park, for business, all you need is a bargain. They must also understand this. After all, no matter what we say, are they also businessmen? There is no need to be angry about this." Jin Xiuxian said with a slight smile. Whether Hyundai Group can have an advantage in the subsequent development, and whether it can obtain a larger share through this opportunity of the Korean government is a key. Therefore, Kim Su-hyun does not want Park Xiang-nam to lose confidence now. such. . . It is very unfavorable for Kim Soo Hyun to achieve his goal.

"I understand that doing business is a bargaining process. It's just that... I can feel that their attitude is very determined, and the attitude of the other party seems... not so concerned. This is very important for our negotiation. Unfavorable. When I said that I would put pressure on the Chinese government, their attitude became more determined. I feel that if we don’t make concessions in numbers, then... this negotiation will not go on at all." Park Xiangnan Shen Said loudly.

"So... Mr. Park, you have put pressure on the Chinese government? I believe that as long as you do this, there will be no problem, right?" Jin Xiuxian said with a smile. Kim Soo-hyun still understands the attitude of the Chinese government, that attitude towards foreign businessmen. . . Hey, it's pretty good. According to China's national conditions, as long as the government exerts pressure on Xingyi Technology, it will be much easier to handle Xingyi Technology.

"Mr. Jin, it is completely contrary to what you think. The Chinese government's attitude is also very determined. We will not intervene in any negotiations with Xingyi Technology. Whether it is the overall situation or the details. In other words, the Chinese government does not care about anything. , Even if we are not in agreement with Xingyi Technology, the Chinese government will not come forward." Pu Xiangnan said with a helpless smile. Park Xiangnan, who understands world trade, has never seen such a firm attitude.

"So? Is it possible that if Xingyi Technology unilaterally terminates the negotiations, then the conditions we spend on the Chinese government are not completely wiped out?" Jin Xiuxian said with a frown. This time the Chinese government agreed to negotiate the price, but it was not low. If Xingyi Technology suddenly refuses to negotiate with you, then. . . This is not it, is it? Could it be that the Chinese government and Xingyi Technology joined forces to fool South Korea?

"This is not true. The Chinese government guarantees that Xingyi Technology will not unilaterally terminate the negotiations. Mr. Jin, in fact, this is really not so important to us. We cannot allow Xingyi Technology to terminate the negotiations. The reason for this. It’s just that... We don’t have much time. We develop earlier and change our environment earlier. Now, I think Mr. Jin understands the sentiments of the domestic people, right?" Park Xiangnan still said helplessly. .

Kim Soo Hyun frowned fiercely. What Park Xiangnam said was completely unexpected by Kim Soo Hyun. In particular, the attitude of the Chinese government on this matter surprised Jin Xiuxian. It should be understood that in Kim Soo-hyun's impression, the Chinese government is saying good things about foreign trade, and he has never encountered such a situation.

However, Kim Soo-hyun turned to think about it, if he had a technology like Xingyi car exhaust processor in his hands, what would his attitude be? Up to now, Kim Soo-hyun is still surprised by the existence of Xingyi's exhaust gas processor. 70% waste gas treatment capacity. This is basically no different from pollution-free, right? What's more, what makes Kim Soo-hyun even more amazing is that the emergence of this kind of processor happens at a time when environmental issues have become the world's top concern. original. . . Without the birth of Xingyi's exhaust gas processor, the environmental problems would have been forgotten for three months at most. However, there is now a boost from Xingyi automobile exhaust. Environmental issues are not only not forgotten by people. On the contrary, it is getting stronger and stronger, more and more unforgettable existence. This can be regarded as completely unexpected by Kim Soo Hyun. What Jin Xiuxian did not expect was that with the development of science and technology, the pollution level in each country is actually very serious. Don't talk about how to manage it. Now suddenly there is an existence that can basically cut off the source of the pollution. Then. . . . People appealed, calling on their own country to have such a thing. After all, no matter who it is, he hopes that his survival and living environment will be better, isn't it? No, the appeals of the Korean people in this regard are very serious, and the Korean government really seems to improve the atmospheric environment of their country. This is the reason for this negotiation. just. . . Who could have imagined that negotiations would be so difficult!

"Mr. Park, since this is the case, I think we should not do anything about numbers." Kim Soo Hyun thought about it and said to Park Xiangnan.

"What? Mr. Kim, did your group give up introducing this kind of processor?" Park Xiangnan asked. If Hyundai Group gives up, Park Xiangnan is sure to complete the negotiation in the shortest time.

"No, no, how could we give up? Whether Hyundai Group can get this kind of processor is not only related to the development of Hyundai Group, but it is also related to the development of our Daehan. How can we give up?" Kim Soo Hyun said, shaking his head. , Kim Soo-hyun naturally promoted the introduction of non-introduction to the height of the country.

"So... What did Mr. Jin mean just now?" Park Xiangnan asked suspiciously.

"Don’t make a fuss about the overall figures. It means we take a step back. I believe that since the place gives the same number as ours, it means that the place is not without any preparations. On the contrary, their The preparations are still sufficient. If we continue to persist in this regard, we will not be able to proceed with the negotiation when we have not received help from the Chinese government. If we cannot negotiate, no matter whether it is for the big Han is still not good for our group. Therefore, we must let the negotiations go on. As for the Hyundai Group, we can list a plan separately. A plan for the Hyundai Group. Let the introduction of Korea and Hyundai The group’s introductions are combined with each other, but they are not related to each other. I believe that they will like more of the introduction. After all, they are businessmen and will not have trouble with money?” Kim Soo Hyun said confidently.

Park Xiangnan nodded slightly. He smiled and said, "Mr. Kim's analysis is very reasonable. Then let's make this decision first?" Park Xiangnan doesn't care what the outcome will be. This kind of plan was proposed by Kim Soo-hyun, even if it fails, you You can't find it from me, right?

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