Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 435: Five billion space points [seeking flowers! 】

Xu Man's residence in Jecheng is not a luxurious place, but a house less than 100 square meters. According to Xu Man, although there is no shortage of money now, it is useless to buy a bigger one. She spent so little time in Jecheng, and her parents didn't want to leave her hometown, so Xu Man really didn't have any big demands on the residence.

Li Xing certainly respects Xu Man's ideas. Everyone has their own lifestyle and attitude towards life. Li Xing didn't want to impose his attitude on others. Anyway, if you have money in your hands, you won't suffer, and there will be no problem. Besides, I've come back to say that, relying on the current housing prices in Jecheng, it is very good and very successful to be able to get such a house. This is even more satisfying for Xu Man, who has just been working for less than a year. Don’t others say that contentment is always happy? That's the truth.

The decoration of the house is very good, not luxurious, but very warm. Obviously, the decoration style completely inherited Xu Man's character. I have known Xu Man for a year, and Li Xing still has a deep understanding of Xu Man. This is especially true after Xu Man entered the Daxing Group.

"You drink some water first. Is it uncomfortable after drinking so much wine?" Xu Man poured a glass of water and handed it to Li Xing, with a concerned expression on his face.

"This little wine won't knock me down. It's not uncomfortable." Li Xing smiled and took two sips of the water glass. Thinking of the way Xu Man asked Li Xing to sit at home just now, Li Xing secretly laughed. Xu Man is still very innocent.

"That...then you should take a shower." Xu Man really didn't know what to say for a while.

"Sister Xu... Don't worry about it." Li Xing grabbed Xu Man who wanted to put the bath water.

"Come, sit down." Li Xing took Xu Man to sit down, "Sister Xu, are you thinking about it? Are you thinking about giving yourself to me?"

Xu Man's thoughts are still more sweet and expectant than flustered. Therefore, facing Li Xing's inquiry, although I still feel a little embarrassed. But he was able to face Li Xing's gaze.

"I think it over, I like you, I love you. I don't want to endure that kind of torment. I want to be your woman." Xu Man's voice was very soft, but very firm.

Li Xing thought about it seriously and looked at Xu Man with a serious expression on his face.

"Sister Xu, if... If I have other women, do you... Do you still have such an idea?" Li Xing thought about it, but decided to tell Xu Man now. Because Li Xing regretted losing a woman's best things when he didn't want Xu Man to regret it.

Xu Man was taken aback, and his body trembled. There was an incredible expression on his face. However, this expression flashed by, and replaced by an expression that Li Xing couldn't understand.

Li Xing secretly sighed. woman. . . It was so complicated that the man couldn't understand it at all.

"I should have thought about it a long time ago. You are so good... If there are no women who like it, then it should be abnormal, right? Sister Yuru and Sister Tianxue?" Xu Man sighed slightly, as if It was relieved. In fact, Xu Man still had a little worries in his heart when he promised to give himself to Li Xing. This concern is whether Li Xing told himself the news before asking himself or he told himself the news after asking himself. Although it's just a tandem relationship. But for Xu Man, the difference in between is huge. Obviously, Xu Man is very satisfied with Li Xing's performance, and he is also deeply relieved. If it's an ordinary person, it's fine if Li Xing's relationship with Lin Yuru and Gu Tianxue is special. But a person you like can still feel it, and you can discover the secrets with a little care. And Xu Man is such a special existence. Therefore, Li Xing's secret was discovered.

"You... You knew it a long time ago?" Combining Xu Man's current words with the expression on his face just now, if Li Xing didn't know the result, he would be a little too stupid.

Xu Man nodded gently.

Li Xing secretly sighed. fortunately. . . Fortunately, I thought about it myself, and decided to speak out before I asked Xu Man. If it were not for such a decision, Li Xing would not have imagined what it would become in the end. Maybe. . . At a critical moment, Xu Man would reject Li Xing, right? At that time, it was very embarrassing.

"You are right. Sister Yuru and Sister Tianxue have that kind of relationship with me. I admit that I am actually really *. However, I treat them equally well, and I love them deeply Now, Sister Xu...Do you still like me?" Li Xing took a deep breath. If Xu Man shook his head and said no, Li Xing wouldn't force it. Li Xing has no habit of forcing women.

Xu Man suddenly smiled, his face as beautiful as a blooming flower.

He got up and filled Li Xing's cup with water again.

"I have just said that I have known your relationship with Sister Yuru and Sister Tianxue a long time ago. In the case of the biggest relationship, I can still show you my thoughts, what choice do I have, You...Don't you understand?" Xu Man actually has such a charming taste now. In fact, as long as it is a woman, they all have this taste, but some women show it, some women don't show it.

"I have to say that my relationship with Sister Yuru and Sister Tianxue will not be severed. So... I want to know your final choice for Sister Xu now." Li Xing is still worried that Xu Man proposes to sever the peace. The relationship between Lin Yuru and Gu Tianxue. This is absolutely unacceptable to Li Xing.

"If you really choose to give up Sister Yuru and Sister Tian, ​​then I will leave you without hesitation. That means you are not worth following. You are not a person of love and justice. But now, I understand that you are not Such a person. In fact, although the contact time with Yuru and Tianxue is not very long. However, thinking about the age of the two, I understand that they are definitely the kind of affection that will not be easily moved. As long as they are emotional, they are those who dedicate everything to them. They can’t stand any emotional hurt. And I don’t want to see them hurt. Besides, I’m talking about it. If there are any A multiple-choice question is placed in front of you. If you make a choice between Sister Yuru and Sister Tianxue, you will not hesitate to choose Sister Yuru and Sister Tianxue, right?" Xu Man's voice is very positive. Gentle, just in terms of expression, there is no expression of jealousy or jealousy.

"You are wrong, I believe that such a choice will not appear. Even if it does. I don't have a choice of one, but all of them. I believe that I can do this." Li Xing said proudly. There is an inexplicable aura on his body.

Xu Man took a deep look at Li Xing.

"I don't care about this. Actually, it's the same sentence. If there are fewer women around you, how can you show your excellence? If you are a seed of infatuation, then forget it. But who makes you the biggest What about the radish? Anyway, I am completely in love with you. No matter what the circumstances, I will never leave you unless... You abandon me." Xu Man lightly opened her lips and looked at Li Xing affectionately.

"I, Li Xing, swear that I will use the sincerity of my life to protect you, Sister Xu." Li Xing looked serious and affectionate.

"I'm content. A Xing... Can you hug me?" Xu Man's face flushed, and he knew that his heart was completely on Li Xing. Not to mention that he has women now, even if there will be many women in the future, Xu Man doesn't care anymore. In fact, that's the case. If Li Xing doesn't*, maybe Xu Man will have many ideas. If Li Xing is not so good, Xu Man may also have many ideas. in case. . . If there are many. Many, many ifs, plus Xu Man's affection. He completely buried the jealousy and monopolizing Li Xing in Xu Man's heart.

Li Xing hugged Xu Man tightly, and hugged tightly. Under such circumstances, he can continue to fall into Li Xing's embrace. Xu Man's affection is evident. At this moment, Li Xing's whole heart was completely moved by Xu Man.

"A Xing, let me be your woman, I will be your woman, and completely become your woman." Feeling Li Xing's powerful masculine aura, thinking that Li Xing was finally held in his arms like this . Xu Man has gradually lost himself completely. An automatic loss of emotion, a loss of happiness.

Faced with such a request, can Li Xing refuse?

Slowly hugged Xu Man onto the bed and stared at Xu Man's delicate face. Li Xing's hand moved slowly. Take off Xu Man's clothes very gently one by one. . . .

Xu Man has no experience, but is very cooperative. . .

"Ah!" Xu Man exclaimed with pain mixed with joy. . . Xu Man has completely become Li Xing's woman!

The bedroom was filled with a cheerful taste, a sublimation of love. One of the most wonderful music of mankind!

a long time. . . Seeing Xu Man with satisfaction on his face, falling asleep under his love words. Li Xing was full of satisfaction. At the same time, while being happy, the responsibilities on one's shoulders have also increased a lot. The woman who protects herself. . . For a lifetime!

Thinking of Xu Man's performance just now. . . Li Xing did not expect that Xu Man still had such a crazy side under his calm appearance. . . .

Suddenly, Li Xing's heart moved. Then an expression of ecstasy appeared on his face. five billion. . . Five billion space points. Finally reached the 5 billion space point!

※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※The second chapter is updated, I beg you for your support. sweat. . . Don't be disappointed with the scratches, okay?

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