Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 469: Visit the door to apologize [seeking flowers for support! 】

Let alone the influence of the Tang family. The circle also has the rules in the circle. It's like a fight between the young master of this family and the young master of that family. One of them suffers, then the other party, regardless of right or wrong, can apologize in place, then it's over. Moreover, if the other party stays up and down after apologizing, then the other party is wrong.

However, once it threatens the life of one party. Then, this problem is infinitely serious, and the Zheng family knows it very well. Even if I use all my power to talk to the Tang family now. People only need to say that if you guys in the Tang family can kill you if you want to kill, then what is the face of the Tang family? Guaranteed to make people speechless. Who made you do too much?

"Huh... What a Zheng Feng. I dare to do such a thing. Isn't this trying to frame our Zheng family? This is to watch our Zheng family disappear!" Zheng Feng said with gritted teeth. Obviously, Zheng Feng has no affection for his younger brother.

"The smoke disappears, we are not without the strength. The Tang family is very powerful in the military, but we also have people in the officialdom. The Tang family can't recklessly clean up us politically, right? So, the Tang family It will chill everyone. As long as the Tang family can be contained. Then, it is not that simple to move our Zheng family!" Zheng Xin said coldly. As the only woman in the third generation, she is also an important piece of the Zheng family's official marriage. Obviously, Zheng Xin reacted greatly to Zheng Feng's words.

"It's not that simple? It's really naive. If we dare to express this meaning and really make the Tang family angry, then, those of us in the officialdom now, who dare to stand up for us to resist Tang? Family? Well, even if someone stands up. Hold the Tang family. Then, are we still in China? The Tang family let out a little bit. Our Zheng family can be ground to death even if it is slowly grinding! And, if the Tang family is It can be done without using the power of officialdom. It can be done just by restraining the people of our Zheng family in the officialdom? Moreover, it is still very easy to do. Then, what will happen in this way? Li Xing's Daxing Is the group vegetarian? You don’t know how Xingyi Technology exists? And, I recently studied the situation of Daxing Group. The situation is shocking, Xingyang Drink, which has unlimited potential. God. Xue Beauty Salon, what should you know about Auntie and Sister Xin? What kind of attraction does it have to your women? And the newly opened Xingrong soup restaurant, which is said to make people jealous. And Xingnong Food, although now I can’t see anything. But analyze Daxing Group, if you are not sure, will Daxing Group launch such a project? There are some other projects. Together, what kind of behemoth is this? Although it has not really grown up yet Get up. But don’t forget that Daxing Group is not listed at all. In other words, we can only rely on our own judgment and analysis to determine the understanding of Daxing Group. Who dares to say how much capital Daxing Group has? Rely on Xingyi The influence of science and technology. If the Daxing Group is released, how much money will it not get? Then, after the Tang family has involved our helpers in the officialdom. Economically, the Zheng family can really deal with the offensive of the Daxing Group. Don’t think about things too simple, and don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t have any thoughts of fighting the Tang family. We should now think about how to explain to the Tang family. Don’t affect us because of Zheng Feng The entire Zheng family!" Zheng Yu said in a deep voice. The expression on his face is very serious.

Zheng Yu's remarks can be analyzed to make people feel like they can't say anything when they open their mouths. Think about it carefully and analyze it carefully. Isn't the actual situation different from what Zheng Yu analyzed? However, the more you think like this, the more you feel a heavy pressure.

"What is said is good. However, if it is only economic, we do not have no chance." Zheng Xin said in a deep voice.

"Opportunity? What opportunity do we have? Don't be naive. If you really want to clean up us, I believe that our Zheng family will not have any chance of victory at home unless it is secretly transferred abroad. Daxing Group is not listed. . We have no possibility of acquiring Daxing Group. And if Daxing Group keeps indulging our stocks for a moment. What will happen? Sooner or later we will be ground to death!" Zheng Yu said coldly.

"Okay, stop talking. Yu'er is right, we still don't think about how to fight now, the key is to think about how to explain to the Tang family!" Zheng Guixi said in a deep voice.

"Big brother, what do you think?" Zheng Guixi reprimanded, then turned to look at Zheng Guishan and said.

"The Tang family asked us to hand over Feng'er, but Feng'er not only had no trace, but also took away tens of billions of yuan of funds from the group. We don't have any news about Zheng Feng, how can we reply to the Tang family?" Zheng Guishan Said with a wry smile. Zheng Guishan now seems to be a lot older in an instant.

"Can we tell the Tang family this way. This is actually the actual situation." Zheng Laifeng looked at his elder brother and said softly.

"I'm afraid the Tang family won't believe it!" Zheng Guishan said with a helpless smile.

"Zheng Feng came back from the United States two years ago, right?" Zheng Xin said suddenly at this time.

Everyone looked at Zheng Xin, not knowing what Zheng Xin was doing now.

However, Zheng Xin ignored everyone's gaze. Instead, I fell into deep thinking.

"I'm not disparaging Zheng Feng. Before Zheng Feng went to the United States to study. His ability was really not very good. However, after returning from the United States, he became more capable. I don't deny that one person can survive for three years. There has been a big change in time. But everyone knows about Zheng Feng's character when he was in China, right? Speaking of it, he is a young man. Can such Zheng Feng be completely changed in three years?" Zheng Xinnan Whispered.

"Xin'er, what are you trying to say?" Zheng Guishan frowned.

"Uncle, since Zheng Feng has made such a change. Then, I doubt it... The Zheng Feng who came back from the United States is simply someone else's fake!" Zheng Xin's words immediately caused everyone to open their mouths. How can't believe it.

"Others are fake? This... how is this possible?" No matter how deep Zheng Guishan's city mansion is, he was thundered by Zheng Xin's words.

"Xin'er, did you find something?" Zheng Guixi frowned.

"I found something. However, I didn't care much before. Thinking about it now, there are too many doubts." Zheng Xin said, taking out a white jade from his neck and saying, "Uncle, Dad, we Brothers and sisters, all have this white jade? This is what we have worn since childhood. We have worn it since we were born. Moreover, no matter how we change. This white jade must be worn on our body. However, I found Zheng Feng Not on his body."

Without giving everyone a chance to meditate, Zheng Xin continued: "Brother Feng, Brother Yu, speaking of it, we have a few brothers, and the relationship is not so good. However, when we were young, we did not have a good relationship in our Zheng family. When it was as developed as it is now. Do you still remember that we went to Huangshan to play with Zheng Feng, and Zheng Feng was accidentally bitten by a snake on his **** egg? Uncle and Dad should also know it? Because of this, that At that time, Zheng Feng was hospitalized for a while."

After thinking about it, everyone nodded. Although it's a long time. But now that Zheng Xin raised it, everyone seemed to have been brought to that time.

"Then, an occasional opportunity. I saw Zheng Feng's **** egg, and there was no scar left at all. Although this may have been dealt with. But, think about it, the scar is on the **** egg. It will not affect it. What. Anyway, if it’s on me, I won’t care about it. Everyone think carefully about what you have in the process of interacting with Zheng Feng, especially after Zheng Feng returned from the United States. Is it different and suspicious?" Zheng Xin murmured.

Zheng Xin's words seemed to be opened by everyone. It's as if you believe in a person, if that person occasionally acts abnormally or something else, you won't be suspicious easily. But if you have doubts about a person, then all the previous abnormalities will automatically come to mind. And now the big son of the Zheng family looks like this.

"Xin'er seems to make sense. It seems that when Zheng Feng just came back, he once invited Zheng Feng to visit his mother's graveyard. He seemed at a loss."

"Didn't we often play in Changliugou when we were young? When I said Changliugou, Zheng Feng didn't seem to know this place at all!"

"Zheng Feng went to my place once, and he couldn't even remember Xixi's name."

"Zheng Feng..."


Everyone, I said each sentence.

However, the more you say it, the heavier your heart becomes. The heavy makes everyone heavy. Slowly, no one spoke anymore. What else to say? With so many words, it has completely proved that Zheng Xin's words are correct.

"Asshole, asshole! In the end, who is so desperate to pretend to be Feng'er? I'm afraid... I'm afraid the real Feng'er has already been poisoned by now!" Zheng Guishan suddenly shouted and cursed. His face flushed and he was obviously angry.

Everyone looked at each other. When faced with this result, everyone's heart was not only heavy, but also fearful. in case. . . If that Zheng Feng has any bad thoughts, then. . . What will happen to the Zheng family?

However, it seems that the trouble is already big enough!

"Big Brother. Now that things are like this. Then, we should do something too!" Zheng Guixi looked at Zheng Guishan with a serious and serious expression on his face.

"Second brother, do you really think so?" Zheng Guishan was taken aback, then asked seriously.

"Brother, our Zheng family cannot be so insulted by others at will!" Zheng Guixi said in a deep voice.

"Okay, listen carefully. Our five groups will go through all the procedures for the merger from tomorrow. Then, we will mobilize all our strength to investigate this matter. Even if we dig a thousand feet and exhaust all the assets of the Zheng family, we must pretend to be that. Feng'er's people find it out!" Zheng Guishan said in a deep voice. It turned out that the five major groups of the Zheng family didn't want to merge, but the two brothers Zheng Guishan and Zheng Guixi had some other thoughts. Therefore, the Zheng family's strength has been dispersed, although the risk is small and great. But it cannot be denied. The power of the Zheng family was also greatly dispersed.

The expressions on Zheng Feng, Zheng Yu and Zheng Xin's faces are wonderful. I can't believe it, I'm a little reluctant, but I'm a little excited in it.

What I can't believe is that the five groups of the Zheng family will really merge. Reluctance is naturally the benefit of being alone. The meaning of excitement is also obvious. As the saying goes, it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. If the five major groups of the Zheng family really merge together. Then the influence is not comparable now. The brilliance it brings is also obvious.

"Big brother, I think, these can be done by the children. Let's go to Jicheng personally. Li Xing is the source, so let's explain it. Regardless of Zheng Feng... how to say it. All of these were done in the name of our Zheng family. Even if it is the Fengmen apology! Moreover, looking at Li Xing's appearance, it is obvious that he does not want to give up that person. Maybe, our two families still have the possibility of joining forces." Zheng Guixi Said in a deep voice.

"The second brother is right, we will go to Jicheng tomorrow!" Zheng Guishan said with deep approval.

"Zheng Guishan!"

"Zheng Guixi!"

"Li Xing!" Li Xing said with a smile on his face: "I really didn't expect the two pillars of the Zheng family to come to Jicheng. What is the matter with the two?"

"Shao Li, we are here today to apologize!" Zheng Guishan said sincerely.

"Mr. Zheng, do you think this is something that can be solved by an apology? Your son wants my life. If I hadn't been very careful, this little life would not belong to me now. And, now yours The son may still be thinking about **** him, you said, can I give up in such a situation?" Li Xing said coldly. apologize? If an apology works, what's the use of the police?

"Shao Li, I know that an apology is to make up. What you said is also the actual situation. However, we just discovered a situation. Would you please listen to our analysis first?" Zheng Guixi said softly.

"Want to hear more!" Li Xing waved his hand and said.

Zheng Guishan and Zheng Guixi looked at each other, and they talked slowly and helplessly. Tell everyone about Zheng Feng's situation!

Li Xing looked at Zheng Guishan and Zheng Guixi dumbfounded, with shocked expressions on his faces. This. . . how can that be? Is this true?

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