Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 494: Fragrant Kiss Ren Xiaoqiu [Please flowers! 】

"Zen Guang!" Lin Meiling said with a frown, even a little pleading when she returned home.

Gu Changuang certainly understood what his wife meant. With a wry smile, he rubbed his forehead helplessly.

"This Li Xing is really extraordinary. Let's not talk about the strengths for the time being. And in terms of scheming, it is also a few deep. I never thought that such a scheming at a young age. This time, I completely lost to him "Gu Changuang said softly. Not only did he apologize, but he was also taken face-to-face, and people helplessly take Gu Xing away. Gu Changuang knew that this was Li Xing's disagreement. I'm afraid that the officials of Jecheng City will know what happened tonight, right? Thinking of this, Gu Changuang smiled bitterly. I'm afraid I will do something formally in the future. No one is there anymore.

"Don't say anything about scheming, I don't care about defeat or victory. Zenguang, you have to find a way, our son has been taken away now. Who knows what torture will be in there? You can't just leave it alone!" There are tears in the eyes. I am very worried about Gu Xing's current situation.

"Did you wipe your tears clean? Humph... Let Xiaoxing take a lesson. If it weren't for our spoiled growth since childhood. Will Xiaoxing reach this level? And, this time is also very dangerous. Although I don't I know how Li Xing escaped. But if there is an accident, then as long as Li Xing has something good or bad, let alone being locked in now, even me, this career is over. Besides, it is the one who took Xiaoxing away now. Who don't you understand? National Security Bureau! What is the National Security Bureau for? Can I control it?" Gu Changuang said harshly. Every time Gu Xing made a mistake, Lin Meiling cried and pleaded for Gu Changuang. Therefore, every time Gu Xing got into trouble, not only did she fail to receive a lesson, but instead saw her father's powerful strength. Therefore, it is even more presumptuous. Over time, Gu Xing became so arrogant and dignified!

"But... But what if Li Xing really instructed the National Security Bureau* to ask Xiaoxing what to do? We believe that Xiaoxing will never commit such murder or assault. But if Li Xing is true If you do this, Xiaoxing will be over. And, I'm afraid, it might be implicated in your current position, right?" Lin Meiling said softly.

Gu Changuang's heart trembled. Looking at Lin Meiling, she didn't speak for a long time.

Lin Meiling's words completely touched Gu Changuang's heart. Although I don't know Li Xing particularly well, it can be seen from the confrontation between Gu Changuang and Li Xing just now. Li Xing is not easy. Moreover, the knife is hidden in the smile, and the blood is not seen in the murder. Originally, the two seemed to have already negotiated. But the emergence of the National Security Bureau changed all of this, and Gu Changuang's face was completely lost in an instant. This Li Xing can definitely control the National Security Bureau! So, if it is true, as Lin Meiling said, commit murder or assault. According to Li Xing's current status and importance to the country. Well, Gu Xing is really bad luck. Then, Gu Xing hurts Gu Changuang again. At that time, let alone the Secretary of the Jicheng City Party Committee, even this official career is basically finished, right? After all, it's quite normal that Lao Tzu has been affected by my son's fault.

"Zhan Guang, you can think of a way quickly, we can't wait. If Li Xing is really so vicious, and we wait so, maybe tomorrow will change!" Lin Meiling looked after Gu Chan Guang without speaking for a long time, and couldn't help being very stunned. Anxious.

"I'll call now. Hey..." Gu Changuang reluctantly picked up the phone. Must ask for help. In Jicheng, I can't find any help. I can only ask for help from the Zhu family, let the Zhu family and the Tang family's high-level negotiations, and then influence Li Xing! I just don't know if these actions of Li Xing were instigated by the senior Tang family.

Gu Changuang dialed a number, and then sat still.

After a long time, the phone was connected.

The old man on the phone asked about Gu Changuang's arrival in Jecheng. Then, Gu Changuang recounted what had happened just now.

The old man on the phone fell silent. There was no sound for a long time. Gu Changuang only breathed quietly, not even daring to breathe loudly. Quietly waiting for the decision on the phone.

"You are good with everything, but your son is not good. Take care of this aspect and honestly stay with me in Jecheng." The old man dropped a word and hung up the phone.

"How?" Lin Meiling asked quickly.

"It should be no problem, but the old man's meaning is very clear. In the future, Xiaoxing must not be allowed to affect the situation in Jecheng. Moreover, let me stay in Jecheng. That is to completely forget this matter and cannot retaliate. , I can't resist, I just wait for my political achievements!" Gu Changuang said with a helpless smile.

"Isn't this a situation that I thought of before coming to Jicheng? As long as Xiaoxing can be safe, I am completely relieved. I plan to send Xiaoxing abroad to study. Here, maybe there will be some trouble." Lin Meiling Hearing Gu Changuang's words, he seemed completely relieved. It's time to arrange for Gu Xing!

Lin Meiling knows the energy of the old man over the phone. Since he said it was all right. Then, it's absolutely fine!

"Well, it's okay to send it out." Gu Chan said helplessly, rubbing his eyes.

After Gu Xing was taken away, Zhang Min also took people away. Today Zhang Min has seen Li Shao's methods. This one played in front of Secretary Gu is really beautiful. He just made Secretary Gu messed up and fell completely at a disadvantage. Can't say anything yet. Zhang Min has a kind of refreshing feeling. Thinking about what outsiders want to make in Jecheng, it is simply impossible.

Li Xing got into the car again, before he had time to talk to Ren Xiaoqiu. The phone kept ringing.

First it was Min Xiangcai, then the mayor of Jicheng, the first deputy secretary, the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, etc. Basically all the people in the Jicheng Standing Committee called to ask. In a word, as long as Li Xing wants to do it, then Gu Chan will be done any day!

After dealing with these people, the phone kept ringing. Pang Kun, Liu Shengfu and others from the provincial party committee also called. He didn't say what Gu Changuang was doing. He just asked if Li Xing was injured. However, Li Xing heard it out, if you want to do it, then do it!

Li Xing answered patiently one by one, without any impatient look. These are the connections, the basis for the thorough development in China.

Finally, even Cao Zhan called. Li Xing had to sigh that the speed of this news spread was really fast.

"Grandpa Cao, why are you calling?" Li Xing said with a smile. Speaking of it, Li Xing has rarely visited the military region since he recognized his godfather. I feel a little embarrassed to think of it.

"Are you injured?" Cao Zhan's words were solemn and low, as if a wave of anger was suppressing.

"It's just an accident, how can I get hurt? I just used the question to play it. However, the danger is very dangerous. Then Gu Xing has to suffer a bit." Li Xing said with a smile.

"If you want to be big, just say it, godfather, I will always stand by your side!" Cao Zhan said simply.

"Thank you, grandpa!" Li Xing said warmly. Something didn't really happen, Li Xing hadn't realized that he had such a big influence. Now Li Xing saw the tip of the iceberg. It also gradually understood and understood his position in the entire Tang family's Tang family.

"You kid, why are you polite with me? But, I know you are busy, but I can't help but come and see my old man? Your grandma misses you very much. The day after tomorrow is your grandma's birthday. Come here! "Cao Zhan said with a smile.

"Really? Grandpa, don't worry, I must go and wish my grandma a birthday." Li Xing said immediately.

"Okay, then it's settled. I'll hang up first, I guess the old man should call you now." Cao Zhan smiled and hung up.

Sure enough, as Cao Zhan said, just as Li Xing hung up, the old man's phone called. Li Xing smiled helplessly at Ren Xiaoqiu. Very helpless. However, when he saw Ren Xiaoqiu's phone ringing, and when Ren Xiaoqiu spoke softly and answered the sound, Li Xing's helpless smile grew even more.

"Grandpa!" Li Xing answered the phone.

"Are you okay?" Old Tang's tone was also very serious.

"It's nothing, it's just a bit dangerous!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"What do you want to do? Tell me, Gu Changuang will leave Jicheng immediately?" Old Tang said in a deep voice.

Li Xing fell silent. Now Li Xing knew very well that as long as he said the last sentence, Gu Changuang would definitely leave Jicheng. Or lose his official career! This road is so cruel. However, Li Xing didn't want to choose either of these two paths.

"Grandpa, you have made a decision, why do you need to ask me? If Gu Changuang has been here for half a year now, he has stabilized. I will definitely take a complete blow without hesitation! But now, well. No. Forget it. "Li Xing said flatly. It's hard to underestimate anyone. Li Xing can quickly take advantage of Gu Xing's incident to take down Gu Changuang. Then, I don't know if Lao Zhu's family can make trouble for Li Xiangrong. After all, anyway, between Gu Changuang and Li Xiangrong, there is only one mutual exchange relationship. Once there is a problem on one side, the possibility of a problem on the other side is still very high. Li Xing did not want to affect Li Xiangrong's established pace. Of course, if the two have stabilized a long time ago, then we will talk about it separately, but isn't it stable yet?

"Haha, good boy, you can even see this? If you really do this, Xiang Rong will be a bit troublesome. After all, this time Xiang Rong came up with the help of the Zhu family. However, wait for Xiang Xiang When Rong leaves the capital, you don't have to worry about anything!" Old Tang said with a smile.

"Hehe, I don't actually care about this. I believe Gu Changuang is a smart person. As long as he has political achievements, he will not move. His secretary is still very stable. Why should I go east? This time, I can only say that Gu Changuang was dragged by his son. "Li Xing said with a smile.

"Well, it's good if you can see this clearly. Jicheng... It's a big cake now!" Old Tang said deeply.

"Hehe, Grandpa, the old Zhu's family must have contacted you. Did you get more benefits for Aunt Rong? No mistakes, everyone is in peace and made mistakes... Hehe, okay, no benefits need to be settled. There is no door!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"You kid, you know more and more about these things now, right?" Old Tang said without denying it.

"However, I want to tell Grandpa you, Xiao Qiu was with me at the time." Li Xing said with a smile.

"Xiao Qiu is here too? Okay, let's hang up first!" Old Tang sank and hung up the phone.

Li Xing laughed. It is estimated that this time, he can benefit from Lao Zhu's family. Ren Xiaoqiu is the granddaughter of Ren Lao after all. This involves Ren Xiaoqiu's safety, and Ren Elder is fully able to participate. Then, once Ren Lao comes in, hehe, this scene is very good!

When Li Xing hung up, Ren Xiaoqiu also hung up.

"Grandpa is really annoying. I'm just asking, I'm fine." Ren Xiaoqiu said with a small mouth.

"It's nothing, think about it, if you drive, can you avoid that situation?" Li Xing said helplessly. Without a different space, the degree of danger will rise countless times!

Ren Xiaoqiu didn't seem to be worried at all, and said with a smile: "With you, I know you will never put me in any danger."

Seeing Ren Xiaoqiu's seemingly random, but so attached words. Li Xing smiled slightly.

Stroking Ren Xiaoqiu's hair, Li Xing stared at Ren Xiaoqiu's face, his face full of warmth. Yes, as long as Li Xing is there, how can Li Xing put Ren Xiaoqiu in danger?

"I hate it. Grandpa likes to touch people's heads. Master likes to touch people's heads. But they are elders, so you can touch their heads. But they can't!" Ren Xiaoqiu pouted and knocked Li Xing's hand off. .

"You can treat me as your elder!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"Okay, I dare to take advantage of me!" Ren Xiaoqiu hummed, dissatisfied with Li Xing, and hit Li Xing with a pair of small hands.

Li Xing did not dodge, just grabbed Ren Xiaoqiu's little hand, stared at Ren Xiaoqiu, and slowly said: "Xiaoqiu, I like you more and more!"

Ren Xiaoqiu's face was slightly red, and he was about to say something. Suddenly feel dizzy. There was something more on the lips. Those are Li Xing's lips!

Ren Xiaoqiu's body trembled, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Suddenly there was a feeling of bewilderment. I don't know if it's better to push Li Xing away or not. . .

However, Ren Xiaoqiu had no decision yet, and the line of defense was completely collapsed. Li Xing's long tongue suddenly deepened. Ren Xiaoqiu shuddered and completely left behind the idea of ​​pushing Li Xing away. Lost myself. . . . It seems that I don’t know what happened or where!

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