Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 507: Happy troubles [seeking flowers! 】

"Cheers!" In the Zong Tao suite of the Beijing International Hotel, all Daxing Group personnel going to Beijing raised their glasses.

The press conference was successful, Xingyi Technology's counterattack was sharp, and Shen Jianglong's performance was perfect.

"President Shen, I really didn't expect your mouth to be able to say this before. Yes, very good." Li Xing couldn't help but smile when he thought of Shen Jianglong's talk at the press conference. After the blockbuster was announced, Shen Jianglong could say that his response was perfect in the free questioning time below. Not only did the reporters recognize that large-scale processors really exist, but also had a preliminary understanding of large-scale processors, and, more importantly, showed an attitude that Xingyi Technology will not bow its head in front of anyone. Attitude. This is the most critical. Looking at the excitement of the domestic media reporters, you can see it completely, and you can also imagine how uplifting Xingyi Technology is for the people at this moment.

"Boss, are you complimenting me or hurting me? However, we are full of confidence and speak vigorously. Even if my mouth can't speak, I believe it can be satisfactory!" Shen Jianglong said with a smile.

"However, the aura of President Shen at the time, especially when he waved his hand, was really stylish. Well, it is estimated that it is possible for someone to treat you as an idol from now on." Chu Chuan said in a rare joke.

"It's not impossible for someone to sign!" Su Yu said with a chuckle.

"Well, I agree with this sentence, our President Shen is world famous this time!" Lin Yuru said with a smile.

"Okay, let's spare me." Shen Jianglong said with his hand. In front of so many reporters, Shen Jianglong, who was unchanging in front of all kinds of questions, was defeated in a few words from his colleagues.

"Our artillery is very loud and very good. This also means that the spring of our Xingyi Technology has come completely. The basis for the advent of large processors is the introduction of automobile exhaust processors. I believe that we are still waiting and watching. The country will no longer have any patience. In fact, our products are originally different from others. We are facing the country, and the country is sold to the people. In the middle, it is very profitable. Previously Their efforts and protests are just that they want to make more money. This is also thanks to their capitalist system. This is an essential manifestation." Li Xing said with a smile. Li Xing is very satisfied with the current results. .

"Boss, what do we do next?" Shen Jianglong asked inquiringly.

"What else can be done, do what you should do, and no matter who yells there, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s good to do our affairs step by step. First of all, on the basis of the present, do a good job where there is a peak negotiation period. Preparation. Secondly, we must increase the production of automobile exhaust gas processors. Finally, we must ensure that large-scale processors can be launched as planned." Li Xing said with great momentum, waving his fists.

Technology is the primary productive force. This sentence is really correct. Mastering even a leading technology represents a huge wealth for a company.

Although Xingyi Technology, which was born out of environmental pollution, is very special in itself, with a strong political color that almost violates the laws of the market, but it cannot be denied that Xingyi Technology is now very successful.

At the same time, the United States.

Mr. Minister and Mr. Chairman have now stood up. The expressions on both of them are wonderful.

"What's going on, what's going on. What's wrong with Xingyi Technology, such advanced technology, 90% filtering, oh my god, is this true? Is it really true? If it is true In this way, then the factory pollution will be basically completely solved. I understand why Xingyi Technology is not in a hurry. Yes, with such technology, who will panic!" Mr. Chairman is very excited now. It feels a bit incoherent. No way, this can't help Mr. Chairman excited. This kind of technology, advanced technology, appeared at this time, making the United States' combined punches seem to hit the air without any effect at all. Even the use of political influence. It can't shake the position of Xingyi Technology, nor can it make them mess up.

Air pollution, the most important and most important component of this environmental pollution, has basically been taken down by Xingyi Technology! Mr. Chairman now really wants to yell out loudly. It is not excitement, of course it will not be excitement, but anger. Angrily invest so much money in the research room every year, why didn't they have such an achievement?

The minister's face was full of helplessness. Technology, advanced technology, and unique technology. In the face of this technology, business talents, business plans, etc., have no effect. There is only a little left now, you. . . Need or not. It's that simple choice.

"Mr. President, I think this is the counterattack of Xingyi Technology. It is really terrible. Xingyi Technology can really stand it. With such a technology in hand, it was announced at this time. Now, Xingyi Technology Technology can basically completely control the global exhaust gas processor market. Well, Mr. Chairman, can we do this. Xingyi Technology violates the monopoly regulations?" Mr. Minister said with a gloomy expression, and Mr. Minister thought now. It is how to create a little trouble for Xingyi Technology. Can't let Xingyi Technology be trouble-free at all, just watch a lot of banknotes being put into other people's pockets?

Mr. Chairman looked at Mr. Minister with idiot eyes and said helplessly: "Mr. Minister, you have to remember now. Well, you must remember, never do this. Now Xingyi Technology is unified. Is this market yet? No! Because we have not yet entered this market, the UK has not yet, Japan has not yet, and many, many countries have not entered this market at all. Moreover, large processors have not yet come out, yes, It hasn’t come out yet. So, where did the monopoly you mentioned come from? I would like to know. If... If you do this now, I believe that tough Xingyi Technology will eliminate us without hesitation. Outside of this market, because, as long as they don’t enter our American market. Then, they will never achieve monopoly conditions. I think Mr. Minister should be very clear, right? This is not allowed. If this happens, We still have no way to blame others, and we have to be pressured by the domestic people who don’t know how crazy they are. Oh my God, it’s terrible to think about it. It’s terrible. Of course, if we are in the global market When we really reach this point, I believe that not only us, but many, many people will be willing to pull out this point of Xingyi Technology. Certainly. Therefore, what we have to do now is to let go of our previous Everything. Immediately set up a negotiation delegation to go to China, to Jicheng, to negotiate with Xingyi Technology. This cake, we can't give up!" Mr. Chairman said openly. What kind of containment, what strategy, go to hell, what is needed now is to make money, and this way of making money is still supported by the majority of people, even crazy support, then, is there anything more wonderful than this?

For a country like the United States, a tens of billions of dollars of cooperation is really a very small pediatrics. Everything before is because Xingyi Technology belongs to China, and that's it.

Mr. Minister's face changed continuously with Mr. Chairman's words.

"Mr. President, what do you mean, we will cooperate now?" Mr. Minister frowned. Mr. Minister is a politician, and any hostile force has an opportunity to increase its strength. Mr. Minister does not want to give up the opportunity to strike.

"Yes, it must be as soon as possible. I know what you are thinking. However, these are not important now, the important thing is to make money. Moreover, I still said that this technology will not bring quality changes to China. !" Mr. Chairman said solemnly. Mr. Chairman left after speaking. He wants to contact some consortia immediately. Under such a cake, only by contacting more consortia can it be safer.

"Mr. President!" Mr. Minister saw that Mr. President was leaving, and immediately stopped Mr. President.

"Dear Mr. Minister, do you have any questions?" Mr. Chairman said with a frown.

"Mr. President, you are absolutely right to do this. However, have you ever thought about it. The two technologies of Xingyi Technology are far beyond what we are now. The new energy has been delayed in large-scale use. At that time, oil is the most important energy source. Xingyi Technology is precisely aimed at this point. Based on the current level of scientific development, Xingyi Technology’s technology is completely ahead of us by fifty years or more. It is possible. So, think about it, is this kind of technology really researched by one person? I don't doubt that there really is a genius, but this kind of genius is really unbelievable, right?" Mr. Minister said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Minister, what do you want to say?" Mr. Chairman said silently.

"What I want to say is..." Mr. Minister pointed to the sky!

Alien! Only this explanation seems to be able to truly make people believe that all of this is true and logical.

Mr. Chairman's face changed.

"Mr. Minister, the current situation is that we don't have any information at all. However, I also maintain a certain degree of suspicion. I will advise Mr. President. I think we must do a detailed investigation, right?" Mr. Chang said in a deep voice.

Mr. Minister nodded, agreeing with this.

United Kingdom.

A bunch of big guys stared at the TV and were stunned. unbelievable? incredible? Incredible? Anyway, the **** gentleman's demeanor was completely put aside by these big guys.


Yes, it is shocked, shocked by technology like Xingyi Technology.

This. . . How long does this technology lead the current technology? Thirty years? Or fifty years? or more?

Similar to the reaction from the United States, a group of bigwigs were in shock and doubted.

The big guys discussed for a while, and first made the cancellation of all actions against Xingyi Technology, and immediately formed a delegation to negotiate the introduction of car exhaust processors. Then, it is to mobilize all the power to find out the source of science and technology of Xingyi Technology!


Mr. Minister and Mitsubishi Junxin were also dumbfounded. Watching TV in disbelief.

"Unbelievable, it is too unbelievable, 90% filtration, what is this concept? What is this concept? This is more advanced than the car exhaust processor, we..." Mitsubishi Chunxin smiled helplessly.

Mr. Minister's face is not very good either. The current situation is obviously something that the Minister did not expect. Moreover, the most important thing is that Mr. Minister wanted to watch Xingyi Technology's jokes just now, to see how Xingyi Technology succumbed under the union of so many countries. but now. . . The situation is quite the opposite.

"Mr. Mitsubishi, I think our government has to apologize. The delegation must be ready to renegotiate. The car exhaust processor is what we must introduce!" Mr. Minister said immediately. There is no tweaking and no tweaking. Under such circumstances, if no action is taken, then the domestic people will be completely crazy!

"At this point, I believe in the government and the Chinese people will forgive us!" Mitsubishi Chunxin said in a deep voice.

Well, I have to say that Japanese people sometimes pay a lot of attention to face issues, and sometimes they don't care about anything. When you look hard, he is stronger than you. When you don't care, it is when you are stronger than him. The nation of Japan is such a personality. It is also the characteristic of this nation-bullying and fearing hardship!

"However, this kind of technology shouldn't have appeared!" Mitsubishi Junxin murmured.

"Mr. Mitsubishi, we must find out about this. How many shocking technologies are still in the hands of Xingyi Technology?" Mr. Minister also understood what Mitsubishi Pure Letter meant.

Mitsubishi Junxin nodded, it seems that this problem must be investigated.

Li Xing did not expect this, although this blockbuster solved all the problems in an instant. But new problems also emerged. That is to make everyone pay attention to this technology again. Moreover, I never thought of people's rich imagination. Actually thought of going to alien technology. It is a bit speechless. But I have to say, if I change positions, will Li Xing think so? The blame is that the processor's technology is so much ahead!

Well, maybe this should belong to the trouble of happiness!

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