Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 527: Be a matchmaker

Those who can!

Li Xing kept pondering this word. I really don't understand how to cultivate the capable. To say that everyone has some kind of talent. Li Xing didn't doubt this at all. No one is born without any use. Successful people just find a job that suits them, and failed people just haven't found a job that uses their talents and characteristics. In fact, this question is very simple. However, the natural power for some people is infinite, and the natural speed is very fast. There are even other messy talents. It is very difficult to spot these people from the crowd alone, right? Cultivate again. How much energy does it take?

It seems to see Li Xing's doubts. Elder Tang said with a smile: "Did you meet Gucheng, director of the ninth round?"

"Well, I have seen it. That person feels very powerful to me. It's just that I haven't played against each other, and I don't know what the ability of this ancient city is." Li Xing said with a smile.

"There was no fight? Didn't you ‘play’ the ninth game? Can they let you go without a fight?" Old Tang asked in surprise.

"I didn't give them a chance at all!" Li Xing said contentedly. In front of his grandfather, Li Xing acted like a real big boy. Be a little headstrong and proud.

Elder Tang clearly understood Li Xing's mentality. So, nothing was corrected. Instead, he said along the topic just now: "The ability of the ancient city is empty electricity! It seems to be able to flash lightning instantly. In fact, I say this to tell you that in the world of the capable, there are so many weird abilities. There are countless. You have to be careful in the future. Before, people didn’t know you, maybe they were treated as ordinary people. But now the caring people definitely know you. So next time you have trouble, you may face the real It’s a strong one. You have to pay attention to this."

Li Xing was dumbfounded. Controlling electricity? Instant lightning? by. . . This is Thor? However, Li Xing then thought that the so-called instant cast must have a time limit, right? Otherwise, Gucheng wouldn't even lose the chance to shoot in this confrontation. Thinking about it now, Li Xing originally mistakenly thought that the energy in the ancient city was ‘qi’, which really meant a little ignorant.

This world looks really exciting. Li Xing was not worried, but looked forward to it. Well, let’s not talk about anything else, I used to know the existence of Qi Qishi. Although very mysterious and powerful. But after Li Xing found the intersection between the ‘qi’ in his body and the different space, he said, to be honest, there was no difficulty in practicing Qi for Li Xing. As long as the different space still exists. Then, Li Xing will become a master in a very short time. Moreover, this master is not an ordinary type, but the top one. Coupled with the magical energy efficiency in the field of different spaces. Li Xing really couldn't find out in this world, other than powerful thermal weapons, what else could cause harm to himself. However, the first heard of the existence of capable people. Opened a door to Li Xing. And this door allowed Li Xing to see things that he hadn't seen before. Then, the capable ones are weird, and it can even be said to be a powerful ability. What is the difference compared to your own different space?

Li Xing didn't know whether his different space was part of the capable. But if you exclude the ordinary strong and the strong in Qi training. If there is only the capable. So, obviously, Li Xing's ability should fall into the scope of capable people.

"I really want to see and know." Li Xing said with a smile.

"You... If you fall into the scope of the capable person, it is considered appropriate. Although you are not born. After all, your ability lies here. However, I warn you that there are many powerful things in this world. A lot. You can't be arrogant and arrogant. Don't suffer. Just like your current situation, as long as you suffer, the loss is absolutely huge!" Old man Tang said solemnly.

"Grandpa, don't worry. I know it very well." Li Xing nodded seriously. Li Xing understood that Grandpa's words were very reasonable. Only by attaching importance to any opponent can you maintain victory forever.

"Grandpa, then how did the ninth game find these natural talents? How did they train them?" Li Xing asked curiously. It was as if a door had just been opened, but the contents in the door were very fuzzy. People can't see clearly. This kind of depressing situation that I want to understand but cannot understand. Thinking about Li Xing!

"How to find and how to cultivate, I don't know at all!" Father Tang said helplessly.

"I don't know?" Li Xing looked at Grandpa differently, not much to believe what Grandpa said. Grandpa was also a leader before, so don't you know the secret of the ninth game?

"Hehe, I'm surprised, isn't it? In fact, the ninth bureau of the Central Committee, although the word "Central" is hung. But except for the people of the entire Politburo who can give orders to the ninth inning, it is impossible for anyone else to order. To the ninth game. The ninth game has its own management system, training system, and search system. It also has its own privilege system. The only thing that can contact the center is the task system. Who can, the ninth game is independent from the center Existence!" Father Tang explained with a smile.

"That's not right. Grandpa. Can you allow the power that is not in your hands to exist?" Li Xing still asked in disbelief. However, there are so many independent systems for the ninth game. Li Xing was still surprised. This. . . Is it still a department of the central government?

"Hehe, who said that the ninth game is not in our control?" Old Tang said with a smile.

Li Xing was speechless for a while, and he couldn't know.

Li Xing no longer insisted on asking this. Li Xing still knew very well that Elder Tang was very generous in some things, and he would never hide anything that he should tell Li Xing. However, what I can't tell is that Elder Tang wouldn't say anything about the department related to state secrets. No matter how much Li Xing asked, it wouldn't make any difference. Strictly speaking, this is the party spirit of Father Tang!

The topic of the ninth game can be stopped here. Li Xing thought that he would have to contact the people in the ninth game anyway. Slowly rely on yourself to explore it. There is no need to let Grandpa violate the party spirit, right? Grandpa looked very seriously at this point.

"That... Grandpa, there is one more thing to discuss with you!" Li Xing thought about Fan Shan.

"What's the matter? Discuss with me?" Old Tang said, looking at Li Xing with a smile.

"That's it, I just bowed to Fan Shan!" Li Xing said by rubbing his hands. Li Xing knows that with the size of the Tang family, it is prudent to make friends, let alone worship. Li Xing was really worried that Elder Tang would object.

"Fan Shan? The third generation of the only seedling of the Fan family? Speaking of this Fan family... Before liberation, it was more prestigious than our Tang family. But, bad luck, bad luck! Fan Shan, I still A little understanding. Not suitable for mixing in officialdom, and no such thoughts. A little clever, but he is not bad. Especially after contacting you, this kid seems to have completely changed his appearance. In this Beijing city circle, also It's a bit of a network. It's just that the starting point is too low. It's a bit weak!" Old Tang said with a smile.

Li Xing was speechless again. Li Xing really doubted that there was anything in this Beijing city that Grandpa didn't understand?

"Then I and Fan Shan bowed to worship..." Li Xing said softly.

"It's a bit hurried, but I still believe your eyes. Since that's the case, you can take him to sit at home tomorrow. Well, let him come with his old man." Old man Tang thought for a while and said.

In fact, Li Xing didn't know that if it was another family member, he would just bow to others. It's strange that Mr. Tang doesn't get angry. However, Li Xing is different. Not to mention the economic power that Li Xing now holds in his hands is very important to the Tang family. Li Xing's personal strength alone made Old Tang look very attentive. Even Old Tang still had a plan in his mind. A plan to completely control the ninth inning. Well, it was the plan to transfer the ninth round to the Tang family account. It's just not clear yet. However, it is clear that Li Xing is a key. Therefore, Elder Tang himself may not have noticed that Li Xing favors Li Xing very much in some things.

"Well, OK. I will bring them over tomorrow." Li Xing nodded and said.

"Then, you didn't just do it for no reason, did you? Let's talk, what else is there?" Old Tang looked at Li Xing and said.

Li Xing smiled, knowing he couldn't hide his grandpa's eyes.

"Grandpa, this is the case. The second-generation third-born girl of the Huo family is in love with Fan Shan. It is the one who truly loves each other. And Fan Shan is really not confident. There is a big gap in family background. So, I just Think of this way to help. Although there is only one member of the Fan family in the officialdom. But because of this, as long as we reach out a little, I believe that this is the most determined partner. Moreover, the Fan family's background is still in. Promotion. It’s easier. I think it’s good for our family. As for the Huo family, the strength can’t be underestimated. After all, there is a great official in frontiers. If the Fan family and the Huo family can marry, our role in the middle will be Obviously. So, obviously, this will expand our influence. The people of the Huo family also need to find an existence like ours, so that the second generation of the Huo family can go further. If they unite. In my opinion, It is not less beneficial than cooperating with Renjia!" Li Xing said softly. Elder Tang asked Li Xing to say that he did not simply let Li Xing say something. If Li Xing cannot give the reason, then there is no possibility of success at all.

Elder Tang looked at Li Xing in surprise. Well, Li Xing's analysis just now seemed a bit too ideal for Mr. Tang. Moreover, the benefits are not so great. Of course, if the business is good, it is still possible to maximize the benefits. But in any case, Li Xing was able to analyze these things, which still surprised Father Tang! My heart is also very relieved. It seemed that the Tang family, the only Li Xing who had not entered the officialdom and the army, was not a burden to the Tang family. Instead, the role is becoming more and more important now.

"That... Grandpa, this is just my own opinion." Li Xing said embarrassedly.

"Your opinion is still very good. Let's not talk about the point of view. Just because you can stand on the stand of the family when you are considering issues, it means that you have grown up. Well, I think that's it. Let's do it. Let me make an appointment with the Huo family, you call the Fan family. Grandpa, I will let you be a matchmaker!" Old Tang said plainly.

"Really? That's great!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"However, the ugly words are at the forefront. If the Huo family disagrees with them, let's forget it!" Father Tang couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Xing's happy face.

"Hmm!" Li Xing nodded again and again. But would the Huo family disagree? This is simply impossible. unless. . . The Huo family and the Tang family have a **** feud. But obviously, the relationship between the Tang family and the Huo family is still very good!

Early the next morning. Li Xing called Fan Shan. Let Fan Shan call him the old man. Let's go to Tang's house together. Li Xing knew that for the Fan family, there was a big difference between being able to enter and not being able to enter the gate of the Tang family. Not to mention the Huo family, but to the Fan family. So far, they have gained a lot.

Fan Shan was very excited when he heard the news. Thanks Li Xing again and again. Then I went to inform him of the old man.

Li Xing seemed to be able to see Fan Shan's excitement. A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. This Fan Shan is actually a man of temperament. Moreover, the key is to let Li Xing rest assured. It's nice to have such a brother. As for Fan Shan's current influence is a bit low. This problem is still easy to solve! As long as this is successful, Fan Shan will be the number one man in Beijing.

Fan Shan was notified that Li Xing did not go to Tang's house immediately.

People from the company went back to Jecheng today. Li Xing still needs to explain.

In fact, there is nothing to explain. It is to tell Shen Jianglong to pay attention to safety on the road. Lin Chenghu's people also came to Beijing, and they would go back with Shen Jianglong, so Li Xing was more at ease. Well, with the protection given by the state secretly, there is no need to worry about safety.

However, Li Xing did not let Lin Yuru leave with him. Instead, he planned to take Lin Yuru to Tang's house!

According to Li Xing, his private life is not a secret in the eyes of grandpa or even in the eyes of high-level officials. So, why is he still hiding it? Moreover, Li Xing is destined to be unable to give them status. Then, taking them to meet their parents is a kind of recognition for them. This is a little compensation!

As for the adverse consequences, Li Xing didn't think about it, and Li Xing didn't care. Love what I love. . .

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