Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 537: I am Chinese [Please flowers! 】

There are definitely a lot of people like Tian Xiaojian in this society. If this is placed in a war period. It is the material of absolute traitors.

For their own desires, even to please the Japanese. Don't just shame yourself. Moreover, it is even lower than their own nation. Insult one's compatriots. And the purpose of this is just to please others. Such a person, in Li Xing's view, is the least worthy of attention, and the one who deserves to be cut.

Li Xing is also an angry youth. But Li Xing is not the kind of angry youth without reason. In Li Xing's view, he can do as much as he can. In the past, Li Xing was dissatisfied with Little Japan, and he just ranted a few words on the Internet to vent some of his depression. Even so, I have to worry about leaving any clues. Avoid being "human flesh searched" by others. The end is extremely embarrassing. But now Li Xing is capable. Therefore, I am not only thinking about venting my feelings on the Internet, the ongoing Japanese project. It was Li Xing's revenge against Little Japan.

However, even so, even if Li Xing's identity has changed a lot. I have learned a lot over the past year. But encountered such a situation. This is the first time.

Li Xing used to read some novels on the Internet when he was in school. Such a bridge will always be arranged. Li Xing also took a look. Think that the author really regarded those people in Japan or other countries as fools? No matter how hard they are. Don't you dare to blatantly do bad things in China? Even if some people are traitors. Don't you dare to do anything under the public? All of these are nothing but eye-catching segments imagined by the author.

but. . .

Now Li Xing has seen it with his own eyes and experienced it. Li Xing had to admit. In this world, there are really many people with mental disabilities. And traitors. . . It's definitely not non-existent!

"These are Japanese friends. They are our friends in China. This is the young master of the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce, Sanhe Chuan. They are here to negotiate business with our Lingsheng Company. Originally, I wanted to bring a few Japanese friends everywhere. Take a look, admire the scenery of Beijing, appreciate the Chinese culture. Experience the Chinese customs. It is a pity that this lady is not inferior in her export... In fact, we have lost the face of our Chinese people." Tian Xiaojian upside down Said in black and white. He looked at Li Xing with a little fear. After all, the pain still coming from the wrist clearly told Tian Xiaojian that the person in front of him was of the kind that was not easy to provoke.

However, Tian Xiaojian was in awe. More resentment and anger. I thought that no matter who this person is, if you offend me, there will be no good fruits for you. Of course, Tian Xiaojian has no episodes now. It is to fully understand the truth that heroes do not suffer from immediate losses.

Of course, if Tian Xiaojian is really a hero. . .

"You are talking nonsense..." Lin Yuhe felt a surge of blood rushing to his heart when he heard Tian Xiaojian's reversal of black and white. Breathing became quicker.

"I...I was off work. I was going to go back to school. I accidentally ran into a Japanese. I apologized. However, these Japanese people turned out to be inferior to me. They turned out to be in the public. I’m insulting me. Is there a king’s law in this world? It’s still not China? Is it Beijing? Is it the capital? You are still spitting out blood. Saying that I have lost the face of the Chinese. I think you are ashamed. The face of the Chinese. You are a traitor. A traitor with a small Japanese toe!" Lin Yuhe's mouth is not stupid. On the contrary, Lin Yuhe can say very well. It was just the situation just now, which gave Lin Yuhe no chance to speak out. But now, with Li Xing coming forward, Lin Yuhe finally explained the matter clearly.

"Good!" The onlookers finally applauded Lin Yuhe.

However, neither Li Xing nor Lin Yuhe was excited. Now I know it's applauded, so where did you go? If it were not for Li Xing, would these people watch Lin Yuhe be beaten? Or even do something more excessive? even. . . After the incident, they will use this matter as their own knowledgeable conversation?

Li Xing does not deny these people, they also have passion. But if it is the blood that is timid and fearful. Then, Li Xing still looked down on these people.

The crowd did not react to Li Xing and Lin Yuhe. Perhaps, I also felt embarrassed. However, the Chinese people's habit of watching the excitement makes these people reluctant to miss what will happen next.

"Is what this lady said is true?" Li Xing looked at Tian Xiaojian seriously.

In Tian Xiaojian's eyes, Li Xing's serious expression turned into a vicious expression. It seems that as long as he denies it, Li Xing's blows will follow.

Therefore, Tian Xiaojian was heartbroken. In Beijing, what can you do as a young man?

"So what? I advise you not to be nosy." Tian Xiaojian said with a glance at Li Xing.

Li Xing suddenly laughed. If Tian Xiaojian doesn't admit it, it's really not easy to handle. But now Tian Xiaojian actually admitted. Then, Li Xing has completely stood up morally. In other words, Tian Xiaojian's identity as a traitor has completely stood up. So no matter what Li Xing does, it is not too much.

"Tian Jun, please pay attention to your remarks. What this lady said is completely untrue. I just want to have a chat with this lady. No other meaning. It's not a molestation. This gentleman, I It’s Sanhe Chuan, the young president of the Japanese Triad Chamber of Commerce. That’s how it happened. I think it’s just a misunderstanding, it’s not a big deal. Everyone is busy. Why don’t you just let it go?” Sanhe Chuan cursed Tian Xiaojian **** in his heart. How can you admit that? Although the Sanhechuan strain despised the Chinese, but. . . After all, this is the capital of China. And this young Chinese man seems not so simple. So, don't cause trouble. It's easy to play with a Chinese woman, there is no need to care about that woman so much. Although that woman is really delicious.

"Yes, Master Chuanzhu." Tian Xiaojian nodded and said with a bow. Like a minion!

Li Xing really didn't understand. Is it bad to be a Chinese? Why do we have to curry favor with a Japanese? A good person, why should he be so cheap?

"Just forget it? Do I believe you or my compatriots? As Chinese, if you Japanese come to China to visit, travel, and study, I welcome them. After all, we in China need you to learn. There are too many places in China. However, if you are here to make trouble and insult us, I am really sorry. You have come to the wrong place. But since you are foreigners after all. Adhere to our Chinese generosity. As long as you treat this The lady apologized. Then, this matter is fine. But if you don't apologize, I don't mind letting everyone see the arrogance of the Japanese in Beijing!" Li Xing said in a deep voice. Now Li Xing had completely believed Lin Yuhe's words. Well, even if there is no Lin Yuhe, Li Xing does not intend to let these Japanese people go.

Li Xing really doesn't have any good feelings about the Japanese.

After hearing Li Xing's words, several Japanese chirped and spoke in Japanese. It seems to be discussing something.

And Li Xing didn't understand what these people were saying. Looking around, none of the onlookers understood it. Only Tian Xiaojian was a little weird and gloating.

Suddenly, Li Xing looked angry when he saw Lin Yuhe's face. . .

"Can you understand what they are saying?" Li Xing asked.

"I understand!" Lin Yuhe looked at Li Xing gratefully and said. Lin Yuhe is very clear. If it hadn't been Li Xing just now, what kind of ending would he be like?

"What are they talking about?" Li Xing asked simply.

"They are insulting us, saying that we are Chinese people, and women who look after our Chinese people should be our pride. They also said that...the Japanese nation is the best nation. There is no need to apologize, and no apology. Even ... They are still thinking about... Do it!" Lin Yuhe almost gritted his teeth.

The Sanhechuan strain was taken aback when hearing Lin Yuhe's words.

And Tian Xiaojian was also taken aback.

Perhaps, they didn't expect Lin Yuhe to understand Japanese. However, they forgot. If Lin Yuhe couldn't understand Japanese, how could he know that he was molested?

Li Xing's face changed dramatically with Lin Yuhe's translation. Li Xing was really angry. Li Xing never imagined that these Japanese people are discussing whether it is not a matter of apologizing or not. It's a question of how to continue the insult. These people are really a bit too bold to take over.

But isn't this connivance by some people? Or the Chinese people are condoning such a situation.

"Apologize, you must apologize. Right now!" Li Xing waved his hand and said loudly. Moreover, Lin Yuhe's interpreter was also very clear to everyone who was watching. The blood of these people was directly ignited when someone took the lead. In fact, most Chinese people are very passionate. But their passion needs a leader. And now Li Xing is the leader! This is also the reason why they dare not stand up when no one comes out. They think a lot and know they can't afford it. If your family is ruined due to the blood, even if you cry, there will be no place to cry!

The Sanhechuan strain said something crookedly to Tian Xiaojian's chirp.

Li Xing looked at Lin Yuhe.

"He was talking about letting Tian Xiaojian rely on his own strength to settle this matter!" Lin Yuhe translated.

"These little brothers. I advise you to leave now. No matter what I do. These Japanese people are not something you can provoke. You won’t get into trouble for yourself." Tian Xiaojian said kindly to Li Xing.

"I always remember that I am a Chinese. As a Chinese. Then, we must always safeguard the interests and dignity of the country. And now you have completely violated a criterion of being a Chinese. This... is right. Your lesson!" Li Xing couldn't stand Tian Xiaojian's face. Therefore, a punch was passed, and immediately, Tian Xiaojian's face was full of blood. Nothing else, just bleeding from the nose.

" dare to hit me!" Tian Xiaojian said like an idiot. I've been hitting, what else can I not believe?

Li Xing rolled his eyes. There are so many people with mental disabilities in this world!

"Japanese, apologize... Although you have a tradition of not apologizing. But if you don't apologize today, I don't mind teaching you a lesson!" Li Xing didn't look at Tian Xiaojian. Looking at the five Japanese speaking in a cold voice.

"Baga! Do you dare to insult us?" Sanhechuan Chuan roared.

"Young Master, I will teach him a lesson!" Seeing Sanhe Chuan strain's anger, the people around him immediately stood up. This is a good opportunity for flattering.

"Go, let him know how good our Japanese are!" Sanhe Chuan's calmness was completely taken aside.


"They want to do it to you!" Lin Yuhe quickly translated as Li Xing looked at him.

"Do it?" Li Xing saw that a person came over with a bad face.

Li Xing smiled slightly. One stride and rushed over.

passive. . . Not Li Xing's style. Besides, facing the Japanese! Therefore, Li Xing plans to take the initiative.

Without using different space domains. Li Xing's combat effectiveness is also very strong. This one stepped quickly. At least much faster than the Japanese! So, I haven't waited for the Japanese to see Li Xing's shadow clearly. I felt a huge force on my face. Then came a panic of pain. And then. . . Well, then he didn't know. Because Li Xing knocked him out with a punch!

Regardless of the astonishment of Sanhe Chuan and others. Li Xing took shelter. The remaining four Japanese were punched and kicked.

Tian Xiaojian was stunned by Li Xing's madness. Tian Xiaojian is very clear, if only a bit of quarrel occurs, then it is nothing. A little operation will pass. but now. . . The Japanese were beaten. Moreover, it was quite miserable. Then. . . This nature is completely different.

Tian Xiaojian felt a burst of darkness. . . I'm afraid that the business will not be done this time. Moreover, Tian Xiaojian was also sad for Li Xing. . . Now you are cool. But in the end your ending must be miserable. Don’t you know it’s best not to care about foreigners now? Once things escalate to diplomatic events. Then. . . It's not that an ordinary person can only be suppressed with patriotism!

"Be careful!" Lin Yuhe was very comfortable with Li Xing's outburst. Lin Yuhe really doesn't have any favors with the Japanese. But at this moment, Lin Yuhe found out in horror. That what Sanhechuan strain. . . He even took out a pistol and aimed at Li Xing!

————————————————Updated, please support me with flowers!

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