Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 547: Conquer Tang Sect【All】

"Moreover, your grandfather Cang and the third-generation uncles actually don’t believe you have the ability to lead them. As long as you show your strength and defeat your ancestors, you will be recognized by everyone. In our Tang Sect , Said it is closed, but it is also the easiest to conquer. The premise is that you have enough strength." Tang Jianlin said with blinking eyes.

"Strength? Defeating the ancestors?" A slight smile appeared on the corner of Li Xing's mouth.

In terms of personal strength, Li Xing has the help of a different space. I really don't fear anyone, and I believe that no one will be his opponent in this regard.

"Grandpa Lin, the strength of the ancestor... How?" Li Xing still needs to inquire about it for insurance.

"When the old ancestors retired. It was already twice as strong as my current strength!" Tang Jianlin said proudly.

"Are you sure?" After being proud, Tang Jianlin asked again.

"Grasp...Five-five. After all, to what extent the strength of the ancestors is, I don't have any foundation now. Let's take a look at that time." Li Xing smiled slightly and stood up.

"Grandpa Lin, let's go. Let's go to Tang Sect." Li Xing said in a high spirit. As long as he recognized his strength, he would be able to subdue Tang Sect. So, at least Li Xing is more confident than when he first came.

Tang Jianlin looked at Li Xing, who was full of confidence, and smiled. I thought that I had already said what I should say. If Li Xing hasn't been able to subdue Tang Sect, that's no wonder he himself.

Tangmen is located in the westernmost part of Tangjiabao. Half of the Tangjiabao belonged to the Tang Sect. It can also be said that Tangmen is the Tu Emperor of Tangjiabao.

And the gate of Tangmen can also be said to show traces of history everywhere. Seeing here, it seems to have walked into history. There is a feeling of vicissitudes.

There are two huge lions two meters tall at the door. It looks very mighty and adds a lot of momentum.

Tang Jianlin patted the door, and someone opened the door immediately.

"Master Lin is back!"

Hearing such greetings, Li Xing felt helpless. . . It seems that Tang Sect is not only conservative, but also very conservative. Even the title still retains the traditions of ancient times.

"Yeah." Tang Jianlin just gave a slight um, and walked in with Li Xing. The gatekeeper didn't ask much. Just looked at Li Xing curiously. I don't know how this stranger would come back with Master Lin.

The person who opened the door is also a gas trainer!

This is what Li Xing felt. Moreover, the strength of that person has already kept up with the level of ordinary assassins in Blood Wolf.

A person who watches the gate has such strength. The strength of Tang Sect lets Li Xing see the leopard!

After entering from the gate, there is a huge training ground. The length and width are definitely 100 meters. And there are nearly a hundred people practicing their fists and kicks inside. With bare shoulders, sweat is flowing. A strong breath filled the surroundings.

The experience of Tang Jianlin and Li Xing. These people seem to have never seen it at all. Exercise intently.

"These are the bottom disciples of the Tang Sect. They are all beings that can generate a sense of aura. However, if you want to become a strong person, it is impossible to make any progress without good exercise. Let's go, I will take you to meet the Patriarch ." Tang Jianlin explained a little bit. He took Li Xing and walked away quickly.

Li Xing carefully observed Tang Sect along the way. Found that Tang Sect was really big. It occupies less than 300 mu of land. There are countless pavilions and courtyards. Xiangji is the "Hou Men" in ancient times!

Tang Jianlin took Li Xing to a hall that was obviously Tangmen Center.

And Li Xing first saw the old man sitting on the main seat, who looked a bit like Grandpa.

Thinking this is Tang Jianlie, right? Grandpa's eldest brother, now the Patriarch of Tang Sect.

"Big Brother, I brought Li Xing." Tang Jianlie said with a smile. Sit down casually. However, he didn't greet Li Xing.

Tang Jianlie nodded slightly and looked at Li Xing.

Li Xing smiled slightly and said without stage fright: "Li Xing has seen Grandpa Lie. He often hears Grandpa mentioning you, and I finally see you today. However, you seem to be younger than what Grandpa said."

"Haha, your grandfather wouldn't say that to me, would you?" Tang Jianlie laughed loudly and gave Li Xing a deep look.

Li Xing smiled slightly, neither admitting nor denying. Everyone is smart, this is just Li Xing's strategy. It just shows Li Xing's own attitude.

"Sit down!" Tang Jianlie said, pointing to the seat next to him.

Li Xing sat down unceremoniously. He smiled slightly and said, "Grandpa Lie, let's make it clear. You know that if Tang Sect continues to be like this, sooner or later it will be eliminated by this society. And you have seen this clearly, so you have roots. Grandpa’s agreement. Anyway, everyone is a family. There is no priority. However, I heard that many people in the family don’t understand Grandpa Lie’s approach. I don’t know what I should do to solve this. ?"

Li Xing's directness was beyond Tang Jianlie's expectations.

However, Tang Jianlie led Tang Sect for decades, what hasn't happened? He smiled and said: "In fact, everyone can see the severe situation now. Everyone agrees to work with your grandpa. Just like you said. Everyone is a family. However, the primary and secondary distinction is still Many people disagree."

"Oh, Grandpa Lie, let's go ahead. Do you have the same idea? Bring the current Tang family under the jurisdiction of Tang Sect?" Li Xing smiled slightly and looked at Tang Jianlie.

"I heard that you are very strong?" Tang Jianlie said in response to the question.

"I don't know if the kid can ask Grandpa Lie for some advice?" How could Li Xing not understand what Tang Jianlie meant? Tang Jianlie does not deny his dissatisfaction with the distinction between primary and secondary. However, if Li Xing's strength is recognized, then Tang Jianlie will choose to focus on the Tang family.

"Haha, I haven't moved my muscles for a long time. Okay, let's move on today." Tang Jianlie said with a laugh. I was also happy for Li Xing to understand what he meant so quickly. Of course, there is also a deep curiosity about Li Xing. From Tang Jianlin's mouth, Tang Jianlie did not hear Li Xing's very strong remarks once. Even the three Bucks who came here some time ago praised Li Xing as the number one in the world. This made Tang Jianlie really want to see it. Now there is such an opportunity. Of course Tang Jianlie didn't want to give up.

"That kid is offended!" Li Xing smiled slightly. Stood up. Go to the center of the hall.

Li Xing has already thought about it. In Tang Sect, he must show his strength without reservation. Only when the Tang Sect people are truly convinced can they truly achieve the purpose of control. What Li Xing needs is Tang Sect's unconditional and wholehearted support, not half-hearted, reserved cooperation.

Tang Jianlie slowly stood up. And as Tang Jianlie stood up. A powerful momentum burst out from Tang Jianlie.

Li Xing has opened up the realm of different space, so Tang Jianlie's information has appeared in Li Xing's mind.

Almost twice as strong as Tang Jianlin!

It seems that Tang Jianlie is the Patriarch of the Tang Clan, and even the number one master of the second generation, which is not false.

However, Li Xing's face was still full of confident smiles.

Li Xing is still very confident in his different space domain.

Tang Jianlie looked at Li Xing who was standing there, looking very relaxed, and his heart jumped inexplicably. Li Xing's appearance is too easy, right? like. . . He didn't put himself in the eyes at all!

An anger surged from Tang Jianlie's heart!

Can you not get angry? In Tang Jianlie's view, being despised by Li Xing is indeed true. . . Unforgivable!

Because of the face of the elders, Tang Jianlie can't take the initiative to attack, right? Therefore, I can only wait for Li Xing to make a move first.

However, it seems that Li Xing has no intention of making a move first.

Tang Jianlie increased his momentum and pressed Li Xing. I just want to *force Li Xing to shoot first.

Li Xing felt the powerful aura exuding from Tang Jianlie, and smiled slightly on his face. Raise your finger slowly, and gently spit out a word: ‘Done! ’It’s a very simple word. because. . . Li Xing does not need to add this word at all!

And as Li Xing's "Ding" came out of his mouth! Tang Jianlie suddenly felt a pressure from all directions to oppress him instantly!

And how powerful this kind of power is. It's simply not something that Tang Jianlie's energy can contend.

Tang Jianlie's face changed drastically. Immediately he didn't care about retaining his strength. But immediately burst out his most powerful energy. Aroused all the'qi' in the whole body.

However, what made Tang Jianlie despair was. The strength of this force is unexpected. After Tang Jianlie just raised his'qi'. This power is here!

But Tang Jianlie only felt that he had completely lost the ability to move all over his body. Looking at Li Xing again, he didn't know when he walked to his side. If Li Xing adopts any attack method now, Tang Jianlie will undoubtedly die!


It was so defeated!

Tang Jianlie was a little dumbfounded, feeling unbelievable. This. . . How is this possible? Why did it fail so easily? What is going on with this power? Is this Li Xing's power?

A series of questions kept appearing in Tang Jianlie's mind. Tang Jianlie's thinking immediately fell into a state of confusion.

On the other side, Tang Jianlin sighed slightly. He could see that Li Xing had become a lot stronger again. Because Li Xing just stepped up to Tang Jianlie's. Before, Li Xing had no such speed.

"Grandpa Lie, I've accepted it!" Li Xing smiled slightly and returned to where he was just now. Then, the imprisonment of Tang Jianlie in the realm of different space was lifted.

Tang Jianlie's face was red and white. The look in Li Xing's eyes was very complicated. I don't know what to say for a while.

"Grandpa Lie, I believe that Tang Sect's future will be very beautiful!" Li Xing said softly.

"Haha..." Tang Jianlie is not an ordinary person after all. Although he was surprised by Li Xing's strength, he quickly accepted this reality. Moreover, in his heart, Tang Jianlie was still in favor of Tang Sect, the leader of the Tang family. After all, it is Tang Sect who wants to enter society now. And the influence of the Tang family in society. It is not comparable to Tang Sect. The Tang Sect is not qualified to dominate the Tang family!

"The younger generation is terrible, the younger generation is terrible. You can rest assured. I now fully agree to belong to the Tang family, um, that is, under the leadership of your foreign patriarch. However, there are still many people in the family who disagree. So... "Tang Jianlie looked at Li Xingyi and said.

"Grandpa Lie, cut the mess quickly. In order to solve the problem here as soon as possible. I hope that Grandpa Lie can recruit all the family members. Just say that I will challenge the three ancestors. As long as I defeat the ancestors..." Li Xing is very Said confidently. As long as you defeat the ancestors, you don't need to say anything about it, everyone understands it very well.

"Okay, courageous. Jianlin, immediately summon all the members of the family to meet in the martial arts venue. I will go to invite the ancestors. Li Xing, I hope you will not let me down." Tang Jianlie said vigorously.

Li Xing smiled slightly. Disappointment is not a matter of just talking. It was made.

Tangmen martial arts field. That is the square that Li Xing saw.

Now all the members of the Tang family are concentrated here.

Everyone looked at Li Xing who was standing next to his house.

Everyone knows why Li Xing came here and the choices Tang Sect is facing now. It's just that not all people react the same.

Li Xing looked at these two hundred people!

This is the power of Tang Sect. It's really powerful. Much stronger than the blood wolf. Although the number is not as good as the blood wolf, the quality is far higher than that of the blood wolf.

Li Xing didn't care at all about the following discussion. The disciples of these aristocratic families most obey the words of their elders. Anyway, the closed family disciples are like this. Perhaps, after seeing the outside world, you will have different ideas. But definitely not now.

And Li Xing is now waiting for the arrival of the ancestor. Then, defeat the ancestors in front of everyone. Truly conquer the entire Tang Sect!

"The ancestors are here!" Tang Jianlie said beside Li Xing. Then walked towards the three old people.

Li Xingzhan saw that three real old people came oncoming him!

White beard, white hair! These are all signs of the elderly. It also marks the age of these three old people!

just. . .

Is it really 120 years old? Why do you look so young?

Moreover, Li Xing felt that the "qi" content of the three old people's bodies was really amazing!

The strength of the three ancestors is very powerful! Li Xing fully realized this.

However, in contrast, Li Xing was relieved. The power of the different space domain is far beyond the power of the three ancestors! This gave Li Xing infinite confidence!

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