Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 562: Happy Shuangfeiyan (9)

No matter what the minds of Ren Xiaohua, Du Wenbin and Gu Xiaoxing are now.

Li Xing still talked and laughed like no one.

Of course, he was constantly thinking about how to deal with this matter so as not to cause trouble to himself and the Tang family.

The previous treatment of those'second generation ancestors' is the result of Li Xing's careful consideration. It is impossible for Li Xing to do too much to them. First, they are not as bold and explicit as Ren Xiaohua's. Secondly, their backgrounds are not ordinary. And Li Xing seized this opportunity of reasoning on his side. Let them go after a little lesson. It is to give face to the people behind them. Of course, if they think that face is still lost, Li Xing has nothing to do. Will anyone come to cause trouble in the future? Only then will I know.

Regarding Ren Xiaohua, although the power behind Ren Xiaohua is taken into consideration, the Chinese identity also prevents Li Xing from using political means. So as not to make Chinese all over the world lose confidence or misunderstand the Chinese government. If this is the case, Li Xing believes that no matter how great the influence of the Tang family in the top ranks, Li Xing cannot be kept. This is a matter of principle.

However, the current situation is completely in Li Xing's grasp. Because Li Xing now occupies a rationale! Whether in the political circle or in the economic circle. In fact, women are an essential part. Didn't you see that some leaders were carrying their wives when they attended this occasion and that occasion? This has fully explained the problem. Well, women who insult important people. . . Well, this matter can be big or small, Li Xing makes a fuss, no one can fault it!

Therefore, Li Xing had no plan to let Ren Xiaohua go.

Of course, it depends on Ren Qiufeng's attitude.

At the same time, Li Xing also knew very well that he was really married with Ren's Liangzi. However, it is impossible for the Ren family to influence Li Xing through political influence. Therefore, Li Xing is not worried at all. Well, if the Ren family wants to regain face, it can only be through the economy. Although the Ren family's economic strength is very strong, Li Xing is not worried at all. If the cash owned by Xingyi Technology is announced now, some people will definitely be scared to death. Now Li Xing deposits the money in batches in major banks. When Li Xing was bored, he calculated that the interest brought by the cash alone in one year would amount to hundreds of millions! If the Ren family really wants to compete with Li Xing financially, Li Xing really wants to play with them.

In fact, Li Xing knows very well that for the old and even conservative Chinese families like the Ren family, they value face more than anything else. At the same time, he is very conceited. To put it bluntly, although China has developed fast enough, it has created a lot of rich people. But in the eyes of these Chinese families with a long history and tradition, they are no different from upstarts. Therefore, conflict is inevitable. . . This is where Li Xing is helpless. Damn, I'm here to talk about love, and it's in your way? Isn't it troublesome to come automatically?

In other words, this time. . . Why doesn't it stop for a while?

Of course, when it comes to this, Gu Xiaoxing cannot be ignored!

How could Li Xing still not understand that all this must have Gu Xiaoxing behind! This Gu Xiaoxing was still thinking about himself, um, just thinking about himself. After all, Li Xing has also cleaned up Gu Xiaoxing twice. Individuals will not easily forget. However, Gu Xiaoxing used Li Xing's woman to provoke others and erect more enemies for Li Xing. This made Li Xing very annoyed. Well, if you don’t teach Gu Xiaoxing a profound lesson, what else will Gu Xiaoxing do in the future? Therefore, if Gu Changuang didn't come in person this time, Li Xing would definitely tidy up Gu Xiaoxing. If Gu Changuang's attitude. . . Hmph, Li Xing doesn't mind kicking Gu Changuang out of Jicheng!

I looked at Gu Xiaoxing coldly, still entangled there, wondering whether to call, Li Xing didn't ask, let's drag it, but to see when Gu Xiaoxing could drag it.

Although it is said to stay on the sidelines of work, we will meet each other in the future. But for people like Gu Xiaoxing, this is completely inappropriate. If he could kill him with a stick, Li Xing would definitely not be stingy. Damn, there are limits to Li Xing's patience by coming to trouble twice.

Ren Qiufeng's car drove fast.

However, Ren Qiufeng sitting in the back row still felt not fast enough. Moreover, what made Ren Qiufeng more depressed was the traffic jam on the road. This made Ren Qiufeng very tangled. . . Well, how did you think of building the Ginza Hotel in this prosperous area before?

Uh. . . Ren Qiufeng's idea is very special!

Fortunately, Ren Qiufeng's driver is a well-tested old man. The speed of the car is fairly fast.

But that's it, it took fifty minutes to get from the villa to the hotel. There was a big gap between Ren Qiufeng's half an hour.

However, Ren Qiufeng couldn't manage so much now. Take the elevator immediately to the top floor. Moreover, his face was gloomy and terrible. This makes all the employees who meet on the road feel a little stormy. Well, that’s how part-time work is, the boss’s face is not good, then. . . Someone is destined to be unlucky.

Of course, they don't know, it is their boss who is unlucky this time!

All the way, Ren Qiufeng was thinking about how to deal with this matter.

First of all, what Ren Qiufeng thought was that no matter who was to blame this time, he must accompany the smiling face to hide the matter before talking. After all, against Li Xing on the ground in Jecheng, there is really no chance of winning, nor any benefit. This is certain.

Second, Ren Qiufeng was thinking about the possibility of revenge against Li Xing. Well, Ren Qiufeng knows Li Xing's background very well. But just as Li Xing worried about Ren Qiufeng's Chinese identity and the Chinese family behind him, Ren Qiufeng also knew the advantages of his identity. This can reduce Li Xing's political advantage indefinitely. So, if it is only economic, Ren Qiufeng really doesn't worry much about Li Xing. According to Ren Qiufeng's words, he can still play.

Ren's industries are basically in Southeast Asia. In this area, the Ren family is one of Juedu's many powerful families with the right to speak. But in the Mainland. . . The influence is very small. Like some Chinese families, when something happens, they can donate money and give other help, but they still hesitate to invest directly in the mainland. This is because of their deep distrust of the inland government, and on the other hand, they think that the water in the interior is too deep. Not that they can play.

Ren Qiufengjicheng's industry is also in Southeast Asia. But Ren Qiufeng is enterprising. Therefore, after more than ten years of operation, the industries in the mainland have a lot of weight. To estimate, Ren Qiufeng has invested in the Mainland, or that Ren Qiufeng's total assets in the Mainland have exceeded the market value of RMB 6 billion!

However, Ren Qiufeng's industries are mainly concentrated in cities such as Jicheng, Beijing and Shanghai. There is nothing to dabble in other places! But Ren Qiufeng is backed by a strong Ren family. Therefore, I am not worried about the economic war with Li Xing.

Uh. . . Ren Qiufeng shook his head, thinking a bit far away. The most important thing now is to know what is going on as soon as possible. Only then can Ren Qiufeng decide the next course of action.

"The rooftop?" Ren Qiufeng learned that Li Xing was on the rooftop and how Li Xing used the rooftop, he could only sigh that Li Xing was really willing to be a woman.

While shaking his head, Ren Qiufeng finally saw his son, Du Wenbin, and of course, Li Xing and Li Xing's five women!

Ren Qiufeng's heart was tangled for a while. . . How can Li Xing be so lucky? These five women are obviously the best beauties, and they are all the kind that are well-seasoned. Why did Li Xing take over? Ren Qiufeng kept cursing Li Xing in his heart for no more than one minute at a time. Well, it can't be lower than Ren Qiufeng's more than two minutes, isn't it?

However, when Ren Qiufeng saw Ren Xiaohua, he was even more entangled. . . The handprints on that face and the appearance of being supported by Du Wenbin. At a glance, how could it be described as miserable?

That anger in Ren Qiufeng's heart. This Li Xing is too shameless, right? How can you beat people like this? Ren Qiufeng's face suddenly became gloomy.

Ren Xiaohua was worried, scared, and terrified. But these emotions disappeared in an instant when he saw Ren Qiufeng. Seeing Ren Qiufeng, Ren Xiaohua feels so kind, don't mention it, that kind of feeling is really indescribable!

"Dad...Dad...You are finally here. You...You are finally here!" Ren Xiaohua's eyes reddened and tears flowed out! Ren Xiaohua also knew that he might have caused trouble, um, it was not possible, but he must have caused trouble. Moreover, it was still defeated by the "color" my father had always emphasized! Therefore, in order to avoid being punished and to gain the sympathy of his father, Ren Xiaohua burst into tears anyway. Ren Xiaohua is still very smart, and now he is taking advantage of Ren Qiufeng's love for Ren Xiaohua!

"Xiaohua...!" Ren Qiufeng stepped forward to hug his son, and took a closer look at Ren Xiaohua's current appearance, especially the **** palm print on his face. It's so shocking, and it's so distressing! Ren Qiufeng felt that his lungs were about to explode. Renjia. . . When was such an insult?

"Dad... You call the shots for me too!" Ren Xiaohua cried and said, like that. . . It's really sad to look at it, and to smell the tears, it's a bit miserable. Anyway, Ren Qiufeng is now completely "confused" by Ren Xiaohua's performance!

"You can rest assured that no matter who it is, the people who bullied our Ren family will have to pay the price!" Ren Qiufeng's words are decisive and imposing!

"Wen Bin, how did you become a manager? Let so many people stay here?" Ren Qiufeng looked at Du Wenbin, who was standing in general, coldly, and then looked at him now standing aside, but with great momentum. Man in black.

Du Wenbin's heart is really wry smile. Du Wenbin couldn't imagine that things would develop to the present level. Ren Qiufeng hasn't spoken to Li Xing yet, um, it seems that he doesn't even have the intention to speak to Li Xing, so he must be strong.

"Boss, boss, don't look at where you are now! Hey..." Du Wenbin thought entangledly, but as a subordinate, what else can he do? Heed the order. Anyway, the sky is falling, and Du Wenbin is no longer needed to get ahead. It can be said that the arrival of Ren Qiufeng completely let Du Wenbin put down the big rock in his heart.

So Du Wenbin picked up the phone and called the Security Department.

In fact, the Ministry of Security already knows what is happening now. It just didn't get the order from up, and stayed below. Now I received the order and rushed out immediately. The security of the entire Ginza Hotel, and even the security of the Ginza Mall, is close to a hundred people! The rooftop immediately became a bit overcrowded.

After so many security guards stood by his side, Ren Xiaohua felt a real sense of security. Well, poor boy, I was terrified just now. . . .

‘Papa—Papa—' Li Xing clapped and stood up.

"Haha, it seems that Boss Ren is very angry, but I just don’t know if the consequences are serious? Why? Seeing what Boss Ren means, do you want to have a martial arts trip with me?" Li Xing smiled and walked away to Ren. Where the autumn wind is less than one meter. The smile on his face has not changed at all.

"Huh... Li Shao, how dare I fight you here? Who doesn't know that you Li Shao is the sky in Jicheng... However, my Ren family is not simply bullied. Today, if Li Shao does not Give me a comment, then let's just walk and see..." Ren Qiufeng said coldly, his face even more gloomy.

"Oh... want to explain? What if I don't give it? Humph, I want to see what you are walking and see." Li Xing's face became gloomy, and Ren Qiufeng came here for a series of practices, Li Xing was very angry, and now he is talking to himself like this. Where is Li Xing's reason not to be angry?

"Go, let's go! I'll see how Boss Ren followed me!" Li Xing waved his hand and said.

The five Lin Yuru stood up with demeanor, smiled and took their bags, ready to leave here. The big men in black are even more direct, ready to clear the way. . .

No one thought that Li Xing would follow Ren Qiufeng's words without giving any face!

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