Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 370 Never Allow

Baguda looked puzzled.

He really doesn't know where the Governor got the more than 10 billion US dollars.

Even if the Governor owns Qingfeng Network Company, these more than 10 billion US dollars are not so easy to make, right?

The most important point is that His Excellency the Governor actually used the 10 billion directly to build the high-speed train system for the Xuanfeng Alliance.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

This is simply not treating money as money.

Perhaps this is also the admirable thing about the other party.

The people of the Xuanfeng Alliance are really lucky to meet such a leader.

Perhaps the people can also feel this and feel that their lives have become better, so they support the Governor's Office so much.

Even if the governor has never appeared in front of the people, he is still sacred in the hearts of the people.

Outside, anyone who dares to speak ill of the Governor will definitely be in trouble.

The people have suffered and know how painful poverty and chaos are, so they will cherish everything that is hard-won now.

More sincere respect for the governor who brought them this.

Baguda looked at the more than 10 billion US dollars lying in the Xuanfeng Alliance account, and sighed again before leaving the manor hall, then dialed Honglili's phone number and told Honglili that Governor's order was to arrest those FBI arrestees. stand up.

The red lizard naturally resolutely implemented the orders of His Excellency the Governor, and quickly set off with his people.

Xuanfeng Alliance.

The capital of wind.

In a hotel, a black-and-white FBI team had already arrived.

The person in charge of them this time is called Donal, a transfer captain with great military achievements.

He had only one purpose in bringing people here this time, which was to complete the task assigned by Mr. Wen Duona, and he must investigate the black gold through Xuanfeng Bank.

The most critical thing is to take advantage of the opportunity to gain control of some information about Xuanfeng Bank to prepare for them to target Xuanfeng Bank in the future.

"Have they not replied yet?" Donal frowned.

One person shook his head and said: "They haven't responded yet, and I don't know if they are delaying it."

Donal frowned and said, "I'm afraid they have other ideas. I think we should leave here first."

He inexplicably realized something was wrong.

He knows some things better than the average person. He knows that their people have targeted Xuanfeng Bank several times, but the results should be disastrous.

He never saw those people again at FBI headquarters.

This Xuanfeng Alliance is not as simple as it seems.

Without saying a word, he immediately took the people out of the room and walked towards the hotel parking lot.

They prepared a car in the hotel parking lot just for emergencies.

He felt something was wrong and naturally wanted to leave here quickly.

But when Donal and the others entered the parking lot, they were dumbfounded. There were already groups of soldiers waiting for them inside.

These people had weapons pointed at them, fearing that they would be beaten into a hornet's nest if they made any move.

Donal looked ugly, something really happened.

Moreover, the other party had already brought people waiting for him in the parking lot, knowing that he would come down.

"Take them away." Red Lizard waved his hand directly, and the special warriors under him also swarmed up and subdued Donal's people.

The red lizard also breathed a sigh of relief. He had actually taken people to the hotel just now, but the hacker suddenly sent him a message saying that these people had left for the underground parking lot.

That's why he took people to wait here first.

Donal and the others were all handcuffed in and escorted outside.

When they got outside, the expressions of Donal and the others changed. There were actually many reporters waiting outside.

I started shooting like crazy when I saw them coming out.

The other party had obviously been prepared for this.

"Commander Red Lizard, you will personally lead the operation this time. Who are these people?"

"Yes, if you take action yourself, this matter will definitely not be easy."


This was not the first time that Hong Lizi faced this reporter. He immediately followed the predetermined rhetoric and said: "Today, I personally lead the team for one purpose, that is, there are foreign departments and organizations operating illegally in our Xuanfeng Alliance. These It’s the other person.”

"This is absolutely not allowed, and we absolutely do not accept that if a country is attacked by a terrorist attack, it is suspected that the target is our Xuanfeng Alliance, and our Xuanfeng Alliance is required to cooperate with the investigation."

"You don't have this right."

These words immediately caused the reporters to make a noise, whispering to each other, and then started filming Donal and the others crazily.

They naturally know the recent news and also know which country the red lizard is talking about.

This is really big news.

Does the Xuanfeng Alliance want to resist that country?

This is completely disrespectful.

The faces of people like Donal were even more ugly.

They didn't expect the Xuanfeng Alliance to be so bold. Doesn't the other party know how big the gap is between this small Xuanfeng Alliance and their country?

In almost a short time, the news was broadcast like a wave.

FBI temporary office.

Wen Duona has been paying attention to the attack.

But he knows that if the other party dares to do this, it means that he doesn't care about other things at all.

On the contrary, if the investigation comes out, will we take action then?

Once they take action, it may cause very large losses, which they cannot afford.

So, he could only rely on the actions of the Xuanfeng Alliance to find the clues of the black gold and then announce it.

In that case, this matter could be resolved.

So, he had been waiting for the news from there.

Just when Wen Dona was waiting for the news, a man rushed in: "Mr. Wen Dona, it's not good. Donal and his people were arrested in the Xuanfeng Alliance. The other party also said that they firmly rejected the illegal actions of foreign departments in the Xuanfeng Alliance. Now the news has spread to all countries, and under the hint of the other party, everyone knows that they are our people."

"What? How dare they?" Wen Dona's face changed drastically.

The man next to him hurried forward, opened a screen, and found a news playback box.

Wen Dona immediately saw the news from the Xuanfeng Alliance, and his face became even uglier.

The other party actually did it.

"Very good, very good, now they have given us enough reasons to act. We have reason to suspect that they are related to those terrorist organizations. This is their chance to deliver to the door." The more Wen Dona said, the thicker the sneer on his face.

He knew that this excuse was very lame, so what?

Didn't their excuses before have a lame reputation? What would others dare to say? No one would argue with them for something that had nothing to do with them.

Just when Wen Dona was about to give an order, a quick phone ring rang. He looked at the number and saw that it was a big gentleman above, so he hurriedly answered it.

As soon as the phone was connected, the angry voice of the big gentleman came: "Wen Dona, who asked you to send people to the Xuanfeng Alliance to take action? Have you considered the consequences? Look at the latest press conference of Baguda and see what you did."

Wen Dona's face changed after being scolded by this, and he immediately asked the person next to him to open the news and call up the latest press conference of Baguda of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

He didn't dare to neglect the attitude of this gentleman at all, and the other party could easily decide everything for him.

But when he saw the content of the press conference, his face became even uglier, and he finally knew why the big gentleman was so angry.

The other party actually dared to do this, damn it.

This is the general and his people.

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