Listening to Guo Ailing’s views on private schools, Chu Chaofan felt similar to what he thought.

In fact, many people want to change the exam education that has been going on for decades, but unfortunately the volume is too large, and no one dares to make a one-time change.

Many rich people, tycoons, officials, celebrities, celebrities, coal bosses, will get their descendants to study abroad.

Why? Because they are flattering? No.

It’s that they know too well the education problems in the country, and this thing you can know, you can criticize, but you just can’t change it.

You can build your own private school, you can do it privately.

But if you want the whole country to change, that’s impossible.

Because education in the whole country has long become industrialized, administrative, and even bureaucratic.

You can see the once richest man in the country sending his son abroad, you can see the descendants of stars studying abroad, but you can definitely not see rich people abroad, even if it is just a drama star sending his descendants to study in China.

It can’t be said that there are no foreigners, like Sandong University in order to attract foreigners to study, didn’t it launch a notorious female student?

Didn’t a famous university in Kyoto City also say that the bonus for foreign students for one year is not much, that is, 100,000 yuan.

And this still means that the standard is low.

In this way, foreign students who come to study in China are also mainly old blacks.

Now that he has money, he can say that in addition to enjoying spending money and enjoying life, he should also establish a private school for his descendants and his family.

Just like Xiangjiang, some private schools have hundreds of places, and the students who go to school include the chief executive, the granddaughter of the governor of Hong Kong, the grandson of the richest man, and the descendants of the most recent big stars.

In this kind of school, you can say that you don’t learn anything, as long as your child has a good relationship with his classmates, he can easily become a person in the future.

Since there are such examples abroad and Xiangjiang, why can’t you get one yourself?

With this idea, Chu Chaofan had something called adrenaline erupting in his heart. “Ailing, I want to set up a private school, mainly to absorb my own descendants and some descendants of rich people and officials to go to school.

But I usually have a lot of work, can you help me? ”

“It’s not okay.” Although Guo Ailing also complained about exam education, she wanted to change him.

But going to a private school with nothing seems a little too hasty.

She hesitated like this, Chu Chaofan understood, and also knew his impatience. “Well, let’s wait first.”

“Oh.” Guo Ailing does not want to pay the price of uncertain future.

If it is just to give her body and become a rich wife, she is still willing.

But paying classroom work to go to a private school that was not established, she did not have the guts.

Chu Chaofan also felt that he was a little taken for granted.

In that case, let’s get out the land of the school first and build the school first.

And these things, you have to go to the education department, after all, without their approval, your own school is illegal.

After chatting awkwardly for a while, Chu Chaofan took the initiative to end the conversation.

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