From the beginning, the entire battle was almost one-sided.

Before Lu Chen's output, the opponent's attack did not have much effect because of the treatment and shield.

Later, Lu Chen used a wave of holy blizzard and other AOE skills, and the Youlong Guild's team was almost instantly penetrated!

Although many people turned on damage reduction skills to try to withstand this wave of attacks, the basic damage of 1.4 million and the real damage included in it.

Even the strongest treatment on the opposite side was somewhat dwarfed by it. This gap was even more outrageous than the output of the Lord BOSS! Real damage is not a popular skill!

In less than a minute, the opponent had suffered a large number of casualties.

They had to evade these attacks by dispersing.

And those radical explorers who were singled out by Lu Chen.

Almost without any surprise, all their health bars were cleared to zero and went to accompany Clay.

Lu Chen's single-target output is stronger than the group output.

It is not a simple joke to say that you will really die after a holy light spell!

"Lu Chen continued to cast the spell.

Zheng Tian beside him took a deep breath and interrupted him.


Zheng Tian hesitated to speak, but gritted his teeth and began to speak:

"Their formation has been broken, there is no need to kill them all."

"After all, they are from Mianyang City. If they are too decisive, it will be a big problem. Moreover, many of them are not guilty of death. It is just a normal fight."

Zheng Tian considers himself a radical.

But he never expected Lu Chen to be more radical than him.

If he continues to play like this, it will not be long before all the opponents will die under Lu Chen's skills.

Although I don't know what ability Lu Chen has become so powerful.

These people are the elites of mankind. It is a pity that they died in the civil war. Zheng Tian does not want to be a saint, but he does not want to see the human civil war.


"But if I don't take action, our people might die."

"Since you have the intention to break in and cause trouble, you must be prepared to face death."

Lu Chen looked back at Zheng Tian and did not stop casting spells.

Because several people on the opposite side were still trying to launch a counterattack.

It was not until he used a few skills to kill the people who tried to counterattack that the action of his hands eased a little.

Zheng Tian is the commander-in-chief of the Bazhong Caverns, and Lu Chen still has to give him this face.

In the chaos, the members of the Youlong Guild finally collapsed.

The so-called Clay's terrifying summoned beasts.

After the master died, the first wave was completely cleared by Lu Chen.

It was only twenty minutes from the time Clay brought people here to cause trouble, and this farce in the abyss ended under Lu Chen's strong crushing.

"You guys can handle it later. If you have any other questions, just contact me directly."

After dealing with the explorers who were still fighting back, Lu Chen didn't need to kill all the explorers who had no fighting consciousness.

Lu Chen still needed time to digest his spoils from the lord monster.

The Youlong Guild, whose combat power was broken, was no longer a threat to Zheng Tian and his men.

He left the battlefield directly.

The battlefield was still very chaotic.

But at this time, no one dared to get close to Lu Chen.

The members of the Youlong Guild looked at Lu Chen with horror.

He was obviously a gentle-looking priest, but at this time, walking casually on the battlefield, he was like a killing god!!!......

"Urgent news!! The people from Youlong Guild and Shengyue Guild took action directly in the Abyss, and they did it at the Abyss Front Headquarters!"

"Originally everyone thought that the Youlong Guild would be very strong, but a big boss on Shengyue’s side took action and wiped out the Youlong Guild in just a few minutes. It was Lu Chen who had appeared before!"

"Now the whole Abyss has gone crazy. Lu Chen directly took on two teams. That guy is simply a killing god. He has been killing people since his debut!"

As time passed, the battle in the Abyss soon spread.

In this battle, many famous explorers were inconspicuous.

But Lu Chen's name was completely known this time.

Before, many people only knew that a priest killed several explorers alone, which caused dissatisfaction in Mianyang City, and they sent people to investigate the situation.

But they didn't know the specific information about Lu Chen, and thought it was something they made up in order to enter Suining City.

But this time, the entire Youlong Guild team was killed by Lu Chen in full view of the public.

It has fully proved his strength.

Everyone who knew the inside story was shocked.

Many explorers in the city had been paying attention to this"Abyss Competition" before, wanting to see whether the people from the Youlong Guild were stronger, or whether the veteran top professionals from Suining City were better.

As a result, the result of the Abyss Competition was announced so quickly, saying that the Shengyue Guild had killed 16 lord monsters and completed the cleansing of the Abyss, which was already unexpected.

Now it was suddenly reported that people from the Youlong Guild had a conflict with the Shengyue Group and were killed.

These pieces of news combined almost shocked all the explorers in Suining City, and even explorers from several surrounding cities......

The Galaxy Guild.

Things have developed to the point where Tong He can no longer control them.

Whether it was the big things that happened to the Galaxy Guild during this period, or the cooperation with the Youlong Guild later, Tong He gradually lost control of the guild he had built.

He had never thought that his emerging guild, which was almost catching up with Sichuan Heavy Industry, would collapse to such an extent in just one month.

But now, after hearing that the team led by Clay of the Youlong Guild was killed by Lu Chen, he seemed to feel that everything made sense.

"This is a monster!!"

"Either he was originally supported by a very scary top professional team, or he had obtained very scary props and skills! The possibility of the latter was even greater!"

"From the Zhou brothers at the beginning, to Zhou Xiong, Hong Ma, and now the Youlong Guild, Lu Chen's strength has definitely been growing rapidly!"

In the other world, Tong He has seen a lot of things, although he doesn't quite believe that an explorer can really fight against the entire guild on his own.

But now these things are in front of him, he has to believe it!

"Do I really have to cooperate with the Youlong Guild?"

Tong He was a little panicked now.

Lu Chen was able to kill most of the Youlong Guild.

He definitely had the strength to attack him.

He had already betrayed Suining City. Who knows when he will show up in front of him.

This thought made Tong He's face pale. For a moment, he didn't know whether to contact Zheng Tian or contact the Youlong Guild to report the battle situation.

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