Because the battle in the abyss was so huge, the Youlong Guild couldn't hide the fact that something happened in Suining City.

In just seven or eight hours, the news had spread throughout Suining City, and the forums in Mianyang City also began to reveal various news.

Half of them accused Suining City of daring to launch such a big battle in the abyss.

But the other half knew the nature of those top professional teams, and they were more curious about who this Lu Chen was, and how he could really break through a fully equipped team by himself!

The previous news was that Shengyue Group had cleared the first half of the 16 lord monsters in the Bazhong Cave Abyss, which was still a bit unbelievable.

But combined with the news that a priest profession killed a professional team, many people have guessed that the so-called news of clearing the lord monsters was probably related to this powerful priest.

Therefore, the Youlong Guild held an emergency meeting for this, and this time, it was no longer a small department meeting.

Instead, after losing so many explorer teams, the entire Youlong Guild and the top professionals from various departments in the city came to participate!

The Youlong Guild has taken this matter very seriously.

Yu Can saw many acquaintances, and he kept replying to messages, most of which were people comforting him.

Many of the people who came this time were explorers and friends of Yu Can.

Everyone reminded Yu Can to mourn.

"Suining City is so despicable! How dare they ambush our people so openly!"

"A priest can defeat an entire team. Only they can say such outrageous things. If he said it was a mage, I would believe him. How could a priest have such high output? Even a level 100 priest can't do that!"

"We must take revenge! This is the face of our Mianyang City, and we must make them give an explanation."

Yu Can also performed just right. He will later propose at the meeting that another armed corps, Li Chengguang, take people to Suining City to investigate, causing a conflict between the two sides.

Emotions have been mobilized

The snipe and the clam quarrel, but the fisherman gains.

No matter what, he is sure to win.

The meeting officially began, and many people entered the venue one after another. When they first entered, many top professionals exclaimed.

Because it was only this meeting, five of the"Eight War Gods" who had not appeared in public for a long time in Mianyang City actually came directly!

The wise man Yu Can!

Card Master Hong Zhong!

The God of Law Li Chengguang!

Chief Pei Xian!

Barrier God of War Zhang Tiejun!

The Eight War Gods have been in Mianyang City for many years. Almost everyone has made a name for themselves and has made great contributions to the recovery of Mianyang City or Rongcheng.

Generally, this group of people stay in the abyss or the recovery front, and rarely appear at such a meeting in the city at one time.

But this time, because of the matter in Suining City, so many people came at once!

Even Chief Pei Xian, who had not appeared for a long time, showed up.

Zhang Tiejun, the commander-in-chief of the Rongcheng Inspection Bureau, also came to attend the meeting!

Chief Pei Xian is different from Zheng Tian. He is a serious person with status, and his identity is the commander-in-chief of the Rongcheng front line, responsible for recovering Rongcheng and fighting against the Dujiangyan area. The god of war level figure of the cave abyss.

And Zhang Tiejun is also different from He Xiuhong of the patrol bureau of Suining City. The level of 86 alone is enough to deter many professionals who want to violate the rules! Zhang Tiejun is even a figure who can stop children from crying in Mianyang City.

Yu Can's happy expression has disappeared at this time.

If so many people really come, it means that there will be no such big conflict between the two cities, because the other few of the eight war gods have their own direct teams. Now the main task is to recover Rongcheng. They can't just watch Mianyang City and Suining City in chaos.

But this is just the beginning.

When the meeting officially started, a figure appeared in the venue, which made Yu Can feel stunned.

This is the first time he felt that things were beyond his control, so that his subsequent plans might not be so easy to implement!

He really didn't expect that the protagonist of this incident dared to come directly to the center of the venue when discussing how to deal with them at the venue of the top guild in Mianyang City!!.......

"Brief introduction"

"I am Lu Chen, from Suining."

Outsiders rarely appear at the top meetings of the Youlong Guild.

But this time, Lu Chen came directly with Zhang Tiejun, the chief commander of the Inspection Bureau, in the name of the Inspection Bureau.

Lu Chen was not very conspicuous at first, but when he stood up and appeared at the meeting, almost everyone looked at him.


"What the hell?"

"what's the situation?"

"Lu Chen? Isn't this the name of the God-killing priest?"

"What is Lu Chen? Why is there a young man giving an opening speech?..."

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, some people in the audience were already shocked and whispering.

Those who knew the details of the incident recognized that this person was the center of the recent incident.

Those who did not know the details of the incident were also shocked because Lu Chen introduced himself and spoke at this top venue.

Lu Chen did not care and said:

"I am here on behalf of the Suining City Commander-in-Chief and the Suining City Shengyue Guild. There may have been some misunderstandings between the two sides recently, so I came here to explain."

Lu Chen glanced at everyone in the venue.

Logically speaking, a young man who appeared in such a big scene for the first time would definitely be a little stage fright, stumbling when speaking, but Lu Chen's expression was only indifferent, and he did not feel any pressure.

The core reason why he came here was Zheng Tian's request.

If it was just a conflict between Suining City and the Xinghe Guild, it would be just his own���It can still be controlled.

But if it is the Youlong Guild, it is likely to involve mutual hostility between the two cities.

Zheng Tian does not want to see this matter develop to this point. Now all cities are still in the development stage, monsters are still rampant, the abyss has not been conquered, and even in some areas there are explorers who have not been liberated and are still fighting guerrilla warfare among the monsters!

At this time, infighting among humans is definitely not a good choice, so as soon as the incident happened, Zheng Tian urgently contacted Mianyang City.

He once led a team to participate in the battle to recapture Rongcheng.

Zheng Tian has cooperated with Zhang Tiejun for a while.

This is why General Pei Xian and Zhang Tiejun both participated in this meeting at the same time!

If these two were not dispatched, the entire venue might not be able to be suppressed.

But if these two people spoke, this incident would basically not cause too much trouble.

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