"Are all the people trapped in that warehouse?"

Lu Chen had already considered the surrounding environment when he came here. He seemed to have been to this place in his previous life. This place should belong to a"mining area", but the current scene is obviously different from the later life. It has not been developed at all.

There is a cave area in the distance that has collapsed a lot. There is a circle of light blue lines blocking the way out. If you want to get out, you will be entangled by these rays.

In addition, the explorers who were not trapped.

All of them were beside the reservoir, bombarding the reservoir.

"Yes, now those lines can't be handled at all, and there is even no health bar. It should be the skill of the special earthbound spirit. We must kill the mutant blue earthbound spirit."Although Lu Chen is very young, Yu Hua still explained seriously.

Names may lie, but nicknames will not.

Since Lu Chen can be called the God of Killing by the entire Suining City and Mianyang City, he must have his own personality and advantages.

At present, it seems that this young man Lu Chen is a little cold, but still polite.

"We must rescue everyone before the river water backflows."

When Yu Hua was speaking, a corner of the earthbound spirit just appeared on the water surface, and he quickly joined the attack.

The sky was a little dim at this time, and it seemed to be drizzling. The whole atmosphere was very dull, and everyone was in a bad state.

Vera's face showed worry.

Although she was now quite strong and had participated in many team battles, this kind of large-scale battle was her first time.

She even felt that in the face of natural disasters, even high-level explorers were indeed somewhat powerless........

"Boss, we may have to evacuate quickly! The supplies have been delivered, and the river has already backflowed halfway!"

At this time, the fat woman led the team to say goodbye to Yu Hua.

She also happened to see Lu Chen and Vera here.


She was a little surprised, but didn't say anything.

She just said that she might need to lead the team to evacuate as soon as possible. There are more and more monsters nearby now, and who knows what abnormal situation will happen next.

In this case, Yu Hua couldn't say anything, he could only say that they did try their best.

"Okay, please be safe and evacuate in an orderly manner."

"Once the water level in the warehouse exceeds 80%, everyone must evacuate!"Not only that, Yu Hua also notified several other teams.

Although there are many important team members trapped, there is no other way now. We can't let everyone die here.


Lu Chen watched them talking beside him, speechless for a while.

He wanted to say something, but finally stopped and just said,"Don't worry, let me try it."

"Vera, take care of yourself and wait for me on a high place." Lu Chen said to Vera.

Then he quickly approached the edge of the reservoir.

The blue earthbound spirit did appear on the water surface, but Lu Chen still felt a little strange.

【Light Feather Technique】

【Walking on Water】

Lu Chen directly applied the status skill to himself and walked into the center of the reservoir.

Monsters were already attacking Lu Chen.

Other explorers on the surrounding shore also noticed Lu Chen's presence. They didn't know much about Lu Chen and were also surprised why a young man suddenly appeared here.

【Freeze Spell】

This kind of monster is difficult to lock onto. Even with Holy Light Spell, it may be out of range.

After approaching, Lu Chen directly cast two Freeze Spells, instantly locking onto the position of the blue earthbound spirit.


I cast a Holy Light spell and hit the target perfectly.


A huge damage value rose, and the blue earthbound spirit's originally swift path directly slowed down, and its health bar went from halfway to the brink of death!!

Although the other explorers around couldn't see the value clearly, they could see the blue earthbound spirit's health bar dropping, and they were all shocked.

But Lu Chen attacked again and directly cleared the blue earthbound spirit's health bar.

The body of this monster began to slowly float to the surface of the water, with a length and width of four or five meters, and then began to slowly shrink.

The whole process fell into silence, and before I realized what was happening, Lu Chen cast a large area of arcane explosion and blizzard, and all the other ordinary earthbound spirits around were cleared away!!

"what's the situation??"



Although they guessed that Lu Chen's strength should be extraordinary, it shouldn't be that extraordinary, right?

With just these few skills, he could have eliminated all these monsters?

"Something is wrong, that blue earthbound spirit is dead! Why hasn’t the barrier disappeared yet?"

But soon, someone discovered that although Lu Chen had dealt with the blue earthbound spirit, the barrier near the warehouse did not disappear, but became more condensed.

"Because this so-called barrier was not created by the earthbound spirit."

Lu Chen complained in his heart, but his expression became serious.

Before coming here, he had actually guessed that this kind of thing that can restrict the movement of explorers on a large scale could never be caused by a mutant earthbound spirit, at least it must be a lord-level monster.

Although there are many earthbound spirits gathered here, considering that this place is a future mine, Lu Chen is more willing to believe that these earthbound spirits are attracted by the spiritual mine!

But now it doesn't matter.

No matter what caused it, the reservoir has now spread up, and it is an unstoppable trend. The water flow must be cleared or blocked first.

Yu Hua felt a kind of despair when he saw this scene.

The warehouse was once their brothers who had fought for their lives together. If they died at the hands of monsters, it would be understandable, but if they died alive in front of them, it would really be heartbreaking!

There were already many shouting voices in the warehouse, all crowded near the boundary line.

These people were also very desperate. They were only one step away from danger, but they were trapped here by inexplicable skills!

"It's raining!"


"No, this rain...."

However, in the midst of everyone's anxiety, someone suddenly felt that the air became extremely humid.

Originally, they thought it was raining, which would cause the backflow of river water, but soon everyone found that this kind of humidity seemed to be slightly different!!

Just when everyone was wondering about the reason, in the middle of the lake,

Lu Chen gave them the answer!!

Lu Chen was standing near the reservoir and warehouse, with a lot of blue water droplets attached to his body. These blue water droplets began to absorb the surrounding spring water. It can even be said that under Lu Chen's control, all the water in the surrounding reservoirs turned into waterspouts and floated up!!

Some earthbound spirits that were not cleared by Lu Chen suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and then were hit by the waves in these waterspouts, and their health bars were cleared!

At this time, Lu Chen, like a water god who controlled the world, stood above the entire reservoir.

And this.

Is just the beginning!!!......

【You cast Divine Tide Judgement (Special Spell)】

【Holy Tide Judgment (Special Spell): Condensing the holy light elements and water elements in your body, while activating nearby water elements to form the original ocean source. Based on the original ocean source formed, you can cause continuous water flow impact within a certain range. Enemies impacted by the water flow will suffer continuous damage. Cooldown time is 24 hours, and consumes 10,000 magic points.】......

Lu Chen's water-based forbidden spell activates the water element to form the source of the original ocean.

Whether it is the Yangtze River or the reservoir, these water flows are water elements.

I didn't feel it before in the forest secret realm.

But now using this skill, Lu Chen almost feels that the world is helping him. He can actually control every bit of this water flow!!

It's as if all this water is controlled by him, and he can even see the perspective of every drop of water!!

"It turned out to be here!!"

Through one of the drops of water, Lu Chen finally discovered the culprit of this incident.

The so-called barrier was not caused by these earthbound spirits at all.

Instead, under the entire cave, there was a large area of underground caves and underground mining areas. In the middle of the underground mining area, there was a crystal lord beast.

This so-called barrier was nothing more than a field where the crystal lord beast was activated!!

And this beast should be intelligent, attracting the earthbound spirits to attack the explorers nearby.


Lu Chen snorted coldly.

It was just a strange beast born from spiritual ore, but he didn't expect it to have such thoughts.

These caves and tunnels under the Yangtze River were probably also closely related to him.


Lu Chen waved his hand, and almost all the water elements began to obey his control!

The cave was already full of water elements. At this time, all the water elements began to obey Lu Chen's orders.

Like a water tornado, they rushed out of the cave.

Soon, this huge water dragon encountered a transparent barrier.

It should be the method of the lord monster.

But this barrier is not completely unbreakable. It also has a critical value.

And Lu Chen, with a forbidden spell of two million magic power, plus water elements everywhere. In just a moment, the barrier of this place was broken.

The water in the Yangtze River began to flow back, and between the whole world, Lu Chen was like a A water god was commanding all the elements!!

At the same time.

The water flow underground was also obeying Lu Chen's command.

Originally, the huge rock lord was on the bank of an underground river.

But at this time, a water man in the void condensed and appeared directly next to the lord.

Before the lord realized anything, he was instantly pierced by this huge water man!!

Huge continuous damage values lit up on this water man.

Although it was not as explosive as the fire forbidden spell, after more than ten seconds, the lord monster's health was directly cleared.

It was just a lord of more than 70 levels, but it had a strong barrier ability because of these spiritual minerals, and it was completely unable to withstand Lu Chen's attack!!......


"Those who were trapped came out!!"

"What's going on? What happened to the world? The water is actually flowing backwards!"

After the barrier was broken by Lu Chen, all the people who were originally trapped in the warehouse ran out, but most people didn't know what happened. They only knew that a strange scene appeared in the sky, and then all the river water receded!

"That....Is it a person?"

Some people noticed Lu Chen in the sky.

But even the top explorers didn't know how to draw a conclusion.

Because they had never heard of any explorer with such means.

Even if ordinary explorers were powerful, they could only summon some strange beasts. People like Lu Chen who could directly change the elements were almost all immortals!!! However.

Those who ran out of the warehouse were not very clear.

Those explorers who had watched Lu Chen release the forbidden water spell before, they really saw it clearly!!

"this....Is it the water god???"

"It's not the Water God, it's someone from Mianyang City, the Killer God Lu Chen"

"What the hell? Is this the boss who single-handedly recaptured Rongcheng? ? This is one of his skills? ?"

Looking at the controlled tide in the sky, like a god-like existence, everyone's eyes widened, unable to believe that this was actually a skill of Lu Chen.

"......"Yu Hua opened his mouth slightly in the distance, wanting to say something, but everything seemed a little pale and powerless.

Lu Chen didn't show much expression when he talked about this matter before, and he thought Lu Chen had no other solution, or was thinking about how to rescue them.

But now recalling it, Yu Hua instantly understood Lu Chen's thoughts at the time.

These things that trapped everyone for dozens of hours were not worth mentioning in Lu Chen's mind!!

"Boss...They said that boy is the killer god of Rongcheng?" The fat woman who met Lu Chen on the way swallowed her saliva and was a little bit unbelievable.

She stared at Lu Chen carefully, then looked at Vera who was waiting in the distance, and suddenly stood in awe.

Before, she saw that Vera's level was not high, and she thought Lu Chen was also at this level.

Now, she only suspected that Vera had used some method to lower her level, and she didn't dare to despise him in the slightest.

Thinking of how she had persuaded Lu Chen and the others to leave before, the fat woman blushed and looked a little embarrassed.

""Water God!"

Someone shouted this name from somewhere.

Then, the rescued people followed suit.

Although it was a little bit childish, under the huge tide, Lu Chen seemed to be a god in the world!!

Vera stared at Lu Chen blankly from a high place.

She thought she had been with Lu Chen for a long time.

When she first met Lu Chen, Lu Chen was only level 10.

But in just a few months, Lu Chen reached this level that she could not understand at all.

This attack method now has refreshed her impression of Lu Chen again!......

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