Outside the city.

Qinghua Town.

The town here has been abandoned for a long time.

It was not until two years ago when people had to pass through here to go to the central part of the Sichuan Plain that some people and supply stations appeared, but there were not many explorers coming here on weekdays.

When Lu Chen sensed that many old people and children in the southwest defense zone of the mountain city were infected with the breath of the undead, he became more and more concerned.

He tracked all the way here.

Perhaps because this place was not very rich originally, or perhaps because of the passage of time, it is surrounded by mottled earth walls and some old things.

It looks a bit desolate.

But after arriving, Lu Chen instantly felt a breath of the undead coming towards him!

There are people in the town.

There are about a dozen figures in the distance.

But these people don’t look like normal people. They have empty eyes and walk around aimlessly.

In order to prevent alerting the enemy, Lu Chen released the stealth skill and entered the interior of the village.

Soon, he heard some unusual sounds......

"Dege! I was wrong, I was really wrong! I shouldn't have offended you together with them, I deserve to die!"

"You can tell me to do anything, I will do it! Please let me go!"

"I really don't want to become like them!"

Lu Chen was attracted by the female voice.

The female voice should be the dialect of the mountain city, and there was a plea in her words.

This is a small villa nearby that is still well preserved.

This villa is not small, and it also has a yard. It belongs to a wealthy family in the countryside.

After sneaking in, Lu Chen found that there were at least a dozen figures inside.

Or rather, these are not even human figures!

After using the Holy Light Perception, the marks of these people have all become [Undead Slaves]!

Looking at the decorations on their bodies, they are clearly the people of the Rose Mercenary Group that Amy and the others were with before!

Here, people are actually turned directly into summoned creatures, and become slaves!!

In the main seat.

A man wearing a black robe and a somewhat damaged style was sitting. The man looked a little creepy and was playing with one of the women.

The woman begged hard, but she didn't dare to resist. This place was too weird. She had never... She has never seen such a weird situation.

She is a member of the Rose Mercenary Group. This time she came here with everyone to complete the mission, but she didn’t expect to be attacked by this terrifying thing halfway.

Originally, everyone was an explorer of level 40 or 50, and thought it should be no big deal, but in just a few minutes, many people were"transformed", and they fought each other internally. Many people died, and the remaining people were brought here.

This is just the beginning! It was even more terrifying after arriving in this small town. Fu Youde actually turned all the remaining people into this terrible dark monster.

The woman even felt that the creepy Fu Youde in front of her might not be the same one from Jiuchong Cave before!!

Now Fu Youde was touching her, and she was very resistant in her heart.

But she really didn't dare to resist, for fear that she would be turned into a terrible monster if she was not careful.


Lu Chen sneaked in, but the first thing he did when he came in was Fu Youde, who was sitting on the sofa in the house, raised his head and looked in the direction of Lu Chen.

"Here comes another little mouse."

Fu Youde snorted coldly.

He threw the woman aside and stood up.

His body made a creaking sound, not like a normal person. His hands became extremely black and even glowed.

After changing his job to a necromancer, his body has changed a lot. At first, Fu Youde was a little uncomfortable, but now he has perfectly integrated into his identity. After controlling the power of death, he is the master of everything. Although he has power in the Nine-Layer Cave, the power of a mortal is far less than a hair of the power of the gods!!

The explorers who wanted to provoke him before have now all become his slaves for him to play with. Fu Youde does not allow any disrespectful people to challenge his authority.

"Now that you are here, don't hide anymore."

Fu Youde waved his hand, and several transformed explorers around him instantly attacked Lu Chen.

Lu Chen did not hide, but casually put up a shield to block all the damage.

However, his figure broke the stealth state because of the spell.

He looked at Fu Youde with interest.

His current level is 71. Although Fu Youde has transformed into a necromancer, he is only over 53 levels.

In the holy light stealth state, explorers of more than 80 levels cannot find him, but this ghost thing directly locked onto him.

It seems that it is not because of the level suppression.

It is likely that the opponent also felt the breath of the holy light.

"Wow, you are still a young man."Fu Youde looked at Lu Chen. Although Lu Chen gave him a sense of threat, Fu Youde was not panicked at all.

The accumulation during this period of time has made his attributes expand to a very scary number. His profession is a necromancer. His core skill is to control the undead and even transfer the attributes of the undead to himself.

Although the control of the undead is also divided into levels, the number is too large. He now has fifty or sixty explorers under his private control, and there are thousands of them scattered in the city!

Adding up, it can give him a total of 10,000 attributes! This is definitely a very scary number!

"He is handsome, but I have never played with a man."Fu Youde wanted to laugh sarcastically, but because his body had changed a lot, he made a sound of"jiejie".

A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the woman in the corner.

She didn't know why Lu Chen came here, but their team of 40 or 50 people was solved silently by this guy. Obviously, Lu Chen could not be his opponent!

What kind of monster is this? How can a single profession have such a strong increase?! It can also directly transform the enemy into a puppet?!

Fu Youde wanted to say something.

But at this moment, a holy light suddenly flashed in the room.

Lu Chen just glanced at Fu Youde.


A huge annihilation sound instantly filled the entire room, and Fu Youde felt the extremely dazzling light and fear.

His eyes were filled with horror.


A huge black aura surged out, and then all the black auras of the puppets controlled around also surged out, all pouring into Fu Youde's body.

"Boy, this is you...Force me to do it!!"A hole was pierced through Fu Youde's body by the Holy Light, but he seemed to have only endless anger.

"Boring." Lu Chen gently moved forward a little further and released a holy light arcane explosion.

All the black aura disappeared instantly under the holy light. Fu Youde seemed to be purified by the holy light and instantly turned into a pile of dry bones.

【Ding, you killed the explorer 28@&92*&@33】

A series of characters appeared on Lu Chen's panel.

The whole room was silent, and the controlled explorers around him all collapsed, and all the dark aura was purified.

After Fu Youde died, a black stone appeared near his body.

Lu Chen slowly approached, emitting some holy light.

The black stone was obviously a dead object, but it produced a faint trembling sense of fear.

The surviving woman in the corner opened her mouth slightly. She didn't expect that the shadow of the past two days would end completely within a few seconds after the boy made a move.

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