As Lu Chen's power and influence grew, he gained more respect at all levels and received more and more information.

In order to facilitate his actions or to attract top explorers like Lu Chen, almost every city offered him an olive branch. At least cities like Rongcheng, Shancheng, and Suining would arrange a core seat for Lu Chen.

——Even if he didn't attend.

But Lu Chen didn't like to be disturbed by others, so he didn't tell many people that he was going to leave for a walk. He just told Vera to pay more attention to training, and told Cheng Nan and Zheng Tian about the situation.

If something big really happened in Sichuan, Seoul was not far away, and he could get back quickly.

After a few days,

Lu Chen also officially planned his itinerary.

The first thing was to ask for help from Seoul. Seoul has now built a large urban security circle, taking advantage of the plains to integrate the power of all explorers to fight against the abyss and secret realms.

However, several security zones near Jingzhou and Qianyang have been attacked one after another, and many people have been lost.

Among them, in a large lake near Jingzhou, a large aquatic lord appeared. The level was very high, at level 90, and there was a large nest under the water.

This nest has been attacked by explorer teams in the past, but they returned without success.

Since this location is a bit far from the core of Seoul, it is difficult to say that the whole city should be used to attack it, but it is not possible to ignore it, which will hurt the hearts of those merged safe zones. So it has been delayed until now, hoping that some top explorers can try to solve it, and Seoul will give some rewards.

When hearing that Lu Chen solved the entire world tree by himself, Seoul had already sent a rescue message. Later, after the mountain city, he asked several times.

Lu Chen had been in Seoul for a while in his previous life. This time, when he went out and walked along the 318 aisle, he happened to pass by Jingzhou and Qianyang, so he simply prepared to take a look.

The second thing.

After this period of development, Shengyue Guild has developed very rapidly, but the materials on the Sichuan Plain are limited after all.

So under Lu Chen's arrangement, a group of people from Shengyue Guild had set out to enter Seoul last month. Many of the materials there are not decomposed by Lu Chen. Even some low-level materials will bring Lu Chen considerable benefits when they are decomposed for the first time.

So Lu Chen will probably stay in Seoul for a few days to integrate the forces and bring them confidence and resources. There are many monster areas between Sichuan and Seoul, so those explorers did not bring many resources.

Lu Chen did not bring any either.

But he was prepared to collect materials temporarily.

You know, he was a person who had lowered the price of equipment in Sichuan by himself, and he always brought a large number of top-level equipment when he came back.

Now, it is time to give Seoul some Sichuan shock.

The third thing is the core purpose of Lu Chen's trip this time.

Dongting Safety Zone.

There is news that a lot of"dark forces" have appeared in Dongting Safety Zone recently, which is called"undead disaster", so many explorers have moved out from there.

After seeing the news report, Lu Chen always felt that this thing was similar to the previous necromancer. After the necromancer was dispelled by Lu Chen, there was no good experimental material. In addition, the matter of the demon god made Lu Chen more and more interested, so he needed to go to Dongting to see what the origin of these things was.

However, compared with Seoul or Sichuan, the Dongting Lake Safety Zone is not as good as the previous necromancer.

In fact, it belongs to a very special safe zone.

Because there is no substantial big city in this place now, but a special"small gathering place" is scattered to resist the alien beasts.

The secret realms and plane gates here are very dense. Every time the red moon comes, a large number of monsters will appear. Even the top professionals will not be able to build a large base.

This is also one of the reasons why the undead disaster appeared. When the small settlement was destroyed, there was not even any news.

It was not until everyone felt something was wrong that they realized that there were already many places that were not suitable for explorers to enter.

Even this thing has been expanding, causing the vigilance of several surrounding safe zones. If it continues to expand, I am afraid that it will really take manpower and material resources to deal with this matter.

These three goals are the core purpose of Lu Chen's trip.

In addition, it is to obtain more materials, better skill books, and see if you can recruit some talented players.

In the previous life, Lu Chen's expedition team must have more than just him and Vera. One of the advantages of human civilization is unity, at least more than the unity of alien beasts.

Now Lu Chen has traveled back and has established his own power.

But Shengyue's current foundation is still too low, and many of them are newcomers.

To be more realistic, most of these people will find it difficult to leave Blue Star.

The bigger stage is still in the whole of China, or even the whole world.

In the past, the overall development of the Sichuan Plain was not as good as that of the Central Plains and the Yangtze River Basin. In this life, Lu Chen wants to try to change some things, or create a more stable and stronger team.......

One person.

A modified jeep off-road vehicle.

Lu Chen set off like this.

The road from Sichuan to Seoul is not easy to travel. Many roads, railways, and tunnels have been destroyed by monsters. Moreover, there are no explorers in the mountainous areas, which are paradises for monsters.

Lu Chen's route is to drive to the vicinity of the Yangtze River first, and then transfer to a boat to go directly down the Yangtze River. He will encounter many monsters along the way, but most of the monsters have been crushed by the water elements on the roof before they meet Lu Chen.

The journey on land was relatively smooth. He drove all the way to a place called Zhongxian and entered the Yangtze River. Lu Chen simply modified a small broken boat and officially entered the river after covering it with range skills.

There are also many monsters in the river, and there are even elite monsters. Many explorers are unwilling to touch them. They would rather spend a lot of time walking in the mountains than touching the Yangtze River.

But Lu Chen obviously doesn't care about these and takes the nearest waterway directly.

Soon, Lu Chen arrived in the depths of the Dabie Mountains and Wushan Mountain.

I made a raincoat when I had nothing to do.

There were occasional monkey howls and flying birds in the mountains, as well as strange beasts coming to die.

It really gave me the feeling that the monkeys on both sides of the river kept crying, and the boat had already passed through thousands of mountains.


However, when Lu Chen crossed Wushan Mountain, crossed Badong, and arrived in Yichang, he found something different.......

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