The logging activities are still going on.

After staying for a while, Lu Chen did not choose to stay here for a long time.

However, he did not leave here, but changed direction and approached the direction of the steel city.

If it is just a simple"mechanism" problem, or everyone has built a special city with its own operating rules in order to survive, Lu Chen can accept this, and even agrees that the top explorers who maintain the armed forces have certain privileges.

But if it is really like what that group of people said, they not only divide the privileges, but also treat people as commodities to a certain extent, then Lu Chen has to take care of it.

It's not that Lu Chen is a saint.

But he feels that as a pioneer who has fought on the front line for so many years.

He really can't stand it. What he has guarded with his life is being ruined by others. If such a thing really happens in this land and no one cares, Lu Chen will feel that many things are meaningless.


Lu Chen arrived at the outskirts of this steel city.

The city is very large.

It is built on two peaks and the large basin in it.

It seems to have only one entrance and some special drainage pipes.

From the outside, there are many sentries at the gate, and there are also some special observation points at the top of the city.

Not surprisingly.

These security members are all men. The only woman seen is a waiter who is lying in the sentry post to prepare food for the men.

Entering this city should require a"pass".

Of course, Lu Chen easily broke through the defense line. Lu Chen's holy light stealth is more stable than ordinary stealth.

This city seems to have been built for a long time.

It is a bit messy, but orderly, divided into various factories, shops, and even some shops.

Some girls gradually appeared in the city.

However, most of them are young girls, and there must be a man in front of each girl.

In addition, there are two very large buildings in the core area.

One is a fortress built of stone, which is very large and occupies a corner of the city.

The other is a newly built steel building, which has been basically completed. There are still some people working on the top.

Lu Chen sneaked in and took a look around.

He held his breath for a few minutes.

Although it was expected, Lu Chen still felt angry from the bottom of his heart when he saw this scene with his own eyes.

There is nothing much to say about what happened next. After confirming it, Lu Chen instantly felt that there was no need for this city to exist. It would be better to directly notify the people in Sichuan or Seoul to take over.

That is to say, China has not yet recovered all of it, giving these villains an opportunity.

If this were placed in the future, most people in this fortress would be punished to the maximum extent according to the regulations!!

It’s okay in the Stone City.

In the Steel City, there are really many things that are unsightly.

Lu Chen’s expression turned cold, and he was ready to go directly to the"city lord" here to have a chat.

But just as he was about to take action, he saw a different shadow.

It was a girl.

She should be young, wearing a black cloth, curled up in a cage in the Steel City, looking very tired, and there were some unfinished food around her. There were some special symbols marked in the iron cage, and occasionally someone would talk about something nearby or have a bad look in their eyes, but no one dared to get close.

【Explorer: 982#21】

【Occupation: Shaman】

【Level: lv48】

【Health: 3680】

【Mana: 2778】


Lu Chen sent out a holy light probe.

Sure enough.

This girl's identity is not simple, she is directly a lv48 explorer!

The girl was locked up alone in this cage, separated from the other miserable ones, probably because of this.

However, Lu Chen looked at this girl carefully, not just because of her level.

But because Lu Chen actually felt some familiar aura from this girl!!


When Lu Chen looked at the girl, she suddenly raised her head and looked in Lu Chen's direction.

You know, Lu Chen is now in the holy light stealth mode. Although Lu Chen's stealth is not as skilled and perfect as those top explorers, it is not something that ordinary people can find.

The girl looked in Lu Chen's direction and seemed to frown. Obviously, she found something unusual.

After seeing the girl's face, Lu Chen was a little stunned.

"It's her?"

No wonder this girl gave Lu Chen a sense of familiarity. This girl was clearly a top explorer who was selected into the Hall of Fame in Lu Chen's previous life, and she was ranked very high!

She was Chu Anran, who was known as the world's number one shaman."


Even though Lu Chen was a calm person, he couldn't hold back at this moment.

In Chu Anran's previous life, she was also quite strong and even ruthless.

Lu Chen had worked with her several times and they had some friendship.

I didn't expect to see the young version of Chu Anran in such a small place, and she was locked up.


This cage was not a special creation, and Lu Chen opened it easily, but because of his attack, his figure was also revealed.

Whether as a friend or because he didn't like the rules here, Lu Chen would definitely not let Chu Anran be locked up in there.

At the same time, Lu Chen also threw out a few good equipment, which he prepared for Vera, because Vera's level was not high enough to use it.

"Take it, I'll take you out." Lu Chen didn't know how to explain to Chu Anran.���But I was too lazy to explain.

Chu Anran's eyes widened when she saw Lu Chen appear. Although she noticed something unusual, she didn't expect someone to appear out of nowhere to save her.

"you....Who are you...?"

Chu Anran's voice has a smoky tone, a royal sister style

"From the Patrol Bureau."

Lu Chen's sudden appearance had already caused some people in the room to notice his presence, and they all looked over in astonishment.

One guard seemed to realize something and was about to attack Lu Chen, but after a flash of holy light, he fell to the ground, his health bar cleared.

It wasn't just him.

With multiple spells cast, all the guards on patrol in the room fell to the ground at once.

Chu Anran looked at the situation in front of him, speechless for a moment.

"What is the Inspection Bureau? Has anyone come to save me?"

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