As the first dungeon secret realm for newcomers, Lu Chen still has a slight impression of this place. There are not many kinds of monsters here. There are three floors in total. It is said that it was once the cellar of the Lich King. In addition to monsters, special treasure chests and materials will occasionally be refreshed.

The monsters on the first floor are mainly skeleton warriors and skeleton bats, and there are occasionally some skeleton warlocks in the middle. If a five-man team is clearing, there will generally be a special front row to fight monsters.

At this time, Su Mu was at the entrance of the bunker.

It was very clear to see two skeleton warriors hanging on the wall at the corner.

These two skeleton warriors look dead, but as long as you get close, they will instantly stand up and attack you!!

"If two...."

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

The attributes of these skeleton warriors are slightly higher than those of the monsters outside, but not much higher. They are generally level 3-4, with a health of about 100.


"Lu Chen used a Holy Light spell directly, hitting one of the skeleton warriors."


【You have triggered the Heart of Light talent, your spell power is permanently +1】

【Ding, you killed a lv4 Skeleton Warrior and gained 10 experience points.

The lv4 Skeleton Warrior gave him 10 experience points.

Lu Chen did not stop and continued to read the bar and aimed at another Skeleton Warrior.

Another holy light.

In less than ten seconds, the two Skeleton Warriors guarding the gate turned into Lu Chen's spoils of war.

"The experience points are not bad, it increased by 20 points directly. It turns out that it is faster to level up by playing alone!"

Lu Chen sighed slightly.

If a team of five came, although the total experience points should also be 10 points, but the average distribution to each person is only 2 points. It is not certain that you can level up even if you work hard to brush the entire secret realm.

But now all these experiences are for Lu Chen alone.

And because these monsters are all undead monsters, Lu Chen's holy light has no resistance reduction, and all of them have dealt the highest damage value.

Lu Chen slowly groped to the side of the loot light ball and picked up two [Exquisite Bones (F)]

The inventory on a novice panel has a total of 16 grids, which can be regarded as a portable space backpack.

If you want more inventory grids, you need to use props or special professions to expand them.

If it was before, Lu Chen would not even look at these F-level materials, but now he is really poor, so he can only pick them up first.......

""Three Skeleton Warriors, One Skeleton Warlock!"

After dealing with the Skeleton Warriors at the door, Lu Chen saw a staircase.

A little further up the staircase, there were four Skeleton Soldiers wandering around.

Although the aggro range of these monsters was not far, Lu Chen's steps were still very light. He waited for a while, and after his magic value was fully restored, he began to read the bar with a perspective.


After each view was blocked, Lu Chen would retreat behind the wall.

This was a little trick in battle.

If he attacked the monsters when they were not paying attention and they did not notice Lu Chen, they would probably just stand there in a rage and not know what was going on.

Even though Lu Chen could kill them instantly, this fighting habit had already become his instinct.

With Lu Chen's efficient spellcasting, in less than 20 seconds, all four monsters were turned into Lu Chen's spoils of war.


But this time Lu Chen's luck seemed good. In addition to some white loot, Lu Chen also saw a green loot light ball!!

""It's out now?"

Lu Chen didn't come in with the intention of shipping.

Because the explosion rate of both equipment and weapons is very low, only the boss can steadily produce some equipment.

But he didn't expect that after killing only six monsters, a green item would appear.

【Ding, you got the exquisite bone (F)】

【Ding, you got Psychic Coin*1】

【Ding, you got the Bone Ring (E)】....

【Bone Ring (E)】

【Required equipment level: 2】

【Attributes: Intelligence +2, Spirit +2】.....

"Not bad, I just happened to get something useful."

Lu Chen was slightly delighted. These two attributes happened to be more compatible with his priest profession. He didn't expect to have a good start right after entering the secret realm. As long as he killed a few more monsters, he could directly equip


Lu Chen continued forward and encountered three more monsters. After clearing out these three monsters, Lu Chen's experience value finally exceeded 100, and his level was upgraded.

【Ding, your level has been upgraded to lv2, and your attributes have been enhanced to a certain extent.】

【Strength +1, Agility +1, Constitution +2, Intelligence +10, Spirit +10]

After the level was upgraded, Lu Chen's attributes gained a certain amount of increase.

Seeing the value of the increase, Lu Chen was also surprised.

Generally speaking, if ordinary professions upgrade before level 10, it is already very good to add four or five points of attributes. Even for special professions, at most ten points will be added, not too much.

But now Lu Chen's intelligence and spirit alone add up to more than 20 points of attribute blessing!

This is definitely not a treatment that ordinary priests can have!

He is almost certain that this is also the increase brought to him by the Heart of Holy Light.

Although he is a priest, the increase in the upgraded attributes alone is much higher than that of ordinary priests.

At level 2, Lu Chen directly put on the ring he just got. It was only increased by 1 level, but Lu Chen's current attributes have almost doubled!!


【Name: Lu Chen】

【Explorer Number: 2983#827AZ】

【Occupation: Pastor】

【Level: lv2 (2/150)】

【Health: 120/120】

【Mana: 320/320】

【Basic Attack: 5】

【Basic Defense: 5】

【Spell Power: 45】

【Strength: 11】

【Agility: 11】

【Stamina: 12】

【Intelligence: 32】

【Spirit: 32】

【Talent: Heart of Holy Light Lv1 (SSS)】

【Skill: Holy Light (F)】

【Items: None】

【Equipment: Simple Cloth (F), Simple Pants (F), Exquisite Shoes (F), Bone Ring (E)】

【Psychic Coins: 3】


With the help of the bone ring, Lu Chen's intelligence attribute directly broke through to 32 points, which was equivalent to an increase of 32 points in spell strength.

And with the addition of the dozen or so Holy Light spells, his spell strength has reached a full 45.

In other words, his current Holy Light spell output has been further enhanced. At this rate, I'm afraid that when he clears the BOSS in the Boneyard later, he will be able to kill it instantly with a Holy Light spell!

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