
"A big tits coming?"

"One bite adds more than 30,000 blood, that’s great!"

"The healing knight from the Wind Seekers Guild is coming over to our side?"

"wrong...This treatment is the priest's treatment...hiss...Holy Light Fountain? A Holy Light Fountain that adds 30,000 HP?"

On the battlefield, the person who is most sensitive to the HP bar is not the healer himself, but the tank in the front row.

Because as a tank, he has to pay attention to his HP bar all the time.

Once there is pressure, he has to take drugs or activate damage reduction skills, which are all related to life and death.

When the pressure was relatively high before, it was basically the skilled main tank and deputy tank who took turns to resist damage and activate damage reduction skills.

But after Lu Chen's treatment arrived, everyone instantly found that the pressure was reduced a lot!

At first, everyone thought that it was the top healer from other teams who came to support.

But just a few seconds later, everyone realized that this treatment was not for a certain person.

It was a healing skill within the group!!

A group healing skill that makes everyone Restoring more than 30,000 HP at one time, this is really a bit outrageous.

Because everyone knows that the spell strength blessing of the Holy Light Spring is relatively low.

Even a priest with 10,000 magic power, with 10% spell strength blessing, can only restore more than 1,000 group health at one time, which is already a very good recovery.

But now, the group blood is restored to 30,000, which is almost equivalent to the legendary fountain of life!!

Some front-line professions have turned back to see what happened.

Cheng Nan, the team commander, also quickly discovered the abnormality and looked in the direction of Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen entered the team before, Cheng Nan actually knew it, but he never had the opportunity to distract himself to check.

Now Lu Chen gave him such a"surprise" all of a sudden, which made Cheng Nan a little stunned.

"The Fountain of Holy Light lasts for one minute. If your mana is out, refill it as soon as possible!"

"Push the battle line forward a little, block the Holy Light Spring's blood recovery range, and retreat if the blood volume is dangerous."

Fortunately, Cheng Nan's reaction was quite fast, and he immediately started to cooperate with Lu Chen to adjust the team's status

"Give the new priest full buffs and a potion too!"

Before, due to the existence of the Heart of Holy Light, outsiders could not detect Lu Chen's level.

But after Lu Chen joined the team, the team members could see that Lu Chen's level was 45.

Soon someone gave Lu Chen some status skills and mana recovery skills. After Lu Chen's blood line was healthy, he gave the main tank and melee in front of him all the Holy Light Shield.

Up to 300,000 protective shields.

It is equivalent to giving the melee profession several times the shield value of the blood volume.

It greatly increases the fault tolerance rate.

Originally, they were still worried about their own safety when dancing in the monster group, but after Lu Chen's shield appeared, almost all the melees opened fire at full power, and immediately became very happy!!!

"This shield is awesome!"

"I would like to call him the Shepherd God!" A normally active berserker roared.

He had been fighting very uncomfortably before, but now he could finally let go and output. He immediately maxed out his output and started to hack and chop the monsters with his skills, clearing an area outside in a short time. In less than three or four minutes, the group of monsters on Cheng Nan's side was actually cleared out. Originally, the beast tide was relatively concentrated, and the pressure was suddenly reduced at this time.

Even after other monsters attacked Lu Chen and his team, Cheng Nan's team still burst out with amazing output.

Except for Lu Chen's mana being deducted quickly, almost everyone's health remained full!!

So much so that the healing professions in Cheng Nan's team didn't know what to do for a while!!......

"Boss, it seems like Cheng Nan and his team have gone a little too far....Should we remind them to pull back the battle line?"

In Zheng Tian's team, besides those dealing with monsters, there were also people observing the entire battle situation.

Although the entrance to the abyss is hundreds of meters long and wide, in fact, with the joint efforts of multiple teams, each team is relatively close. If Cheng Nan and his team advance too far and other teams don't keep up, it will create a gap and Cheng Nan's team will be in greater danger.

"What's going on with them?"After Zheng Tian cleared out the three elite monsters with sharp claws, he also saw that Cheng Nan's team was indeed approaching in the distance.

Under the impact of so many monsters, even Zheng Tian's team didn't dare to rush so far for fear of casualties and losses. What medicine did Cheng Nan take this time?

"They replied....."

The messenger hesitated:

"They said that a big healer had come to their team, and their output had been suppressed for too long, so now they were having a blast and wanted to kill more people."

"The deputy commander over there has already contacted Cheng Nan to withdraw, but the front line is trying to...It seemed that they wanted to charge again to see if they could get to the entrance of the abyss in one go. Their second regiment had already replenished their original positions and wanted to seize this opportunity."

Each team has a certain degree of autonomy. In fact, there had been a plan before, saying that if a team could occupy a favorable position, they would try their best to push the front line into the abyss.

But the pressure was too great, and everyone was still focusing on defense. Unexpectedly, Cheng Nan actually led people to rush forward.

Zheng Tian's first reaction was that this might be an enemy trap or something. After all, these monsters are also intelligent. Cheng Nan is considered a core member of the front line. If something goes wrong with him, it would definitely be a very big loss.

But after hearing the news from the messenger, Zheng Tian was a little confused:"Big breasts? What big breasts? Is it support from outside?"

Zheng Tian knows all the top professionals in Suining City and even in the Bazhong Cave.

But due to various factors, treatment has always been a relatively weak link.

"Not sure, it's just joined, it's said it's a sacred spring, it can directly restore more than 30,000 health in two seconds..."

"?"Zheng Tian paused and looked at the question:"How much? Holy Spring?"

"right...There is also a very thick shield, which is a priest profession!"

The messenger explained.

But soon, the messenger received new information and then changed the subject:

"I have figured out who it is. It's a new member of Cheng Nan's team. I think his name is Lu Chen, and he's only level 45! Chu Bin arranged for him to go there directly!"


Zheng Tian was already very surprised, and he was even more stunned when he heard the name Lu Chen.

He had heard the name Lu Chen more than once today. He originally thought that it was an outside force that attacked Zhou Xiong, but he didn't expect that Lu Chen would come directly to the Abyss Battlefield? And joined Cheng Nan's team?

A level 45 with 30,000 HP? You told me this is a priest?

Didn't Cheng Nan say that he was not familiar with Lu Chen!

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