[Ding, you disassembled the Esnod Dual Blades (A) and obtained 8300 Holy Light Points.】

【Ding, you decomposed the Elf Boots (B) and obtained 1020 Holy Light Points.】

【Ding, you decomposed the White Staff (B) and obtained 1300 Holy Light Points】

【Ding, you decomposed.....】

The equipment of these three people was very good.

Even though some of their equipment was broken, almost every piece of equipment had more than a thousand points of damage after being decomposed. After all of them were decomposed, Lu Chen gained more than 50,000 holy light points.

"I really didn't mean to fight you."

But Lu Chen sighed slightly on the spot, not feeling very happy.

It is not a good thing to get rich too quickly by killing other explorers. Lu Chen always has the urge to go directly into the city and get rid of the entire Galaxy Guild to make a fortune. After all, as long as he breaks down all their savings over the years, he can definitely raise his Holy Light Heart to a higher level.

But if he really gains benefits by killing explorers of the same kind, then what is the difference between him and the monsters in the abyss? Sooner or later, he will be on the opposite side of the entire human race.

So Lu Chen's attitude has always been that if others don't offend me, I won't offend others.

Usually, Lu Chen would not deliberately look for trouble with them, but when these blind people came to him, Lu Chen could only accept a wave of Holy Light points with a smile.

"It's a pity for this car."

Lu Chen's car was directly driven from Shengyue Guild, and it was of very good quality.

However, it was destroyed by the opponent's mage in the first wave before the battle.

Fortunately, the opponent's car was not seriously damaged, and Lu Chen directly exchanged a vehicle with them and continued to move towards the abyss.

After fighting with these top professionals, Lu Chen had a new understanding of his output strength. He was originally worried that entering the abyss would be a bit hindered because of his level. Now it seems that with the blessing of true damage, the level suppression effect is no longer Lu Chen's shortcoming.............

It was past noon when Lu Chen arrived at the abyss.

The first front line here had not been cleared yet, but many teams had already returned to the abyss. There were many broken monster corpses around. The corpses and spoils of these monsters would be collected together to subsidize the team and those explorers who lost their lives in guarding the abyss.

At the entrance of the abyss, there was a stone tablet standing upright.

There was no inscription on the stone tablet, but it was almost full of flowers and some wind chimes.

The wind chimes rang to comfort the dead, and Lu Chen also sent a flower to pay tribute to the explorers who died in defending the abyss front line.

After sorting out his own feelings, the living had to move forward.

Soon, Lu Chen entered the abyss and arrived at the front-line station where the pioneer corps was located.

The current front-line station is still designed at the forefront of the third front line. All the top professionals and commanders are in the most dangerous positions, so that they can always stay alert.

However, when Lu Chen came this time, the treatment was completely different from the first time.

Lu Chen didn't have much communication with the explorers, but as soon as he arrived at the entrance, the chief logistics officer Chu Bin came out to greet him and took him to the command room where Zheng Tian was.

Zheng Tian and his team just came back from patrolling outside to rest, and Lu Chen once again had a face-to-face communication with Zheng Tian, the commander-in-chief of the abyss.

"Sit down."

Zheng Tian looked at Lu Chen, who was two wheels younger than him, and his tone was very polite.

After all, treatment is the lifeline of a team. Zheng Tian definitely still hopes to have a good relationship with Lu Chen, so that when they fight together in the team in the future, he can also take care of himself.

"You really worked hard in the Abyss last time. I have already communicated with Xinghe. They should not attack you again in the short term."

"But you still have to be careful of their private ways. As far as I know, there are several masters from the Youlong Guild in Suining City. They are bounty hunters, and there is no guarantee that someone will attack you."

Because of Cheng Nan, Zheng Tian also regarded Lu Chen as his own, so some of the decisions made by Sichuan Heavy Industry later did have this attitude in mind.

Zheng Tian thought that Lu Chen would be more or less worried after he finished speaking.

But Zheng Tian did not see anything unusual on Lu Chen's face.

"It’s okay, let’s talk business."

Lu Chen came to the abyss this time not only because he needed to come, but also because Zheng Tian invited him through Cheng Nan, saying that after the beast tide ended, there were still many elite monsters roaming around.

These elite monsters should be vassals of the two previous lord bosses. Now that the lord is dead, they seem to be fighting for territory.

The birth of lord monsters should have some kind of territory mechanism. Zheng Tian is worried that at this rate, new lords will be formed among these elites.

As for the"bounty hunters" he mentioned, the three top professionals he killed before might belong to this category?

Lu Chen felt that the identity of the opponent should not be low. He had already solved this kind of trouble. I think those who are going to attack him should think twice.

"Yeah." Zheng Tian didn't know that Lu Chen had already solved the problem, but seeing that Lu Chen didn't care much, he continued:

"Our scouts received news that there are about four groups of elite monsters still roaming around our front line, and even attacked several of our teams."

"You should know that monsters have some intelligence. In fact, most of them are easy for us to deal with, but there is a kind of shadow assassin with high output. Our specially organized hunting team has suffered personnel losses. It is not easy to deal with. I thought that your holy light shield is very effective and should have a good effect."

Zheng Tian explained.

These shadow assassins are indeed difficult to deal with, but in fact, he still wants to build a relationship with Lu Chen and trick Lu Chen into the Bazhong Abyss first.

Otherwise, if people from other cities, such as Mianyang, come into contact with Lu Chen, what can they do?"���If they deceived Lu Chen in the name of"Recovering Rongcheng", they would suffer a great loss.

""Okay, no problem."

Lu Chen nodded, not caring about Zheng Tian's little thoughts.

He had some vague impression of this kind of monster in his memory, and his holy light conversion flash technique should have a good effect on this kind of monster.

"In addition, I also want a map of the Dark River. I want to go over there and take a look."After Lu Chen agreed, he also put forward his own request.

The Dark River is a large river far to the east of the Abyss. It is unknown how this underground river was formed, but there are many monsters gathering there, and there is even a"secret realm".

If Lu Chen remembers correctly, this secret realm is one of the drop points for the"Monarch" helmet set.

Lu Chen is now going to collect the Monarch set first, so that he will be more secure in the future.

"Okay, Qi Kexiu has explored that place several times, and we happen to have some routes. I'll let Chu Bin give them to you later. Zheng Tian readily agreed.

"But if you want to go out, you may have to wait for three or four hours. The team that was sent out to clean up the Shadow Assassins has already gone out and will probably return to the camp in the afternoon. You can walk around the surrounding area first."

Zheng Tian said, explaining the situation to Lu Chen.

After all, Lu Chen is a priest, so he definitely can't go out alone.

His original plan was to let Lu Chen join the cleanup team to help, so as to increase the safety of dealing with monsters, but now the time is different.

"......"Lu Chen glanced at Zheng Tian and felt that Zheng Tian seemed to have misunderstood.

"No need to wait, I can go alone." Lu Chen said.

Let's not talk about Lu Chen's unaccustomed to being in a team with strangers.

Just speaking of the experience, Lu Chen needs to level up now, so he would definitely prefer to enjoy the experience alone.

Taking other explorers with him would only affect his reading speed.

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