"Lost Shadow Assassin...."

Lu Chen easily defeated a monster lurking in the shadows, but he fell into deep thought.

"Shouldn't this kind of monster only appear in the deep dark mark land? How come there is an entrance to the abyss here?"

He quickly recalled the information about this monster in his mind.

Although nearly a hundred years have passed, he has spent a lot of time in the Bazhong Abyss and still has an impression of the distribution of some major monsters.

Most of these monsters are born in the special"spire" in the dark mark land, which is a special area deep in the abyss. After killing these monsters, there is a certain probability of obtaining a special"dark rune". The effect of darkness can convert health points into mana, which is a good special item.

In addition, some elite assassins will also drop some special stealth skill books, which Lu Chen had once gone to kill with his friends.

There is no problem with these monsters.

The strange thing is that these monsters should not appear here

"Could it be that they were brought here by the beast tide?"

Lu Chen suspected this at first.

After all, monsters have their own territorial attributes.

It is indeed a bit strange that monsters from the depths of the abyss appear here.

These monsters also appeared after the beast tide, and they may have been brought here inadvertently by the beast tide.

Lu Chen continued to move forward, but soon he felt that things should not be that simple.

Because the number and distribution of these monsters did not seem to be brought by the impact.

The closer to the Dark River, the higher the frequency of this special monster Lu Chen saw. Lu Chen even saw a shadow team acting alone.

It is impossible that the flood-like beast tide specifically rushed a team here, and then everyone took root here. Since this kind of monster can stay and patrol here, there must be something nearby that attracts them.............

On the other side.

After Qi Kexiu and his team returned to the camp of the Wind Chaser Guild, they announced the damaged buildings they encountered at the bottom of the river.

This was an elite team with a small number of people, so communication was relatively simple and did not require too much dispatch. Most of the time, Qi Kexiu only needed to communicate with the other captains.

"The bottom of the Dark River, since there is something like this guarding it, maybe there is a special secret realm inside!"

The team itself is composed of some warlike top professionals, and they immediately became eager to try.

"At present, no secret realm aura has been sensed. The nearest secret realm around the Dark River is not far from that location. There shouldn't be two secret realms at such a close distance, right?"

Someone expressed doubts about this.

Generally speaking, secret realms are not too close to each other due to some time and space factors.

There is a level 60 secret realm near the Dark River. That secret realm does not bring much improvement to the Wind Chaser Guild. Only the monsters that appeared on the other side of the Dark River have not been explored yet.

But since there is already a low-level secret realm, the possibility of a high-level secret realm appearing is much lower.

"No matter what it is, we can go and have a look."Qi Kexiu made the final decision. As the leader, he led the Wind Chaser Guild, which was a breath of fresh air.

Many people in this team had lost their families to monsters, and they had no ties. Their only goal was to kill monsters and improve their strength.

Although this special building discovered temporarily was dangerous, there was no place in the abyss that was not dangerous. Fortune and wealth are sought in danger. With something guarded by a monster like this, maybe a very high-quality item or equipment would be dropped!! After deciding to act, the whole team quickly assembled and accelerated to the bottom of the building that was discovered before.

At this time, everyone discovered another problem.

"Boss, the river seems to have started to rise. If the river water floods here, it will be difficult for us to retreat."

Because the broken hole is at the bottom of the river, the reason why this location was discovered before was that the river water dropped a lot after the beast tide and darkness, so this place was revealed.

Now the river water has begun to rise slowly. At this rate, at most one or two days, I am afraid that this ruins will be flooded by the river again. If there are some special circumstances, the river water will rise rapidly, and those who enter to explore the ruins will be submerged in the dark river, and the danger will increase sharply!

"Speed up and push forward, clear the surrounding assassins first! All ranged professions be careful, retreat and wait for the cooldown after using the life-saving skills! Don't get killed in the front."After thinking for a while, Qi Kexiu gave the order to move forward.

They didn't contribute much in the beast tide and were assigned other tasks, but their team is very skilled in exploring the ruins.

Some flashes and other range skills quickly covered both sides of the Dark River, and monsters were constantly detected.

However, these monsters are very intelligent. Only one-tenth of the monsters will rush towards the large group, and more monsters actually choose to hide their bodies.

When the large army continues to move forward, they suddenly come out to attack.

There was a priest with poor equipment.

He was even directly attacked by three assassins who suddenly appeared in the back row, and his blood volume was directly reduced to a thread.

If it weren't for the life-saving skills, people might be dead!

For a time, the entire Wind Chaser team had to be more cautious.

For the next half an hour, Qi Kexiu led his men to attack several times, but unexpectedly, after half an hour, they didn't even get down to the river of darkness. There were only a few hundred meters of ruins, and they were blocked by this group of invisible assassins!!

Many people's life-saving skills had been used, so Qi Kexiu and his men had to correct and recover, and wait until the life-saving skills were cooled down before launching the next round of attacks.......

Lu Chen came all the way from the west, and the monsters did not pose much of a hindrance to him. He came here to enter a level 60 secret realm.

Although there were many monsters in the abyss, with Lu Chen's output increasing dramatically, it could no longer meet his growing experience needs. It was definitely the abyss that could be reset infinitely that was more suitable for him to upgrade.

"If it's a group, is it from the Wind Chaser Guild?"

Lu Chen arrived at the vicinity of the Dark River, and simply cleared some monsters, and then saw a large group in the distance recovering.

According to Zheng Tian's information, this location should be Qi Kexiu's group.

Lu Chen knew that this guild was specialized in clearing the abyss, and it was very famous in the previous life.

But he was not familiar with Qi Kexiu, so he didn't want to go up and say hello. When he got a little closer, Lu Chen also found the ruins at the bottom of the Dark River.

"Huh?" Lu Chen's pupils shrank slightly.

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