Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 205: Arriving in Karur for the first time

The army train from Heiyan City was carrying all the equipment and personnel of the Thirty-Nine Division Iron-Blooded Battalion. After nearly two days of galloping, until the morning of the third day, it finally reached the Karur area.

Zhang Tie was awakened in his sleep. Ever since he got on the train, Zhang Tie has been asleep. After waking up, he will fight with a bunch of wild beasts in the fruit of the soul catastrophe, or visualize two Using an abacus to practice "Pearl Mind Arithmetic", compared with those sweet and sweet girls, sitting on the train with a bunch of smelly old men is really boring.

Soldiers dangling cigarettes and playing cards in the carriage, those violent madmen who wished to make a breakthrough in the iron fist fist one by one kept their heads in the carriage and practiced, more veterans, then Most of the time, I closed my eyes and rested my mind, or quietly wiped and polished my weapons. Making final preparations for the upcoming war.

During this day and night, the train stopped one or three times at a few small stations along the way, to replenish coal and water, each for only one hour, while the soldiers and officers on the train were strictly Under the constraints of discipline, no one has ever stepped out of the carriage.

The carriages where the soldiers were in were all smoky, while the carriages where the officers were in were so stuffy that they couldn't let out a fart.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Tie came to his sleeper compartment, fell asleep and fell asleep in the dark, and almost never came out except to eat.


"Wake up, Lieutenant Zhang Tie, we have arrived at Karur..." Zhang Tie, who was sleeping on the bed and dreaming, was directly awakened by a second lieutenant officer sleeping on his upper bunk. Zhang Tie opened his eyes and found that the train was already Stopped, there was a loud voice outside, and I glanced out from the train window. The sky outside just wanted to light up. The whole station was full of people in dark red military uniforms shaking and piles of mountains. Supplies.

Zhang Tieyi's reel got up from the bed, quickly put on his clothes and shoes, tidyed up his appearance, and came to the car restaurant, which is now the temporary meeting room of the Jagged Camp.

When Zhang Tie came to the restaurant, an officer with the rank of lieutenant but not the Jagged Battalion had just hurriedly left from the car next to the restaurant.

In the next minute, the first military meeting of the Jagged Battalion to Karur was held in the dining room of the train.

A map of the Karur region has been hung on the wall of the restaurant. The center of the map is a city. The north and south sides of the entire city have been occupied by large blue or red markers. Between the blue plate and the blue plate, there is a large gray area. The city of Karur has just been surrounded. Major Guderian is holding a conductor pen and introducing Karur to everyone in very concise language. Now the situation in the surrounding area.

"Now we and Radiant Feather's troops are concentrated in a vast area fifty kilometers away from Karul. Karur is now neutral. To the south of Karul, the blue area on the map is Radiant Feather. , On the north side of the map, this red area is our Iron Horn Legion. The station where we are now is still 87 kilometers away from Karur. It is here..." Commanded by Major Guderian The pen point was on the location of a small town called Carriage at the front of the red area on the map.

"The narrow gray area on the map that surrounds Karur City is about 75 kilometers long and 124 kilometers wide. It is the mountainous area around Karur. It is also the place where we have the most intense friction with Glory Feather. In this area, there are many troops entangled on both sides, and there are many encounters every day. Just now, the legion command has issued an order that we must rush here and take it down. We originally had a battalion here. But before the night fell yesterday, this unit had lost contact with its superiors. Under normal circumstances, this means that our brothers in that battalion are now more and more ill-fortuned..." Guderian’s command pen moved from Kari Kira crossed a straight line and went straight to a place called Solane in the gray area. The contour lines on the military map made everyone understand that the place called Solane seemed to be built in half. Villages and towns on the mountainside.

Guderian's command pen drew lines on several places on the map, turning in circles, using the fastest language to let everyone understand what to do next.

"Our first task is to retake this place, and we must continue our activities in this complex area with a radius of more than 100 kilometers for at least two weeks and clear out the three known positions of the enemy. In these two weeks Among them, we have to deal the greatest blow to the troops of the Sun God in this area. In this mission, we can only consume the supplies we bring, and cannot get any backup. We will not return until 14 days later. Let’s rest at Fort Four of the Ironhorn Legion near the city of Karur!” At this point, Major Guderian put away his command pen, “Do you have anything else to ask about this combat mission?”

Everyone shook their heads, only Zhang Tie, who participated in the first battle, felt a little nervous in his heart. Unexpectedly, when he arrived in Karur, before he had time to drink the water, the intensive combat mission was sent down, and it was not for anyone. A little buffer time.

"Well, the battle map will be distributed to each company later. If there is no problem, everyone will have five minutes to prepare, then get off the car, gather the team and we will set off!"

All the officers stood up suddenly, and then each delivered combat orders to the company below.

In those five minutes of preparation time, Zhang Tie put on the Norman Empire’s B-shaped lieutenant’s light armor for the first time. The important joints are all wrapped in light armor in alloy armor.

In addition to wearing this armor and the same things and supplies equipped by other officers, Zhang Tie also carried a javelin of more than 100 kilograms on his back, and he also held the "man Proof".

Not only the officers, but the soldiers below also completed all the pre-war preparations in these five minutes.

At this time, the war efficiency of the Iron-Blooded Battalion was shown. From the first soldier who was prepared to get the order to open the train car door and jump down, to the last more than one thousand troops quietly assembled at the railway station before the war. Everything was completed in two minutes.

At this time, the Jagged Battalion assembled before the war, like a fierce beast, finally revealed his murderous nature. Everyone was armed with swords and guns, and his armor was in his hands. Everyone began to be silent, but thick. But his murderous aura was tumbling on his body.


"Ah, Jagged Battalion, our Jagged Battalion is here..." When the Jagged Battalion assembled at the station, the soldiers and officers of the Norman Empire in the station couldn't help but cast their astonished eyes on this one who was gathering. The murderous troops.

"Which division is it?"

"I heard it was the Jagged Camp of the 39th Division!"

"Ah! Is it the iron-blood camp led by the madman Reinhardt?" someone exclaimed.

"Great, the iron-blood camp led by the lunatic Reinhardt must be able to teach the **** of the Sun God a severe lesson!" Someone became excited.

Listening to the discussions around, Zhang Tie knew that Reinhardt's boss seemed to be very famous in the entire Iron Horn Legion.

"Who is that guy with a big scary guy in his hand and a bunch of heavy javelins on his back?"

"I don't know, it seems to be amazing!"

Zhang Tie didn't expect that even standing in the team would attract the attention of many people. However, Zhang Tie, who participated in the war for the first time, just felt a little nervous at the moment, and he didn't mean to show off at all.

"Go!" With the roar of the boss of Reinhardt, the brothers of the Jagged Camp began to move forward and trot out of the station.

As soon as he ran out of the station, Zhang Tie understood why he ordered the Jie Xue camp to walk to Solane this time. In the small town where they got off, at the front of the friction zone between the two sides, almost half of the buildings have been destroyed. During the war, there were broken walls everywhere, burnt buildings were everywhere, and roads were severely damaged. Those steam armored vehicles that could exert the greatest power in plain terrain and group assaults, in Karoo In the terrain that is surrounded by mountains, there is not much use at all.

The town was full of soldiers from the Norman Empire wearing dark red military uniforms. It didn't seem very special for the more than one thousand people who suddenly rushed out of the station. After the Jie Xue camp trot and left the station, within a few minutes, they ran out of the town and began to enter the wild.

Solane is at least 25 kilometers away from here.

Until then, Zhang Tie felt that it was a very silly thing to come out with the epee as the main weapon of the battle. The epee on his body, plus the standard bag on his back, and some miscellaneous things, Zhang Tie's whole person The weight of Zhang Tie has exceeded half a ton, and he ran for twenty-five kilometers with a half ton of things, and had to participate in a battle. With such an intensity, even if Zhang Tie had gained the strength of the nine wolves, he still felt a little strenuous. After all, weight-bearing is not the wolf’s strength.

At this moment, Zhang Tie could only grit his teeth and hold on hard, encouraging himself.

Before the team entered the mountains, a cavalry riding an iron horned beast galloped from behind, and after handing over a metal cylinder carrying orders to Battalion Reinhardt at the front of the team, He left quickly.

"According to the reports from the brothers in the scout camp, the **** of the Sun God had chopped off the heads of all the brothers in our Sorane camp and piled them on the wheat field. There was no one alive, and even the wounded and the prisoners were not spared. , The latest command of the Legion Command is also the latest task given to our Jagged Battalion. Let us kill all the **** of the Sun God dynasty that now occupy Sorane. We can’t let one go..." Reinhardt was full There was a murderous cry.

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

Everyone in the Jagged Camp was boiling...

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