Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 519: Sacred contract

Perhaps every father who sees the first man his daughter brought home will feel a little upset. Zhang Tie feels that Beverly’s father is a bit upset with him, but he is restrained. The restraint only lasted after dinner.

After dinner, Beverly and her mother went to the kitchen to pack things together, and gave the living room to Zhang Tie and her father. Before entering the kitchen, Beverly gave Zhang Tie a worried look. Zhang Tie gave Beverly a relieved smile.

"Benny once talked about you at home, I can see that she likes you very much!" Beverly's father, wearing a pair of thick crystal glasses, looked at Zhang with a critical and complicated look. The expensive outfit on Tie’s body is like reviewing a balance sheet with beautiful data. The critical eyes of accountants often prevent them from looking at things on the surface, but paying more attention to the internal relations between things. , Those key logical connections, "I know what the rich people’s lives are like. The clothes you are wearing now may be worth my salary for several years. I also know how rich people treat women. What is your attitude? I just want to ask you one question now. Will you plan to marry my daughter in the future?"

As soon as this question came out, Zhang Tie hadn't answered yet, there was a "clang..." in the kitchen, which was the sound of a metal plate falling on the ground.

The house of Beverly’s family is not too big, only three bedrooms and one living room, less than 100 square meters, Beverly’s father did not lower his volume, the reason why he did not ask this question directly in front of everyone at the dinner table , I guess I don’t want Beverly to be too embarrassed, and asking at this time, not only to avoid Beverly’s embarrassment, but also to let Beverly know what Zhang Tie thinks.

Zhang Tie also didn't expect Beverly's father to ask such a sharp question as soon as he spoke with him. He was very clear about the subtext behind this question-why should we trust a person who cannot be responsible for the future of our daughter The man's nonsense, he would easily make the decision to leave Black Flame City.

Zhang Tie was silent for a moment. When he was silent, the sound in the kitchen became normal again, but Zhang Tie knew that Beverly in the kitchen must be very nervous at this time.

"Mr. Jon, you may not believe what I said, but to me, I really don’t care what I’m wearing and how much it’s worth, because it’s meaningless to me. I don’t care. Not because I have money, but because for me, one thing that really makes me care about is whether I can live!"

As soon as Zhang Tie spoke, Beverly's father was stunned, and the sound of washing dishes in the kitchen seemed to slow down a lot.

"Just before coming to Black Flame City, that is, more than two months ago, I almost died. I was hunted down by a tenth-level strong fighter. Maybe you don’t understand what a tenth-level strong fighter is, Mr. Jon. , Because before the Black Flame City was merged into the territory of the Norman Empire, the entire Black Flame City, as far as I know, the number of strong fighters it possessed can be counted in one slap, I am not that person’s opponent, so , Under severe injuries, I was shot down by him from a mountain that was thousands of meters high. Fortunately, I did not die. In the process of falling from the mountain, I was blocked by branches and vines in the valley. Finally fell into a puddle and survived..."

"After that, the strong fighters who chased me became two people, and my head was offered a reward of 5,000 gold coins. Almost I died!"

"Before this, since I joined the Iron-Blooded Camp of the 39th Division, in just over a year, I have been there many times, and almost died. It was really only a little bit, I was smeared Lanshuang’s highly toxic crossbow arrows were shot and almost died. In the Karur battle zone, the Jagged Battalion of the Thirty-Nine Division was surrounded by the Sun God’s Black Feather Legion with superior forces. That time, although we finally highlighted the encirclement But I almost died. That time, I had 186 large and small wounds and 47 fractures. My body was hit by the air of an eighth-level officer of the Black Feather Legion. All my internal organs were seriously injured, even iron and blood. When the brothers in the camp sent me to the field hospital, the doctor looked at the blood and wounds flowing out of my body, and the brothers who had told me that I was dead, no need to be rescued, it was from the Jagged Camp. Brothers, put the knife on the doctor’s neck and let them start to rescue me! Finally, I came alive. I thought I was lucky, but then I learned that in order to **** alive, a Jagged Camp that I respect Sir, he has sacrificed for me, he has exchanged his life for mine!"

"After I returned to Jinyun Nation, I almost died twice. One was betrayed by people around me. I was chased by a bunch of killers underground in the Dragon Cave on the island. I was almost thrown into the magma and turned into ashes. It was my master who rescued me. Another time, it was the Celestial Chill City incident. You may have heard of this, but as participants and witnesses of this incident, you may not be able to imagine that a troop is almost What it feels like to be surrounded by millions of demonized puppets, let alone a person who is surrounded by tens of thousands of demonized puppets, facing endless endlessness, not afraid of pain, not afraid of death, how dangerous a demonized puppet like a machine is, The demonized puppet left a total of 137 wounds on my body, and these wounds just healed not long!"

Zhang Tie's voice was calm, as if he was talking about other people's things.

"When I say this, I am not showing off, but just telling you what I have experienced over the past year and the dangers I have to face in my life. To be honest, although I am sitting here and talking to you at this moment, I really I’m not sure if I’m still alive after a year or even half a year, and I can still talk to you and Bennie, because I don’t know what dangerous situation I will encounter next time, when I am struggling with death again At the time, will I still be so lucky every time I can survive as before, so you ask me if I will marry your daughter in the future, I really don’t know how to answer, because I don’t know me. Can you live to that time."

"I don't want to be in the family I have formed. Everyone lives in fear and worry every day. The wife is worried about losing her husband every day, and the children are worried every day about whether the father can come back this time! The biggest responsibility of a man and a husband is to free his family from fear, not to bring the family into fear. Unfortunately, I cannot do this!"

"For me, survival is the most important thing. Not only to keep myself alive, but also to keep the people I care about alive. That's why I returned to Black Flame City this time!"

"As long as I live one day, as long as I can stay with Bennie, I will do my best to treat her well, cherish her, love her, prevent her from being bullied, make her happy, and treat her happiness and smile as With my pride and achievement, I can promise you that if I am still alive in the future, when I feel that I am qualified and capable of becoming a qualified husband, if Bennie is still willing to marry me at that time, I will marry her. , I would be very happy to have such a wife as Beni."

When Zhang Tie was leaving, Beverly with red eyes sent Zhang Tie downstairs, hugged him tightly, buried her head on his chest, and held it for a long time before she reluctantly let Zhang Tie leave.

On a day like today, if Zhang Tie stays at Beverly’s house overnight, Beverly’s parents’ faces will be ugly. Beverly’s blatant departure is just as bad as Zhang Tie’s departure. Beverly didn’t come home last night. The excuse is to hang out with friends. When the daughter is older, her parents sometimes don't want to control her too tightly. But if Beverly does not come home again today, she is doubting her parents' IQ.


Leaving Beverly's house, Zhang Tie sat in the car alone, looking at Heiyan City, where pedestrians were dwindling on the road. On New Year's Eve today, it is estimated that he was alone in the luxurious palace of Heijin Hotel.

The car drove back to the Heijin Hotel. As soon as he arrived at the door, Zhang Tie saw a familiar figure just getting off the carriage at the door of the hotel, with the short black hair, the glamorous face, and the seductive round calf under the coat. , Zhang Tie suddenly recognized her.

Zhang Tie got out of the car, and the beautiful female lieutenant also saw Zhang Tie. Then the two smiled without speaking. Zhang Tie stretched out her arm, and the female lieutenant walked over and took Zhang Tie's arm.

"Lieutenant Zhang Tie, you are so courageous, you dare to come to Black Flame City at this time?" The female lieutenant said.

This opening let Zhang Tie know the reason why the female lieutenant did not come yesterday. It turned out to be to understand her own details, and she seemed quite careful.


Twenty minutes later, on the sofa in the bar of the luxury palace, after drinking a little alcohol, the female lieutenant's face turned red, lying on her side on the sofa, she was already a gesture of tasting by the group, Zhang Tie's hand He embraced the female lieutenant, while the other hand was holding the wine glass, shaking the liquid in the glass.

Alcoholic beauty, Zhang Tie doesn’t know how long he can enjoy this kind of life, and Zhang Tie’s eyes are also a little confused. The words that I said at Beverly’s today are from the heart of Zhang Tie, who has experienced so much. Zhang Tie really didn’t know if he could live in this world after half a year or even a year later. Zhang Tie was not sure if he suddenly jumped out in front of him because of the full potion. A knight-level killer turned himself into fly ash with a palm.

At this time, Zhang Tie finally understood the thoughts and mentality of those officers in the Jagged Camp who were drunk between women and alcohol whenever they had time.

Because I don't know how long I can live, I can only spend every second of my life as much as possible and enjoy my life.

"That day... what did you mean when you asked me in the reception room?"

"Which sentence!" Zhang Tie took a sip of the wine in the wine glass and threw the wine glass on the carpet.

"That's... the sentence asking me if I am married?" The female lieutenant turned her head and looked at Zhang Tie with blurred eyes, "You men often like to joke, I thought... I thought you were joking with me... Actually... …Actually, I’m already married..."

After saying this, the female lieutenant put her face on the sofa and got down, closed her eyes, and waited for Zhang Tie's attack.

The female lieutenant waited for a minute, and there was no movement. After waiting for another half a minute, she found that Zhang Tie had reorganized her clothes and left with her hands.

The female lieutenant turned her head, but found that Zhang Tie had already walked to the next sofa and sat down, panting, reopened a bottle of spirits, and when she raised her head, she drank half a bottle of spirits down her stomach.

"What's the matter?" The female lieutenant was stunned, wondering why Zhang Tie stopped at the hottest moment.

"It's getting late, should you go back?" Zhang Tie raised his head and drank the remaining half of the bottle again.

"Ah, why?"

"You won't understand!" Zhang Tie shook his head, not wanting to explain anything, but directly rang the rope bell beside him. Soon, the shadow of the palace housekeeper appeared at the door of the bar.

Seeing such a scene, the female lieutenant could only turn over and sit up, looking at Zhang Tie in confusion while tidying up her clothes.

"Sir, do you have any needs?"

"Use my car to take this lady home!"

"Madam, please..." The polite palace butler made a gesture of asking. Did the female lieutenant glance at Zhang Tie, then shook her head, picked up her coat, twisted her butt, and walked away on high heels. .

Only a minute later, the palace butler reappeared in front of Zhang Tie, "Your Excellency, the car has been arranged to take the lady away. Do you have any other orders and needs?"

Zhang Tie waved his hand, the palace butler bowed and left silently. Zhang Tie, who was sitting alone in the room, smiled bitterly. Zhang Tie knew that if things were to be said tonight, someone would call him stupid, maybe For other men, in that situation, they would not stop at all, but for themselves, such things have exceeded their bottom line.

In this era, many people no longer take their wedding banquets seriously, let alone take others’ marriages seriously, but for Zhang Tie, if he were to choose the most sacred contract between human beings, Zhang Tie would not Hesitating to choose marriage, marriage, in Zhang Tie's view, is the most sacred and inviolable contract that mankind can conclude.

This kind of understanding comes from his father and mother. His father and mother created his family through marriage, and then created him. Although his father and mother have been living a plain life in Heiyan City, Sometimes the two even quarrel, and occasionally they will be in a cold war for a few days, but all this will not affect Zhang Tie's understanding of marriage and respect for the sacred contract between men and women from his parents.

Zhang Tie couldn’t imagine that if one of the two of them betrayed their marriage during the decades when his father and mother were together, what his family would be like and what his life would be like ——The so-called do not do to others what you don't want, and you don't want the problems faced by your family. That should be the case, and you should not impose it on other families.

In Zhang Tie’s eyes, the marriage contract between a man and a woman is more sacred and solemn than any other law. Even if he is willing to take a huge risk to step on the laws and regulations of the Norman Empire, he will never Let yourself destroy the sacredness and solemnity of a marriage contract.

Therefore, even if he likes a woman who has a husband, he will not touch it, because these women are protected by the divine marriage contract in Zhang Tie's eyes. Even when this contract is insignificant and dispensable in the eyes of the signer, to Zhang Tie, it is still inviolable.

Moreover, even if Zhang Tie didn’t meet the female lieutenant’s husband, he didn’t even know what the man looked like, what job he did, what kind of experience and ability he had, but from the perspective of a man, Zhang Tie felt that a man and a man Between, not just between friends, even if they don’t know each other, even if they are enemies, there should be some basic and minimum respect. This is a man’s respect for the man’s personality and dignity possessed by another man. This kind of respect will remind you not to steal that man's things. No matter what, as a man, there should always be some common values ​​and language.

Zhang Tie didn't think how noble he was, but from beginning to end, he still felt that he was a person and had his own bottom line, so he stopped when it was most impossible to stop. For Zhang Tie, there are many women in this world. He is not a dedicated lover, but he will not touch women who already have families and men. If doing that kind of thing is joyful and joyful, then that joy and joy shouldn't be destruction, and it shouldn't harm other people as a matter of course.

This is both respecting others and respecting oneself.

This bottom line may be ridiculous in the eyes of many people, but Zhang Tie doesn't care, he only needs to satisfy himself.

In the icy pool, Zhang Tie soaked alone for an hour, and the whole talent slowly calmed down.

This year's New Year's Eve, in the luxurious palace of the Heijin Hotel, Zhang Tie spent the long and deserted night alone in the empty room with quiet practice.


After the New Year, after Zhang Tie and the brothers from the Brotherhood of Aircraft got together again, everything moved quickly.

After meeting Zhang Tie, Barry’s father was the first to make up his mind and decided to leave Black Flame City. The family of Doug, Kista and Wright also agreed after Zhang Tie personally visited the house, although some people There was still a little hesitation, but Zhang Tie told them-if they didn't want to leave Black Flame City, then they would go to the beach as a family for a vacation. After three months, if they wanted to come back, Zhang Tie would send them back. This promise impressed those who were still hesitating. Even Beverly's father and mother agreed to go to Jin Yunguo first, and come back in three months if they are not used to it.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. Even on Teacher Dinah’s side, when the best private detectives in the Black Flame City kept telling me about Mr. Dinah, Zhang Tie's heart slowly developed something. Eyebrows, no longer a black eye.

Until this time, Zhang Tie knew that it turned out that Teacher Dinah was born in a single-parent family. After her father died, she left her with a brother. Her brother had been paralyzed in bed because of a serious illness for many years. Because of that brother, Teacher Dinah has not been married all these years, but while working to earn money, he is trying to treat her brother's illness.

To cure her paralyzed brother, and to hire two people to take turns taking care of her brother’s living and eating. This is a big expense. So, even if it’s on vacation, Dinah The teacher is still doing two part-time jobs and making money.

Those two part-time jobs, one was a private tutor for a wealthy lady in Heiyan City, and the other was a vacation counselor at the No. 4 Girls Middle School in Heiyan City.

These two part-time jobs can bring an extra income of two gold coins and 74 silver coins to Teacher Dinah every month, plus the teacher income of Teacher Dinah in the Seventh National Male Middle School in Black Flame City. Throughout the year, Teacher Dinah can Earn more than 40 gold coins, and the money spent on her brother is almost 30 gold coins a year.

Teacher Dinah is glamorous and beautiful in class, like a goddess, but in real life, her life is not so comfortable. Instead, she bears huge daily pressures in life, but she never puts the pressure on On her face, she will not tell people everywhere, but a person who silently endures and tolerates it. She resolves everything in the friendly and charming smile on her face. Every day, whether it is walking The campus was still walking outside the campus, and the figure Zhang Tie saw was so elegant and beautiful.

After knowing these circumstances, Zhang Tie had a layer of respect for Teacher Dinah in addition to the inexplicable secret love. Because Teacher Dinah is not only beautiful and independent, but also quite strong and kind.

On January 5th, the New Year's atmosphere slowly faded in Black Flame City. It was on this day that Zhang Tie met the girls from the Rose Society. It was Susan and Fiona who came to see Zhang Tie.

Seeing Zhang Tie again, the two girls did not smile on their faces, but silently placed a ring on Zhang Tie's hand.

——To my beloved Angel Baby——Zhang Tie

——To my beloved Shava baby——Zhang Tie

——To my beloved Syltina baby——Zhang Tie

——To my beloved Niya baby——Zhang Tie

——To my beloved baby Mia——Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie looked at the words engraved on the back of the ring in a bit of amazement, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart, "What's wrong?"

"They are dead!" Susan and Fiona cried all of a sudden, "Angel lets us give you these things before dying, saying you will understand!"

died? Zhang Tie was stunned, then tears came out all of a sudden...

"How did they die, tell me everything!" Zhang Tie was crying, but his voice was a little frightening.

"Shortly after you left Black Flame City last year, Master Abian will recruit a group of assistants in the manor. I heard that the treatment is good and their conditions are more suitable, so I went..." In the sobbing, the course of the matter slowly surfaced in front of Zhang Tie...

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