Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 86 The Plain Way Of Cooking


"Eating table!"

Director Li and Director Zhang stood at the exit of the foreign land like golden boys and girls, with cheerful faces and quite festive.

The first foreign land in Beishi is only a yellow rank, with little development value. Now Haocang Island has been rated as a first-level prefecture, which makes Beishi rank fifth in Daxia!

Not to mention the various foreign specialties developed from Hao Cang Island, the entrance fee for those who receive supernatural powers to enter the foreign land can be paid a lot!

Currently, the top five rankings in Great Xia Alien Land are:

First: Imperial Capital Sword Tomb

Second: Ganshi Tianlu Tomb

Third: Nanshi Yan Mo Valley

Fourth: Xiangshi Mountain of Corpses and Sea of ​​Bones

Fifth: Haocang Island, Beishi

"Xiao Ye, Xiao Wang must not leave in a hurry, he must have a feast before leaving!"

"Our Beishi is very grateful to you two, very grateful!"

Although Ju Li and Ju Zhang played the roles of the golden boy and the jade girl, Wang Xiao who stabilized the foreign land and Ye Changan who rated the foreign land were the real boys who gave money.

Of course, there is also Comrade Xiaobao, the mascot of Beishi and lucky star, who needs to accompany him.

The black dragon who is a thug and bodyguard will tail the fire tiger.

Unable to bear the threat of death from the two bureau chiefs, Wang Xiao and Ye Chang'an had to agree to stay in Beishi for a banquet.

The Beishi Appreciation Bureau and the Foreign Land Management Bureau jointly held a celebration banquet. Of course, everyone in the internal test team was only responsible for eating and drinking, and the old director Fox Wang was in charge of running around.

Before the celebration starts.

Director Wang rubbed his hands to find Zhang Xibao.

"That, Comrade Xiaobao..."

Director Wang walked over with a smile.

As soon as Zhang Xibao saw this guy, he became angry. Director Li gave him 5,000 credits to be an ambassador, but this fellow actually deducted the credits, and only gave Zhang Xibao a monthly salary of 300 credits!

I haven't settled with you yet, did you deliver it yourself?

Zhang Xibao restrained his anger, and asked with a smile, "Is there something wrong with the director?"

Director Wang pulled Zhang Xibao aside and lowered his voice: "How do you think this banquet is going?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at the layout of the venue, nodded: "It's very well done."

"It's good, but it's almost meaningless!"

The director said with a smile: "The director entrusted this matter to me. As a subordinate, I must do it to perfection. If it is too short, I must make up for it?"

Zhang Xibao tilted his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Director Wang pointed to the cup on the table and said, "Wine!"

"A banquet, a feast, a feast without good wine!"

Director Wang stretched out his finger and rubbed it: "Aren't you engaged in the sale of the drunk fairy wine? Take it out, and the Appreciation Bureau will buy it for 500 points a bottle!"

Zhang Xibao pretended to be embarrassing and said: "My production of Zuixian wine is very low, I can't produce that much!"

"So, 600 points for a bottle, I'll cover it all!"

Zhang Xibao thought for a while: "I can only take out five small bottles, which is just enough for Ju Li, Ju Zhang, and the three guests to each have a bottle."

"Okay, I'll transfer 3000 points to you right now!"

The director took out his mobile phone, transferred 3,000 points to Zhang Xibao on the spot, and happily left with five small bottles of Zuixian wine.

Director Wang really laid the coffin for this wave in order to flatter his boss.

The 3,000 for selling drunken fairy wine, plus the 5,000 for the five iron feathers purchased by the Jianbao Bureau, plus Zhang Xibao's original 19,180.

Zhang Xibao glanced at the points balance: 27180.

These points are all used to buy pills, and it is estimated that Zhang Xibao and Chinchilla can be supported to death.

I used to worry about not enough points to spend, but now I worry about not spending enough points.

"Tsk, exploring foreign lands is really a good way to make a fortune..."

The banquet has begun.

Li Ju and Zhang Ju sat in the main seats, Wei Huohu, Ye Changan, and Wang Xiao took the guest seats, and Zhang Xibao and the old Fox Director sat down to accompany them.

Although none of the meat and vegetable dishes on the table came from a foreign land, they were all delicious in color and flavor, and Zhang Xibao's mouth was full of greasy food.

Li Ju and Zhang Ju are both excellent people, and the entertainment is perfect. Director Wang is in charge of persuading the wine to warm up the scene.

The banquet is in full swing, and there is no wine.

Li Ju frowned slightly: "Why is there no wine?"

"Yes, yes, there is wine, there is good wine!" Director Wang snapped to his feet.

Five bottles of Zuixian wine were placed on the table. Director Wang said with a smile, "I asked a friend to buy some good wine from a foreign land. Ju Li, Ju Zhang and the guests must try it."


Director Li pushed out the wine glass: "Director Wang's private collection of good wine, you must try it!"

Director Wang was holding the wine bottle and was about to serve Li Ju and Zhang Juman. He patted Zhang Xibao who was eating and drinking: "Why are you so ungrateful, hurry and serve the guests?"

Zhang Xibao put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, glanced at the remaining three bottles of wine, and an idea came to his mind.

Zhang Xibao sneered in his heart, you are not kind, but don't blame me for being rude...

Holding the wine bottle, Zhang Xibao was about to pour wine for Taihuohu.

Tail Fire Tiger took the bottle and said, "I'll do it myself."

Zhang Xibao handed Wei Huohu a bottle of wine, and poured the other two bottles for Wang Xiao and Ye Changan.

First poured a glass for Wang Xiao, and it was Ye Chang'an's turn.

Ye Changan stared closely at Zhang Xibao's face, Zhang Xibao looked as usual.

Want to drink good wine? drink fart you!

Zhang Xibao gave Ye Changan a weird look, grinned slightly, and bumped into Director Wang who had just turned around.

Zhang Xibao shook his hands, and spilled a small bottle of drunken fairy wine on Director Wang's crotch.

Coincidentally, Li Ju flicked the cigarette ash with his hand.

In fact, it was Zhang Xibao who set the soot on fire.


Director Wang's crotch is stuck!

"Hey, shit!"

Director Wang was taken aback, and began to shake his legs crazily.

In a panic, Director Wang tripped over Zhang Xibao's outstretched leg.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Zhang Xibao pretended to be puzzled, and reached out to hold a plate to beat the flames for Director Wang.

"Help, help!" Director Wang yelled as he lay on the ground.

"Get out of the way, let me do it!"

Director Li roared, lifted his leather shoes and kicked Director Wang's crotch.

bang bang bang!

The flames couldn't be extinguished? !

Nonsense, how could Zhang Xibao's strange fire be extinguished so easily.

After Director Li kicked him a few times, Director Wang foamed at the mouth and passed out.

Tail Huohu waved his hand, and the flames on Director Wang's body flew towards his palm, and then Director Li remembered that Wei Huohu, a master fire player, was sitting beside him.

Director Li thought he would not have kicked those two kicks if he knew it earlier... But he kicked it all. He was doing it to put out the fire. Director Wang would not blame me, would he?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Wang Xiao squatted down to check Director Wang's injury.

Ye Changan took out a healing pill and stuffed it into Director Wang's mouth.

Wang Xiao said with a strange face: "There is no burn, but I was kicked a few times at that job, and I fainted from the pain."

Director Li looked embarrassed, looked at Wang Xiao, and thought that it would be good if you knew, why did you say it!

"Cough cough cough..."

Director Li pretended to cough and changed the subject: "That... Hurry up and save people!"

Tailed Huohu felt the strange flame in his palm, and silently glanced at Zhang Xibao.

The cause of the fire was definitely man-made, and only Zhang Xibao was the most suspected person present.

Probably there is some grievance between Comrade Xiaobao and Director Wang. Since Comrade Xiaobao didn't mean to hurt anyone, and Director Wang was injured by Director Li, I still don't want to intervene.

Tail Huohu thought that one more thing would be better than one less thing, so he returned to the Black Dragon Club as soon as possible, and the dignified Tail Huohu acted as a bodyguard for others, and the other six stars in the Black Dragon Club insisted on laughing at him to death.

After this incident, the banquet could only end, Ye Changan and Wang Xiao returned to the imperial capital, and Wei Huohu also finished his mission and left.

The ambulance dragged the man away.

The story of Director Wang entertaining guests with a warm roasted chicken also spread...


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