Cataclysm Bears

Chapter 18 The Dangerous Pond


Zhao Xiong, who had harvested 50 soul stones, was overjoyed, and finally had another deposit.

He was too lazy to deal with the finishing work, turned around and left without even looking at the monster corpse on the ground, looking for the next hunting target.

A monster with a long neck provides 50 soul stones. As long as you kill five more mutants of the same level, you can save enough soul stones to buy "Imperishable Thunder" and achieve the ambition of a demigod.

It's beautiful to think about.

Zhao Xiong's heart was very excited, but he still kept calm and vigilant all the time, and entered the fighting state at any time.

He knew that he must not be careless in the next battle with the monster. After all, the combat power of the mutant is not weak, much higher than the monkey monster that failed to mutate. If he is not careful, he may capsize in the gutter.

Moreover, the life forms of the mutant species are extremely weird, such as the spine of a monster with a long neck, which mutates like a gnat, and even if the head is crushed, it does not die immediately.

If it wasn't for absorbing the gene strengthening potion and increasing its combat power, it might not be able to deal with it.

What's more, it is estimated that there are more powerful monsters in the city, so it can't be too crazy for the time being.

It has been quiet outside for a long time, and a trembling head poked out from the broken window of the house of the family that was attacked by the long-necked monster.

Seeing the long-necked monster with a miserable death on the ground, the man couldn't help but rejoice, and turned his head to look, just in time to see a giant brown bear turning the corner of the street and disappearing from sight.

"There seems to be something over here."

Sniffing the smell in the air, Zhao Xiong continued to look for prey.

The sense of smell of brown bears is several times that of dogs. They can smell the smell of rotting corpses over three kilometers in the wild. After evolution, their sense of smell has been greatly improved. Even in cities with complex environments, they can smell far away smell.

I don't know if it's because there are too many monsters in the city now, or because Zhao Xiong was lucky enough to make another discovery within a short distance.

A small urban green park appeared in front of it, with a small area, only a circle of cobbled paths, a few sets of fitness equipment and a small calm pond.

A robust dog the size of a bull is looking down at a dumpster next to the park with its head down.

The canine teeth are sharp, and the tendons of the limbs are well developed, but the dirty black hair is all sticky and sticky, almost gray, exuding a rotten smell.

Probably a stray dog ​​that has been wandering around the garbage dump all year round.

name:? ? ?

Race: garden dog

Bloodline: evolutionary species

Status: normal (initial evolution completed)

Skill: Bite

Combat Power Evaluation: 40~70

Threat Assessment: Low

"Hey, it's actually a dog that has evolved successfully."

Zhao Xiong was a little surprised. He had seen so many monsters recently, and finally saw a precedent of successful evolution, although this dog's combat power level was a bit low.

Should we attack it?

Zhao Xiong was thinking, this dog is not easy, it has evolved successfully and is still rummaging in the trash can for food.

Moreover, with a dog's developed sense of smell and hearing, he may not be able to touch the other party before the dog finds out.


Before Zhao Xiong had any thoughts about it, the black dog suddenly raised its head and whimpered nervously.

Senbai's teeth were bared, as if he sensed that some kind of danger was approaching.

Zhao Xiong was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he didn't make any moves. The reason for the other party's nervousness was not because of him.

The black dog gritted its teeth and stared at the park on the other side.


A thick black shadow shot out from the pond in the park, and headed straight for the black dog at an extremely fast speed.

Fortunately, the black dog, which had been prepared for a long time, immediately dodged and avoided the black shadow's attack.

Dark shadows fly away,

Turning back to the pond, but leaving a one-meter-square pit where the dog stayed before, the original concrete floor and soil were all swept away.


The evolved black dog that had survived the catastrophe seemed to be pissed off. Instead of running away with its tail between its legs, it barked angrily and jumped back and forth around the pond, looking very angry.


Under the pond, the black shadow attacked again, but unfortunately still missed, and swept away a piece of turf trampled by the black dog.

The black dog became even angrier and barked more piercingly. It continued to circle the pond, and it was about to jump into the pond for a fight.


The calm surface of the water stirred up waves, and the things under the pond were irritated.

Two huge scarlet frog pupils lit up.


The water waves exploded, and a huge monster like a hill jumped out of the water and fell to the ground. The ground near the park trembled violently like an earthquake.

Lurking under the pond is a huge toad-like monster. The black shadow that attacked Gouzi just now is just its mutated tongue.

The toad monster was squatting by the pond, it was more than a foot high, its terrifying big mouth was full of fangs, and its uneven back was full of disgusting sarcoid pustules.

The purulent viscous liquid dripped to the ground along the horny hardened skin, and the grass beneath made a scorching sound, obviously the pus water contained severe corrosive toxins.

Seeing that the assailant was provoked to go ashore by himself, the bull-sized evolved black dog immediately ran away, obviously knowing that it was a little bit overwhelmed.

The giant toad monster bounced up with its extremely developed hind legs, and chased. It could travel tens of meters in a few jumps, but it was still difficult to catch up with the extremely flexible dog. In the end, it had to give up the chase with an unpleasant croak. Return to the pond.

name:? ? ?

Race: giant toad

Bloodline: Variant

Status: Abnormal

Skills: Tongue Lash, Poison Gland, ? ? ?

Combat Power Evaluation: 270~410

Threat Assessment: High

"This horse is a toad!?"

Zhao Xiong was shocked, the small pond in Minxin Park could grow such a scary thing!

After a palm-sized toad has mutated, it can grow up to be so big, it is bigger than Lao Tzu, does it still talk about martial arts?

Since the second growth, Lao Tzu even knocked out the potion, and he hasn't grown two meters yet, okay?

Compared with the slow-growing evolutionary species, mutant species are so unreasonable.

Zhao Xiong is very vigilant, staring at the giant toad in the distance. This monster has a high evaluation of combat power and is very dangerous. In addition, it hides insidiously under the pond without any movement. If it is not known in advance, it will be suddenly attacked by its tongue , being dragged into the water, he may not be able to come up alive.

"This guy can explode a lot of soul stones at a glance, but the problem is that he can't beat it."

Looking at the giant toad, it was like seeing a pile of soul stones waving at him. Zhao Xiong was a little bit reconciled, but there was nothing he could do.

This is an amphibious monster. No one in the pond is its opponent. It can only be killed if it is led ashore. However, there are still new problems that cannot be solved. This monster is poisonous, full of pustule tumors, full of toxins, There was literally no place to touch it.

I can only watch it return to the pond, lurking again, quietly waiting for new prey to pass by.

"It seems that we have to go to other places to find prey." Zhao Xiong felt a little regretful.

"Wow woof!"

But just as he was about to turn around and leave, dogs barking again came from the street in the distance.

Dozens of stray dogs of different sizes are approaching the park, and the number is still increasing.

The evolved black dog that escaped turned back, and not only came back, but also brought a group of dogs to help out.

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