Cataclysm Bears

Chapter 3 City Blockade

The sky was bright and the city was shrouded in a layer of smog.

In the backstage of the circus, the sounds of animals came and went, exuding great energy.

"It's noisy to death, shut up for me!"

Zhao Xiong couldn't help cursing.

The sound that came out was an angry bear roar.

It was quiet all around.


The iron cage rang, and the big claws that were about to turn over to find the phone stopped abruptly.

"This is not a dream."

Zhao Xiong woke up as if he had been given a blow from the head.

I am already a brown bear locked in a big iron cage, what kind of mobile phone do I still look for.

After a long time, I calmed down and accepted this fact completely.

"I don't know if the miscellaneous-haired lion was caught or not."

Zhao Xiong was bored thinking about it. Last night, Simba, the man-eating lion, bit a man to death and escaped. The people in the circus almost stayed up all night. The corpse was carried out from the backstage, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The deceased was an animal trainer in charge of training ligers. After investigation, he was indeed killed by a surprise attack by Simba the lion.

Losing a colleague was such a tragic death. Many people in the circus were weeping. Apart from being sad, they were also quite frightened.

But this has little to do with the animals in the regiment. They should eat and sleep.



After the bear's roar, there was a moment of silence, and the cries of various animals sounded again, and the backstage of the circus quickly became lively again, this time Zhao Xiong didn't bother to pay attention to it.

"I haven't slept so comfortably in a long time."

Stretching comfortably, Zhao Xiong suddenly felt that it would be nice to be a bear. His thick fur was soft and warm, and he woke up in a good state of mind. In my previous life, my sleep quality was very poor, and sometimes I had to use drugs to fall asleep. It has been a long time since I slept so peacefully.


Zhao Xiong found that the iron cage he was in seemed to be a size smaller than last night.

But he soon realized that it wasn't the iron cage getting smaller, it might be that his body had grown again.

"I don't know how old I can grow."

Zhao Xiong thought enthusiastically, this spiritual recovery is really powerful.

"When did the secondary development start? The information provided by the bear's brain is too limited."

All the bear’s mind thinks about every day is to be obedient and have food to eat. If he behaves well, the hairless monkey that looks delicious but can’t eat will feed him honey as a reward.

After all, it is an animal, and other memories are very chaotic. Only when the external conditions are right can it be possible to trigger some deep memory fragments.


Zhao Xiong sighed and could only rely on himself.

After a whole morning of observation, I probably found out the situation of the circus.

There are about 40 people in the troupe, besides logistics and business personnel, there are more than 20 actors, including apprentices and masters.

People in the circus have to be in contact with animals, but the beasts are not something ordinary people can handle. There are three senior animal trainers in charge of dangerous beasts such as ligers, tigers and bears. The unlucky one who died.

The number of animal members is not large, except for the escaped man-eating lion, there are seven or eight monkeys, four or five dogs, two goats, one horse, one elephant, two tigers and a lioness.

There are also two bears, the big brown bear Zhao Xiong, and a dog bear less than a quarter of his size. The black fur is dirty and the clumsy group is lying around in a cage not far away. He slept with his feet upside down, and his halazi flowed all over the floor.


Zhao Xiong stopped looking at it, and turned to another iron cage.

It was the monkey cage, and a lonely monkey caught his attention.

The solitary monkey is much thinner than the other monkeys in the cage, with sparse hair and exposed flesh, but the limbs are very long, and the proportions are very uncoordinated. Buried deep under the crook of the arm.

This strange monkey twitched unconsciously from time to time, as if suffering from some kind of disease.

"It's really weird, maybe it's a strange species."

Zhao Xiong was very puzzled.


While he was observing curiously, something happened outside again.

The siren blared loudly.

The sound was so loud that it resounded over the entire city.

It lasted for more than five minutes, enough for everyone here to hear.

During the period, people from the circus kept coming and going, and some showed worried expressions.

"what's going on?"

Zhao Xiong was stunned, why did the alarm go off, could it be that someone was making a sneak attack?

Looking at the expressions of these people, you don't need to think about it and you know that something big is going on outside, but you are a bear, and you don't have a mobile phone or a computer, so you can't understand what's going on in the outside world.

There is no off-site commentary to explain it to you, Mr. Xiong. It's really a bear.

In the afternoon, all the team members who had gone out rushed back, and a minivan was parked at the gate. Zhao Xiong knew that he had just returned from the vegetable market without looking at it. Xiong's sense of smell is very developed, and he can easily distinguish the smell emitted by the car. Various smells.

The people in the regiment came out to respond, and moved the purchased grain, oil, salt and raw meat from the car.

"Master Zhang, why did you suddenly block the city?"

The staff chatted with the driver while removing the materials and putting them on the trolley.

"Who knows, maybe something happened. Did the alarm go off without seeing it?"

The driver lit a cigarette and exhaled a puff of smoke ring, "After today, everyone is not allowed to go in and out, and must stay at home."

"There are not many things purchased this time."

"Grass, it's not bad to be able to grab these."

The driver, Master Zhang, spat viciously: "As soon as I heard that the city was going to be closed, everyone went crazy. The market was full of people. A cabbage cost 50 yuan, and people rushed to buy it. Fortunately, I Leave early, otherwise you won’t even be able to buy this little thing.”

"Fuck it, fifty yuan for a cabbage, why don't you go and rob it? Is the cabbage gang made of gold, or the cabbage core is made of gold."

"I don't know if these hundreds of catties of meat are enough for us to eat for a few days."

Master Zhang said: "If the city is closed for a long time, let alone animals, people will have to drink the northwest wind."

"If you don't starve to death, the worst thing is to kill these beasts and eat meat."

The staff member said angrily: "Brother Li was bitten to death by a beast last night. The death was miserable. The sister-in-law on the other side of the phone was in tears. When Simba was caught, he pulled out his skin. No."

"It may not be possible to catch."

Master Zhang suddenly lowered his voice and said: "I heard that there are many cases of wild animals attacking people these days. Not only here, but similar cases have happened all over the country, but the news has been suppressed."

"Why is this, the animals have a collective convulsion?"

"Not only animals, but also people have problems. Someone witnessed the whole process of his neighbor turning into a monster and posted the video online, but his account was blocked within a few minutes."

Master Zhang said mysteriously: "A big V on the Internet said that the strange things that happened recently were all affected by the blue moon phenomenon half a month ago. This is the beginning. There will be more strange things happening in the future. Our world will change. God..."

"Um, Master Zhang, do you read too many novels?"

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