Pet rations: Delicious rations, food that pets like very much, can restore pets' injuries and loyalty to feeders after eating.

Zhao Xiong stared at the evolved dogs, signaling them to eat their pet rations.

He wants to subdue this group of dogs. Although the combat power of this group of dogs is not very good, they are quite numerous and well-informed. Many dangerous areas and monster territories in the city are known.

A good example of this is the previous introduction of the giant toad to the territory of the Roshan monster.

This is what Zhao Xiong needs, and it can provide a lot of help. He has collected too little information from the outside world, and needs a well-informed team. These dogs are undoubtedly a good choice.

It's easy to destroy them, but it's not easy to subdue them, so Zhao Xiong remembered the products in the mysterious store and bought pet rations.

This ration has miraculous effects. It can not only heal the pet's injuries, but also increase the loyalty of the feeder after eating it.

He spent 5 soul stones to buy this from the mysterious store, not a small amount of money, I hope these dogs don't know good from bad.

If they refused to eat and wasted his kindness, then a large pot of dog meat must be arranged today.


Looking at the rations handed to his mouth, although it was delicious, Bian Mu didn't want to eat it at all and resisted it.

However, this evolutionary dog ​​is very smart, no worse than a human. It knows very well that if it doesn't follow the requirements of this terrifying giant bear, they may really have to die here today.

Looking at the dogs around who are unable to escape, their lives are hanging on their own, and the choices they make determine their life and death.

In the end, the border shepherd chose to give in, opened his mouth and began to swallow the rations.


Zhao Xiong was very happy that Bianmu had made the right decision, stroked its dog's head, and distributed the rations to Luo Nawei and Dubin.

But the two dogs still glared at him, bared their fangs and wanted to attack.

"It seems that you two dog brothers want to die." Zhao Xiong turned to look at Bianmu, hoping that it could be a lobbyist.


Bian Mu understood, or maybe he saw the killing intent in Zhao Xiong's eyes, he quickly swallowed the rations in his mouth, and barked at the two evolved dogs, as if trying to persuade them.


I don't know what kind of conversation the three dogs had. In the end, Ronaway and the Doberman also lowered their heads and reluctantly chewed their rations.

"I'm giving you good things to eat with good intentions, but I'm still so reluctant. I'm really shameless." Zhao Xiong was very upset.

Soon the Rottweiler and the Doberman Pinscher finished their respective dog food. Not long after swallowing, a miraculous situation happened. The two dogs found that the wounds that had been tormenting them for the past few days did not hurt.

Ronaway opened his mouth, and the blood blisters in his mouth were congealing and healing visible to the naked eye. The blood scabs fell off, and tender flesh appeared. The wounds in his mouth were all healed in a short while.

Where the Doberman Pinscher was corroded by pus, the withered and yellow hair fell off, and new hair was glowing, and the wrinkled and winding burn scars on the skin were fading away, and it became handsome and mighty again.

In this short period of time, the stubborn diseases left by the two dogs when they fought the giant toad were healed, and their condition was obviously much better.

Is this the effect of rations!

The border collie's dog has light in its eyes, and it can clearly see the changes in its companions, and it is also aware of the changes in itself.

Bian Mu didn't have any injuries, but after eating the rations, his physique was strengthened and his combat power also improved slightly.

This made it look at Zhao Xiong involuntarily, the dog's eyes showed gratitude, and suddenly felt that his previous thoughts might be wrong, this giant bear may not have any malicious intentions, and does not want to hurt,

Just want to help them.

The Rottweiler and the Doberman pinscher have also changed a lot. The hostility in their eyes disappeared, and they even had the urge to get close to the giant bear. Although they didn't act, their tails already wagged unconsciously.

But Doberman's pruned tail only has a bare tail root, which is very funny when it is shaken.

"It seems that the effect of pet rations is good."

Zhao Xiong also intuitively felt the change in the attitude of the three evolutionary dogs towards him, and the quality of the products in the mysterious shop was really good.

So Zhao Xiong struck while the iron was hot, and said directly: "I admire you all very much, why don't you come and be my lackeys."

He clearly expressed his solicitation, and I believe these evolutionary dogs can understand.


After a while, Bian Mu first bowed his head to Zhao Xiong, choosing to surrender.

As an evolved dog with a high IQ, its thinking ability is no worse than that of an adult human. The choice to surrender is not only due to the influence of pet rations, but also its own decision.

It is the instinct of animals to submit to the strong. It is a good choice to follow a powerful creature like Zhao Xiong.

It realizes that the city has become more and more dangerous, and the dogs must hold a thigh to survive.


The Rottweilers and Dobermans followed suit.

These two evolutionary dogs are originally thug breeds. They are stronger than Bian Mu in a fight, but Bian Mu has a good brain, and the decision-making power of the dog group is with Bian Mu. What does Bian Mu say? , they listen to whatever.

Now seeing that Bianmu has taken the lead in submitting, the two dogs who ate the pet ration naturally did not have any resistance, and also lowered their heads.

"very good."

Zhao Xiong is very happy, with pet rations as a base, he doesn't think they are pretending to surrender, and although evolved animals are not low in intelligence, they are still animals in essence, and there will be no so many twists and turns.

Of course, except for the black-bellied stray black dog.

After successfully subduing the dogs, Zhao Xiong was in a happy mood, so he put away his own blood oppression, otherwise these dogs would be limp on the ground and unable to move, and sooner or later they would be scared out of trouble.

Under Bian Mu's command, the dogs barely got up from the ground.

The limbs of the dogs were still a little weak, so Zhao Xiong distributed some of the remaining rations to ordinary dogs. Due to the large number of dogs, each dog was only given one ration, but it was also effective.

After eating the rations, the condition of the dogs was obviously much better. Besides being deeply afraid of Zhao Xiong, they also wagged their tails flatteringly.

"Okay, go ahead and do whatever you need to do. I didn't prepare your meal today, and I will definitely do it next time."

Zhao Xiong began to issue an expulsion order to the dogs, telling them to leave.

The dogs who had eaten the pet rations were reluctant to leave, and finally Bian Shepherd spoke to take the dogs away from the circus.

But at the end, Zhao Xiong also set a task for Bian Mu, let him collect the intelligence and information that the dogs found in the city, such as where there are monsters and where is more dangerous, sort them all out, and leave it to himself tomorrow.

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