Cataclysm Bears

Chapter 37 Monster Distribution

The next day, Zhao Xiong opened his eyes, and a crystal clear snowflake fell on his nose.

Looking around, there is a vast expanse of whiteness in front of you.


The clouds in the sky are gloomy and gloomy, with snowflakes floating, and this place has become a world covered in white.

The temperature outside was very low, and there was a biting cold in the air, and all the animals in the cage were shivering with cold.

However, Zhao Xiong didn't feel anything. His thick fur insulated him from the cold, and his physique was indestructible. Let alone winter, he probably wouldn't have any problems even in the north and south poles.

Undying Thunder is the demigod of the Freljord, a land with a harsh climate and extremely cold, where only the strong can survive.

"Why is it snowing heavily, I'm freezing to death."

Chen Tian came out of the dormitory wrapped in a down jacket, rubbed his hands back and forth, and kept exhaling white air from his mouth.

"Wow, what a beautiful snow, Feng Yue, let's go out and have a snowball fight!" The baby-faced girl Yanyan also poked her head out of the window, shouting excitedly.


The other girl, Feng Yue, only uttered two words, buried her head in the warm quilt, and continued to sleep.

With the occurrence of the catastrophe, the weather forecast went on strike early, and no one expected that it would suddenly snow.

Some people got up one after another, and everyone started to get busy, some shoveled snow, some placed frozen animals, and Chen Tian gathered people to deal with the frozen lion meat.

His current main task is to serve Zhao Xiong well, nothing else is important.

Simba's skin was very tough, and it was already frozen, making it difficult to handle. After a while, Chen Tian and the others were sweating profusely from exhaustion.

But they didn't have any complaints. The cooks were very excited to be able to make a mutant lion into an ingredient. This was something that they had never dared to think about before the catastrophe, but it was a pity that they couldn't eat it.

The body of the lion Simba was skinned and gutted, cooked, and made into a dish of food without dignity.

The snowflakes were still falling outside, and the smell of stewed meat permeated the circus. Before long, Chen Tian and the others served the meat.

Zhao Xiong squeezed a hind leg and stuffed it into his mouth.

Hmm... How should I put it, the taste of lion meat is a bit woody, and it also has a strange taste of spicy and sweet.


Zhao Xiong commented that he was a little disappointed with the ingredients this time.

It seems that the meat of carnivorous animals is really not good to eat, and beef, sheep, pigs and poultry are more suitable for the taste of the public.

Zhao Xiong's appetite was a bit lacklustre, if it wasn't for the blood of the alien species contained in the meat, he wouldn't be uncommon to eat this stuff.

I gnawed off the hind legs, leaving a big bone stick, and was about to throw it away, when a group of dogs came running from a distance, like a group of elves in the white snow.


The group of dogs stopped 100 meters away from the circus. Ronaway and the Doberman pinscher waited here with the group of dogs. Bian Mu continued to move forward with the dogs alone, and soon came to the gate of the circus.

Bian Mu came in with his head down, holding a map of the city that he got from somewhere in his mouth.


With the map in his mouth, Bian Mu could only make a whining sound, which was regarded as a greeting to the boss.

Seeing the map in Bianmu's mouth, Zhao Xiong was overjoyed, knowing that it had done what it had told him, he stretched out his paw and took the map in his hand to check it out.

Not to mention, this dog is really smart. He uses a coloring pen to circle the location of monsters and some dangerous areas on the map. Although the drawing is a bit distorted, it is generally understandable, and the requirements for a dog cannot be too harsh.

Judging from the map, Zhao Xiong's current location is located in the northern part of the city, near the edge, and a short distance from the center of the city.

With the circus as the center, there are a lot of monsters scattered around. Most of them have their own territories and will not run around easily.

The place where the Weeping Girl and the Roshan Monster were located was also marked by the border herd, and the drawn circles were darker and heavier than other areas. Obviously, the dogs knew how scary they were.

In addition to these two BOSS-level mutant sites, the dog group still has several areas that they dare not get too close to, and there are monsters that make the dog group very afraid.

Bian Mu couldn't tell how strong they were. Although they were not as strong as the Roshan monster, they were at least stronger than the original giant toad.

Zhao Xiong noticed that the areas marked by Bianmu are all in the northern city, and the rest of the area is blank, because the main range of activities of the dogs is in the northern city, and they have never set foot in the south city and the city center, so they don't know where they are now. Case.

Zhao Xiong was not familiar with the city before, and thought that the Roshan monster was in the city center, but now he looked at the map and found that it was also in the northern city, which was far from the city center.

There are still so many monsters scattered in Beicheng District, and it is really impossible to find them by himself. Zhao Xiong is very happy, these dogs are not in vain, and they are indeed useful.

Nancheng District is relatively far away, and he is not in a hurry to explore. Zhao Xiong plans to clean up the surrounding monsters first according to the markings on the map.

In a few days, the mysterious store will be refreshed. Save more soul stones in advance, and when you encounter good things, you will be able to save them in seconds.

"Hey, what's here?"

Zhao Xiong pointed to a place with a special mark on the map. Looking at the location marked by Bianmu, it seemed to be a city park.

Seeing the sign Zhao Xiong was pointing at, Bian Mu's dog showed a complex look of longing and fear in his eyes, and waved his paws to explain with body language.

Zhao Xiong's comprehension ability was a bit weak, and Gouzi made gestures for a long time before he got some clues, "You mean, there are good things there? It can make you evolve?"

Bian Mu nodded, and then continued to show his teeth and make gestures.

After some communication, Zhao Xiong finally understood that there were indeed good things in the park marked by Bianmu, which had been discovered by dogs, got some by luck, and then a few lucky dogs evolved.

According to Bianmu, the things in the park are the key to the evolution of several dogs, and they are of great benefit to the evolutionary species, but now there is a powerful monster guarding there, which has become very dangerous, and they dare not near.

"The bastard is actually trying to monopolize it, it must be destroyed!"

It is definitely a good thing to be able to successfully evolve ordinary creatures. How can it be ruined by disgusting monsters? It must be taken back.

Zhao Xiong made a decision immediately, deciding that the monster in the park should be the first target.

In order to praise the border shepherd, Simba's fleshy bones were thrown to it as a reward.

Bianmu didn't dislike the fact that the bone was gnawed by a bear's mouth. It was the bone of an atavistic animal species. It was a good thing, and eating it would be of great benefit to the evolutionary species.

What's more, this lion is the enemy of the dogs. After eating their companion Alaskan dogs, the border shepherd chews the bones as revenge.

The border shepherd was also very loyal and didn't enjoy it all alone. He returned with the bone in his mouth and shared the food with the Rotonewei and Doberman pinschers.

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