Cataclysm Bears

Chapter 40 City Park

Hearing the big goose mentioning the Alaskan dog, Bianmu Sangou's expression suddenly became depressed, obviously missing his companion who was killed by Simba the lion.

Seeing the dog's expression, Big Goose also realized that Alaska may have encountered an accident, so he shut up immediately and continued to explain: "When the city was closed, a group of us were walking our dogs in a park, bragging.

Suddenly a monster rushed out of the artificial lake and attacked us. We were so scared that we ran away, and the dogs present were also scattered. "

Big Goose hugged the Shiba Inu, and said in a sad tone, "It's my fault for the hamburger. I was too cowardly to leave you and run away alone. Later, I went back to look for it, and you were no longer there."

The Shiba Inu didn't seem to understand what the owner said, and continued to wag its tail and rub its head against the goose.

"Since you and Xiao Bian... um... Nuomi and the others know each other, let me let you go this time, and don't let me run into each other again next time."

"You go."

Zhao Xiong stepped over the big goose and continued to the original destination.

Bianmu Sangou glanced at the Shiba Inu in the arms of the big goose, and followed Zhao Xiong without making a sound.

The rest of the dogs followed suit one after another, and the large army continued to move forward.


Seeing that the companions had all left, the Shiba Inu barked, as if calling for his companions, but the dogs did not stop and were still going away.

The Shiba Inu was a little anxious, and got out of the big goose's arms, wanting to run to the dogs and chase his companions.

But after running a few steps, the Shiba Inu stopped again, looked back at the big goose, seemed to be in a dilemma, and howled anxiously.

"Go for the burger."

The big goose waved its wings and said in a low tone: "When I leave you and run away, I am not worthy to be your master. Go find your companion."


The Shiba Inu didn't listen to the owner's words and left, turned around and ran back.

Biting the feathers of the big goose with its mouth, it seems that it wants to drag it.

"You want me to go with you?"

The big goose was stunned for a moment, and soon understood what Shiba Inu meant.

Looking up at the giant bear that was about to go away, the goose hesitated a little.


At this time, several monsters crawling between the buildings moved. After Zhao Xiong left, they were about to move, and crawled towards this side with malicious intentions.

"Hamburger, let's go!"

The big goose trembled, quickly picked up the old-fashioned rifle from the ground, and beckoned the Shiba Inu to chase after it.

"Master Xiong...Master Xiong, can I hang out with you?"

The big goose chased after Zhao Xiong's buttocks panting.

"No, I don't collect waste."

Zhao Xiong didn't look back.

Even a few ordinary people can't take care of it, and if they accept it, they can only be used as a spare food that can walk by themselves.

"I'm not trash, Lord Xiong. Big geese are very powerful in combat. Haven't you heard of it? One goose fights three tigers, and three geese sink an aircraft carrier!"

The big goose is still strongly recommending himself: "As long as I am familiar with the body of the goose, the combat power is absolutely awesome. Let alone the tiger, at least it is a trivial matter to overthrow a few dogs... Cough cough, Caesar, black tiger, don't be like this Stare at me, I don't mean you guys."

Looking at Ronaway and Dubin who were glaring at him, the big goose felt a little impatient again.

"Fortunately, you are still human."

Zhao Xiong was speechless: "After becoming a goose, is your IQ no longer comparable to that of a primate? If you only have this ability, then you should hurry up and don't force me to eat you."

"Uh, don't mind, don't mind."

The big goose quickly said: "Although my combat ability is not very good for the time being, I still have other advantages. At least I am a local. I am very familiar with everything here. No matter what you want to know, you can understand everything well." very."

Looking up at the road sign, Big Goose asked: "Look at the route, I guess you want to go to the park where our group of friends walked their dogs?"

Big Goose's words brightened Zhao Xiong's eyes,

It seems that this guy is still a little discerning, and he is indeed better than pure waste.

He thought for a while and asked, "Since you are a human, why are you hanging out with a bear?"

"Hey, I don't look like a person now."

The big goose sighed: "They all want to stew me and eat me.

I am the only one in my family, and the whole family is not hungry when I eat enough, so I didn’t store much food when the city was closed, and I ate it up in a few days. In the end, I even ate the canned dog food I bought for Hamburg.

With the body of a goose, I didn't want to go out at all, but I was so hungry that I had no choice but to go out to look for food, but I couldn't find any food, and I was almost caught and eaten by several people.

This also made me understand that the world is different now, what's the use of local people, what's the use of having a few houses under one's name, and death is not the same as disaster. "

Zhao Xiong: "..."

"You have to hang out with the boss to survive!"

The big goose continued: "This is my idea, Lord Xiong, just let me hang out with you. From now on, I will definitely be your number one goose leg and defeat all enemies for you!"

"Come on, do you believe it yourself?"

Zhao Xiong wanted to laugh when he heard that, this guy just ran here because he felt that he couldn't get along in the circle of people and would be eaten by those hungry people sooner or later.

However, he still decided to temporarily accept this guy to do things for him.

As a local, I am very familiar with this city, and it is easier to communicate with a group of dogs than a group of dogs, but it is useful now.

Moreover, Zhao Xiong is also somewhat interested in this so-called 'alienated species', and wants to study the big goose. As long as he can find the correct way to use it, there should be room for improvement in this guy's combat power.

"Come on, take me to that park."

"Okay, Lord Xiong, I'll show you the way."

The big goose was very excited, and immediately took on the role and walked to the front of the team, looking like a leader.

With the newly repaired rifle between the wings, the goose palm walked arrogantly, showing the feeling of a fox pretending to be a tiger.

Bianmu and several dogs are not uncommon to watch it, quietly following behind Zhao Xiong, with their ears pricked up, listening to the movement around them, they will be alert immediately if there is any disturbance.

After walking for about twenty minutes, the big goose stopped and pointed ahead.

"No, Lord Xiong, just ahead is the park where we used to walk our dogs."

At the end of the street, there is a large city park, which is much larger than the small park where the giant toad lived. The vegetation and lawn are covered with a layer of snow.

Approaching the past, Zhao Xiong found that there were a few footprints on the snow outside the city park, but the deeper the park was, the snow was intact and there was no sign of any creature passing by.

This almost shows that this park is the territory of a powerful monster, so other things dare not approach here.

However, Zhao Xiong hadn't sensed any aura yet, so he decided to step into the park first to find out.


Before they set off, the big goose on the side suddenly let out a strange squawk.

In the amazed eyes of the surroundings, the feathers on the big goose began to shrink, and the body was also changing. The slender neck shrank, the body deformed, and a huge goose head gradually stretched, slowly turning into a young human face .

Not long after, the goose turned into a naked young man.

From geese to humans, this miraculous biological level change that can hardly be explained by science is really shocking.

"Haha, I turned back into a human!"

The man was extremely excited, waving his arms, feeling like he was reborn as a human being.


However, as the man became emotional, his body swelled again, the feathers that had just penetrated into the skin reappeared, and his body deformed and grew.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the man turned back into a goose as tall as a man.

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