Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 289 Eighteen Years Older

With the development of the times, many styles of cheongsam have been developed. Some are long cheongsams with skirts that reach past the knees and reach the insteps, and some are short cheongsams that can only barely cover the buttocks.

Of course, this is normal development.

Under the mysterious power known as the power of Lao Se Pi, the gameplay of cheongsam was suddenly expanded~

Of course, Liu Fang still wears relatively decent clothes.

Fasten the side buttons one by one from the hips upwards along the curve, until you reach the last one, and converge the scenery on your neck one by one. The delicate neckline of the cheongsam is neatly aligned along the delicate neck. Post it well.

After buttoning the buttons, Liu Fang put her hands against the curve of her body and inspected them one by one from top to bottom. She nodded with satisfaction only after confirming that there were no flaws.

Then he looked down at the entire exposed legs under the short skirt of the cheongsam, reached out and touched the touch, then looked at the shape of the legs in the mirror. He was quite satisfied and decided not to wear stockings anymore.

With the continuous improvement of martial arts training and the awakening of supernatural powers, her figure is constantly being modified. Such modifications cannot achieve the effect of changing a person, but they can make fine adjustments based on her own appearance.

Liu Fang's body is not only as delicate as spring, but her leg shape and some uncoordinated areas have also been improved.

It can be said that there are no ugly people with superpowers. Although there are differences in beauty and ugliness among people with superpowers due to different personal backgrounds, most of them can look past it.

After tidying up carefully, she put on two pearl earrings on her shiny ears and inserted beautiful hairpins into her hair. Then Liu Fang pushed out the door with a smile on her face.

She didn't put any cosmetics on her face because she knew that Li Mingai loved kissing and licking her when she was alone. If she had cosmetics then, wouldn't it be like eating a mouthful of cosmetics?

Her skin is already white enough and moist enough, and her flawless skin does not require cosmetic repair.

In fact, she even wears earrings that are easy to remove, so as to avoid the pain of kissing when she is crazy. Years of experience in cleaning up the remnants of Zhang Yuan and Chen Li tell her that Li Ming will not let this place go when they kiss, and it must be done when the time comes. You have to take off the earrings at any time.

Besides that, she was clean inside and out...

Even if Li Ming doesn't come back, she will have to keep dressing up like this all day long, so that when he comes back, she will be in her best attitude and be ready to accept him at any time~

"Li Shiliu and Li Twenty-three discovered a monster a hundred kilometers outside Linhai Fortress. Its demonic power is so powerful that it has probably reached the minimum level of second evolution. Do you want to ask Li Dingguo to come out and kill it?"

Liu Fang took small steps out of the door and heard a clear voice asking questions in the living room. When she looked back, it was Li Ming's cousin Chen Min who was making decisions to Zhang Yuan.

"Master Li has a more important mission, please go ask Lei Ming to come."

Zhang Yuan shook her head: "Lei Ming's thunder and lightning ability has a restraining effect on evil spirits, and it has reached the level of three re-evolutions. With him taking action, even if Li Shiliu and Li Twenty-three perceive errors, they still have room for maneuver. "

"Then I'll go find Lei Ming."

Chen Min nodded, then turned and left with a smile. When he passed Liu Fang who was going out, he smiled and waved to her, and Liu Fang quickly smiled back.

"Zhang Yuan, what's for lunch?"

Liu Fang looked at the resolute Zhang Yuan, recalling the scene where they first met in a small residential building. A flash of emotion flashed across her expression, and she finally asked with a smile.

Li Ming's women are basically qualified for certain positions based on their abilities. Only she has been doing simple things like cooking and taking care of Yin Yin for the time being.

However, with continuous practice, Yinyin's superpowers and martial arts have long since caught up with ordinary superpower users. She does not need to take care of them at all. They usually mainly play with each other, so they appear to be very leisurely.

But she also knew that her leisure time did not mean that other women were also free, so she never disturbed Li Ming's other women when they were busy.

"You can do whatever you want. We all love what you cook."

Zhang Yuan looked at Liu Fang, who was wearing an exquisite cheongsam, as if she were a ripe peach. She smiled at the corner of her mouth and spoke softly.

"Okay, then I'll go see what other dishes are available."

A smile appeared on Liu Fang's lips, and she moved into the kitchen and started busy. In the hall of the villa, Zhang Yuan, who had just seen off Chen Min, welcomed another guest.

"According to our secret intelligence, there is a person with supernatural powers in the villa area who wants to violate the principles set by my husband and force the free people in the civilian area. How to deal with it?"

Yang Ruo, who was wearing professional attire, walked to the opposite side of Zhang Yuan, said hello, and asked solemnly.

"Are there Zhao Sunwu, Tiejun, or Dwarf Monkey among them?"

Zhang Yuan knew that Yang Ruo and Adjutant Song Xiu were related to each other. Most of the time, she came to resolve the internal problems detected. Just like Li Ming's parents, who were in contact with the twenty-fourth boy, usually left many matters to the residents. Li Ming's cousin and cousin-in-law, who were next to Li Ming's parents, did the same thing. When they heard this, they were not surprised and just frowned and asked immediately.

"No, the three of them have never been in contact with these people who have big changes in their thoughts."

Yang Ruo shook his head and said.

"In this case, let Qian Ling and Yang Qian go and find Zhao Sunwu to settle the matter. What's the standard? If it doesn't happen, give a warning and a fine. If it does, let's pay for the crime with merit and go hunting monsters outside the city. , collect resources.”

Zhang Yuan thought for a while and answered. Yang Ruo nodded, turned around and left in a hurry.

After Yang Ruo left, the villa finally became quiet. Zhang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ran to the kitchen to help Liu Fang cook with a smile.

When Li Ming is away these days, she is the one who adjusts many things. Of course, if she has inappropriate opinions, she will be blocked. But the good thing is that Zhang Yuan knows how to measure, and she also knows the bottom line and principles, and makes decisions on many things. Everything I did made everyone feel good.

So no one cared about her identity as a woman.

What's more, who doesn't know that Lord Li Ming has special abilities? The longer and more times you have sex with him, the greater the probability of awakening your special abilities.

As the first woman after Lord Li Ming's doomsday, Zhang Yuan might have awakened her powers long ago, but she just didn't reveal them?

With this speculation that she is reincarnated as a person with superpowers, it is easier to accept it, not to mention her own special status with Li Ming.

"Zhang Yuan, didn't Li Ming say that twenty-four young people will take turns to come back for retraining? Why don't you see anyone coming back and waiting?"

During the process of washing vegetables, Liu Fang reminded Zhang Yuan intentionally or unintentionally. Zhang Yuan heard this and said with a smile: "I have already informed you. As long as my husband comes back, they will always have someone who can come back within a day without any delay." Time."

"Now I don't know how long it will take for my husband to come back. Moreover, their achievements in exploring outside are also very impressive. They have become a pillar of strength in the hearts of the residents of the entire base circle. It would be a waste if two people have to wait here all the time."

Zhang Yuan explained with a smile, Liu Fang nodded clearly after hearing the words, and then became somewhat enlightened.

"Hey, don't worry, my husband will definitely be back soon."

Seeing Liu Fang's absent-minded look, Zhang Yuan knew what she was thinking. She couldn't help laughing and whispered softly.

"No, I, I was thinking about something else."

Liu Fang felt a little embarrassed when Zhang Yuan said this, and couldn't help but say with a red face.

"Hey, my husband and I have done a lot, and I don't know when I started to have a strange feeling for him."

Zhang Yuan smiled, and a light flashed in her eyes: "I can feel his state and how far away he is from me. It feels like he is constantly rushing home."

"Ah, really."

Liu Fang opened her mouth in surprise, and then thought for a moment that every cell in Zhang Yuan's body might be contaminated with Li Ming's aura. Coupled with the mystery of cultivation, this kind of thing might be true.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but speed up the washing, and said to Zhang Yuan with some worry: "Zhang Yuan, I am eighteen years older than Li Ming. Isn't there something wrong with such an old age~ "

While talking, Liu Fang was a little absent-minded and looked dazed.

"What's wrong with this? You're only eighteen years older than your husband. Do you know how long your husband's life span is now?"

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but smile when she heard Liu Fang's words. After speaking, she couldn't help but put her hand on Liu Fang's shoulder and said with a smile: "The lifespan of Immortal Golden Pill cultivation is 10,000 years, but this is ordinary Immortal Dao." Golden elixir, my husband, before the golden elixir, had a much stronger origin than the golden elixir. Later, with the help of the special function of the golden elixir's ability to breed longevity, the lifespan of the golden elixir is far a hundred times longer than that of ordinary golden elixirs!"

"In other words, my husband now has a life span of one million!"

Zhang Yuan opened her eyes wide and looked at the astonished Liu Fang. She couldn't help but chuckle: "Are you scared? In fact, even when my husband communicated with me, I felt a little confused."

"One hundred years... this is such a far-off number, but if you think about it, the rumored time records are Yuanhui, the terrifying time span of measuring tribulations, maybe for the real time concept of the river of time, A million years is nothing.”

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan sighed softly: "The life of a mortal is really too short for an immortal. It is like a mayfly in a human life. There is nothing unacceptable."

"Not to mention my husband, for us women who follow him, basically as long as we work hard to break through to four re-evolutions, or even five re-evolutions, it is not impossible."

"When the time comes, I can cultivate the immortal golden elixir. With such a strong source, I might even have a life span of one million years, and I can always be with my husband."

"Think about it again. After such a long time, you are only 16 years older than your husband. What does that mean?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and spoke, squeezing Liu Fang's shoulders as she spoke. When Liu Fang came to her senses, she moved down with a smile and pinched her soft buttocks: "Ah, look, you are so soft." Ah, what a great figure.”

Liu Fang blushed, coughed quickly, and lowered her head. Zhang Yuan then stopped her hand with a smile, and then said no more, quietly choosing vegetables with Liu Fang.

Perhaps because of the million-year lifespan, Liu Fang had been a little absent-minded. She didn't come back to her senses until the dishes were washed, and hurriedly got up to cook.

With Zhang Yuan accompanying me, this didn't matter.

But even during the cooking process, Liu Fang looked a little absent-minded.


Suddenly, a clear and ear-piercing sound of cutting through the air came from the door of the villa. Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up and she hurriedly said to Liu Fang: "It's my husband who is back."

Li Ming is back?

Liu Fang paused and couldn't help but look out of the kitchen, but when she saw the young and majestic figure appeared in front of her eyes, she looked startled. Then she saw Xu Yunyun jumping into the man's arms with cheers and swaying. In addition, take off your clothes and get ready.

She paused again and hurried back to the kitchen. When she turned around, she saw that only Zhang Yuan was accompanying her with a smile, and she immediately devoted her energy to cooking.

"Husband, why did it take you so long?"

The young woman was shaking in front of her. Li Ming, who had just landed, looked at the happy Xu Yunyun and pinched her nose with a smile: "I misjudged the power of the nuclear bomb, but after the matter is resolved, I won't come back."

"By the way, Zhang Yuan, is there nothing going on in the base these days?"

After not seeing women for a month, Li Ming's body was already filled with anger. Xu Yunyun's arrival was just what he wanted. While he was in a good mood, Li Ming walked to the door of the kitchen and smiled at Zhang Yuan who had already sensed it inside. asked.

As Li Ming came closer, Liu Fang's face became even redder, even reaching the roots of her ears, but she still looked back at Li Ming with a flushed face, and the flesh on her body was trembling constantly - this was still It was the first time that Li Ming did this nakedly in front of her.

"It's all trivial matters. By the way, Li Shiliu and Li Twenty-three discovered a monster that seems to have evolved for the second time. I asked Lei Ming to call him. Is it appropriate?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and put down what she was doing, walked to Li Ming and let him do it together, and asked with a smile.

"Thunder? He's not suitable. Let's find another one."

Li Ming raised his eyebrows and thought for a while: "Let Li Dingguo go and let him rest his head first. Lei Ming, I want to transfer to Wushan Base City."

"Uh-huh, uh-huh... ok."

Zhang Yuan agreed repeatedly, and Li Minggang sent out the order in a flash of motivation.

He immediately looked at Liu Fang who was at a loss in front of him with a smile. He thought for a moment and said directly: "Baby, don't cook. Let others do it. Rest here and sit next to me to eat together later." , will you stay with me tonight?"

"Ah good."

Liu Fang was stunned for a moment. She was caught off guard by the cry of baby. She was shy and nodded quickly, but then she thought whether she had agreed too quickly, so she hurriedly said: "Well, then I, I'll cook here. ,It's fine."

"Oh, that's fine. I love the food you cook."

Li Ming licked the corner of his mouth, and Xu Yunyun agreed with him.

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