Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 303 Negotiation, Western Magician

The sun shines on the villa window, and a beautiful woman who is familiar to many people is looking up at the sun and smiling.

The radiance of the sun's halo shines, making the woman's delicate white skin even whiter.

It wasn't until the sun's brilliance reached its climax at noon that the woman dancing in the sun slowly left the window.

In the room, Li Ming comfortably put Yang Ying on the bed and played with Dong Liya and Liu Fang for a while. He felt refreshed both physically and mentally.

He is also practicing!

"Dong dong dong."

While playing, there was a sudden knock on the door. Li Ming's heart moved. The door opened automatically, and a maid in a vacuum maid uniform walked in.

"Sir, Master Kong Ming has sent word that the superpower who came into contact with the Immortal Sect Wu Jingshan has met someone from the sect, and the other willing to negotiate."

The maid bowed respectfully to Li Ming and said.

"Oh? Are you willing to negotiate?"

Li Changming raised his eyebrows and slowly brought the maid over to talk: "What kind of negotiation method?"

"Yeah~ Yes, both sides will send their senior officials to agree on a location and negotiate with each other."

The maid hummed softly and managed to answer.

"Then make an agreement on Qingming Hill, three hundred miles outside the coastal city, and say that the four major adjudicators in the base city will be present in person at that time."

Li Ming's eyes moved slightly, and his telekinesis directly notified Kong Ming who was outside. The other party was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but respond: "In response to this, do we need to discuss it first?"

"No need, Lei Ming will come over and go with the three of you when the time comes. If something happens, I will take action directly from the outside."

Li Ming shook his head, his voice calm.

Now his telekinetic powers and physical powers have been re-evolved six times.

In addition, he has five elements of superpowers in the later stages of his evolution five times.

The power of martial arts practice to reach the pinnacle and find your own path.

The power of immortality cultivation that has reached the golden elixir level.

With such power, he was confident that he was invincible, not to mention that he had so many preparations.

Although he was cautious, he didn't think there was anything else in the world that could threaten him.


When Kong Ming heard Li Ming's decisive words, he hesitated for a moment, but finally gritted his teeth and said, "Yes."

"The time is set in seven days, let's go."

Li Ming took a look at the situation in the base city. He played with Yang Ying for seven days. In these seven days, not only were all ordinary residents transported, all nuclear bombs were transported, all superpowers were returned to the base city, and even the strategic deployment of various places was carried out. It's almost done.

In another seven days, these arrangements will be completely perfected and several backup plans will be prepared. This will also give Lei Ming time to rush here for support.

In this way, everything will naturally be worry-free.


Kong Ming nodded again, then turned around to arrange another contact with the Wu Jingshan Sect.

On the other side, in Wushan Base City.

Lei Ming, who was the temporary guard, once again walked out of the hidden secret room.

"Where is Deputy Governor Mo Dao?"

Lei Ming exudes the aura of a solid four-time re-evolved superpower, and there is a terrifying thunder light flashing in his eyes. His strength can always be improved through continuous cultivation. At this moment, after leaving seclusion, he is full of strength. It rose again, but it actually took a few breaths to get the level.

"Deputy Commander Mo Dao is practicing at the martial arts field. Do you want to take you there?"

The guard standing at the door looked at the guard who looked like the figure of the legendary God of Thunder, with an awe-inspiring look on his face, and hurriedly answered.

"Lead the way."

The sound of thunder was like the sound of thunder, and the guard who heard it was heartbroken. He hurriedly led the way, leading the guard who had just come out of seclusion and had improved his strength to the martial arts field.

"Hoo, drink!"

"Hey haha!"

In the martial arts arena, there are sounds of martial arts training. Every martial arts practitioner devotes himself to practicing martial arts here, including ordinary people and people with super powers.

As time goes by, the cultivation atmosphere in the entire Wushan base city becomes stronger and stronger. Almost everyone from top to bottom takes the initiative to practice martial arts with great concentration. The daily situation of the martial arts performance field is that it is overcrowded.

And in the center of the martial arts arena, a young man was sitting on the ground. Unlike others, he obviously didn't move at all, but there were constant explosions in the air around him.

It was as if there were invisible attacks falling around him.

The sound of the air exploding is extremely mysterious. Only those with spiritual cultivation can feel the power of space surging around Mo Dao.

"Sir, Master Mo Dao is right there."

The guard respectfully brought Lei Ming to Mo Dao and spoke to Lei Ming.

Lei Ming nodded, a surge of aura surged from his body, and Mo Dao, who had evolved into a superpower five times, instantly opened his eyes.

"Oh, Lei Ming, haven't you been in seclusion all day? How come you have time to come to me?"

Mo Dao looked at Lei Ming, with a smile on his face, and asked softly.

Under the influence of Li Ming's powerful spiritual power, Mo Dao has already recognized the existence of Lei Ming's brother from his soul. Even though he has unique powers and talents, he is still willing to do so. At this moment, although his strength is stronger than Lei Ming, But he is still willing to admit this relationship.

"I'm going to help Mr. Li Ming do something. The responsibility of guarding this base city will fall on you. I came here specifically to tell you."

Lei Ming looked at Mo Dao in front of him, a smile appeared on his lips, and he spoke softly.

"Oh, what Mr. Li Ming takes the initiative to ask you to do must be a big deal. You can go first. I can see that nothing can go wrong here."

Mo Dao raised his eyebrows and spoke hurriedly to Lei Ming, who nodded: "That's what I meant. If so, then I'll leave this place to you."

"Okay, let's go!"

Mo Dao nodded, and then watched Lei Ming control the flying sword, soaring into the sky amid lightning.


Bay Base City.

Realizing that Lei Ming was already heading here, Li Ming nodded with satisfaction, then thought about the remaining seven days or so and had nothing else to do, and the thought of stepping on the plate arose in his mind.

"Three hundred miles is not far for me."

Li Ming's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately walked into the secret room alone. His heart moved, and his soul left his body in an instant.


The soul gently jumped out of the body. Li Ming felt the current state of his soul and couldn't help but feel very satisfied.

Compared with the first time his soul left the body, his current soul is no different from that of ordinary people, and the strength he can exert has also increased exponentially.

Not to mention anything else, just the magical power of the soul and mind-taking obtained through six re-evolutions greatly improved his soul body's combat capabilities.

Only in this way can Li Ming travel more safely.

Li Ming's heart moved, and his soul body seemed to move instantaneously, and easily appeared on the small hill mentioned before. He looked around and found nothing unusual, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, Li Ming thought again, and his soul body quickly crossed the extremely far distance and came to the other extreme Yang Qi zone on the blazing equator line.

Zombies are entrenched among them, the gray-white power on their bodies becoming more and more concentrated, while the black energy is becoming scarcer.

What really caught Li Ming's attention was that he had buried Gu Zhuo here for so many days, and today there was finally some movement.

"This is... so many zombies!"

But in the west of the venue, a white-skinned man wearing a robe and holding a staff with a mysterious power crystal appeared outside the place surrounded by zombies. He flew in the air in disbelief and looked at the amazing zombie scene below. .

"These zombies are transforming!"

The man dressed like a magician noticed the strange movements of the zombies below, and a flash of panic flashed in his eyes.

"The sun is the weakness of every zombie. Once it's daytime, they will be listless, and the zombies will even be harmed under the spotlight of the magnifying glass. This is the hottest place in the world. Even according to my magic exploration, This is one of the two hottest nodes in the world."

"However, these zombies actually know how to take the initiative to expose their weaknesses and accept the baptism of the sun."

The white-skinned magician looked at the scenes of the corpses below with shock on his face. He suddenly waved his staff, and a wave of magic vibrated, guiding the sunlight to condense in his hand. He touched the sunlight and stretched it back when it was burned. Handed.

"Even the sun can hurt me, but these zombies are actively facing this fatal weakness, and are still adapting and transforming quickly."

The magician's expression changed, and after a moment he gritted his teeth.

"We can't wait any longer. We must summon the senior officials of each shelter to discuss this matter and resolve this issue as quickly as possible."

The white-skinned magician took out a camera from his hand and recorded the scene below. After a moment, he put the camera away and sped away on his broomstick.

Its speed was actually no slower than Lei Ming's speed.

"Finally found it."

Li Ming looked at the direction the white-skinned magician left speechlessly. After thinking for a while, he did not follow him into the Western world rashly, but instead personally explored the strength of the corpse king here.

After realizing that the other party was indeed not as strong as himself, he immediately returned to his true form with satisfaction.

The strength of the soul traveling out of the body is greatly reduced compared to the body traveling. If the other party has any means to target the soul, it will not be fun.

Therefore, Li Ming never leaves his body when he has nothing to do. Although his soul body has become stronger now, he will never fly to the Western world so recklessly.

That's just too far away.

What if someone did something to his body along the way?

What happened to Tieguai Li is vivid in my mind.

As soon as his mind moved, Li Ming's soul body had returned to his body. A strong sense of solidity and security arose spontaneously. He walked out of the room with satisfaction, digesting the information from the West.

"I don't know what means those guys plan to use to solve that evil problem."

Li Ming thought in his mind, and at the same time asked Gu Zhuo to hide more carefully and continue to monitor the place indiscriminately.

The reason why he wanted to arrange Lei Ming to negotiate with the so-called Wujingshan Cultivation Sect was actually just like this time, he wanted to know the information inside in time through the body he controlled with the spiritual beads, so that he could do what he wanted. make appropriate judgments.

Although Lei Ming's strength is one level weaker than Kong Ming and the others, Lei Ming, who has evolved four times in the late stages, is stronger than all the superpowers except them. Coupled with his unique superpower, it can barely be regarded as I am qualified to go to negotiations with them.

Although it would be more appropriate for Gu Zhuo to go, first of all, Gu Zhuo's affairs at the Equator are more important, and second, there is a grudge between Gu Zhuo and Kong Ming, so it would definitely not be comfortable for Gu Zhuo.

Therefore, it is most appropriate for Lei Ming to come here.

"Practice the sect."

A smile flashed across Li Ming's lips, and the overseas caves that Qingchengzi said were good at controlling beasts came to mind.

Then he thought of his own Dahei and Ahhuang, two mutant beasts.

"I wonder if I can find a way to get inheritance from these sects."

Li Ming thought in his mind that if he could get some inheritance that would allow him to have techniques for controlling beasts and techniques for souls, he would be able to use his power in more ways.

The most important thing is that with the inheritance of the soul, he can know how to better defend the soul, protect the soul, and even use the soul.

As for why they are sure they have soul-related skills... If not, how can the [Sitting Breathing Technique] involve the power of the soul?

How could Qingchengzi be so surprised but not shocked by Li Ming's out-of-body experience?

How could he tell so much common sense about soul cultivation?

Li Ming had long felt that the Taoist sects on earth might have spiritual cultivation methods, which were passed down in an orderly manner just like their Qi cultivation methods.

"I don't know what this Wu Jingshan is like."

With this thought flashing through his mind, Li Ming felt a little tired in his soul and immediately entered his villa.

"Have you really sunbathed? Aren't you afraid of skin damage from ultraviolet rays?"

In the villa, Liu Fang was wearing underwear made of ropes and fingernails, lying on the sofa, chatting with Dong Liya and Yang Ying about skin care with great interest.

"No, as long as you use special skin care products, you won't be harmed by ultraviolet rays, but will make your body healthier."

Dong Liya said seriously, but after she finished speaking, she saw Li Ming walking towards him, smiled and patted Liu Fang on the back: "But sister, your martial arts power is so good, your realm is so high, and your skin is enough to blow." It's bulletproof, there's no need to do this sunbathing thing anymore."

"Yes, yes, sister, your skin is really good."

Yang Ying nodded in agreement, and touched it with Donglia in admiration.

"I also think, honey, if you want to use the sun to practice, I can guide you in the practice of the Great Sun Visualization Sutra. Maybe if you practice to a high level, you can use the power of the sun to improve your physique through visualization?"

Li Ming's voice came to mind, and he entered Liu Fang with a smile, so direct that there was no reaction at all.

Liu Fang was shocked, and then she felt the familiar size. She breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help pouting: "I was just chatting for a while, and I..."


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