Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 312 The final corpse king is solved

"Boom boom boom!"


"Ho ho ho!!!"

At the equator, one of the places with the strongest yang energy, terrifying energy explosions sounded in the air one after another, the earth trembled, and ravines filled the earth like scars.

In the center of the energy explosion, a zombie with white pupils, black eyes, and pure whites at the bottom suddenly surged with white energy, and exuded a mellow and strong aura.

"Return the devil to the sun."

The Corpse Ancestor rolled his new eyes, and the corners of his mouth cracked in a strange arc. His mouth opened, and his long tongue like a tentacle trembled, and he actually made a human sound.

He walked in the core of the nuclear explosion, taking a leisurely stroll, as relaxing and natural as taking a bath in a hot spring.

"Ho ho ho..."

From time to time, when passing by special zombies roaring ferociously in the midst of nuclear explosions, He would pause a step, reach out and pat them lightly, and a mysterious power would radiate from Him, helping these special beings survive the catastrophe of annihilation.

Stopping and walking, I walked around the core area in the blink of an eye. Most of the special zombies survived with his active help. Each of them had eyes that were very similar to humans, except that the pupils were white.

In addition, the entire corpse is closer to the human category. Some zombies that are not human corpses also have the characteristics of the race from which they mutated.

In short, more like a living creature!

In addition, the surrounding blazing nuclear explosion energy seemed to be unable to cause any harm to them.

There were even some demon corpses looking directly at the sun in the sky, their spirits no longer sluggish, but very comfortable and comfortable.

Two meters tall, with a slender and muscular body, the Corpse King, who was no different from ordinary people, led a group of special demon corpses towards the area of ​​mutated demon corpses. There were many mutated demon corpses here that were trembling and in pain.

The zombie king's special abilities have expanded. Wherever he passes, all the mutated zombies seem to have been injected with a boost of strength, giving them more strength to face the most critical transformation.

But even so, most of the mutated demon corpses still died and dissipated in the sudden nuclear explosion due to insufficient origin and accumulation.


As the Corpse King was walking, suddenly, an extremely powerful magical power attack erupted from the location where he was, and metal blades that tore apart the space came down overwhelmingly.

"Ho ho ho!!!"

In just an instant, almost 80% of the surviving mutated demonic corpses were turned into powder, and the remaining special demonic corpses also roared instantly. Various different powers burst out in an instant, and powerful forces surged out in an instant, going crazy against the surrounding void. attack.


Fiery white light erupted from the corpse king's pupils, and powerful white power surged out of his body, forming a giant gray hand that fiercely resisted the terrifying forces that were constantly attacking from all around.

"Chi chi chi..."

However, the power of this forbidden spell jointly cast by three of the top magicians in the Western world has already surpassed that of a nuclear bomb. Even though many demon corpses tried their best to resist it, they were still as fast as mowing grass under the attack of the forbidden spell. death.


In just the blink of an eye, 80% of the surviving demon corpses died. A strong roar erupted from the corpse king's mouth, and rich power fluctuations exploded crazily from his body.


A strong sonic boom shattered the surrounding space. When the sonic boom dissipated, the overflowing energy turned into a breeze and dissipated, and the smoky land finally revealed the terrifying scene inside.

Blackened ravines were like ocean trenches, and pits like large lakes suddenly appeared on the earth. Inside them lay a total of thirty-three of the most powerful demon corpses, including the Corpse King.

Every demon corpse was seriously injured, and some even had their bodies broken, but they still persisted in the terrible attack.

Even the Corpse King was seriously injured. His face and body were covered with hideous wounds. He lay tiredly on the ground. With every breath he took, he actually absorbed the wisdom from the world to repair himself.


However, at this moment, with the galloping of Western knights and warriors and the roar of magicians, the torrent of attacks surged again.


The huge mutated horse spurted out fiery breath. The knight on it and the mutated horse were both wearing magic heavy armor. With an angry roar, a powerful giant spear thrust forward like a meteor, killing one with only half of it. The special demon corpse in the body was chopped off by the gun.


A dull sound resounded across the earth, and thirty earth knights stabbed wildly, forming a torrent that even the Corpse King could only barely protect itself.

When the knights charged past, only twenty-three of the thirty-three demon corpses were left.


Forty earth line warriors wearing magic heavy armor roared and followed the attack of the Earth Knight. Different from the impact of the Earth Knight, after they arrived, they relied on the thicker armor and formed a battle formation with each other. They fought with the remaining soldiers on the original field. The special demon corpse fights.

A strong earth knight led three companions to the corpse king. They wore steel armor on their faces, and the magic array on the armor provided them with sufficient power during their movements.


The leader of the Earth Line Warrior walked to the front coldly. Amidst the loud shouts, his body turned into a stray bullet-like light and shadow. He raised his giant sword high and slashed at the Corpse King.


A terrifying sonic boom erupted as the Earthline Warrior slashed down with his sword. The sharp sword light had already left terrifying sword marks on the ground before it even hit the ground. The heavy sword intent caused the surrounding ground to drop by a section out of thin air.


Even when the Corpse King faced this blow, he chose to move sideways to avoid it, instead of using his seriously injured body to challenge the attack.


The Earthline Warrior was calm and composed, changing the moves of his giant sword as the Corpse King moved. The sharp sword light poured out like a curtain of rain, giving the Corpse King no chance to breathe.


The special demon zombies around the zombie king roared and wanted to come forward to help, but the other two earth line warriors immediately came to meet him from the left and the right, blocking the other special zombies like a rock.


White light shone in the corpse king's eyes, and he looked crazily at the human being wrapped in steel armor in front of him, but suddenly, his figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air.


A white light appeared, instantly taking away nine special demon corpses of different shapes that were facing off against the other two earth line warriors. The white light flashed and took advantage of these earth line warriors' inability to react in the light to take away the other demon corpses. hour.


A powerful wave of magic swept across, and three top magicians descended from the sky, unleashing three major magics: hurricane, death, and devouring. The three powers instantly enveloped all the demonic corpses on the field except for the earth line warriors.

Among them, the most powerful magic instructor cast a spell on the white light, leaving two of the nine special demon corpses taken away by the Corpse King. However, with the sudden surge of white light, the remaining seven special demon corpses were The demon corpse seemed to be protected and disappeared from the sky.

"We can't let it escape, this is the king of zombies!"

A magician who was following the magic instructor saw the white light leaving, and immediately spoke in an anxious voice. After speaking, he was about to fly to catch up, but the magic instructor beside him sighed and pressed down gently.

"Its escape is God's will and we can't stop it."

The magic instructor spoke with a faint voice, his eyes glanced at the only Sky Knight beside him, and then looked back.

He knew that neither he nor the other magicians at the scene, not even the Sky Knight, could catch up with this escaping light.

If you rush to catch up, you will only be defeated one by one by this zombie king who is full of skills and takes advantage of the speed gap.

Even he was shocked by the power of this corpse king.

After all, he and the two great magicians tried their best to cast the forbidden spell, but the other party actually resisted it without evading it.

This terrifying vitality was enough to scare a super magician like him.

He knew that if he did not choose to dodge, but resisted forcefully, he would probably end up no better than the seriously injured Corpse King.

Not to mention, the other party also has this kind of light-escape method.

After hearing what the magic instructor said, the great magicians on both sides fell silent.

It's a fact and they can't refute it.

"The earth-line warriors of the Thun family dare to face the terrifying Corpse King and gain the honor of light and the right to found a nation. All earth-line warriors will receive the honor of fearlessness and obtain higher titles together with the knights of the earth!"

After talking to the two great magicians, the super magician Brook looked at the earth knights turning back below and the earth line warriors who had reunited, and spoke in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, there was an immediate commotion, but the magicians looked at the earth and the scarred armor of the earth line warriors, and their panting looks, and they all knew that under the seemingly short fight just now, these warriors were all facing serious problems. Against terrible pressure and attacks.

This is a life and death fight.

Upon hearing this, the knights and warriors immediately knelt down and praised the magic instructor for his wisdom. His eyes followed and he began to give symbolic rewards to the magicians. Only then did this battle to exterminate the demons come to an end.

"It's quite interesting."

In the sky, Li Ming used his powerful spiritual power to distort the pheromones around him. While flying with Liu Fang, he watched the scenes directly below in amazement.

The world of this group of Westerners is indeed somewhat unique, and feels more similar to primitive society.

But...the more they are separated, the less they can be unified. It's good that they can't be unified.

Only then will there be a chance.

Li Ming thought in his mind, happily using the power of the system to absorb the dense supernatural power floating in the sky. Hearing the purification prompts, a harmless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As his strength increases, the coverage of his mental power is basically the perception range of the panel.

In the past, he had to touch the lost crystal core to absorb the power for his own use and purify it for others to use.

But now, as long as the power of the crystal core appears within the scope of his spiritual power, it can be directly absorbed and purified.

What just makes Li Ming a little confused is that his strength has improved tremendously compared to when he was an ordinary person.

But why, I still don’t feel the slightest reaction to the mysterious panel.

This panel seemed to exist naturally, giving him no sense of its own existence. Without any sense of its own existence, he naturally couldn't study it in particular, which made him very confused.

"Maybe it's not the time yet."

Li Ming murmured in his heart, and then saw that the supernatural power here was absorbed. With a thought in his heart, he flew Liu Fang to a valley far away from here.

"Enemies, you can't let me take a break."

Liu Fang held Li Ming's waist with her legs and held his neck with both hands. She couldn't help but murmured as she watched him return to the valley. His hair was flying in the wind and trembling as he spoke.

"Auntie, thank you for your hard work."

Li Ming kissed her and comforted her for a while before giving up. Then he released the garrison Guiyuan Cauldron with a smile. He looked inward and saw seven special zombies and a corpse king lying inside.

It was the zombie king and the special zombie that escaped from the magician.

"You can't catch up, but that doesn't mean I can't catch up."

Looking at the ten zombies inside, Li Ming smiled. Then with a movement in his heart, the surging power in the garrison's Guiyuan Cauldron surged, and three special zombies were killed directly.

But what made Li Ming frown was that there were no crystal nuclei in these zombie bodies, and not even supernatural powers appeared.

"Is it possible that the fundamental reason for this sun-bathing reversal is to integrate the power of the crystal core into the body?"

A guess flashed through his mind, and Li Ming looked at the remaining zombie king and four special zombies with a raised eyebrow.

If that's the case, then killing them like this would be a loss.

"Perhaps there is another way."

A sudden movement occurred in Li Ming's heart. The powerful mysterious power of the garrison Guiyuan Cauldron exploded, instantly annihilating all consciousness of the Corpse King, along with four special zombies.

Immediately after Li Ming's heart moved, a spiritual rosary flew out of his mind and fell into the corpse king's sea of ​​consciousness.

After sensing it for a while, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The garrison Guiyuan Cauldron was shaken slightly, and all four special zombies died. However, the Corpse King absorbed the power of nine special zombies, and most of his injuries recovered. He came out of the garrison Guiyuan Cauldron and looked for a suitable place. hide.

"The Corpse King really has the ability to control groups of corpses. With this rosary avatar here, the demon corpses in the world will no longer be a threat."

Li Ming looked at the corpse king who was far away, his eyes flickering. The next moment, his heart moved, and he disappeared from the place and flew towards the Gulf Base City.

And Gu Zhuo's clone, who had been left here to monitor the site, also flew back to Wushan Base City to relieve the pressure on high-end combat power.

Among the teams flying to the west, the super magician frowned, always feeling uncomfortable somewhere.

"The impact of this war has been too great. Solving part of the world's crisis is a good thing, but it may not be that good."

Thinking of the relationship between various kingdoms and nobles, Brooke sighed, with a flash of sadness in his eyes.

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