Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 457 The Huns beheaded their envoys!

"In broad daylight in the capital, the number one scholar in Jinke was seduced into rebellion by Hun spies, and was attacked on the street. I don't know how many people in the world still remember this."

In the palace room, Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming with piercing eyes: "What the Xiongnu did now is an unforgivable crime. As long as he stands up and spreads it to the world, it will inevitably arouse the anger of the people in the world. At that time, the people of the world are boiling. At that time, it will be the day of the expedition against the Xiongnu!"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows when he heard this, looked at Emperor Jianming, stood up and bowed: "Your Majesty, Li Ming, is willing to do your best for your Majesty!"


A look of satisfaction flashed in Emperor Jianming's eyes, and then he squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Li Ming and said solemnly: "When your army is founded, the beginning of the war must be a cruel situation, and it has been lurking for a month near the capital. After the war begins, it will be a month." , and then rush to the border for support."

"Here is a map of the entire territory of the Huns, with all my attack routes and intentions on it. After taking it back, it will be easy to remember. After the expedition, we will march according to the route and start the war!"

A look of determination flashed in Emperor Jianming's eyes, and after he finished speaking, he patted Li Ming on the shoulder: "As for the matter of the Huns fighting my envoys, I'll leave it to you!"

"Your Majesty, please be at ease. For such an important matter as the war between the two countries, Li Ming just wrote some articles, which is nothing."

Li Ming clasped his hands and clasped his fists in a serious tone. He had an answer for Emperor Jianming in such a hurry to call him. Then he said solemnly: "Please lend me a pen and paper. It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. Today I will write down in your study in your Majesty's study." Here comes an article to criticize the Xiongnu!"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, today you and I, the king and my ministers, will put on a good show."

Emperor Jianming laughed loudly and then decisively took out a pen and paper and handed it to Li Ming.

Li Ming was not polite, just picked up the pen and started writing on the paper.

[The Xiongnu in the Western Regions are those who do not respect education, do not understand etiquette, and do not know the dignity of others. Although our territory is vast, there are still people living in the borders...]

[...The shameless Huns first sent spies to coerce and lure me, but when they failed, they then asked assassins to kill me in the streets of the capital. This was actually unreasonable and extremely arrogant. However, this matter is ultimately a private matter. For the sake of national affairs, why not tolerate it temporarily? 】

[However, the thieves of the Xiongnu have no regard for our generosity. They are villains. They only remember the power of people and not their virtues. Only after your Majesty summoned them this time did we know that I, Dagan, sent to the Xiongnu to inquire about their coming to our country. For what reason was the messenger who sent assassins on espionage matters actually killed by the Huns? This is unforgivable! 】

[One person's grudges are trivial, and one person's life can only survive. However, the majesty of the country cannot be lightly touched. This is the cornerstone of the survival of trillions of people...]

[Such a provocation, if I don't give him a positive response, do I really think that I am a man who has done nothing? 】

[…………Now that our country is prosperous and its people are strong, the officers and soldiers in the army are so angry that it is hard to stop them. It is time to attack them and attack them, so that they can know the power of my army! 】


In the study, Li Ming and Emperor Jianming talked secretly for only an hour before rushing out of the door with anger on their faces. When they left the imperial city and brought their master, master, uncle, and Zi Donglai to the brothel, Suddenly he looked up to the sky and shouted: "How dare a mere Xiongnu kill my Daqian envoy? They really don't know God's grace and are like hyenas!"

Li Ming was the top scholar in Jinke and was awarded the title of Marquis so quickly. He was still very famous in the capital. His roar instantly attracted the attention of many people playing in the brothel. After hearing the sound, many people were surprised and confused. But before they could react, Li Ming returned home angrily, causing everyone to be puzzled and couldn't help but start talking about it.

After all, it is a rule passed down from ancient times that the two countries do not kill our envoys when they are at war. The news that Li Ming said that the Huns killed our envoys is really shocking.

But before Li Ming could explain clearly, he left, which made many people feel as uncomfortable as a cat's paw.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long. Just a few days later, notices and notices were quickly posted. On the top of the best brothel, an article about Li Ming, the top scholar in the golden sciences and a military aircraft candidate, became widely known. spread!

Yes, spread in brothels!

Blue Star's later generations are fond of the Internet. If someone does something that hits a certain sensitive point, it is likely to quickly spread on the Internet, and this person may become famous overnight. But there was no Internet in ancient times. There is not only no Internet, but also no telephone, and communication is very underdeveloped. Not only is communication underdeveloped, transportation is also underdeveloped. For many people, it is difficult to leave the county. Perhaps he had never left the county once in his entire life.

For some people living in remote areas, even if they go to the county town once, this incident will always become a topic they talk about and let them recall it for the rest of their lives. However, although ancient times were very closed, there were still many so-called "Internet celebrities" who would quickly become famous all over the world. For example, the words "No one asked about them for ten years, but they became famous all over the world in one fell swoop", which shows that there were indeed many people in ancient times, and their fame could quickly spread throughout the world.

Not only that, but we will also discover a phenomenon. Nowadays, the Internet is developed, but modern people want to be famous, but they can't do it despite all their efforts. In ancient times, transportation and communication were not developed, but it was easy to become famous. So, what methods did the ancients rely on to become famous?

(Ancient official announcement) First, the official announcement. "Public Notice" is a very vivid way of saying it, which is to write the content on a piece of cloth and then post it everywhere. This situation was extremely common in ancient times. And this method is also easy for ordinary people to accept. This is equivalent to today’s “official microblog”. Many people living in remote places probably got information from the imperial court through these notices. The official announcement may include some top picks in high school. But most of them are wanted criminals, or people who have committed heinous crimes and need to be executed. This method still exists in modern times. When a person was to be executed, his deeds would be written on a notice and a big red cross would be drawn on his name.

(Statue of Su Dongpo) Second, the narrative of intellectuals. There were not many scholars in ancient times. Ordinary people will believe what scholars say. The scholars were actually equivalent to the media reporters at that time, and they were responsible for disseminating information. For example, Su Dongpo was famous for his poetry at that time, and his poems were already famous all over the world. At that time, as long as he wrote a poem, everyone in the world would know about it immediately. For example, when he was in Lingnan, he wrote "Eat three hundred lychees a day, and he will live a long life as a Lingnan native", and he also wrote poems such as "The reporter reported that the spring sleep was beautiful, and the Taoist gently struck the five o'clock clock", which were immediately copied by scholars everywhere. , so that Zhang Dun in the capital also knew about it. Zhang Dun thought at that time, how can you live so carefree and happily in such a miasmatic place like Lingnan? Therefore, Zhang Dun demoted Su Dongpo to the more distant Hainan. In addition to such poems and essays being passed around by intellectuals, some things that excite and envy ordinary intellectuals, such as a certain scholar's high school Jinshi, will definitely spread wildly among intellectuals. The "becoming famous all over the world in one fell swoop" we mentioned earlier is obviously the result of envy and jealous scholars adding fuel to the fire.

(Part of Han Xizai’s Night Banquet) Third, singing in entertainment venues. The most authentic literature in ancient times was poetry. But in fact, poetry first came from music, separated from music for a while, but finally returned to music. The poems in the Book of Songs all come from folk lyrics. Later, in the Tang Dynasty, poetry became independent, and writing poetry became the most important way of expression for scholars. However, by the Song Dynasty, Ci appeared. During the Yuan Dynasty, music appeared. In this way, poetry returns to music. Actually, going back to music is not a bad thing. Because if it is just poetry, it may only be communicated among a limited number of intellectuals, and it will be difficult for it to reach ordinary people. It is difficult for ordinary people to know this poet. Bai Juyi advocated the "New Yuefu Movement", which actually meant to bring poetry among ordinary people, and of course also to make poets more famous among ordinary people. But after all, the effect is not very great. The combination of poetry and music was sung through various entertainment venues in ancient times. Therefore, the poetry was sung more widely and the poet's reputation became greater.

(The Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage) Fourth, the interpretation after tea and dinner. If people in ancient times wanted to be more famous, their deeds had to become romance legends before they could be widely circulated among the people. Why are the characters of the Three Kingdoms so famous? It is because the characters of the Three Kingdoms entered the romance story, and this kind of story was told by many parties and interpreted in various ways after dinner, that they are very famous. Perhaps in this interpretation, many characters are no longer the same as they were in history. For example, the story of the Yang family generals, as told by later generations, has long deviated from the original situation. However, it is precisely because of this transformation that the story of the Yang family generals has spread more widely, and the Yang family generals have become more famous. If we were to tell the truth about the Three Kingdoms and the Yang family generals, probably no one would have listened to their stories. Their popularity is not that great anymore. From the above analysis, we can also see that due to underdeveloped communications in ancient times, there were not many "media people". Therefore, it is impossible to make many people famous. But once someone becomes famous, their spread is far higher than that of current people.

In the pre-Qin period, some people even said that there was a kind of official called "Qiuren" starting from the Xia Dynasty. The usual explanation for such officials is that they were officials sent by ancient emperors to the people to understand the sufferings of the people. But they also have a mission, which is to promote "enlightenment", and this enlightenment includes the latest government decrees, spirit, news, etc.

Muduo is an ancient sounding instrument, equivalent to a hand bell. Duo is divided into golden Duo and wooden Duo. The golden duo was used on the battlefield as a substitute for drumming, while the wooden duo was used for civil affairs. "Zuo Zhuan" quoted records from "Shang Shu", saying that every year in early spring, Qiu Ren would come along the road rocking a wooden dou, and he would tell people the latest government decrees and news.

Qiuren and Muduo can be regarded as the earliest prototype of the media industry.

notices and rubbish

There were already "proclamations" in the Qin and Han Dynasties. And there are mainly three forms of announcements. One way is letters and official documents. For example, it is recorded in "Historical Records": "The three kings appointed by the Lu family...the matter has been announced to the princes..." The other way is to post notices as we are familiar with them. Ancient cities had "announcement offices" dedicated to posting notices, where you could read any new policies, new events, rewards for arrest, etc. This is roughly equivalent to today's outdoor media.

Lubu is actually a kind of notice, which existed as late as the Han Dynasty. It involves writing events and government orders on small flags made of cloth, such as military victory reports, amnesty for the world, etc. The soldiers run on horseback while holding the cloth high, and sometimes shouting loudly.

This should be the earliest multimedia, at least the earliest "car body advertising".

Newspapers, tabloids and brochures

It is unclear when Di Bao first appeared, but many people believe that it existed during the Western Han Dynasty. In the Western Han Dynasty, there was a system of counties and counties. Each county had offices in the capital, and these offices were called "di". There are permanent officials in these residences, and one of their main tasks is to write down the court's decisions, developments, and instructions to their counties on cloth and bamboo slips, and pass them on to their counties. This is the earliest Dibao.

With the advent of printing, Dibao gradually changed to paper printing, and its content was much larger than before. The Di Bao in the Tang Dynasty is considered to be the beginning of Chinese newspapers. Starting from the Northern Song Dynasty, "tabloid newspapers" appeared among the people, and became quite common in the Southern Song Dynasty. Most of these "tabloids" are produced by the private sector, and their content mostly discusses current situation and political affairs.

"Xiaoben" was popular during the Yuan Dynasty, with exquisite printing and folk engraving. The main dissemination is still mainly court news, but a lot of academic, scientific and technological, including economic content has been added. Small books can be seen as a continuation of tabloids.

Others, such as the banners engraved on wooden signs and flags printed on flags, are all continuations of the previous "lubu". For people to ride on the horse and promote all the way. The "Jie Tie" is somewhat similar to modern leaflets, which can be printed in large quantities for people to distribute propaganda among the crowds in markets, roads and other places.

These are all methods, and for an intellectual, brothels are undoubtedly the fastest and easiest place for news to spread.

The reason is very simple. As the saying goes, talented people are romantic and romantic talented people. Places like brothels are the places where scholars like to gather. If any news spreads here, these scholars will know it immediately.

Only scholars know about it, and they can spread it to people everywhere more quickly after returning home, and then let such news spread widely.

The fact that the Xiongnu beheaded the envoys was undoubtedly exciting enough. In addition, it was Li Ming, an eye-catching figure like the number one scholar in the Jin Dynasty, who took the initiative to take the lead. The news instantly became popular.

The scholars led by the brothel took the initiative to spread the news, and with official announcements, the news spread quickly throughout the world, causing everyone in the world to be furious.

On this occasion, the imperial court issued a proclamation against the Xiongnu and officially launched troops against the Xiongnu! (End of chapter)

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