Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 123 Fight (Third update)

——Thanks to Binghuo Liaoyuan for his votes

Shi Xuan used the Soul-Bewitching Banner to shake out a black light, which hit the crystal box and caused ripples. At this time, Shi Xuan had already felt that someone in the foul air formation was trying to break the formation with positive and fire-attributed magic tools and spells, so he no longer kept it to himself. He took out the Qianyang Green Lantern with his other hand and separated a little Qianyang True Fire on the crystal box.

When the crystal box met the Qianyang True Fire, it melted like ice and snow. Shi Xuan reached in and grabbed the Chaos Fish Skin and put it into the storage bag.

Suddenly, a peaceful and warm golden light shone through the black mist of the foul air formation, and then it became brighter and brighter, illuminating the nine black dragons in the foul air mist and fleeing non-stop, and finally retracted the Soul-Bewitching Banner.

It can be seen that in the center of the formation, the old Cao held a transparent sphere in his hand, the size of a fist, floating a little above his palms, emitting thousands of golden lights, piercing through the black mist.

In a short time, a disciple of the Yellow Maple Valley was lying on the ground, apparently killed by the evil spirit of the black dragon.

Shi Xuan saw that the foul spirit formation was broken, so he did not hold on. The Soul-Bewitching Banner floated behind his head, and dropped black light to protect his whole body, and then flew quickly to the white jade table of the Two Worlds Divine Stone.

Those cultivators did not bother to settle accounts with Shi Xuan, and hurriedly ran to the artifacts they had long been eyeing. Among them, nine people ran to the six spiritual artifacts, and five people ran to the materials.

Shi Xuan was about to reach out to the crystal box that had just burned the Two Worlds Divine Stone, and a yellow sword light slashed at Shi Xuan. It was Li Wannian of the Yellow Maple Valley.

Shi Xuan did not retract his hand that reached out to the Two Worlds Divine Stone, but relied on the two major protections of the Qianyang True Fire Net and the Soul-Bewitching Banner to block the yellow sword light, and seized the opportunity to put the Two Worlds Divine Stone into his bag.

The golden dragon scales on his body were faintly visible, eighteen lights were circling around him, black lights were hanging down, and the clear light transformed by the Wanxiang Wuying Sword was also entangled with the yellow sword light. Except for not using Taoist magic, Shi Xuan was now fully engaged in combat, because he had to fight quickly. The old Cao from Houtu Sect had already flown to the Seven-hole Linglong Wood, and next to the Seven-hole Linglong Wood was the Yin-Yang Jade Sceptre. If he was a little late and was taken away by old Cao, it would be difficult to get it back. After all, old Cao was both perfect in guiding qi and a master of formations.

Li Wannian was so angry that he screamed and took out something from his storage bag and hit Shi Xuan like raindrops. It turned out to be a flying needle with a green needle tip.

Unfortunately, this flying needle met its nemesis. The green part burned itself when it touched the Qianyang True Fire Net, and then the flying needle fell to the ground powerlessly.

After Shi Xuan got the Two Realms Divine Stone, he stopped passively defending. A clear light flowed and disappeared in the air. The Soul-Bewitching Banner behind his head brushed out three black air and seven white lights, attacking Li Wannian. Before that, the Qianyang Green Lantern separated a little Qianyang True Fire. Then he raised his sleeves, and a Samadhi Divine Wind Qi surpassed the previous attack at a very fast speed and arrived at Li Wannian first. At the same time, Shi Xuan himself also flew towards Li Wannian.

Seeing Shi Xuan's fierce attack, Li Wannian did not dare to neglect it. The yellow maple true energy surged, and a small exquisite tower flew above his head, hanging down nine glazed lights to protect his whole body. Then the yellow sword light flew back and circled up and down.

The Samadhi Divine Wind Qi turned into a hurricane, rolling up the yellow sand all over the sky. Li Wannian only felt that there were yellow shadows in front of him, and dense strikes kept ringing on the glazed light. Suddenly, a little fire appeared in the yellow sand and wind, and fell directly on the glazed light, burning a big hole in the glazed light.

Three black air and seven white lights all passed through the big hole and hit Li Wannian's Huang Feng Qi, making Li Wannian feel that his Qi was rolling, and he felt dizzy and had a feeling that his soul was fixed. Then a clear light flashed in front of Li Wannian's eyes, and a hole appeared on his temple.

Shi Xuan passed Li Wannian without looking back and went to the Yin-Yang Jade Sceptre. With a finger, the clear light flew out of Li Wannian's temple, trying to stop Cao Lao from taking the Yin-Yang Jade Sceptre.

Cao Lao had just put away the Seven-hole Linglong Wood and was about to fly to the white jade table next to him where the Yin-Yang Jade Sceptre was placed. Seeing Shi Xuan's Wanxiang Wuying Sword coming, he snorted coldly, and three small flags appeared around him, forming a three-talent formation, and was about to meet the clear light.

The sword shadow of Qingguang was not a strong opponent, because Shi Xuan's original intention was to entangle Cao Lao with the flying sword, so the Wanxiang Wuying Sword moved forward and backward, left and right, turned into a whirlwind, and disappeared, entangled Cao Lao in place.

Unfortunately, Cao Lao was not an ordinary person. When the positions of the three flags were changed, it seemed that there was an extra layer of clay around Cao Lao, which slowed down Shi Xuan's Wanxiang Wuying Sword as soon as he entered it. At the same time, two wind wheels appeared under Cao Lao's feet. With just a turn, Cao Lao got ahead of Shi Xuan and arrived before the Yin Yang Jade Gui.

While Cao Lao broke the gap in the crystal box, Shi Xuan's Qianyang True Fire also arrived behind Cao Lao. Cao Lao felt extremely dangerous and did not dare to take the risk of taking the Yin Yang Jade Gui. Instead, he reached into the storage bag, took out a small porcelain bottle, and threw it on the Qianyang True Fire.

The small porcelain bottle cracked when it met fire, and a drop of clear water appeared inside. The clear water seemed to be very light, floating and falling on the Qianyang True Fire, and then a white mist rose from that place, and the two objects died together.


On the main road outside Baicao Pavilion.

After Ling Hong followed Zhao Jingding out of Baicao Pavilion, he was about to catch up with his master and ask what to do next, when he saw his master suddenly stopped in front of him. He hurried over and saw Zhao Jingding's face was pale, the corners of his mouth were full of blood, and his body was swaying.

"Master, are you so seriously injured?" Ling Hong was worried.

Zhao Jingding waved his hand: "I will heal my wounds first, they can't come out for a while." After that, he took a pill and then sat cross-legged in meditation.

"Fellow Daoist, is Senior Zhao's injury so serious?" Gao Xing, who was a little behind, saw Zhao Jingding's face and thought of his performance in Baicao Pavilion, so he asked.

Ling Hong frowned: "Master didn't say how serious the injury was, he just said he needed to heal it first."

Gao Xing chuckled: "If the injury wasn't serious, why would City Lord Zhao heal here? He could have done it after leaving. It's so dangerous here!"

"What do you mean?" Ling Hong couldn't see Gao Xing rejoicing in his misfortune.

"What's the point? In other words, pour! pour! pour!" A strange smile appeared on Gao Xing's face.

Ling Hong's eyes widened and he fell to the ground in disbelief. He opened his mouth to speak, but found that he didn't even have the strength to speak. He could only look at Gao Xing with angry and confused eyes.

Gao Xing released the palm of his left hand and held a small snuff bottle in it: "Originally, I worked so hard to get this crispy and numb bone wind, which was prepared for Senior Zhao, but seeing how seriously injured Senior Zhao is, it is better to use it on fellow Taoist Ling. Convert." Then he threw the snuff bottle away.

"Oh, I didn't expect that Fellow Taoist Gao was deliberately planning to deal with me. I wonder if he has any deep hatred against me?" But Zhao Jingding opened his eyes and asked calmly, without any trace of panic.

Gao Xing's face was ferocious: "Zhao Pifu, do you remember the three Luo brothers?"

Zhao Jingding said calmly: "Aren't they the three brothers who died in this immortal mansion? Of course I remember it. Before setting off, I also said that they have the secret technique of joint attack. The three of them can withstand a soul stage together, but unfortunately they still can't. After leaving this immortal mansion, why don’t fellow Taoist Gao remember?”

"Huh, fell into the Immortal Mansion? It was actually you who did it!" Gao Xing looked like he was filled with deep hatred.

Zhao Jingding's expression finally changed, she was slightly surprised, but she didn't deny it: "How did you know?"

"Old man, do you think they were all killed? My uncle was only seriously injured at the time. He fled to both sides of the road, thinking that he would definitely die under the forbidden attack. Who knew that there was a small road inside that could lead directly to the living place of the real person in Guangyang? I left the Immortal Mansion earlier than you, an old man. I was afraid that you would hunt me down. Today I, Luo Xing, finally have a chance to avenge my father's death!" Gao Xing, should be called Luo Xing. Fiercely, he walked towards Zhao Jingding.

"I see, I didn't expect that something slipped through the net." Zhao Jingding regained his composure.

"Hmph, I know you want to tease me and then take the time to heal. I won't give you this chance! I just have a question that my uncle is puzzled about and would like to hear your explanation." Luo Xing The Yanghuo Sword was ready to go, "In the Immortal Mansion back then, the three major sects got the most treasures, followed by you, old man. The other casual cultivators only got a little benefit, and some even didn't get any at all. , Why do you, an old man, get angry and hurt others? Do you have a grudge against everyone?"

Zhao Jingding smiled slightly: "I don't think the dead need to know." As he spoke, the small cyan cauldron jumped out from the dantian, emitting nine rays of green light, four of which entangled the Yanghuo Sword, and five of which tied Luo Xing. . Then, with Luo Xing's shocked expression, Shi Shiran stood up, his face turned rosy, and he didn't look hurt at all.

"You? You're not injured?!" Luo Xing was horrified.

"It's just a minor injury. Just take medicine and regulate your breath for a while. Otherwise, I would not be able to heal on such a dangerous road. Fellow Daoist Gao, no, Fellow Daoist Luo, just go on the road with peace of mind." Zhao Jingding waved her sleeves and Guanhai Zhenqi General Luo Xing Beat him to pieces.

Zhao Jingding found the antidote for numbness and numbness from Luo Xing's storage bag, and put it under Ling Hong's nose. When he smelled it, he regained his strength and jumped up. He was very surprised: "Master, you are only slightly injured?" The implication is that since it was only a minor injury, why did you withdraw from the competition for the Nine Turns and Nine Returns Jade Liquid Divine Pill?

Zhao Jingding didn't answer. He looked calm and walked forward leisurely: "Let's wait for them in front." Then he threw Luo Xing's storage bag to Ling Hong.

Ling Hong took the storage bag with a puzzled expression, knowing that there was a God-Gathering and Soul-Refining Pill inside, so there was a little joy on his face. Just like that, he followed Zhao Jingding with a complicated expression.


Hu Xingwu was competing with Dong Yiyi and Houtu Sect Cai Zhengdong for the two purple-red swords. The Beidou Swords were shining like starlight, and little bits of stardust fell down as they turned. Surprisingly, with the power of one person, the two people could only parry.

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