Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 127 Xuanyin Controlling Corpse Flag

Shi Xuan was too lazy to talk to Lei Guangyao: "According to my inference, Senior Song Hezi may also have died on the fourth floor of Baicao Pavilion. If Senior Zhao gets his relics, I will ask Miss Zhao to put in a good word. I'll tell you later. exchanged for something else.”

"For such a trivial matter, you can just say it, Friend Daoist Sun, without being so solemn. I will help you ask your father when the time comes." Seeing that it was not a difficult matter, Zhao Jinyu naturally agreed, and Lei Guangyao's expression relaxed.

Now that he had made his words clear, Shi Xuan began to search both sides of the road again. Zhao Jinyu suddenly interrupted: "Fellow Daoist Sun, I think it's getting late, why don't I help you find it too."

"Thank you so much, Miss Zhao." Shi Xuan was also polite. When time was tight, it was a blessing to have someone help.

Lei Guangyao watched Zhao Jinyu helping Shi Xuan find the right side of the road. He curled his lips at first, and then thought about it. This is the relic of the Jindan Grandmaster. There will definitely be many good things. Although it is not as good as the collection of Guangyang Master, there are one or two pieces. There was still a spiritual weapon, so he followed Zhao Jinyu to look for it with great interest.

"Hey, isn't this the monk who stole the jade seal?" Lei Guangyao suddenly saw the corpse in front of the road and recognized it as the white-haired old man from Huang Maple Valley who snatched the spiritual weapon from him.

Zhao Jinyu also said strangely: "Why did he die here? Was he caught up and killed by someone?"

"There is another corpse here, from the Zixia Sect." Shi Xuan pointed at Jiang Zonghan's corpse on the other side. The wounds on it looked familiar.

"Well, there is no storage bag. It seems that the treasure was indeed taken away by someone." Lei Guangyao inspected it carefully.

"There isn't one here either." Shi Xuan thought for a moment who was responsible. The wound was caused by his own Golden Blade Divine Wind Slash! The reason why we are not sure is that others may also be gifted with this small magical power.


The thirteen Qi-entraining stage monks were still hesitating at the intersection. Mr. Cao keenly felt someone flying behind him at high speed. He quickly grabbed Hong Dingyuan and dodged to the side, while shouting: "Someone is coming."

Except for Hu Xingwu, whose face was ugly, the other monks hid to the side with expressions of anticipation and fear. Then two sword lights, one purple and one white, flew at extremely fast speeds, but the two sword lights looked very mottled. dim.

The Zixia sect disciples jumped for joy and looked at the disciples of other sects with ill-intentioned eyes. However, following the two men came an ice crystal light, a black light, and a cyan sword light. Huang Maple Valley and Houtu Sect were immediately stunned. The disciples also regained some composure.

"Master!" Yu Hua from the Zixia faction quickly stepped forward and shouted, but the two sword lights ignored him and rushed over, leaving only the strong wind that blew his face in pain. Then the ice crystal light, black light and cyan sword light also flashed by.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was a little stunned, but Mr. Cao immediately reacted and said to his fellow disciple next to him: "Follow me quickly and break out while the chaos is happening!"

So Cai Zhengdong, Hong Dingyuan, and Ye Yangchuan followed Mr. Cao and flew forward closely behind the five soul-stage monks. At this time, the other monks suddenly realized and swarmed up.

When Zhao Jingding saw two sword lights, one purple and one white, flying towards him, he did not panic. He smiled slightly, and a small green wooden cauldron jumped out of his dantian and floated on his chest. Then he released nine green energy and wrapped around the two sword lights.

Seeing that Zibai Jianguang couldn't force his way through, and the pursuers had already arrived from behind, Zibai Jianguang had no choice but to reveal his body and fall in the yard.

Yue Dingyi and Ning Shouyi stood back-to-back. Yue Dingyi directed his purple flying sword to face the ice crystal light behind him, while Ning Shouyi's white sword light was entangled with nine rays of green energy.

Ice crystal flying swords, soul-breaking circles, and sky-breaking swords came and went one after another, making Yue Dingyi's purple sword light darker and darker, as if it would fall to the ground without strength in the next moment. Yue Dingyi knew that the combination of the two swords just now had damaged his Zixia Sword, and he was completely powerless to fight with two spiritual weapons and a natal magical weapon that was equivalent to a spiritual weapon. In addition, his cultivation was not enough. Unable to fully grasp the restriction of Tiangang, he shouted softly, and a purple jade seal flew out of his dantian, bringing up purple clouds. Together with the sudden surge of Zixia's true energy, it fell towards the Sky-Breaking Sword with the overwhelming force of Mount Tai.

Knowing that her husband was going to give it a try, Ning Shouyi also used his natal magic weapon, the Nine Palace Ring, which was surrounded by nine golden rings. He guarded her husband tightly, and the two natal magic weapons Zuo Kongtu and Gu Yizhen were attacking. ——

Maple Leaf Sword and Houtu Suixin Sword were all blocked.

Lu Lingxiao knew that Yue Dingyi was planning to kill himself first, who was the greatest danger, and then slowly deal with the others, and finally seize the opportunity to escape. He snorted coldly, merged with his sword, transformed into a huge green light, and faced him upwards. go.

The huge green light and the flying jade seal of Zixia violently collided together, causing a strong wind and a very loud sound of gold and iron, which made the Qi-entraining stage monks who had just arrived in the yard a little unsteady. a feeling of.

After the impact, the purple jade seal flew back, and Yue Ding spurted blood in his mouth. Lu Lingxiao only appeared, his face turned slightly white, and with a finger, the cyan sword light returned to its original size, making an atmospheric sound. , and went to pursue Yue Dingyi.

As soon as Yue Ding saw the cyan flying sword coming for his life, the ice crystal flying sword and the soul-breaking circle took advantage of the moment he was injured just now to get rid of the entanglement of the Zixia sword and came towards him to kill him. At the same time, Zuo Kongtu's natal magic weapon The Maple Leaf Sword and Gu Yizhen's natal magic weapon, the Thousand Earth Suixin Sword, also tightly suppressed the Nine Palace Ring of his wife Ning Shouyi. For a moment, it felt like being surrounded on all sides and unsustainable.

He was also decisive. He followed Zhao Jingding's previous example and threw the jade bottle of the divine elixir out, intending to escape the disaster before regrouping and participating in the fight.

At this moment, the same thought flashed through the minds of Lu Lingxiao, Zuo Kongtu, and Gu Yizhen, to kill one first, so that when they succeed, there will be one less person besieging them!

"You, you guys!" Yue Ding relaxed slightly after throwing out the jade bottle of divine elixir. Then he saw that the Sky-Breaking Sword, the Ice Crystal Flying Sword, and the Soul-Severing Circle did not change directions as he expected, but still passed through as before. After passing his body, he opened his eyes wide and stared blankly, and fell down with a heavy mouth. The blood on his body spurted out and seeped into the purple-black soil in the yard.

Since Lu Lingxiao, Zuo Kongtu, and Gu Yizhen didn't stop, the jade bottle of the divine elixir was naturally entangled with a stream of green energy by Zhao Jingding, who had been prepared for it, and dragged it back. He looked at the few people and the dozen people behind them with a faint smile. A monk in the Qi-entraining stage.

"Husband!" Ning Shou's eyes were red, he took back the Baiyun Sword and the Nine Palace Ring, and then attacked Lu Lingxiao, Zuo Kongtu, and Gu Yizhen, completely ignoring Zhao Jingding's small green wooden tripod behind him.

Lu Lingxiao and others easily withstood Ning Shouyi's attack, but they were a little panicked because Zhao Jingding was deep in the courtyard, behind him was the living room of Guangyang real person. If he couldn't stop him immediately, he would have to exit after entering. !

"Brother Lu! Fairy Gu! Stop Zhao Jingding with all your strength! Can't let him escape!" After Zuo Kongtu used the ice crystal flying sword to catch the Nine Palace Ring, the Maple Leaf Blade quickly flew towards Zhao Jingding, and at the same time, he didn't care about killing Qu Tongxuan earlier. Brother Lu and Brother Lu shouted directly. Of course, these are matters in the communication of spiritual consciousness. If you really open your mouth to speak, it can't be compared to the speed of fighting.

Gu Yizhen also used the Thick Earth Suixin Sword to catch Ning Shouyi's Baiyun Sword, and the soul-breaking circle flew straight to Zhao Jingding.

Lu Lingxiao saw that the two people had blocked the attack, took a deep breath, and with a flash of the Sky-Breaking Sword, he appeared in front of Zhao Jingding, and then the sound of thunder was heard.

Zhao Jingding took out a breath of green energy, and the small green wooden cauldron swelled up. Nine green energy layers were wrapped around it, barely resisting the Sky-Breaking Sword. At the same time, he took out an object from the storage bag, but it was a three-foot-high black flag. There are many ghost talismans and seals painted with silver thread, giving it an eerie and cold atmosphere.

With just a shake, a thick black mist appeared in the entire courtyard. Different from the foul smell of Shi Xuan's ecstasy flag, this black mist was pure death yin, cold to the bone.

In the black mist, Zhao Jingding's figure was missing from the soul-breaking circle and maple leaf sword, and they could only spin in circles. Only Lu Lingxiao's sky-breaking sword was still tightly entangled by the nine green qi.

"Haha, I won't run away. I want you to see the power of this Xuanyin Corpse Control Banner!" Zhao Jingding's calm and somewhat proud voice came from the black mist.

Gu Yizhen snorted coldly: "Your Xuanyin Corpse Control Banner is not a spiritual weapon! It can reach the eighth level of perfection at most, can you still control the body of the Golden Core Stage? Mr. Cao, break the formation!"

After taking out the fist-sized ball of light from his storage bag, Mr. Cao was about to fly out of the formation disk from his dantian. Suddenly his feet tightened. Knowing that it was not good, he quickly prepared to bring up the earth's true energy to resist, and at the same time, a sword light struck at his feet. Go, and the formation disk flies to the top of his head, preparing to protect his whole body.

What grabbed Mr. Cao's feet was a pair of hands with a pale golden color. The knuckles were protruding and the palms were huge and filled with lifeless energy. Mr. Cao felt a coldness coming from his ankles. He was confused. He didn't have the energy to move in time. , and then a sharp pain hit his brain. Mr. Cao saw himself on the opposite side with his two eyes, but only half of them were visible. The array plate was unable to fall to the ground. A large amount of blood in the cavity fell on the purple-black soil and seeped deeply. Go in.

The sword light that Mr. Cao sent out before he died struck the back of the pale golden hand, making a sound of hitting gold and iron, and then was bounced away.

The hands pushed to the ground, and a figure jumped out. The clothes on his body were all rotten, and the exposed skin was engraved with cold and enchanting runes, shining with light gold. The expression on his face was dull, and his eyes were white. He made an unknown sound from his mouth, turned his head to identify it, and rushed towards another monk in the Qi-entraining stage.

Ning Shouyi, who had been in a trance since her husband's death, had just regained some sanity. He knew that only by obtaining the Nine Turns and Nine Returns Jade Liquid Divine Pill and thus achieving the Golden Pill could he hope to avenge him, so he prepared to take back the Baiyun Sword and the Nine Palaces. Huan, go find Zhao Jingding to snatch the jade bottle.

But in the black mist, the same pair of hands shining with light gold suddenly appeared, grabbed her ankles, and tore her in half before she could react. Blood flew out and she fell to the ground helplessly. Seeped into the purple-black soil.

"Hmph, a few golden corpses equivalent to the soul stage want to catch us all in one fell swoop. What a wishful thinking!" Zuo Kongtu shouted angrily.

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