Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 140 Manna turns into water and moisturizes all things

——Thanks to Jingxue Piaoling’s friend for the reward. In addition, please vote for Sanjiang.

"Well, please bring me a bowl of water." Shi Xuan then remembered that he hadn't asked the name of the boat owner yet, so he had to give the order directly.

Ma Ping quickly stood up and said to the maid He Hua: "Hurry up and get a bowl of water. Also, just call me Ma Ping as the Immortal." The tears on his face were very eye-catching.

"Haha, Shipowner Ma is so polite. I wonder which port in Nanman Continent you are going to?" When Lotus came out, Shi Xuan asked about the destination of the ship.

Ma Ping replied respectfully: "Our ship is going to Pingbo Port in the north of Nanman Continent, but we can go to whichever port you want to go to first."

"That's no need. The northern port is just right." Although there are many evil spirits in the Nanman Continent, most of the best quality ones are deep in the Shiwan Mountains, which happens to be in the north of the Nanman Continent. According to the information Mo Yuan gave Shi Xuan, He once saw a good Yin-Yang Zhensha near a Miao village in Shiwanda Mountain. Shi Xuan's first destination was here. If this Yin-Yang Zhensha had not been used sparingly by others, then there would be no need to Find someone else.

Just as Ma Ping was about to answer such a good answer, Fan Yu came over and spoke: "Junior Fan Yu is a disciple of the Guyun Sect in the sea areas of overseas countries. I have met my senior here." On the surface, he is very respectful, but on the inside, he is a bit conceited. His emotions, however, regarded Shi Xuan as a casual cultivator, which inevitably brought a bit of pride to the disciples of the sect, especially the Guyun Sect, which could be related to the Yaowang Sect among the eight major sects in a roundabout way. It was reported in overseas newspapers With this name, which company doesn't sell some face, well, except for those big travelers supported by a few major sects.

"Yes." Shi Xuan nodded in return. He wanted to say something that he had admired for a long time, but he remembered that he had never even heard of this sect. It was better not to be so hypocritical, lest the answer he waited for would be incorrect and lost. Shameless.

Among the overseas countries, Shi Xuan knew only those big sea guests - the Yu family, the Kong family, the Yao family, etc., and the two sects with divine soul masters - the Yujianmen and the Qingyang sect. A larger country, such as Izumo Country, Kamikaze Country, Junzi Country, Ye Xiao Country, Wuyan Country, etc.

Seeing Shi Xuan's unconcerned look, Fan Yu felt an unknown fire rising in his heart. However, he was also used to traveling by sea and knew that such an arrogant person must have someone to rely on. Just seeing how easily he could do it before After taking down an octopus monster in the air-entraining stage, he showed that he was stronger than his own sect leader. He still regarded that octopus as a small success in the air-entraining stage, so he held back his anger and asked: "I don't know where the senior comes from. , but I am from a sect, so I can brag about it with my companions when I go back in the future. It is truly a lifetime honor to be able to ride on the same boat with such a senior figure. "

Shi Xuan's current cultivation level could not detect his emotions. He smiled and shook his head. Just as he was about to answer, the maid Hehua came out carrying a white jade bowl.

"Here, give me the bowl." Shi Xuan took the white jade bowl and saw that it contained more than half of the bowl of water, so he picked up the yin and yang two-gas bottle, turned it over, dropped a drop of nectar into it, and then handed it to Ma Yuanheng: "Okay , just drink half a bowl, but too much will not make up for the deficiency." The essence of the demonic beast in the Qi-entraining stage can only be transformed into a few dozen drops of nectar. A child must not be able to bear a drop, so Shi Xuan asked the maid to bring it. Clear water will dissolve the nectar.

"Immortal, that's it?" Ma Ping was a little disappointed. He thought that the immortal would bring out an elixir that didn't look like an ordinary thing. Who knew it was just a drop of water in a small white jade bottle.

Fan Yu and others couldn't hide the sneers on their faces, they must have blown their boast.

Shi Xuan didn't feel dissatisfied. Under normal circumstances, elixirs that could replenish the essence were extremely precious. Even a master of golden elixirs would have to frown if he wanted to buy one, especially the two most common ones. The elixir-like medicines (Five Elements Bending Pill, Anti-Origin Pill) are all monopolized by Yaowang Sect. It is rare for ordinary casual cultivators to see them even in the spirit stage, let alone take them. This kind of performance by Fan Yu and others can be regarded as It makes sense, after all, no one would have thought that their own Yin and Yang two-gas bottle could actually have such a powerful function. It is similar to the Blood Demon Sect's Blood Shadow Magic Technique that plunders essence and blood to replenish its origin. However, the Blood Shadow Magic Technique is only effective for oneself, and cannot Just heal others.

So Shi Xuan touched Ma Yuanheng's head and said softly: "Try taking a few sips, don't drink too much in one go."

Ma Yuanheng nodded as if he understood, picked up the white jade bowl and drank three sips, then stopped and looked at Shi Xuan innocently.

Shi Xuan didn't say anything and looked at the three-eyed child with a smile. Ma Ping knelt down and asked Ma Yuanheng with concern and expectation: "Heng'er, how are you feeling?"

When Ma Yuanheng heard his father's question, he tried to twist his body, and then answered happily: "I seem to have strength!" His face gradually turned rosy.

"Really?!" Ma Ping's eyes lit up, and his voice got a little louder uncontrollably.

"Yes!" Ma Yuanheng confirmed again, and then surprisingly tried to run for two steps. Although he staggered a little, he could still see that he was full of strength and ran smoother and smoother. In the end, he simply held the white jade bowl. Running around in circles on the deck was a joy.

Fan Yu almost made his eyes pop out. Even if it could be cured, it wouldn't be effective so quickly. Is it a divine water or a fairy water? !

"Senior Brother Fan, am I dazzled? Even water can cure diseases." A junior brother muttered to himself.

Another junior brother was full of longing: "There must be divine water in it! If I drink a drop, I might be able to break through the realm!"

Ma Yuanheng burst into tears again. He lay on the ground and said solemnly to Shi Xuan three times: "Thank you, Immortal! Thank you, Immortal!..." He kept chanting in his mouth.

Fan Yu recovered from the shock and immediately thought suspiciously that the water was something that stimulated potential. It only stimulated Ma Yuanheng's potential and did not really cure him. While thinking about it, he looked at Shi Xuan suspiciously.

Shi Xuan watched Ma Yuanheng running for a while, and when he saw that there was no problem, he said to Ma Ping: "Captain Ma, watch the child carefully and don't let him drink more water, otherwise it will be harmful. In addition, please arrange A cabin for the poor to rest."

When Ma Ping was excited, he immediately said loudly to He Hua: "Take the immortal to my room to rest quickly, pack up all my belongings, and get a new set."

Hehua bent her legs and saluted: "Yes." Then she was about to take Shi Xuan to the boat. At this time, Shi Xuan saw Fan Yu's suspicious look and was afraid that what he said might make Captain Ma worried again, so he said lightly: "Fan Daoyou asked Pindao if there was a sect before, but Pindao didn't have time." The answer, now that I think about it, is a bit disrespectful. Well, Pindao is a disciple of the Penglai Sect.”

"Penglai faction, Penglai faction? Penglai faction!" Fan Yu's head felt like being hit by a sledgehammer. He was dizzy for a while, then in disbelief, and finally felt sad and disheartened. It turned out that he was from the Penglai faction. No wonder If you don’t take a small sect like your own into consideration, hey, indeed, our Guyun Sect is probably just like dust on the roadside in the minds of disciples of such a big sect, and maybe they have never heard of it at all.

"Ah, it turns out to be the Penglai sect? No wonder it has such magical water!" The yearning disciple suddenly realized.

The disciple who said he was dazzled had an expression of envy and hatred: "Hey, I usually feel smug and proud as soon as I tell the name of my sect in front of those casual cultivators. Now it seems that I am. What is there to be proud of? In the eyes of those big sects, we are just like those casual cultivators. Tsk tsk, the big sect is the big sect, but this way of doing things, this style, and this aloof attitude are just different."

Ma Ping was also somewhat knowledgeable. When he heard that it was the Penglai sect, he immediately threw away the last doubts in his mind and ran to his son: "Heng'er, run slowly, don't fall. Also, take that white jade Give me the bowl!" Firstly, I was afraid that my son would drink too much of the divine water in it, and secondly, I wanted to put the white jade bowl away. The clear water in it was incredible! I don’t know how many spiritual stones I can sell, but even if I don’t sell them, if I keep them at home, they are still a family heirloom to save my life!

When Fan Yu and others heard this, they came back to their senses. They looked at the white jade bowl with eager eyes, thinking in their hearts that they must ask the Ma Dong family for some of the divine water in it, not to mention breaking through the realm. Even if I get seriously injured or sick in the future, I will be confident! Even if you don’t need the escort fee this time, you must still get it!

Unfortunately, God did not follow his wishes. After all, it was Ma Yuanheng's first time to run and jump, and accidentally fell to the ground. The crisp sound of the white jade bowl falling on the deck made Ma Ping, Fan Yu and others feel as if their hearts were being broken.

Most of the remaining bowl of water seeped into the deck before anyone had time to rescue him.



"Oh my God!"

Several extremely frustrated voices sounded at the same time, and finally they looked at each other and shook their heads, with disappointment and pain in their eyes. If Fan Yu hadn't been concerned about his face, he would probably have knelt down and dismantled the deck to see if he could steam out the sacred water again.

"Let's go and have a look over there." Although the wind and waves were a little lighter, Fan Yu still ordered his three junior brothers to go to the other side of the deck to take a look. Just keep out of sight here!

Ma Ping also covered his forehead: "Okay, Heng'er, daddy will take you back to rest."

Ma Yuanheng lay on the ground and looked at the nectar-soaked deck in front of him. He yanked Ma Ping's trousers: "Dad, look! Look!" Ma Ping knelt down and looked at the deck in confusion.

Fan Yu and several junior brothers also looked over in confusion, what could happen?

I saw a small seedling stubbornly getting out of the gap in the deck. It grew slowly, sprouted branches and leaves, and grew a few small green leaves. Then a bud slowly grew on the branch, and then the bud. Slowly growing in size, the last pink-white five-petal orchid appeared in front of several people, emitting an elegant fragrance.

Ma Ping, Fan Yu and others felt like they were dreaming. In just a few dozen breaths, they saw the entire process of a flower from germination to blooming.

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