Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 144 The Immortal Immortal Walking Down the Painting

——Thanks to the Carrot King friends for the reward. Group number: 213933048

Seven days later.

Outside the main hall, dozens of princes and ministers were gathering together to wait for the king to come out.

Seeing that other people around him were whispering, the Minister of the Third Division also said to the Minister of Soldiers and Horses next to him: "Is there really a god who entrusts the king with dreams?"

The Minister of Soldiers and Horses is one of the few unbelievers in the Chetuo Kingdom: "I think the Lord of the country is worried when he sees that Prince Youyue is seriously ill. He thinks about it day by day and dreams about it at night."

The Minister of the Third Division touched his white beard and expressed disapproval: "But the king can clearly remember the appearance and words of the gods in the dream. Can you remember it so clearly when you dream?"

"Huh, I think it's 90% that it's evil heretics who are causing trouble. The old gods in Changbai Fairy Mountain won't just ignore it." The person who interrupted was Yu Gu, the younger brother of the king.

"Hey, I heard from a passing businessman that Changbai Fairy Mountain was struck by lightning. I guess I don't have time to take care of us for the time being. Tsk, tsk, I heard that the thunder was as thick as a mountain peak and was purple in color. With just one strike, it would kill us. The mountain is broken down," the Minister of the Interior added.

Yougu sneered: "When the old gods from Changbai Fairy Mountain come, let's see if you still dare to say that."

Several ministers suddenly fell silent. They usually believed in immortality and were naturally afraid of immortals. Only the Minister of Soldiers and Horses said angrily: "Then what kind of immortals are they? They are just strange people and strangers!"

You Gu was about to retort, but was pushed back by the soft words of the Minister of the Third Division: "I don't know when the old gods from the Changbai Fairy Mountain will come, but if we wait for this god from the overseas fairy mountain to come, Prince Yougu, it would be better for you to speak less."

As he spoke, the time had come, and there was only a creak, but the door of the main hall was opened by the guards. The king Yuluo, who was wearing a plain white robe, solemnly held a scroll in his hands and walked out with a serious expression. Everyone. The princes and ministers immediately stopped talking and stood respectfully on both sides of the avenue.

Yoro just walked on the royal road step by step, and the slanting wind made his white robe dance and make a sound. When he passed by a prince or minister, the prince or minister would stand up and follow him. Therefore, when he walked outside the palace gate, dozens of princes and ministers were neatly following Yuro behind him, with majestic and solemn guards on both sides.

Waiting outside the palace gate were hundreds of middle- and lower-level officials. As soon as they saw the king coming out, they immediately became silent. They consciously waited for the king and the princes and ministers to pass by, and then followed the official circle. Ranked, follow closely.

Walking onto Tiger Street, they were surrounded by a dark crowd of common people. Infected by the silent and solemn atmosphere of the monarch and officials, they unconsciously stopped talking and followed the team.

As the entire team walked away, there were more and more people. When they arrived at the Qitian Terrace in the eastern suburbs, there were already tens of thousands of people there. These tens of thousands of people were silent, and could only hear the rustling of footsteps. The whole scene seemed sacred and sacred. Solemn.

The praying platform has nine floors, with white jade railings and white jade steps. There are a total of twelve branches leading to the top of the platform. The branch directly south is the widest and has the most steps, with a total of eighty-one steps.

Yuluo stopped for a moment in front of the due south branch, and waited until the officials, soldiers and civilians were standing behind him, then he held the scroll and stepped onto the white jade steps numbered ninety-nine and eighty-one.

As the king walked up one step at a time, it seemed that there were gods in heaven and earth paying attention to this place. The sky that had been cloudy and obscured the sun became clear again. Everyone below would rather hold their breath and wait quietly, even those who were the most beautiful. Those who don't believe it also have some vague expectations in their hearts, fearing that this time a god will really come.

This expectation reached its maximum when the king stepped onto the highest floor of the Heaven Praying Platform. Some people even knelt down involuntarily and recited Taoist scriptures. Once someone knelt down, the people around him were naturally affected and knelt down too. After going down, after a while, no one was still standing around the entire praying platform. Even the surrounding soldiers were kneeling respectfully.

Yuro unrolled the scroll and hung it on the column in the middle of the praying platform. Then he bent down to the west and stepped back a few steps, kneeling facing the scroll and reciting prayers toward the east.

The prayer of more than a hundred words was recited for a quarter of an hour in Yuluo's voice. Every time he recited a word, it seemed that more sunlight was shining on the praying platform. When he finished reciting, the entire praying platform was filled with light. It was completely enveloped in the dazzling sunlight, making it impossible to look directly.

Such a miraculous display made Yuluo feel confident. The princes, ministers, and common people below could not conceal their inner wonder. They took a breath, and then immediately lowered their heads and chanted sutras.

Yuluo took out the white paper with the prayers written on it from his arms, lit it and placed it in front of the scroll, and then kowtowed nine times in a row, shouting loudly before each kowtow: "I respectfully invite the Supreme Immortal Yuan Qingmiao Tianxuan from Penglai Immortal Mountain to come. "

Every time he shouted, tens of thousands of people below also shouted in unison: "I respectfully invite the Supreme Immortal Yuan Qing Miao Tian Xuan from Penglai Immortal Mountain to come."

"I sincerely invite the Supreme Immortal Yuan Qingmiao Tianxuan from Penglai Immortal Mountain to come."

"I sincerely invite the Supreme Immortal Yuan Qingmiao Tianxuan from Penglai Immortal Mountain to come."


All the sounds came together in one place, soaring straight into the sky, causing the surrounding vitality to tremble. It was too late, but soon, in the last shout, a sacred, mighty, solemn, solemn, and glorious golden bridge stretched from the horizon. Come over here and fall straight onto the portrait.

The golden bridge emits thousands of rays of light, the surrounding sky is filled with flowers, and the faint and faint fairy music sings a cappella in the air. Everyone is mesmerized and unable to extricate themselves.

Yuro was even more excited. He pressed his head against the ground, and then suddenly saw the golden light around him. He looked up quickly and saw that the ink fairy in the portrait showed a slight smile, and then took a step forward. The white-robed god appeared in front of him, and the portrait behind him was blank.

As soon as the Immortal Tianxuan appeared, golden lotuses bloomed from scratch on the ground of the entire praying platform, and auspicious flowers with fragrance floated down from the sky. For a moment, it was like a fairyland.

Not only this was the case on the prayer platform, but the ministers and people kneeling around them also looked up and looked above them. Many flower bones fell like rain in the air, but not long after they fell, the flower bones turned into flower buds, and then slowly bloomed, Petals unfold from the buds one by one, blooming the most beautiful style. The whole scene is like a goddess scattering flowers.

Someone tried to reach out and took one, and it suddenly felt very real. When he saw it, it turned out to be a real flower. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He could only kneel on the ground devoutly, kowtow frequently, with tears welling up in his eyes. Dozens of believers Zai, I finally saw the immortal today.

At this time, there are no distinctions between princes, ministers, common people, and ordinary people. Some are just people in the mortal world who are devout to the immortal way. They are either surprised, admired, moved, or enthusiastic in this fairyland-like feeling. Even the Minister of War and Horses and other figures are It is irresistible to recite the name of the immortal: "The Immortal of Yuan Qing Miao Tian Xuan on Penglai Immortal Mountain."

"I know that you believe deeply in the immortal way and your heart is very sincere, so I have specially appeared to heal your child." The kind voice of the Immortal Tianxuan rang in Yuluo's ears, making him recover from the shock, and he immediately started again After nine knocks, he pointed down and said: "My child is under the praying platform, and I would like to ask the immortal to perform the magic of the immortal family."

There was a soft chair placed at the front in that direction, with an unconscious young man lying on it, his belly arched high, as if he was ten months pregnant.

Immortal Tianxuan smiled slightly, waved his hand, and a ray of blue light flew to the young man. Black beetles the size of a thumb crawled out of the man's ears, mouth, nose, and eyes. Just seeing It made people feel ferocious and disgusting, and Yuro and others were shocked. They didn't expect that this kind of insect made Yuyo sick.

Then a bright black and white light flew up from the hands of Immortal Tianxuan, and the black beetles were sucked up uncontrollably, and then disappeared. In just a few breaths, the young man's stomach returned to normal, and his whole body The person's breathing stabilized, he slowly woke up, and shouted: "Father."

Youyo burst into tears with excitement, turned around and kowtowed again, uttering words of praise to the immortal, but her words were unclear due to the mixture of excitement, excitement, ecstasy, fanaticism and other emotions.

Immortal Tianxuan saw the darkness below and kneeled there, he smiled and said, "It's over here now, I have to go back to Penglai Mountain."

Since the Immortal had the will, You Yue did not dare to persuade him to stay, so he could only shout: "I respectfully send the Immortal Yuan Qingmiao Tianxuan back to Penglai Immortal Mountain."

Tens of millions of people below once again shouted in unison: "I respectfully send the Great Immortal Qingmiao Tianxuan of the Yuan Dynasty back to Penglai Immortal Mountain."

"Respectfully send Master Yuan Qingmiao Tianxuan back to Penglai Fairy Mountain."

"Respectfully send Master Yuan Qingmiao Tianxuan back to Penglai Fairy Mountain."


With all the people united as one, they only appeared to be extremely majestic. In this atmosphere, Tianxuan Shangxuan stepped back on the scroll and turned into an ink-and-wash immortal statue again. The golden lotus on the ground and the auspicious flowers in the air withered one after another, and finally followed the sacred, majestic , the solemn golden bridge retracted to the horizon, and they also disappeared without a trace in the wind.

Although the Immortal left, these tens of thousands of people still knelt on the spot enthusiastically, kowtowing and continued to shout: "I respectfully send the Immortal Yuan Qingmiao Tianxuan back to Penglai Immortal Mountain."

Amidst the shouts, a drizzle began to fall from the sky. Those who were still kowtowing looked in front of them in surprise. The grass there grew from scratch and grew stronger. In the blink of an eye, the entire area around the praying platform turned green. The grassland makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"My cough, my cough, it's gone!"

"My headache has also been cured! It's been more than ten years!"

"I feel powerful!"


The discussion gradually started, and everyone was surprised and happy. Only then did everyone realize that the drizzle was like rain, and it was indescribably comfortable when it fell on the body. Many people's chronic diseases that had been bothering them for many years had been cured without medicine, and even the people on the soft chairs were cured. Prince You Yue also changed from weak to normal. He climbed up in a hurry, knelt on the ground, kowtowed and shouted: "Shangyuan Qingmiao Tianxuan is so merciful and compassionate, and you will enjoy immortal blessings forever."

As he shouted, the people around him also began to shout: "Shangyuan Qingmiao Tianxuan is so merciful and compassionate, and you will enjoy immortal blessings forever."

Finally, thousands of people around the entire praying platform shouted: "The Great Immortal Qingmiao Tianxuan of the Great Yuan Dynasty is so kind and compassionate, and may you enjoy eternal blessings."

It can be said that the storm is stirring and the sound is shaking the sky.

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