Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 152: The Promise Made in Vain

——Thanks to friends miaoge and fried potato for the tip

Although Yang Fei's ability to transform into plants and trees was extremely magical, he was seriously injured and some clues were inevitably revealed. Coupled with his blood energy induction, Shi Xuan and Xiao Wen followed the clues and chased them all the way. However, they were not Even though they were chasing after him blindly, they still put a lot of thought into being on guard. After all, Yang Fei's cultivation and strength were far superior to the two of them. If he counterattacked, he might lose his life.

In Chijiazhai.

Yan Yilou looked at Da Qian apologetically: "Junior Sister Da Qian, Brother Wei knows that you are innocent, but at this critical moment, I dare not untie you without authorization. Please forgive me."

Da Qian sighed: "My sister did such a thing. It's great that Uncle Xiao didn't kill me on the spot. How can I blame you, Senior Brother?"

Seeing that Da Qian was so considerate of him, Yan Yilou said seriously: "The pure will be pure by themselves, and the turbid will be turbid by themselves. In the future, the sect will definitely give you, Junior Sister Da Qian, justice." After saying that, he helped Da Qian and walked to the front of the small bamboo building. Sit tight and don't let others come in and disturb Xu Yu's healing.

Seeing this, Chi Yao looked at Zhang Qi's body, sighed and walked towards the ancestral hall. Since his uncle hadn't said the danger was over, he couldn't let them out.


In the virgin forest.

Yang Fei leaned against a big tree and took a lot of pills, but the blood on his chest could not be stopped at all. His elegant Taoist robe had turned blood red. There was a hole as big as a head, and there were internal organs, The meridians and other meridians were seriously injured by the sword energy carried by the white brilliance.

Da Fang was anxiously helping to treat the wound, but her tears couldn't stop flowing down. This was the first time she had seen such a serious injury.

Seeing Da Fang's tearful eyes, Yang Fei sighed: "Hey, I'm going to hurt you Fang'er."

Da Fang almost burst into tears, but her hands did not stop for a moment, stopping all the bleeding holes there one by one, and said: "Yang Lang, why did you say this? I am willing to do so, even if I die here, I will not complain." "

Yang Fei looked at her intently: "I promised you that I would take you to travel all over the world and enjoy all kinds of freedom. From now on, I will only envy mandarin ducks and not immortals. Unfortunately, now I have to break my promise."

Da Fang was in a trance after hearing this, as if she had returned to the past.


On that evening when the sunset was bright red, I was chased by an iron-horned rhinoceros and fled for my life. Just when the stench was faintly audible in the mouth of the iron-horned rhinoceros, and when I was most desperate, frightened, and frightened, a red brilliance flashed across my face. Just lying in a warm embrace.

Under the flickering light and shadow, he raised his eyes and saw a calm and handsome young man. Looking at his panic expression, he showed a warm and comforting smile to himself. This smile will be engraved in his mind from now on. Nor can it be forgotten.

It wasn't until the young man left him at the door of his house that he came back to his senses. Unfortunately, he could no longer find the young man.

Yaowang Hall in Yaowang Zongli.

I almost forgot to kowtow during the initiation ceremony, because I saw the familiar figure standing among the elders of the sect above, and looking into his dark eyes, I suddenly felt like I was destined to be destined for three lives, as if the whole Everything was absorbed into his eyes.

Or he smiled softly at himself to wake himself up from his trance and avoid embarrassing himself during the initiation ceremony.

Therefore, every time I listened to his sermons, I was always the first to stand up and ask questions. Although I knew the questions, all I wanted was for him to look at me and talk to me.

After a little contact, the two finally became familiar with each other. I finally asked him if he still remembered the little fox girl that he saved back then. He smiled and said: "I have recognized you a long time ago."

When he fell into his arms, he stretched out his hand and paused in mid-air for a long time. Then he sighed deeply, and his hand fell on his hair and stroked it gently: "Fang'er, hey, Fang'er "

At that time, I was almost crazy with joy, my tail was wagging involuntarily, and I just felt that my life up to this point was bliss.

Aloof, he looked at himself in front of the dressing table, walked over, combed his hair, drew his eyebrows, and dressed himself.

Bit by bit, he is always full of his pampering for himself, making him feel as if he is living in a real pure land of paradise. He is so happy and feels so warm every moment.

He most likes to watch himself dancing the Shouqiu Dance, which is unique to the fox people. Every time he watches it, he is so attentive and relished in it. He often hugs himself and says, "Fang'er, I will never get tired of watching you dance."

I still remember that the two of them traveled separately and finally reunited quietly. They traveled to thousands of mountains and rivers and saw all kinds of customs. He said to himself affectionately: "As soon as I achieve the golden elixir, I will marry you immediately." That's also true. My deepest dream.

Under the sky full of stars, he sat there with a dejected expression, looking at himself and muttering to himself: "Fang'er, is it true that I can't achieve the golden elixir?"

"Yang Lang, you have great ambitions and refuse to take the elixir to advance. Now you are just stuck for a while. You will definitely be able to break through." I made no secret of my confidence in him.

He hugged himself tightly with emotion: "I will. When the time comes, I will take you to travel all over the world and enjoy all kinds of freedom. We will live and die together."

The words were still in her ears, but he was already lying there dying, and Da Fang cried out in pain: "You are not allowed to die. We promised to live and die together. If you die, I will not live alone."

Yang Fei's eyes flickered and he smiled and said, "Can you dance Shouqiu Dance again for me?"

Da Fang could not refuse such a request. She endured the pain in her heart, stood up, took a few steps back, and started dancing.

With graceful dancing and swaying skirts, the originally extremely beautiful dance was made even more pathos by Da Fang, like a green lotus emerging from the water, unstained by any dust.

During the last few circular dance steps, Da Fang had just turned her back to Yang Fei when she suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from her back. She subconsciously wanted to use her magic weapon, but she turned around and saw Yang Fei on her back. Fei's expression was so ferocious and unwilling. His whole body was glowing with strange blood, as if he wanted to melt himself into it. Da Fang was stunned for a moment.

A calm and handsome young man with a warm and soothing smile and dark eyes. He is when he is combing his hair, when he is drawing his eyebrows, when he is dressing himself.

"I've recognized you a long time ago."

"Fang'er, hey, Fang'er."

"Fang'er, I'll never get tired of watching you dance."

"As soon as I achieve the golden elixir, I will marry you immediately."

"I will. When the time comes, I will take you to travel all over the world and enjoy all kinds of freedom. We will live and die together."

All kinds of fragments flashed in Da Fang's mind. She sighed and stopped struggling. Yang Fei still swallowed her. She continued to dance the Shouqiu Dance with an unusually calm expression, as graceful as a startling giant, as graceful as a swimming dragon.

As consciousness disappeared, the last thought that flashed through Da Fang was: "So this is Yang Lang's healing method. No wonder he can recover so quickly from the injuries caused by his fight with Master Xu."


When Shi Xuan and Xiao Wen arrived, they happened to see Yang Fei's blood shadow swallowing Da Fang. Xiao Wen was shocked: "How is it possible? When did he become a member of the Blood Demon Sect?!"

During the exchange of spiritual knowledge, Shi Xuan sighed: "No wonder he could recover from his injuries so quickly before. Brother Xiao, please wrap the Chixiao Sword around. Shi Xuan will deal with him, but we can't let him recover." From the speed of Yang Fei's devouring It can be seen that his Blood Demon Sect's methods can only be regarded as average. After all, he could still use cyan Qi before, which means that he was only using it as a secret technique and not as a fundamental practice. However, the Blood Demon Sect's methods always get deeper and deeper, which not only affects the soul, but also inevitably transforms the entire Qi into Blood River Qi in the future.

Xiao Wen immediately released the green medicine hoe and attacked Yang Fei. Yang Fei was at the critical moment and could only command the Red Sky Sword to defend himself. Shi Xuan's method of turning everything into chaos with the yin and yang just now was still fresh in his memory. But he didn't know that Shi Xuan didn't even have the power to hit a single blow now, because Shi Xuan had used it twice before, and with the infuriating energy consumed at the beginning, he couldn't use it a third time.

Shi Xuan held the Yin and Yang gas bottles in his hands, but he did not use them immediately. Instead, he used the Wanxiang Shadowless Sword, turned into clear light, and slashed at Yang Fei. Yang Fei relied on the power of the Chixiao Sword as a spiritual weapon. Neither Shi Xuan's flying sword nor Xiao Wen's medicine hoe dared to fight him head-on, but they were able to defend more than enough.

If he uses the virtual and real fire and Gengjin sword energy, he must be within five feet of him. However, the Chixiao sword is extremely powerful. Shi Xuan is afraid that he will not be able to block a single blow if he gets close, so he has other ideas.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Fei had swallowed Da Fang whole. Although he only recovered 10% of his injuries, it was enough to kill the two people in front of him and escape. He let out a blood-red robe, roared with great pride, and suddenly heard a shout from the other side: "Yang Fei!"

"Oh, I want to die...ah, ah, ah," Yang Fei replied with pride. He was originally going to say that he could just come over if he wanted to die, but he didn't know that something strange happened. As soon as he said the words, his body couldn't help but He flew up and threw himself towards the mouth of the white jade bottle that was filled with black and white energy. He tried his best but could not break free and could only watch as he fell into the bottle.

As soon as Shi Xuan saw Yang Fei being sucked into the yin and yang gas bottle, he immediately activated the restriction in the bottle with all his strength. The Chi Xiao Sword outside was isolated from the inside and outside, and he immediately stood in the air.

However, Yang Fei was super strong. Even if he only had 10% of his strength, it still gave Shi Xuan a headache. He saw the Yin and Yang cylinders shaking in his palm, and it seemed that Yang Fei would break free from it in the next moment.

Shi Xuan gritted his teeth and used the Broken Jade Art. Although the Broken Jade Art only improved his strength and had nothing to do with the magic weapon, the Yin and Yang two-gas bottle was his own magic weapon. His strength increased by 50%. The Yin-Yang two-gas bottle had The power naturally increases accordingly.

The yin and yang two-cylinder cylinder burst into glory and calmed down after a few breaths. Yang Fei inside had turned into dirty blood.

However, a sudden change occurred, and the Yin and Yang cylinders swayed slightly. Shi Xuan felt that something that was not strong but far higher in realm suddenly appeared inside, and flew out with unstoppable momentum. Bottle mouth.

I saw a bloody figure throwing towards the horizon at extremely fast speed, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. But that figure was not Yang Fei, but looked like a bald old man.

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